public void CollectionVersioning() { using (ISession s = OpenSession()) { One one = new One(); one.Manies = new HashedSet(); s.Save(one); s.Flush(); Many many = new Many(); many.One = one; one.Manies.Add(many); s.Save(many); s.Flush(); // Versions are incremented compared to Hibernate because they start from 1 // in NH. Assert.AreEqual(1, many.V); Assert.AreEqual(2, one.V); s.Delete(many); s.Delete(one); s.Flush(); } }
protected override void OnSetUp() { base.OnSetUp(); // create the objects to search on one = new One(); one.X = 20; one.Manies = new HashSet<Many>(); Many many1 = new Many(); many1.X = 10; many1.One = one; one.Manies.Add( many1 ); Many many2 = new Many(); many2.X = 20; many2.One = one; one.Manies.Add( many2 ); using( ISession s = OpenSession() ) using( ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction() ) { s.Save( one ); s.Save( many1 ); s.Save( many2 ); t.Commit(); } }
public void CollectionVersioning() { using( ISession s = OpenSession() ) { One one = new One(); one.Manies = new HashedSet(); s.Save( one ); s.Flush(); Many many = new Many(); many.One = one; one.Manies.Add( many ); s.Save( many ); s.Flush(); Assert.AreEqual( 0, many.V ); Assert.AreEqual( 1, one.V ); s.Delete( many ); s.Delete( one ); s.Flush(); } }
public void Any() { ISession s = OpenSession(); One one = new One(); BarProxy foo = new Bar(); foo.Object = one; object fid = s.Save(foo); object oid = one.Key; s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); IList list = s.CreateQuery("from Bar bar where = ? and bar.Object.class = ?") .SetParameter(0, oid, NHibernateUtil.Int64).SetParameter(1, typeof(One).FullName, NHibernateUtil.ClassMetaType).List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); // this is a little different from h2.0.3 because the full type is stored, not // just the class name. list = s.CreateQuery( "select one from One one, Bar bar where = and bar.Object.class LIKE 'NHibernate.DomainModel.One%'") .List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); foo = (BarProxy) s.Load(typeof(Foo), fid); Assert.IsNotNull(foo); Assert.IsTrue(foo.Object is One); Assert.AreEqual(oid, s.GetIdentifier(foo.Object)); s.Delete(foo); s.Delete(foo.Object); s.Flush(); s.Close(); }
public void ManyToOne() { ISession s = OpenSession(); One one = new One(); s.Save(one); one.Value = "yada"; Many many = new Many(); many.One = one; s.Save(many); s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); one = (One) s.Load(typeof(One), one.Key); int countManies = one.Manies.Count; s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); many = (Many) s.Load(typeof(Many), many.Key); Assert.IsNotNull(many.One, "many-to-one assoc"); s.Delete(many.One); s.Delete(many); s.Flush(); s.Close(); }
public void OrderBy() { ISession s = OpenSession(); ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction(); Foo foo = new Foo(); s.Save(foo); IList list = s.CreateQuery( "select foo from foo in class Foo, fee in class Fee where foo.Dependent = fee order by foo.String desc, foo.Component.Count asc,") .List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count, "order by"); Foo foo2 = new Foo(); s.Save(foo2); foo.TheFoo = foo2; list = s.CreateQuery( "select foo.TheFoo, foo.Dependent from foo in class Foo order by foo.TheFoo.String desc, foo.Component.Count asc,") .List(); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count, "order by"); list = s.CreateQuery("select foo from foo in class NHibernate.DomainModel.Foo order by, foo.Dependent.Fi") .List(); Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count, "order by"); s.Delete(foo); s.Delete(foo2); t.Commit(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); Many manyB = new Many(); s.Save(manyB); One oneB = new One(); s.Save(oneB); oneB.Value = "b"; manyB.One = oneB; Many manyA = new Many(); s.Save(manyA); One oneA = new One(); s.Save(oneA); oneA.Value = "a"; manyA.One = oneA; s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); IEnumerable enumerable = s.CreateQuery("SELECT one FROM one IN CLASS " + typeof(One).Name + " ORDER BY one.Value ASC").Enumerable(); int count = 0; foreach (One one in enumerable) { switch (count) { case 0: Assert.AreEqual("a", one.Value, "a - ordering failed"); break; case 1: Assert.AreEqual("b", one.Value, "b - ordering failed"); break; default: Assert.Fail("more than two elements"); break; } count++; } s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); enumerable = s.CreateQuery("SELECT many.One FROM many IN CLASS " + typeof(Many).Name + " ORDER BY many.One.Value ASC,").Enumerable(); count = 0; foreach (One one in enumerable) { switch (count) { case 0: Assert.AreEqual("a", one.Value, "'a' should be first element"); break; case 1: Assert.AreEqual("b", one.Value, "'b' should be second element"); break; default: Assert.Fail("more than 2 elements"); break; } count++; } s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); oneA = (One) s.Load(typeof(One), oneA.Key); manyA = (Many) s.Load(typeof(Many), manyA.Key); oneB = (One) s.Load(typeof(One), oneB.Key); manyB = (Many) s.Load(typeof(Many), manyB.Key); s.Delete(manyA); s.Delete(oneA); s.Delete(manyB); s.Delete(oneB); s.Flush(); s.Close(); }
