Example #1
        public NFXSlim(TestingSystem context, IConfigSectionNode conf)
            : base(context, conf)
            Type[] known = ReadKnownTypes(conf);

              //we create type registry with well-known types that serializer does not have to emit every time
              m_TypeRegistry = new TypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.BoxedCommonTypes,

              m_Serializer = new SlimSerializer(m_TypeRegistry);

              //batching allows to remember the encountered types and hence it is a "stateful" mode
              //where serialization part and deserialization part retain the type registries that
              //get auto-updated. This mode is not thread safe
              if (m_Batching)
            m_BatchSer = new SlimSerializer(m_TypeRegistry);
            m_BatchSer.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;

            m_BatchDeser = new SlimSerializer(m_TypeRegistry);
            m_BatchDeser.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
Example #2
        public void DynamicRows()
            var tbl = new Table(Schema.GetForTypedRow(typeof(Person)));

                var row = new DynamicRow( tbl.Schema );

                row["ID"] = "POP1";
                row["FirstName"] = "Oleg";
                row["LastName"] = "Popov-1";
                row["DOB"] = new DateTime(1953, 12, 10);
                row["YearsInSpace"] = 12;

                tbl.Insert( row );

            var ser = new SlimSerializer();
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ser.Serialize(ms, tbl);

                ms.Position = 0;

                var tbl2 = ser.Deserialize(ms) as Table;

                Assert.IsNotNull( tbl2 );
                Assert.IsFalse( object.ReferenceEquals(tbl ,tbl2) );

                Assert.IsFalse( object.ReferenceEquals(tbl.Schema ,tbl2.Schema) );

                Assert.IsTrue( tbl.Schema.IsEquivalentTo(tbl2.Schema));
Example #3
        public void T1_TypeWasAdded()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer();
              Assert.AreEqual(TypeRegistryMode.PerCall, s1.TypeMode);
              Assert.IsTrue( s1.IsThreadSafe );
              Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );

              s1.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;

              Assert.AreEqual(TypeRegistryMode.Batch, s1.TypeMode);
              Assert.IsFalse( s1.IsThreadSafe );
              Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );

              var o1 = new A1{ I1 = 12};

              s1.Serialize(ms, o1);
              ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              var s2 = new SlimSerializer();
              s2.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              var o2 = (A1)s2.Deserialize(ms);

              Assert.AreEqual( 12, o2.I1);

              Assert.IsTrue( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              Assert.IsTrue( s2.BatchTypesAdded );
Example #4
        public void Create_Seal_SerializeDeserialize_Read()
            var names = new List<string>{"Kozloff", "Sergeev", "Aroyan", "Gurevich"};

            var parcel = new PeopleNamesParcel(new GDID(0, 123), names);

            Assert.AreEqual(ParcelState.Creating, parcel.State);


            var ser = new SlimSerializer( Parcel.STANDARD_KNOWN_SERIALIZER_TYPES );
            var ms = new MemoryStream();

            ser.Serialize(ms, parcel);
            ms.Position = 0;
            var parcel2 = ser.Deserialize( ms ) as PeopleNamesParcel;
            var payload2 = parcel2.Payload;

            Assert.AreEqual(payload2.Count, names.Count);
            Assert.IsTrue( payload2.SequenceEqual( names) );

Example #5
        public void T01()
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
            var s = new SlimSerializer(SlimFormat.Instance);

            var root = new ObjectA(){ AField = -890};

            s.Serialize(ms, root);

            ms.Position = 0;

            var deser = s.Deserialize(ms) as ObjectA;

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA));

            Assert.AreEqual(-890, deser.AField);
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another1 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another2 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another3 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another4 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another5 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another6 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another7 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another8 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another9 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another10 );
Example #6
        public void Slim_SerializeTable_TypedRows()
            var tbl = new Table(Schema.GetForTypedRow(typeof(Person)));
            for(var i=0; i<1000; i++)
             tbl.Insert( new Person{
                                    ID = "POP{0}".Args(i),
                                    FirstName = "Oleg",
                                    LastName = "Popov-{0}".Args(i),
                                    DOB = new DateTime(1953, 12, 10),
                                    YearsInSpace = 12 
            var ser = new SlimSerializer();
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ser.Serialize(ms, tbl);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} rows took {1} bytes".Args(tbl.Count, ms.Position));
                ms.Position = 0;

                var tbl2 = ser.Deserialize(ms) as Table;

