Example #1
    public static void Main()
        BusG.Init ();
        Application.Init ();

        Button btn = new Button ("Click me");
        btn.Clicked += OnClick;

        VBox vb = new VBox (false, 2);
        vb.PackStart (btn, false, true, 0);

        Window win = new Window ("D-Bus#");
        win.SetDefaultSize (640, 480);
        win.Add (vb);
        win.Destroyed += delegate {Application.Quit ();};
        win.ShowAll ();

        bus = Bus.Session;

        string bus_name = "org.ndesk.gtest";
        ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath ("/org/ndesk/test");

        if (bus.RequestName (bus_name) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner) {
            //create a new instance of the object to be exported
            demo = new DemoObject ();
            bus.Register (path, demo);
        } else {
            //import a remote to a local proxy
            demo = bus.GetObject<DemoObject> (bus_name, path);

        //run the main loop
        Application.Run ();
Example #2
    public static void Main()
        BusG.Init ();
        Application.Init ();

        Window win = new Window ("D-Bus#");
        win.SetDefaultSize (640, 480);
        win.Destroyed += delegate {Application.Quit ();};
        win.ShowAll ();

        bus = Bus.Session;
        sysBus = Bus.System.GetObject<IBus> ("org.freedesktop.DBus", new ObjectPath ("/org/freedesktop/DBus"));

        string bus_name = "org.ndesk.gtest";
        ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath ("/org/ndesk/test");

        if (bus.RequestName (bus_name) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner) {
            //create a new instance of the object to be exported
            demo = new DemoObject ();
            sysBus.NameOwnerChanged += demo.FireChange;
            bus.Register (path, demo);
        } else {
            //import a remote to a local proxy
            demo = bus.GetObject<DemoObject> (bus_name, path);

        //run the main loop
        Application.Run ();
Example #3
 public Hyperlink(Accessible accessible, string path)
     application = accessible.application;
     ObjectPath op = new ObjectPath (path);
     proxy = Registry.Bus.GetObject<IHyperlink> (application.name, op);
     properties = Registry.Bus.GetObject<Properties> (application.name, op);
Example #4
        public EngineAdapter(string name, EngineSettingsAdapter settings, ObjectPath path)
            this.name = name;
            this.engine = new ClientEngine(settings.Settings);
            this.engineSettings = settings;
            this.path = path;

             	   DownloaderPath = path.ToString () + "/downloaders/{0}";
            StoragePath = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData);

            StoragePath = System.IO.Path.Combine (StoragePath, "monotorrent-dbus");
            EnsurePath (StoragePath);

            StoragePath = System.IO.Path.Combine (StoragePath, string.Format ("engine-{0}", name));
            EnsurePath (StoragePath);

            downloaders = new Dictionary<ObjectPath, TorrentManagerAdapter> (new ObjectPathComparer());
            torrents = new Dictionary<ObjectPath,TorrentAdapter> ();

            engine.StatsUpdate += delegate {
                StatsUpdateHandler h = StatsUpdate;
                if (h != null)
                    h ();
            LoadState ();
        static bool isActivityRegistered(string activityId)
            try {

                Connection conn;

                conn = Bus.Session;

            //				ObjectPath opath = new ObjectPath ("/org/freedesktop/DBus");
            //				string name = "org.freedesktop.DBus";
                ObjectPath opath = new ObjectPath ("/org/laptop/Activity");
                string name = "org.laptop.Activity";

                IBus bus = conn.GetObject<IBus> (name, opath);
                if (bus==null) {
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Return during the DBus process acquire.");
                    return false;
                } else {
                    if (bus.NameHasOwner("org/laptop/Activity"+activityId))
                        return true;
                        return false;

            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception in the DBus process acquire of an activity: "+ex.Message);
            return false;
Example #6
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Settings settings = Settings.LoadSettingsFromFile (args[0]);


            Bus bus = ClientHelper.MessageBus;
            string bus_name = "au.id.micolous.sp2";
            ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath ("/presenterd");

            if (bus.RequestName (bus_name) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner) {
                Presenterd presenterd = new Presenterd (settings, bus);
                bus.Register (path, (IPresenterd)presenterd);

                Console.WriteLine("presenterd is running...");


                while (true)