public void UpdateCollections() { ISession s = OpenSession(); Holder baz = new Holder(); baz.Name = "123"; Foo f1 = new Foo(); Foo f2 = new Foo(); Foo f3 = new Foo(); One o = new One(); baz.Ones = new ArrayList(); baz.Ones.Add(o); Foo[] foos = new Foo[] {f1, null, f2}; baz.FooArray = foos; // in h2.0.3 this is a Set baz.Foos = new HashedSet(); baz.Foos.Add(f1); s.Save(f1); s.Save(f2); s.Save(f3); s.Save(o); s.Save(baz); s.Flush(); s.Close(); baz.Ones[0] = null; baz.Ones.Add(o); baz.Foos.Add(f2); foos[0] = f3; foos[1] = f1; s = OpenSession(); s.SaveOrUpdate(baz); s.Flush(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); Holder h = (Holder) s.Load(typeof(Holder), baz.Id); Assert.IsNull(h.Ones[0]); Assert.IsNotNull(h.Ones[1]); Assert.IsNotNull(h.FooArray[0]); Assert.IsNotNull(h.FooArray[1]); Assert.IsNotNull(h.FooArray[2]); Assert.AreEqual(2, h.Foos.Count); // new to nh to make sure right items in right index Assert.AreEqual(f3.Key, h.FooArray[0].Key); Assert.AreEqual(o.Key, ((One) h.Ones[1]).Key); Assert.AreEqual(f1.Key, h.FooArray[1].Key); Assert.AreEqual(f2.Key, h.FooArray[2].Key); s.Close(); baz.Foos.Remove(f1); baz.Foos.Remove(f2); baz.FooArray[0] = null; baz.FooArray[1] = null; baz.FooArray[2] = null; s = OpenSession(); s.SaveOrUpdate(baz); s.Delete("from f in class NHibernate.DomainModel.Foo"); baz.Ones.Remove(o); s.Delete("from o in class NHibernate.DomainModel.One"); s.Delete(baz); s.Flush(); s.Close(); }
public void Container() { ISession s = OpenSession(); ITransaction t = s.BeginTransaction(); Container c = new Container(); Simple x = new Simple(); x.Count = 123; Simple y = new Simple(); y.Count = 456; s.Save(x, (long) 1); s.Save(y, (long) 0); IList o2m = new ArrayList(); o2m.Add(x); o2m.Add(null); o2m.Add(y); IList m2m = new ArrayList(); m2m.Add(x); m2m.Add(null); m2m.Add(y); c.OneToMany = o2m; c.ManyToMany = m2m; IList comps = new ArrayList(); Container.ContainerInnerClass ccic = new Container.ContainerInnerClass(); ccic.Name = "foo"; ccic.Simple = x; comps.Add(ccic); comps.Add(null); ccic = new Container.ContainerInnerClass(); ccic.Name = "bar"; ccic.Simple = y; comps.Add(ccic); ISet compos = new HashedSet(); compos.Add(ccic); c.Composites = compos; c.Components = comps; One one = new One(); Many many = new Many(); ISet manies = new HashedSet(); manies.Add(many); one.Manies = manies; many.One = one; ccic.Many = many; ccic.One = one; s.Save(one); s.Save(many); s.Save(c); t.Commit(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); t = s.BeginTransaction(); c = (Container) s.Load(typeof(Container), c.Id); ccic = (Container.ContainerInnerClass) c.Components[2]; Assert.AreEqual(ccic.One, ccic.Many.One); Assert.AreEqual(3, c.Components.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Composites.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, c.OneToMany.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, c.ManyToMany.Count); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(c.ManyToMany[i], c.OneToMany[i]); } object o1 = c.OneToMany[0]; object o2 = c.OneToMany[2]; c.OneToMany.RemoveAt(2); c.OneToMany[0] = o2; c.OneToMany[1] = o1; o1 = c.Components[2]; c.Components.RemoveAt(2); c.Components[0] = o1; c.ManyToMany[0] = c.ManyToMany[2]; c.Composites.Add(o1); t.Commit(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); t = s.BeginTransaction(); c = (Container) s.Load(typeof(Container), c.Id); Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Components.Count); //WAS: 2 - h2.0.3 comment Assert.AreEqual(2, c.Composites.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, c.OneToMany.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, c.ManyToMany.Count); Assert.IsNotNull(c.OneToMany[0]); Assert.IsNotNull(c.OneToMany[1]); ((Container.ContainerInnerClass) c.Components[0]).Name = "a different name"; IEnumerator enumer = c.Composites.GetEnumerator(); enumer.MoveNext(); ((Container.ContainerInnerClass) enumer.Current).Name = "once again"; t.Commit(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); t = s.BeginTransaction(); c = (Container) s.Load(typeof(Container), c.Id); Assert.AreEqual(1, c.Components.Count); //WAS: 2 -> h2.0.3 comment Assert.AreEqual(2, c.Composites.Count); Assert.AreEqual("a different name", ((Container.ContainerInnerClass) c.Components[0]).Name); enumer = c.Composites.GetEnumerator(); bool found = false; while (enumer.MoveNext()) { if (((Container.ContainerInnerClass) enumer.Current).Name.Equals("once again")) { found = true; } } Assert.IsTrue(found); c.OneToMany.Clear(); c.ManyToMany.Clear(); c.Composites.Clear(); c.Components.Clear(); s.Delete("from s in class Simple"); s.Delete("from m in class Many"); s.Delete("from o in class One"); t.Commit(); s.Close(); s = OpenSession(); t = s.BeginTransaction(); c = (Container) s.Load(typeof(Container), c.Id); Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Components.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, c.Composites.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, c.OneToMany.Count); Assert.AreEqual(0, c.ManyToMany.Count); s.Delete(c); t.Commit(); s.Close(); }