                Assert.IsNotNull( tbl2 );
                Assert.IsFalse( object.ReferenceEquals(tbl ,tbl2) );

                Assert.AreEqual( 1000, tbl2.Count);

                Assert.IsTrue( tbl.SequenceEqual( tbl2 ) );
 private void Initialize()
     if (!base.JustInitialized) return;
     var typeList = new List<Type> {_primaryType};
     if (_secondaryTypes != null) typeList.AddRange(_secondaryTypes);
     var treg = new TypeRegistry(typeList, TypeRegistry.BoxedCommonNullableTypes, TypeRegistry.BoxedCommonTypes);
     _serializer = new SlimSerializer(treg);
     JustInitialized = false;
Example #8
        public void T1_ResetCallBatch()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer();
              s1.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;

              Assert.AreEqual(TypeRegistryMode.Batch, s1.TypeMode);
              Assert.IsFalse( s1.IsThreadSafe );
              Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );

              var o1 = new A1{ I1 = 12};

              s1.Serialize(ms, o1);

              Assert.IsTrue( s1.BatchTypesAdded );


              Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
Example #9
        public void T1_TypeWasNotAdded()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer( new Type[]{typeof(A1)});//put it in globals
              s1.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );

              var o1 = new A1{ I1 = 12};

              s1.Serialize(ms, o1);
              ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              var s2 = new SlimSerializer(new Type[]{typeof(A1)});
              s2.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              var o2 = (A1)s2.Deserialize(ms);

              Assert.AreEqual( 12, o2.I1);

              Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              Assert.IsFalse( s2.BatchTypesAdded );
Example #10
        public void NLS_Array()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
            var s = new SlimSerializer();

            var dIn = new NLSMap[]{
                        new NLSMap("eng{n='name' d='description'} rus{n='имя' d='описание'}".AsLaconicConfig()),
                        new NLSMap("eng{n='color' d='of product'} rus{n='zvet' d='producta'}".AsLaconicConfig()),
                        new NLSMap("eng{n='size' d='of item'} rus{n='razmer' d='tovara'}".AsLaconicConfig())

            s.Serialize(ms, dIn);
            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            var dOut = (NLSMap[])s.Deserialize(ms);


            Assert.AreEqual( 3, dOut.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual( "name",        dOut[0].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Name, "eng"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "имя",         dOut[0].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Name, "rus"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "description", dOut[0].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Description, "eng"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "описание",    dOut[0].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Description, "rus"));

            Assert.AreEqual( "color",      dOut[1].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Name, "eng"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "zvet",       dOut[1].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Name, "rus"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "of product", dOut[1].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Description, "eng"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "producta",   dOut[1].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Description, "rus"));

            Assert.AreEqual( "size",    dOut[2].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Name, "eng"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "razmer",  dOut[2].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Name, "rus"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "of item", dOut[2].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Description, "eng"));
            Assert.AreEqual( "tovara",  dOut[2].Get(NLSMap.GetParts.Description, "rus"));
Example #11
        public void T2_PerCall_CSUM_Mismatch()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer(new Type[]{typeof(A1)});
              var o1 = new A1{ I1 = 12};

              s1.Serialize(ms, o1);
              ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              var s2 = new SlimSerializer(new Type[]{typeof(A2)});
              var o2 = (A1)s2.Deserialize(ms);
Example #12
        public void Slim_SerializeTable_ComplexTypedRows()
            var tbl = new Table(Schema.GetForTypedRow(typeof(PersonWithNesting)));

            for(var i=0; i<1000; i++)
             tbl.Insert( new PersonWithNesting{
                                    ID = "POP{0}".Args(i),
                                    FirstName = "Oleg",
                                    LastName = "Popov-{0}".Args(i),
                                    DOB = new DateTime(1953, 12, 10),
                                    YearsInSpace = 12,
                                    LatestHistory = new HistoryItem{ ID = "111", StartDate = DateTime.Now, Description="Chaplin" },
                                    History1  = new List<HistoryItem>
                                      new HistoryItem{ ID = "789211", StartDate = DateTime.Now, Description="Chaplin with us" },
                                      new HistoryItem{ ID = "234234", StartDate = DateTime.Now, Description="Chaplin with you" }
                                    History2  = new HistoryItem[2]

            var ser = new SlimSerializer();
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ser.Serialize(ms, tbl);