            } else {
                // could not claim ownership of the bus
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Could not claim primary ownership of SAGAPresenter2 DBUS object.");
                Console.WriteLine("This is probably because another instance of presenterd is already running, or system policy prohibits it.");
Example #7
		public AccessControl (Context context, ObjectPath opath)
			this.access_control = context.GetObject<IAccessControl> (opath);
			access_control.ACLAdded += OnACLAdded;
			access_control.ACLRemoved += OnACLRemoved;
Example #8
			public static int Main(string[] args)
				// Is Beagle up?
				DaemonInformationRequest infoReq = new DaemonInformationRequest();
				try {
				} catch {
					Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: beagled does not appear to be running");
					return -1;

				Bus bus = Bus.Session;
				ObjectPath opath = new ObjectPath("/org/freedesktop/xesam/searcher/main");
				string service = "org.freedesktop.xesam.searcher";
				Searcher search = new Searcher();

				bus.Register(service, opath, search);
				RequestNameReply nameReply = bus.RequestName(service);

				System.Threading.Thread t = new System.Threading.Thread(BusIterate);

				MainLoop ml = new MainLoop();

				return 0;
 public void HandleTube(string bus_name,
                         ObjectPath conn,
                         ObjectPath channel,
                         uint handle_type,
                         uint handle)
Example #10
        internal Conduit(ObjectPath path)
            conduit_proxy = Util.GetObject<IConduit> (path);
             	this.path = path;

            // hookup events
            conduit_proxy.SyncStarted += HandleSyncStarted;
            conduit_proxy.SyncCompleted += HandleSyncCompleted;
            conduit_proxy.SyncProgress += HandleSyncProgress;
            conduit_proxy.SyncConflict += HandleSyncConflict;
Example #11
		public Device (Context context, ObjectPath object_path)
			this.context = context;
			this.object_path = object_path;
			this.device = context.GetObject<IDevice> (object_path);

			device.PropertyModified += OnPropertyModified;
			device.Condition += OnCondition;
			device.InterfaceLockAcquired += OnInterfaceLockAcquired;
			device.InterfaceLockReleased += OnInterfaceLockReleased;
        public static ExportObject CreateExportObject(Connection conn, ObjectPath object_path, object obj)
            Type type = obj.GetType ();

            #if DLR
            if (type.Name == "RubyObject" || type.FullName == "IronPython.Runtime.Types.OldInstance")
                return new DynamicExportObject (conn, object_path, obj);

            return new ExportObject (conn, object_path, obj);
        protected override void OnStart()
            var bus = Bus.Open("tcp:host=localhost,port=12345");
            //var bus = Bus.Open("win:path=dbus-session");

            string bus_name = "org.mathias.xspservice";
            ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath("/org/mathias/xspservice");

            this.XspService = bus.GetObject<IXspService>(bus_name, path);

            this.XspService.StartWebApp(this.PhysicalPath, this.VirtualPath, this.Port);
        //dynamically defines a Type for the proxy object using D-Bus introspection
        public object GetObject(string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
            org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable intros = GetObject<org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable> (bus_name, path);
            string data = intros.Introspect ();

            StringReader sr = new StringReader (data);
            XmlSerializer sz = new XmlSerializer (typeof (Node));
            Node node = (Node)sz.Deserialize (sr);

            Type type = TypeDefiner.Define (node.Interfaces);

            return GetObject (type, bus_name, path);
 public MethodCall(ObjectPath path, string @interface, string member, string destination, Signature signature)
     message.Header.MessageType = MessageType.MethodCall;
     message.ReplyExpected = true;
     message.Header[FieldCode.Path] = path;
     message.Header[FieldCode.Interface] = @interface;
     message.Header[FieldCode.Member] = member;
     message.Header[FieldCode.Destination] = destination;
     //TODO: consider setting Sender here for p2p situations
     //this will allow us to remove the p2p hacks in MethodCall and Message
     message.Signature = signature;
Example #16
        public TorrentAdapter(Torrent torrent, ObjectPath path)
            this.path = path;
            this.torrent = torrent;
            this.filesPath = path.ToString () + "/files/{0}";

            files = new ObjectPath[torrent.Files.Length];
            for (int i=0; i < files.Length; i++)
                ObjectPath p = new ObjectPath (string.Format(filesPath, i));
                TorrentFileAdapter adapter = new TorrentFileAdapter (torrent.Files[i], p);
                files[i] = p;
                TorrentService.Bus.Register (p, adapter);
        public TorrentManagerAdapter(TorrentManager manager, TorrentAdapter torrent, TorrentSettingsAdapter settings, ObjectPath path)
            this.manager = manager;
            this.torrent = torrent;
            this.settingsAdapter = settings;
            this.path = path;

            manager.TorrentStateChanged += delegate (object sender, TorrentStateChangedEventArgs e) {
                if (StateChanged != null)
                    StateChanged (path, EnumAdapter.Adapt(e.OldState), EnumAdapter.Adapt (e.NewState));

            manager.PieceHashed += OnPieceHashed;

