Example #1
        private static void UpdateDeviceMiningStats(ApiData apiData, string minerUUID, string minerName, string groupKey, string deviceUuid, Dictionary <AlgorithmType, double> payingRates)
            DeviceMiningStats stat;

            if (_devicesMiningStats.TryGetValue(deviceUuid, out stat) == false)
                // create if it doesn't exist
                stat = new DeviceMiningStats {
                    DeviceUUID = deviceUuid
                _devicesMiningStats[deviceUuid] = stat;
            // re-set miner name and group key
            stat.MinerName = minerName;
            stat.GroupKey  = groupKey;

            // update stat
            var deviceSpeedsInfo = apiData.AlgorithmSpeedsPerDevice
                                   .Where(pair => pair.Key == deviceUuid)
                                   .Select(pair => pair.Value)

            if (deviceSpeedsInfo != null)
                foreach (var speedInfo in deviceSpeedsInfo)
                    stat.Speeds.Add((speedInfo.AlgorithmType, speedInfo.Speed));
                    if (payingRates.TryGetValue(speedInfo.AlgorithmType, out var paying) == false)
                    var payingRate = paying * speedInfo.Speed * 0.000000001;
                    stat.Rates.Add((speedInfo.AlgorithmType, payingRate));

            var devicePowerUsageApi = (double)apiData.PowerUsagePerDevice
                                      .Where(pair => pair.Key == deviceUuid)
                                      .Select(pair => pair.Value)

            stat.PowerUsageAPI = devicePowerUsageApi / 1000d;

            // TODO Globals
            var dev = AvailableDevices.GetDeviceWithUuid(deviceUuid);

            if (dev != null)
                stat.PowerUsageDeviceReading = dev.PowerUsage;
                var algo = dev.GetAlgorithm(minerUUID, apiData.AlgorithmSpeedsPerDevice[dev.Uuid].Select(info => info.AlgorithmType).ToArray());
                stat.PowerUsageAlgorithmSetting = algo == null ? 0d : algo.PowerUsage;

            lock (_devMiningStats)
                var index = _devMiningStats.IndexOf(stat);
                if (index < 0)
                    _devMiningStats[index] = stat;

            //// TODO enable StabilityAnalyzer
            //// TODO not the best place but here is where we get our per device speeds
            //var algorithmName = string.Join("+", stat.Speeds.Select(speedPair => Enum.GetName(typeof(AlgorithmType), speedPair.type)));
            //var algorithmStringID = $"{algorithmName}_{minerUUID}";
            //var speedID = $"{deviceUuid}-{algorithmStringID}";
            //var primarySpeed = stat.Speeds.Count > 0 ? stat.Speeds[0].speed : 0d;
            //var secondarySpeed = stat.Speeds.Count > 1 ? stat.Speeds[1].speed : 0d;
            //var miningSpeed = new BenchmarkingAnalyzer.MiningSpeed
            //    PrimarySpeed = primarySpeed,
            //    SecondarySpeed = secondarySpeed,
            //    Timestamp = DateTime.Now
            //BenchmarkingAnalyzer.UpdateMiningSpeeds(speedID, miningSpeed);
Example #2
        //private static async Task ResumeAllMiners()
        //    foreach (var groupMiner in _runningMiners.Values)
        //    {
        //        await groupMiner.StartMinerTask(stopMiningManager, _username);
        //    }
        //    // TODO resume devices to Mining state

        private static async Task CheckGroupingAndUpdateMiners(MainCommand command)
            // #1 parse the command
            var commandType = command.GetType().Name;

            Logger.Debug(Tag, $"Command type {commandType}");
            if (command is NormalizedProfitsUpdateCommand normalizedProfitsUpdateCommand)
                _normalizedProfits = normalizedProfitsUpdateCommand.normalizedProfits;
            else if (command is UsernameChangedCommand usernameChangedCommand)
                _username = usernameChangedCommand.username;
            else if (command is PauseMiningWhenGamingModeSettingsChangedCommand pauseMiningWhenGamingModeSettingsChangedCommand)
                _isPauseMiningWhenGamingEnabled = pauseMiningWhenGamingModeSettingsChangedCommand.isPauseMiningWhenGamingModeSettingEnabled;
                if (!_isPauseMiningWhenGamingEnabled)
                    var dev = AvailableDevices.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.IsGaming == true);
                    if (dev != null)
                        dev.IsGaming = false;
            else if (command is IsSteamGameRunningChangedCommand isSteamGameRunningChangedCommand)
                _isGameRunning = isSteamGameRunningChangedCommand.isSteamGameRunning;
            else if (command is GPUToPauseChangedCommand gpuToPauseChangedCommand)
                _deviceToPauseUuid = gpuToPauseChangedCommand.gpuUuid;

                // unpause device if not mining and not selected
                var devToUnpause = AvailableDevices.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Uuid != _deviceToPauseUuid && d.IsGaming == true);
                if (devToUnpause != null)
                    devToUnpause.IsGaming = false;

                // set new selected gpu to true
                var newSelectedDev = AvailableDevices.GetDeviceWithUuid(_deviceToPauseUuid);
                if (newSelectedDev != null)
                    newSelectedDev.PauseMiningWhenGamingMode = true;

                // set previous selected gpu to false
                var oldSelectedDev = AvailableDevices.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Uuid != _deviceToPauseUuid && d.PauseMiningWhenGamingMode);
                if (oldSelectedDev != null)
                    oldSelectedDev.PauseMiningWhenGamingMode = false;

            bool isRestartMinersCommand(Command command) =>
            command switch
                UsernameChangedCommand => true,
                UseOptimizationProfilesChangedCommand => true,
                DNSQChangedCommand => true,
                SSLMiningChangedCommand => true,
                _ => false,
            // here we do the deciding
            // to mine we need to have the username mining location set and ofc device to mine with
            if (_username == null || _normalizedProfits == null)
                if (_username == null)
                    Logger.Error(Tag, "_username is null");
                if (_normalizedProfits == null)
                    Logger.Error(Tag, "_normalizedProfits is null");
                await PauseAllMiners();
            else if (isRestartMinersCommand(command))
                // RESTART-STOP-START
                // STOP
                foreach (var miner in _runningMiners.Values)
                    await miner.StopTask();
                // START
                foreach (var miner in _runningMiners.Values)
                    await miner.StartMinerTask(_stopMiningManager, _username);
            else if (_miningDevices.Count == 0)
                await StopAllMinersTask();

            else if (_isGameRunning && _isPauseMiningWhenGamingEnabled && _deviceToPauseUuid != null)
                var dev = AvailableDevices.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Uuid == _deviceToPauseUuid);
                dev.IsGaming = true;
                bool skipProfitsThreshold = CheckIfShouldSkipProfitsThreshold(command);
                await SwichMostProfitableGroupUpMethodTask(_normalizedProfits, skipProfitsThreshold);
            else if (!_isGameRunning && _isPauseMiningWhenGamingEnabled && command is IsSteamGameRunningChangedCommand)
                var dev = AvailableDevices.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Uuid == _deviceToPauseUuid);
                dev.IsGaming = false;
                bool skipProfitsThreshold = CheckIfShouldSkipProfitsThreshold(command);
                await SwichMostProfitableGroupUpMethodTask(_normalizedProfits, skipProfitsThreshold);
                bool skipProfitsThreshold = CheckIfShouldSkipProfitsThreshold(command);
                await SwichMostProfitableGroupUpMethodTask(_normalizedProfits, skipProfitsThreshold);