             Console.WriteLine("{0} rows took {1} bytes".Args(tbl.Count, ms.Position));

                ms.Position = 0;

                var tbl2 = ser.Deserialize(ms) as Table;

                Assert.IsNotNull( tbl2 );
                Assert.IsFalse( object.ReferenceEquals(tbl ,tbl2) );

                Assert.AreEqual( 1000, tbl2.Count);

                Assert.IsTrue( tbl.SequenceEqual( tbl2 ) );
Example #13
        public void Slim_SerializeRow_ComplexTypedRow()
            var row1 =  new PersonWithNesting{
                                    ID = "A1",
                                    FirstName = "Joseph",
                                    LastName = "Mc'Cloud",
                                    DOB = new DateTime(1953, 12, 10),
                                    YearsInSpace = 12,
                                    LatestHistory = new HistoryItem{ ID = "111", StartDate = DateTime.Now, Description="Chaplin" },
                                    History1  = new List<HistoryItem>
                                      new HistoryItem{ ID = "789211", StartDate = DateTime.Now, Description="Chaplin with us" },
                                      new HistoryItem{ ID = "234234", StartDate = DateTime.Now, Description="Chaplin with you" }
                                    History2  = new HistoryItem[2]

            var ser = new SlimSerializer();
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
                ser.Serialize(ms, row1);

             Console.WriteLine("1 row took {0} bytes".Args(ms.Position));

                ms.Position = 0;

                var row2 = ser.Deserialize(ms) as PersonWithNesting;

                Assert.IsNotNull( row2 );
                Assert.IsFalse( object.ReferenceEquals(row1 , row2) );

                Assert.AreEqual("A1", row2.ID);
                Assert.AreEqual("Joseph",  row2.FirstName);
                Assert.AreEqual("111", row2.LatestHistory.ID);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, row2.History1.Count);
                Assert.AreEqual("234234", row2.History1[1].ID);
Example #14
 public PODSlimSerializer()
     m_Serializer = new SlimSerializer(TypeRegistry.PODTypes);
Example #15
        public void T05()
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
            var s = new SlimSerializer(SlimFormat.Instance);

            var root = new ObjectA();

             root.AField = 2345;
             root.Another1 = new ObjectA{ AField = 27892};
             root.Another2 = new ObjectB{ AField = -278, BField = -12, Another1 = root};

            s.Serialize(ms, root);

            ms.Position = 0;

            var deser = s.Deserialize(ms) as ObjectA;

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA));
            Assert.AreEqual(2345,  deser.AField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser.Another1.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA));
            Assert.AreEqual(27892,  deser.Another1.AField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another2 );
            Assert.AreEqual(-278,  deser.Another2.AField );

            Assert.IsTrue( deser.Another2.GetType() == typeof(ObjectB));
            Assert.AreEqual(-12,  ((ObjectB)deser.Another2).BField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another2.Another1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( object.ReferenceEquals(deser, deser.Another2.Another1));
            Assert.IsTrue( deser.Another2.GetType() == typeof(ObjectB));

            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another3 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another4 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another5 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another6 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another7 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another8 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another9 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser.Another10 );

Example #16
 public PODSlimSerializer()
     m_Serializer = new SlimSerializer( TypeRegistry.PODTypes );
Example #17
        public void T4_CountMismatchResetBatch_WriteMany()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer();
              s1.TypeMode= TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              var o1a = new A1{ I1 = 12};
              var o1b = new A2{ I2 = 13};
              var o1c = new A1{ I1 = 14};
              var o1d = new A1{ I1 = 15};
              var o1e = new A1{ I1 = 16};

              s1.Serialize(ms, o1a);  Assert.IsTrue( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              s1.Serialize(ms, o1b);  Assert.IsTrue( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              s1.Serialize(ms, o1c);  Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              s1.Serialize(ms, o1d);  Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              s1.Serialize(ms, o1e);  Assert.IsFalse( s1.BatchTypesAdded );
              ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              var buf = ms.GetBuffer();
              Console.WriteLine( buf.ToDumpString(DumpFormat.Printable, 0,(int) ms.Length) );

