Example #1
        static void ShowEngItemName() // search and show the name of an nmt using msbt parser. Note the padding chars
            const string  toLookFor      = "05851";
            string        rootPath       = PathHelper.GetItemDirectory(PathHelper.Languages["en"]);
            List <MSBT>   loadedItemsEng = new List <MSBT>(TableProcessor.LoadAllMSBTs(rootPath));
            List <string> foundItems     = new List <string>();

            foreach (MSBT loaded in loadedItemsEng)
                for (int i = 0; i < loaded.LBL1.Labels.Count; ++i)
                    if (loaded.LBL1.Labels[i].ToString().Contains(toLookFor))
                        foundItems.Add(loaded.LBL1.Labels[i].ToString() + ": "
                                       + loaded.FileEncoding.GetString(loaded.LBL1.Labels[i].Value).Replace("\n", "\r\n").TrimEnd('\0').Replace("\0", @"\0") + "\0");

            // print loaded items
            foreach (string itm in foundItems)
                Console.WriteLine(toLookFor + " is " + itm);
        public static string[] CreateItemList(string language, bool writeToFile = true)
            string      rootPath                  = PathHelper.GetItemDirectory(PathHelper.Languages[language]);
            List <MSBT> loadedItemsEng            = new List <MSBT>(TableProcessor.LoadAllMSBTs(rootPath));
            Dictionary <int, string> ID_ItemTable = new Dictionary <int, string>(getOutfits(language)); //preload with outfits

            // Add stuff not available
            ID_ItemTable.Add(0, string.Format("({0})", PathHelper.NoneNames[language])); // nothing
            ID_ItemTable.Add(5795, "DIY recipe\r\n");                                    // diy recipe

            int padAmount = PathHelper.LangPadAmount[language];

            foreach (MSBT loaded in loadedItemsEng)
                for (int i = 0; i < loaded.LBL1.Labels.Count; ++i)
                    string keyLabel = loaded.LBL1.Labels[i].ToString();
                    if (keyLabel.keyLabelShouldBeDiscarded())

                    string[] keyVars = keyLabel.Split('_', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // item name
                    string itemName = loaded.FileEncoding.GetString(loaded.LBL1.Labels[i].Value);
                    itemName  = itemName.processString(keyVars[0], language, padAmount);
                    itemName += "\r\n";

                    // item index
                    string itemIndex  = keyVars[1];
                    int    itemNumber = int.Parse(itemIndex);
                    itemNumber += 1; // to match file line number

                    ID_ItemTable.Add(itemNumber, itemName);

            // how big should we make our text file?
            int largestNumber = 0;

            foreach (var kvpItem in ID_ItemTable)
                if (kvpItem.Key > largestNumber)
                    largestNumber = kvpItem.Key;

            // write to file using empties where there are no items
            // but first get everything we didn't find from the ItemParam table
            var table = TableProcessor.LoadTable(PathHelper.BCSVItemParamItem, (char)9, "0x54706054");
            Dictionary <int, string> itemNameJapNameDic = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            Dictionary <int, string> translationTypes   = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                string itemId   = row["0x54706054"].ToString();
                int    itemAsId = int.Parse(itemId) + 1;

                // get jap name
                string japName = row["0xB8CC232C"].ToString().Replace("\0", string.Empty);
                itemNameJapNameDic.Add(itemAsId, japName);

                //get type
                string type = row["0xFC275E86"].ToString().Replace("\0", string.Empty);
                translationTypes.Add(itemAsId, type);

            int paramLargestNumber = itemNameJapNameDic.ElementAt(itemNameJapNameDic.Count - 1).Key;

            largestNumber = Math.Max(largestNumber, paramLargestNumber);

            // load the translation master
            string[] translationMaster = File.ReadAllLines(PathHelper.MasterTranslator);
            string[] lines             = new string[largestNumber + 1];

            List <string> translationsTemp         = new List <string>();
            List <string> translationsTempWithType = new List <string>();
            List <string> translationsHexes        = new List <string>();

            // this can and should be cleaned up
            int translationRequests = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < largestNumber + 1; ++i)
                if (ID_ItemTable.ContainsKey(i))
                    if (i < translationMaster.Length)
                    {   // the below if statement is incorrect (indexes are wrong) but I haven't had time to clean it up
                        if (i != 0 && ID_ItemTable[i].JapanesePercentage() > 0.3f && translationMaster[i - 1] != string.Empty && (language != "jp" && language != "zht" && language != "zhs" && language != "ko"))
                            // this is probably japanese in the msbt
                            string n = translationMaster[i - 1];
                            if (!n.EndsWith("(internal)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                n += " (internal)";
                            lines[i] = n + "\r\n";
                            translationsTemp.Add(n + ", " + (i - 1).ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0') + "  \r\n");
                            translationsHexes.Add((i - 1).ToString("X") + "\r\n");
                            translationsTempWithType.Add(n.PadRight(60, ' ') + (char)2 + itemNameJapNameDic[i].PadRight(30, ' ') + (char)2 + translationTypes[i].PadRight(25, ' ') + (char)2 + (i - 1).ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0') + (char)2 + (i - 1).ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + "  \r\n"); // char 2 is easier to split
                            lines[i] = ID_ItemTable[i];
                        lines[i] = ID_ItemTable[i];
                else if (itemNameJapNameDic.ContainsKey(i))
                    if (i < translationMaster.Length)
                        if (translationMaster[i - 1] != string.Empty && (language != "jp" && language != "zht" && language != "zhs" && language != "ko"))
                            string n = translationMaster[i - 1];
                            if (!n.EndsWith("(internal)", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                n += " (internal)";
                            lines[i] = n + "\r\n";
                            translationsTemp.Add(n + ", " + (i - 1).ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0') + "  \r\n");
                            translationsHexes.Add((i - 1).ToString("X") + "\r\n");
                            translationsTempWithType.Add(n.PadRight(60, ' ') + (char)2 + itemNameJapNameDic[i].PadRight(30, ' ') + (char)2 + translationTypes[i].PadRight(25, ' ') + (char)2 + (i - 1).ToString("X").PadLeft(4, '0') + (char)2 + (i - 1).ToString().PadLeft(5, '0') + "  \r\n"); // char 2 is easier to split
                            lines[i] = itemNameJapNameDic[i] + "\r\n";
                        lines[i] = itemNameJapNameDic[i] + "\r\n";

                    lines[i] = "\r\n";

            Console.WriteLine("{0} translation requests: {1}", language, translationRequests);

            // sort by name then type
            translationsTempWithType = translationsTempWithType.OrderBy(x => x.Split((char)2)[0]).ToList();
            translationsTempWithType = translationsTempWithType.OrderBy(x => x.Split((char)2)[2]).ToList();
            for (int i = 0; i < translationsTempWithType.Count; ++i)
                translationsTempWithType[i] = "| " + translationsTempWithType[i].Replace(((char)2).ToString(), " | ").Replace("\r\n", " |\r\n"); // github markdown
            if (writeToFile)
                WriteOutFile(PathHelper.OutputPath, language, itemListRootName + language + ".txt", string.Join("", lines));
            if (language == "en")
                WriteOutFile(PathHelper.OutputPath, "strings", "InternalItemList.txt", string.Join("", translationsTemp));
                WriteOutFile(PathHelper.OutputPath, "strings", "InternalHexList.txt", string.Join("", translationsHexes));
                WriteOutFile(PathHelper.OutputPath, "strings", "InternalItemListSorted.txt", string.Join("", translationsTempWithType));

            if (language == "en")
                itemLines = lines;