            LoadTrackers (manager.TrackerManager.TrackerTiers);
        protected override void OnStart()
            var bus = Bus.Open("tcp:host=localhost,port=12345");
            //var bus = Bus.Open("win:path=dbus-session");

            string bus_name = "org.mathias.test";
            ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath("/org/mathias/test");

            IMyService service = bus.GetObject<IMyService>(bus_name, path);

            running = true;
            while (running)
                Console.WriteLine(service.Say(new Person {Name = "Mathias"}));
Example #19
        /// <summary>Request an application specific <see cref="Capuchin.AppObject /> object</summary>
        /// <param name="repository_url">URL to repository's XML file</param>
        public virtual ObjectPath GetAppObject(string repository_url)
            if (this.Objects.ContainsKey(repository_url))
                return this.Objects[repository_url];

            string object_path = String.Format(CAPUCHIN_PATH,
                                               this.MakeObjectPath(this.GetApplicationName(repository_url)) );
            ObjectPath new_stuff_opath = new ObjectPath (object_path);

            Log.Info ("Creating app object for {0} at {1}", repository_url, object_path);
            AppObject nsm = new AppObject(repository_url);
            nsm.Closed += new AppObject.ClosedHandler( this.OnClosed );
            Bus.Session.Register(CAPUCHIN_SERVICE, new_stuff_opath, nsm);

            this.Objects.Add(repository_url, new_stuff_opath);

            return new_stuff_opath;
Example #20
        protected override void OnStart()
            var bus = Bus.Open("tcp:host=localhost,port=12345");
            //var bus = Bus.Open("win:path=dbus-session");

            string bus_name = "org.mathias.test";
            ObjectPath path = new ObjectPath("/org/mathias/test");

            IMyService service;

            if (bus.RequestName(bus_name) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner)
                //create a new instance of the object to be exported
                service = new MyActivator();
                bus.Register(path, service);

                //run the main loop
                while (true)
Example #21
        protected override void OnStart()
            this.bus = Bus.Open("tcp:host=localhost,port=12345");
            //var bus = Bus.Open("win:path=dbus-session");
            var path = new ObjectPath("/org/mathias/xspservice");

            IXspService service;

            if (bus.RequestName(BusName) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner)
                this.port = 1254;
                this.websource = new XSPWebSource(IPAddress.Any, this.port);
                this.webAppServer = new ApplicationServer(this.websource);
                //this.webAppServer.AddApplicationsFromCommandLine(string.Format("localhost:{0}:{1}:{2}", port, "/", "Bundles/WebAspBundle"));
                //create a new instance of the object to be exported
                bus.Register(path, this);

                this.listen = true;
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
                    //run the main loop
                    while (true)
                            if (!this.listen)
                }, null);
Example #22
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Connection conn;

        if (args.Length == 0)
            conn = Bus.Session;
        else {
            if (args[0] == "--session")
                conn = Bus.Session;
            else if (args[0] == "--system")
                conn = Bus.System;
                conn = Connection.Open (args[0]);

        ObjectPath opath = new ObjectPath ("/org/freedesktop/DBus");
        string name = "org.freedesktop.DBus";

        IBus bus = conn.GetObject<IBus> (name, opath);

        bus.NameAcquired += delegate (string acquired_name) {
            Console.WriteLine ("NameAcquired: " + acquired_name);

        Console.WriteLine ();
        string xmlData = bus.Introspect ();
        Console.WriteLine ("xmlData: " + xmlData);

        Console.WriteLine ();
        foreach (string n in bus.ListNames ())
            Console.WriteLine (n);

        Console.WriteLine ();
        foreach (string n in bus.ListNames ())
            Console.WriteLine ("Name " + n + " has owner: " + bus.NameHasOwner (n));

        Console.WriteLine ();
Example #23
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine ("Starting DBus service");

            Bus bus = Bus.Session;
            IRunner runner;
            ObjectPath objPath = new ObjectPath("/com/CommandServer/Runner");
            string busName = "com.CommandServer.Runner";

            if(bus.RequestName(busName) == RequestNameReply.PrimaryOwner)
                runner = new SampleRunnerImplementation();
                bus.Register(objPath, runner);
                Console.WriteLine("server instance already running");
                return 1;