              var s2 = new SlimSerializer();
              s2.TypeMode= TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              var o2a = (A1)s2.Deserialize(ms); Assert.IsTrue( s2.BatchTypesAdded );
              Assert.AreEqual(12, o2a.I1);

              var o2b = (A2)s2.Deserialize(ms); //Exception
Example #18
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var tr = new TypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.RecordModelTypes,

              var p1 = PatientRecord.Make<PatientRecord>();// make();

              using (var ms = new FileStream(@"c:\NFX\PERSON2.slim", FileMode.Create) )//new MemoryStream())
                var s = new SlimSerializer(tr);

                s.Serialize(ms, p1);

                var clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                for(var i=1; i<4000; i++)
                  ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                  var p2 = s.Deserialize(ms);
                Text = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();

                //Text = p2.Name;

              //BINARY formatterr

              using (var ms = new FileStream(@"c:\NFX\PERSON2.bin", FileMode.Create) ) //new MemoryStream())
                var s = new BinaryFormatter();

                s.Serialize(ms, p1);

                var clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                for(var i=1; i<4000; i++)
                  ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                  var p2 = s.Deserialize(ms);
                Text += "        Binary formatter: " + clk.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
Example #19
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var Frank = new Person
                            Name = "Frank Frankfurter",
                            Age = 99,
                            IsHappy = true,
                            MarriageDate = App.LocalizedTime,

                            Father = new Person { Name = "Zaxar Mai", Age = 44},

                            Type = typeof(System.Reflection.Assembly)

               var Marry = new Person
                            Name = "Marry Morra",
                            Age = 44,
                            IsHappy = false,
                            MarriageDate = App.LocalizedTime,

                            Father = Frank.Father,

                            Type = typeof(System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch)
                            //Buffer = new byte[] {10,13,65,65,65,65,65,65,65,65,66,66,66,66,66,66,66,66},
                            //Chars = new char[] {'i', ' ', 'a', 'm', ' ','!'}

               var Dodik = new Person
                            Name = "Dodik Kutzhenbukher",
                            Age = 12,
                            IsHappy = true,
                            MarriageDate = App.LocalizedTime.AddDays(-100),
                            Father = Frank,
                            Mother = Marry

              Marry.Mother = Dodik;//Cycle

              var rec = PatientRecord.Make<PatientRecord>();

            //Frank.Father.Items["Absukov"] = 123;
            //Frank.Father.Items["Bosurxevich"] = true;
            //Frank.Father.Items["Corshunovich"] = "ya est tot kto mojet byt";
            //Frank.Father.Items["Zmejukka"] = " do svazi!";

            //Dodik.IntArray = new int[10,10,10];

            //Dodik.IntArray[5,3,4] = 67;
            //Dodik.IntArray[9,9,9] = 65;

            //Dodik.ObjArray = new object[10];
            //for(int i=0; i<Dodik.ObjArray.Length; i++)
            // Dodik.ObjArray[i] = new Person{ Name = "Chelovek-"+(i%4).ToString(), Age = 1, Father = Dodik, IsHappy = true, MarriageDate = App.TimeSource.UTCNow};

            //for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
            // Dodik.Relatives.Add( new Person{ Name = "Solovei-"+(i%4).ToString(), Age = 1, Father = Dodik, IsHappy = true, MarriageDate = App.TimeSource.UTCNow} );

            //for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
            // Dodik.Numbers.Add( 10000-i );

            var tr = new TypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.RecordModelTypes,


            var data = PatientRecord.Make<PatientRecord>();// make();

             var clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            // for(var i=1; i<1000; i++)
               using (var fs = new FileStream(@"c:\NFX\SLIM.slim", FileMode.Create))
                var s = new SlimSerializer(tr);

                for(var i=1; i<1000; i++)
                  s.Serialize(fs,  data);//Dodik);
             Text = clk.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();

               using (var fs = new FileStream(@"c:\NFX\FORMATTER.bin", FileMode.Create))
                var bf = new BinaryFormatter();

                for(var i=1; i<1000; i++)
                 bf.Serialize(fs, data);//Dodik);
             Text += "        Binary formatter: " + clk.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString();
Example #20
        public void FullLifecycle()
            var names = new List<string>{"Kozloff", "Sergeev", "Aroyan", "Gurevich"};

            var parcel = new PeopleNamesParcel(new GDID(0, 123), names);

