Inheritance: NHibernate.Proxy.AbstractProxyFactory
        public override void Load()
            var p = new ProxyFactory(); //Ugly quickfix just to trigger reference

                .ToMethod(ctx => new Configuration().Configure())

                .ToMethod(ctx => AppEnvironment.IoC.Resolve<Configuration>().BuildSessionFactory())

                .ToMethod(ctx =>
                    var session = AppEnvironment.IoC.Resolve<ISessionFactory>().OpenSession();
                    session.FlushMode = FlushMode.Never;

                    return session;


        private static void ForceLoadingAssembliesForMsTestRunner()
            //Just to make sure the Castle.Core assembly is loaded for Microsoft Unit Test Runner
            var castleConfig = typeof(Castle.Core.Configuration.IConfiguration);

            //Just to make sure the NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle assembly and Castle.Core assembly is loaded for Microsft Unit Test Runner
            var proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory();

            //Just to make sure the ByteCodeCastle assembly is loaded for Microsft Unit Test Runner
            var sqLiteParameter = new SQLiteParameter();
 private static void MakeReferenceSoMSBuildLoadsDLL()
     //This is never called, but it forces the compiler to include the ByteCode DLL
     var x = new ProxyFactory();