            //run the main loop
            while (true)
                bus.Iterate ();
Example #24
 public void LoadSettings()
     settings = Settings.LoadSettingsFromFile (settings.CurrentFile);
     if (settings_path != null) {
         bus.Unregister (settings_path);
         settings_path = null;
Example #25
 public T GetObject <T> (string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
     return((T)GetObject(typeof(T), bus_name, path));
Example #26
 public void Register(string bus_name, ObjectPath path, object obj)
     Register(path, obj);
Example #27
 public MatchTest(ObjectPath value)
     Signature = Signature.ObjectPathSig;
     Value     = value;
 public void Deregister(KeystrokeListener listener)
     ObjectPath op = new ObjectPath (listener.Path);
     proxy.DeregisterKeystrokeListener (op, listener.Keys, listener.Mask, listener.Types);
Example #29
        public object GetObject(Type type)
            ObjectPath path = ReadObjectPath();

            return(message.Connection.GetObject(type, (string)message.Header.Fields[FieldCode.Sender], path));
Example #30
 public ExportObject(Connection conn, ObjectPath object_path, object obj) : base(conn, null, object_path)
     this.obj = obj;
Example #31
 public ArgMatchTest(int argNum, ObjectPath value)
     ArgNum    = argNum;
     Signature = Signature.ObjectPathSig;
     Value     = value;
Example #32
        //not particularly efficient and needs to be generalized
        internal void HandleMethodCall(MethodCall method_call)
            //TODO: Ping and Introspect need to be abstracted and moved somewhere more appropriate once message filter infrastructure is complete

            //FIXME: these special cases are slightly broken for the case where the member but not the interface is specified in the message
            if (method_call.Interface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer" && method_call.Member == "Ping")
                Message reply = MessageHelper.ConstructReply(method_call);

            if (method_call.Interface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" && method_call.Member == "Introspect")
                Introspector intro = new Introspector();
                intro.root_path = method_call.Path;

                //FIXME: do this properly
                //this is messy and inefficient
                List <string> linkNodes = new List <string> ();
                int           depth     = method_call.Path.Decomposed.Length;
                foreach (ObjectPath pth in RegisteredObjects.Keys)
                    if (pth.Value == (method_call.Path.Value))
                        ExportObject exo = (ExportObject)RegisteredObjects[pth];
                        for (ObjectPath cur = pth; cur != null; cur = cur.Parent)
                            if (cur.Value == method_call.Path.Value)
                                string linkNode = pth.Decomposed[depth];
                                if (!linkNodes.Contains(linkNode))


                Message reply = MessageHelper.ConstructReply(method_call, intro.xml);

            BusObject bo;

            if (RegisteredObjects.TryGetValue(method_call.Path, out bo))
                ExportObject eo = (ExportObject)bo;
 public void HandleChannels(ObjectPath account,
                             ObjectPath connection,
                             ChannelDetails[] channels,
                             ObjectPath[] requests_satisfied,
                             ulong user_action_time,
                             IDictionary<string,object> handler_info)
 public bool Register(KeystrokeListener listener)
     ObjectPath op = new ObjectPath (listener.Path);
     EventListenerMode mode = new EventListenerMode (listener.Synchronous, listener.Preemptive, listener.Global);
     return proxy.RegisterKeystrokeListener (op, listener.Keys, listener.Mask, listener.Types, mode);
        public DeviceEventController()
            lock (sync) {
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = this;
                    throw new Exception ("Attempt to create a second device event controller");

            ObjectPath op = new ObjectPath ("/org/a11y/atspi/registry/deviceeventcontroller");
            proxy = Registry.Bus.GetObject<IDeviceEventController> ("org.a11y.atspi.Registry", op);
Example #36
 static void AppendPathArg(StringBuilder sb, int index, ObjectPath value)
     Append(sb, "arg" + index + "path", value.ToString());
 public void Deregister(MouseListener listener)
     ObjectPath op = new ObjectPath (listener.Path);
     proxy.DeregisterDeviceEventListener (op, listener.Types);
Example #38
 public object Unregister(string bus_name, ObjectPath path)
 public bool Register(MouseListener listener)
     ObjectPath op = new ObjectPath (listener.Path);
     return proxy.RegisterDeviceEventListener (op, listener.Types);
 public ExportObject(Connection conn, string bus_name, ObjectPath object_path, object obj) : base(conn, bus_name, object_path)
     this.obj = obj;