            Assert.AreEqual(ParcelState.Creating, parcel.State);

            var ser = new SlimSerializer( Parcel.STANDARD_KNOWN_SERIALIZER_TYPES );

            var ms = new MemoryStream();

            ser.Serialize(ms, parcel);
            ms.Position = 0;
            var parcel2 = ser.Deserialize( ms ) as PeopleNamesParcel;


            Assert.AreEqual(ParcelState.Sealed, parcel2.State);
            Assert.AreEqual(ParcelState.Modifying, parcel2.State);


            ms.Position = 0;
            ser.Serialize(ms, parcel2);
            ms.Position = 0;
            var parcel3 = ser.Deserialize( ms ) as PeopleNamesParcel;

            Assert.IsTrue( new List<string>{"Kozloff", "Boyarskiy", "Aroyan", "Gurevich"}.SequenceEqual( parcel3.Payload) );
Example #21
        public void T03()
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
            var s = new SlimSerializer(SlimFormat.Instance);

            var root = new ObjectA
              AField = 2345,
              Another1 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9001},
              Another2 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9002},
              Another3 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9003},
              Another4 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9004},
              Another5 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9005},
              Another6 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9006},
              Another7 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9007},
              Another8 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9008},
              Another9 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9009},
              Another10 = new ObjectA{ AField = 9010},

            s.Serialize(ms, root);

            ms.Position = 0;

            var deser = s.Deserialize(ms) as ObjectA;

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA));
            Assert.AreEqual(2345,  deser.AField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another1 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another1 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another2 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another3 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another4 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another5 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another6 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another7 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another8 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another9 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser.Another10 );

             Assert.AreEqual(9001,  deser.Another1.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9002,  deser.Another2.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9003,  deser.Another3.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9004,  deser.Another4.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9005,  deser.Another5.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9006,  deser.Another6.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9007,  deser.Another7.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9008,  deser.Another8.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9009,  deser.Another9.AField );
             Assert.AreEqual(9010,  deser.Another10.AField );
Example #22
            /// <summary>
            /// Duplicates this parcel by doing a complete deep-clone of its state via serialization.
            /// This method is useful for making copies of the same parcel for different threads as it is thread-safe while no other thread mutates the instance,
            /// however Parcel instances are NOT THREAD-SAFE for parallel changes.
            /// The existing parcel MUST be SEALED (otherwise it can not be serialized).
            /// This method is also used before a call to Open() if parcel needs to be "un-opened" the cloned instance may be reverted to
            /// </summary>
            public Parcel DeepClone()
              if (m_State!=ParcelState.Sealed)
                 throw new DistributedDataAccessException(StringConsts.DISTRIBUTED_DATA_PARCEL_INVALID_OPERATION_ERROR.Args("DeepClone", GetType().FullName, m_State) );

              using(var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(4*1024))
                var serializer = new SlimSerializer( STANDARD_KNOWN_SERIALIZER_TYPES ); 

                serializer.Serialize(ms, this);
                ms.Position = 0;
                return serializer.Deserialize(ms) as Parcel;
Example #23
        private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var ms1 = new MemoryStream();
               var ms2 = new MemoryStream();

            var slim1 = new SlimSerializer(new TypeRegistry(new Type[]{typeof(Library), typeof(Book), typeof(Perzon), typeof(List<Book>), typeof(object[]), typeof(string[])}, TypeRegistry.CommonCollectionTypes));
            slim1.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
            slim1.Serialize(ms1, data);
            slim1.Serialize(ms2, data);

            ms1.Position = 0;
            var w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for(var i=0; i<CNT; i++)
             ms2.Position = 0;


