public void Commented()
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor)factory;
			SqlInsertBuilder insert = new SqlInsertBuilder(factoryImpl);


			insert.AddColumn("stringColumn", "aSQLValue", (ILiteralType)NHibernateUtil.String);
			insert.SetComment("Test insert");
			string expectedSql =
	"/* Test insert */ INSERT INTO test_insert_builder (stringColumn) VALUES ('aSQLValue')";
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql, insert.ToSqlString().ToString(), "SQL String");
		/// <summary>
		/// Generate the SQL INSERT that creates a new row
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected override SqlString GenerateInsertRowString()
			SqlInsertBuilder insert = new SqlInsertBuilder( factory )
				.SetTableName( qualifiedTableName )
				.AddColumn( KeyColumnNames, KeyType );
			if( HasIndex )
				insert.AddColumn( IndexColumnNames, IndexType );
			if( hasIdentifier )
				insert.AddColumn( new string[ ] {identifierColumnName}, IdentifierType );
			insert.AddColumn( ElementColumnNames, ElementType );

			return insert.ToSqlString();
		public void InsertSqlStringTest() 
			Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
			ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory( );

			ISessionFactoryImplementor factoryImpl = (ISessionFactoryImplementor)factory;
			SqlInsertBuilder insert = new SqlInsertBuilder(factoryImpl);

			insert.AddColumn(new string[] {"intColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Int32);
			insert.AddColumn(new string[] {"longColumn"}, NHibernateUtil.Int64);
			insert.AddColumn("literalColumn", false, (Type.ILiteralType) NHibernateUtil.Boolean);
			insert.AddColumn("stringColumn", 5.ToString());
			SqlString sqlString = insert.ToSqlString();
			Parameter[] actualParams = new Parameter[2];
			int numOfParameters = 0;
			string expectedSql = "INSERT INTO test_insert_builder (intColumn, longColumn, literalColumn, stringColumn) VALUES (:intColumn, :longColumn, 0, 5)";
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedSql , sqlString.ToString(), "SQL String");
			foreach(object part in sqlString.SqlParts) 
				if(part is Parameter) 
					actualParams[numOfParameters] = (Parameter)part;

			Assert.AreEqual(2, numOfParameters, "Two parameters");

			Parameter firstParam = new Parameter( "intColumn", new SqlTypes.Int32SqlType() );
			Parameter secondParam = new Parameter( "longColumn", new SqlTypes.Int64SqlType() );
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.SqlType.DbType, actualParams[0].SqlType.DbType, "First Parameter Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(firstParam.Name, actualParams[0].Name, "First Parameter Name");

			Assert.AreEqual(secondParam.SqlType.DbType, actualParams[1].SqlType.DbType, "Second Parameter Type");
			Assert.AreEqual(secondParam.Name, actualParams[1].Name, "Second Parameter Name");
		/// <summary> Generate the SQL that inserts a row</summary>
		protected virtual SqlCommandInfo GenerateInsertString(bool identityInsert, bool[] includeProperty, int j)
			// todo : remove the identityInsert param and variations;
			//   identity-insert strings are now generated from generateIdentityInsertString()

			SqlInsertBuilder builder = new SqlInsertBuilder(Factory).SetTableName(GetTableName(j));

			// add normal properties
			for (int i = 0; i < entityMetamodel.PropertySpan; i++)
				if (includeProperty[i] && IsPropertyOfTable(i, j))
					// this property belongs on the table and is to be inserted
					builder.AddColumns(GetPropertyColumnNames(i), propertyColumnInsertable[i], PropertyTypes[i]);

			// add the discriminator
			if (j == 0)

			// add the primary key
			if (j == 0 && identityInsert)
				builder.AddColumns(GetKeyColumns(j), null, IdentifierType);

			if (Factory.Settings.IsCommentsEnabled)
				builder.SetComment("insert " + EntityName);

			// append the SQL to return the generated identifier
			if (j == 0 && identityInsert && UseInsertSelectIdentity())
				SqlString sql = builder.ToSqlString();
				return new SqlCommandInfo(Factory.Dialect.AppendIdentitySelectToInsert(sql), builder.GetParametersTypeArray());

			return builder.ToSqlCommandInfo();
		/// <summary>
		/// Generate the SQL that inserts rows
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="identityInsert"></param>
		/// <param name="includeProperty"></param>
		/// <returns>An array of SqlStrings</returns>
		protected virtual SqlString[ ] GenerateInsertStrings( bool identityInsert, bool[ ] includeProperty )
			SqlString[ ] insertStrings = new SqlString[naturalOrderTableNames.Length];

			for( int j = 0; j < naturalOrderTableNames.Length; j++ )
				SqlInsertBuilder builder = new SqlInsertBuilder( factory );
				builder.SetTableName( naturalOrderTableNames[ j ] );

				for( int i = 0; i < PropertyTypes.Length; i++ )
					if( includeProperty[ i ] && naturalOrderPropertyTables[ i ] == j )
						builder.AddColumn( propertyColumnNames[ i ], PropertyTypes[ i ] );

				if( identityInsert && j == 0 )
					// make sure the Dialect has an identity insert string because we don't want
					// to add the column when there is no value to supply the SqlBuilder
					if( Dialect.IdentityInsertString != null )
						// only 1 column if there is IdentityInsert enabled.
						builder.AddColumn( naturalOrderTableKeyColumns[ j ][ 0 ], Dialect.IdentityInsertString );
					builder.AddColumn( naturalOrderTableKeyColumns[ j ], IdentifierType );

				insertStrings[ j ] = builder.ToSqlString();

			return insertStrings;