            Text = string.Format("Slim deserialized {0:n2} in {1:n2} ms, {2:n2}/sec {3}bytes",CNT, w.ElapsedMilliseconds, (CNT/(double)w.ElapsedMilliseconds)*1000, ms2.Length);
Example #24
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GC.Collect(GC.MaxGeneration, GCCollectionMode.Forced);

            var ms = new MemoryStream();

            var slim = new SlimSerializer(new TypeRegistry(new Type[]{typeof(TradingRec), typeof(Library), typeof(Book), typeof(Perzon), typeof(List<Book>), typeof(object[]), typeof(string[])}, TypeRegistry.CommonCollectionTypes));
            slim.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;

            var w = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            for(var i=0; i<CNT; i++)
             ms.Position = 0;
             slim.Serialize(ms, data);


            using (var fs =new FileStream("C:\\NFX\\SerializerForm2.slim", FileMode.Create))
              fs.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)ms.Length);

            Text = string.Format("Slim serialized {0:n2} in {1:n2} ms, {2:n2}/sec {3}bytes",CNT, w.ElapsedMilliseconds, (CNT/(double)w.ElapsedMilliseconds)*1000, ms.Length);

             //   MessageBox.Show( ms.GetBuffer().ToDumpString(DumpFormat.Hex,0, (int)ms.Length));
Example #25
        public void T3_Batch_CSUM_Mismatch()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer(new Type[]{typeof(A1)});
              s1.TypeMode= TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              var o1 = new A1{ I1 = 12};

              s1.Serialize(ms, o1);
              ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              var s2 = new SlimSerializer(new Type[]{typeof(A2)});
              s2.TypeMode= TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              var o2 = (A1)s2.Deserialize(ms);
Example #26
        public void StateError_4()
            var names = new List<string>{"Kozloff", "Sergeev", "Aroyan", "Gurevich"};

            var parcel = new PeopleNamesParcel(new GDID(0, 123), names);

            Assert.AreEqual(ParcelState.Creating, parcel.State);
            //not sealed
            var ser = new SlimSerializer( Parcel.STANDARD_KNOWN_SERIALIZER_TYPES );

            var ms = new MemoryStream();

            ser.Serialize(ms, parcel);//can not serialize open parcel
Example #27
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const int CNT = 1000;

              var lst = new TwitterMsg[CNT];
              for(var i=0; i<CNT; i++)
               lst[i] = ( new TwitterMsg
             ID = new GDID(0, (ulong)i),
             AuthorID = new GDID(0, (ulong)i*251),
             Banned = i%45==0,
             Rating = i%5,
             ResponseToMsg = new GDID(0, (ulong)i),
             MsgText = NFX.Parsing.NaturalTextGenerator.Generate(0),
             When = DateTime.Now,
             ri_Deleted = false,
             ri_Host = "Zukini1234",
             ri_Version = DateTime.Now

               var tr = new TypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.RecordModelTypes,
               tr.Add( typeof(GDID));
               tr.Add( typeof(TwitterMsg));

               var clk = Stopwatch.StartNew();
               using (var fs = new FileStream(@"c:\NFX\SLIM.slim", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 1024*1024))
                var s = new SlimSerializer(tr);

                s.Serialize(fs,  lst);
               Text = "SLIM took {0} ms ".Args(clk.ElapsedMilliseconds);

               using (var fs = new FileStream(@"c:\NFX\FORMATTER.bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 1024*1024))
             var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
             bf.Serialize(fs,  lst);
               Text += "        Binary formatter took {0}ms ".Args(clk.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Example #28
        public void TZ9999_StringInVariousLanguages()
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
              var s1 = new SlimSerializer();
              var o1 = new A3{ Text = "Hello 久有归天愿,Աեցեհի, Не менее 100 советских самолетов поднялись в воздух, asağıda yağız yer yaratıldıkta. I Agree!"};


              s1.Serialize(ms, o1);
              ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

              var s2 = new SlimSerializer();
              var o2 = (A3)s2.Deserialize(ms);


              Assert.AreEqual(o1.Text, o2.Text);
Example #29
          private byte[] serialize(object payload, out int payloadSize, out byte serVersion)
            var stream = getTLWriteStream();
            var serializer = ts_WriteSerializer;
            if (serializer==null || serializer.Owner != this)
                serializer = new SlimSerializer(m_CurrentTypeRegistry, SlimFormat.Instance);
                serializer.Owner = this;
                serializer.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
                ts_WriteSerializer = serializer;
              stream.Position = 0;
              serializer.Serialize(stream, payload);
              if (!serializer.BatchTypesAdded) break;
              TypeRegistry newReg;
                newReg = new TypeRegistry( m_CurrentTypeRegistry );
                foreach(var t in serializer.BatchTypeRegistry)
                  newReg.Add( t );

                m_CurrentTypeRegistry = newReg;
              //re-allocate serializer with the new type registry
              serializer = new SlimSerializer(newReg, SlimFormat.Instance);
              serializer.Owner = this;
              serializer.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              ts_WriteSerializer = serializer;

            payloadSize = (int)stream.Position;
            serVersion = 0;//not used for now
            return stream.GetBuffer();
Example #30
          private object deserialize(byte[] data, int addr, int payloadSize)
            var stream = getTLReadStream(data, addr, payloadSize);
            var serializer = ts_ReadSerializer;

            if (serializer==null || serializer.Owner!=this || serializer.__globalTypeRegistry!=m_CurrentTypeRegistry)
               serializer = new SlimSerializer(m_CurrentTypeRegistry, SlimFormat.Instance);
               serializer.Owner = this;
               serializer.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
               ts_ReadSerializer = serializer;

              return serializer.Deserialize(stream);
            catch(SlimDeserializationException e)
              if (!(e.InnerException is SlimInvalidTypeHandleException)) throw;

              serializer = new SlimSerializer(m_CurrentTypeRegistry, SlimFormat.Instance);
              serializer.Owner = this;
              serializer.TypeMode = TypeRegistryMode.Batch;
              ts_ReadSerializer = serializer;

              return serializer.Deserialize(stream);
Example #31
        public void T06()
            using(var ms = new MemoryStream())
            var s = new SlimSerializer(SlimFormat.Instance);

            var root = new ObjectA[3];

            root[0] = null;

            root[1] = new ObjectA();
            root[2] = new ObjectB();

             root[1].AField = 2345;
             root[1].Another1 = new ObjectA{ AField = 27892};
             root[1].Another2 = new ObjectB{ AField = -278, BField = -12, Another1 = root[1]};

             root[2].AField = 2345;
             ((ObjectB)root[2]).BField = 900333;
             root[2].Another1 = new ObjectA{ AField = 8000000};
             root[2].Another2 = new ObjectB{ AField = -278, BField = -1532, Another1 = root[2]};
             root[2].Another9 = root[1];

            s.Serialize(ms, root);

            ms.Position = 0;

            var deser = s.Deserialize(ms) as ObjectA[];

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA[]));
            Assert.AreEqual( 3, deser.Length);

            Assert.AreEqual(2345,  deser[1].AField );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[1].Another1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser[1].Another1.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA));
            Assert.AreEqual(27892,  deser[1].Another1.AField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[1].Another2 );
            Assert.AreEqual(-278,  deser[1].Another2.AField );

            Assert.IsTrue( deser[1].Another2.GetType() == typeof(ObjectB));
            Assert.AreEqual(-12,  ((ObjectB)deser[1].Another2).BField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[1].Another2.Another1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( object.ReferenceEquals(deser[1], deser[1].Another2.Another1));
            Assert.IsTrue( deser[1].Another2.GetType() == typeof(ObjectB));

            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another3 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another4 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another5 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another6 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another7 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another8 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another9 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[1].Another10 );

            Assert.AreEqual(2345,  deser[2].AField );
            Assert.AreEqual(900333,  ((ObjectB)deser[2]).BField );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[2].Another1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( deser[2].Another1.GetType() == typeof(ObjectA));
            Assert.AreEqual(8000000,  deser[2].Another1.AField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[2].Another2 );
            Assert.AreEqual(-278,  deser[2].Another2.AField );

            Assert.IsTrue( deser[2].Another2.GetType() == typeof(ObjectB));
            Assert.AreEqual(-1532,  ((ObjectB)deser[2].Another2).BField );

            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[2].Another2.Another1 );
            Assert.IsTrue( object.ReferenceEquals(deser[2], deser[2].Another2.Another1));
            Assert.IsTrue( deser[2].Another2.GetType() == typeof(ObjectB));

            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another3 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another4 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another5 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another6 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another7 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another8 );
            Assert.IsNotNull( deser[2].Another9 );
            Assert.IsNull( deser[2].Another10 );

            Assert.IsTrue( object.ReferenceEquals(deser[1], deser[2].Another9) );
