//METHOD FOR NEXT BUTTON CLICK. private void next_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SirList list = SirList.Instance(); int max = list.getSize() - 1; if (current != max) { showId.Text = list.showID(current + 1); showSen.Text = list.showSen(current + 1); showSub.Text = list.showSub(current + 1); showSirNo.Text = list.showSirCode(current + 1); showNoi.Text = list.showNoi(current + 1); showCon.Text = list.showCon(current + 1); current++; } else { current = 0; showId.Text = list.showID(current); showSen.Text = list.showSen(current); showSub.Text = list.showSub(current); showSirNo.Text = list.showSirCode(current); showNoi.Text = list.showNoi(current); showCon.Text = list.showCon(current); } }
//METHOD FOR ADD TO JSON FILE BUTTON CLICK private void addtoJsonBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //WRITE MESSAGES TO JSON MsgList list = MsgList.Instance(); int length = list.getSize(); StreamWriter writeMessages = new StreamWriter(@"jsonMessages.txt"); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list.getMessage(i)); writeMessages.WriteLine(json); } writeMessages.Close(); //WRITE URLS TO JSON StreamWriter writeUrls = new StreamWriter(@"jsonUrls.txt"); urlQuarantineList u = urlQuarantineList.Instance(); for (int i = 0; i < u.getSize(); i++) { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(u.getUrl(i)); writeUrls.WriteLine(json); } writeUrls.Close(); //WRITE HASH TAGS TO JSON StreamWriter writeTags = new StreamWriter(@"jsonTags.txt"); HashTags hashTag = HashTags.Instance(); for (int i = 0; i < hashTag.getSize(); i++) { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hashTag.getTag(i)); writeTags.WriteLine(json); } writeTags.Close(); //WRITE MENTIONS TO JSON StreamWriter writeMen = new StreamWriter(@"jsonMen.txt"); Mentions men = Mentions.Instance(); for (int i = 0; i < men.getSize(); i++) { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(men.getTid(i)); writeMen.WriteLine(json); } writeMen.Close(); //WRITE SIR MESSAGES TO JSON StreamWriter writeSir = new StreamWriter(@"jsonSir.txt"); SirList sir = SirList.Instance(); for (int i = 0; i < sir.getSize(); i++) { var json = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sir.getSir(i)); writeSir.WriteLine(json); } writeSir.Close(); statusBox.Text = "Data writen to Json."; }
public SirView() { //SHOWS THE FIRST SIR MESSAGE IN THE LIST. InitializeComponent(); SirList list = SirList.Instance(); showId.Text = list.showID(0); showSen.Text = list.showSen(0); showSub.Text = list.showSub(0); showSirNo.Text = list.showSirCode(0); showNoi.Text = list.showNoi(0); showCon.Text = list.showCon(0); }
//METHOD FOR VIEW SIR BUTTON CLICK private void sirBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SirList list = SirList.Instance(); if (list.getSize() != 0) { SirView sR = new SirView(); this.NavigationService.Navigate(sR); } else { statusBox.Text = "No messages to view, please load from json file or input SIR manually."; } }
//METHOD FOR LOADING FROM JSON FILE BUTTON CLICK private void autoBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //LOAD MESSAGES FROM JSON MsgList list = MsgList.Instance(); try { var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"jsonMessages.txt")); List <string> rows = new List <string>(); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { rows.Add(reader.ReadLine()); } reader.Close(); foreach (string r in rows) { Dictionary <string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(r); Message m = new Message(values["id"], values["sender"], values["subject"], values["content"]); list.addMessage(m); } } catch (Exception ex) { statusBox.Text = "Message file not found, Please input messages manually and ensure you write to file before closing"; } //LOAD URLS FROM JSON urlQuarantineList u = urlQuarantineList.Instance(); try { var reader2 = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"jsonUrls.txt")); List <string> rows2 = new List <string>(); while (!reader2.EndOfStream) { rows2.Add(reader2.ReadLine()); } reader2.Close(); foreach (string r in rows2) { Dictionary <string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(r); Url url = new Url(values["id"], values["QuarantinedUrl"]); u.addUrl(url); } } catch (Exception ex) { statusBox.Text = "Url file not found, please input messages manually and ensure you write to file before closing"; } //LOAD HASH TAGS FROM JSON HashTags tag = HashTags.Instance(); try { var reader3 = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"jsonTags.txt")); List <string> rows3 = new List <string>(); while (!reader3.EndOfStream) { rows3.Add(reader3.ReadLine()); } reader3.Close(); foreach (string r in rows3) { Dictionary <string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(r); Tags t = new Tags(values["id"], values["tag"]); tag.addTag(t); } } catch { statusBox.Text = "Tags file not found, please input messages manually and ensure you write to file before closing"; } //LOAD MENTIONS FROM JSON Mentions men = Mentions.Instance(); try { var reader4 = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"jsonMen.txt")); List <string> rows4 = new List <string>(); while (!reader4.EndOfStream) { rows4.Add(reader4.ReadLine()); } reader4.Close(); foreach (string r in rows4) { Dictionary <string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(r); TwitterIds tid = new TwitterIds(values["id"]); men.addTid(tid); } } catch (Exception ex) { statusBox.Text = "Mentions file not found, please input messages manually and ensure you write to file before closing"; } //LOAD SIR MESSAGES FROM JSON SirList sir = SirList.Instance(); try { var reader5 = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(@"jsonSir.txt")); List <string> rows5 = new List <string>(); while (!reader5.EndOfStream) { rows5.Add(reader5.ReadLine()); } reader5.Close(); foreach (string r in rows5) { Dictionary <string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(r); Sir s = new Sir(values["id"], values["sender"], values["sirCode"], values["nOI"], values["subject"], values["content"]); sir.addSir(s); } } catch (Exception ex) { statusBox.Text = "SirList file not found, please input messages manually and ensure you write to file before closing"; } statusBox.Text = "Data loaded from Json."; }
private void addBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String eAccepted = @"[eE]+[0-9]{9}$"; String sAccepted = @"[sS]+[0-9]{9}$"; String tAccepted = @"[tT]+[0-9]{9}$"; //===================EMAIL MESSAGE VALIDATION STARTS=================== //===================================================================== //EMAIL MESSAGE ID CHECKER STARTS if ((addIdBox.Text != "") && ((Regex.IsMatch(addIdBox.Text, eAccepted)))) { String copy = addContentBox.Text; String emailCheck = @"[a-zA-Z0-9._]+[@]+[a-zA-Z]+[.]+[a-zA-Z.]{2,5}$"; String subCheck = @"([[:ascii:]]){0,20}$"; String contentCheck = @"(.*?){0,1028}$"; String sirCheck = @"([S]+[I]+[R]+[ ]+(([0-2]+[0-9])|([3]+[0-1]))+[\/]+(([0]+[0-9])|([1]+[0-2]))+[\/]+(([0]+[0-9])|([1-2]+[0-9])))"; int length = (copy.IndexOf("Con:") - copy.IndexOf("Sub:")); String mSender = copy.Substring(copy.IndexOf("Sen:") + 4, copy.IndexOf("Sub:") - 5); String mSubject = copy.Substring(copy.IndexOf("Sub:") + 4, length - 4); String mContent = addContentBox.Text.Substring(addContentBox.Text.IndexOf("Con:") + 4); //EMAIL SENDER CHECKER STARTS if ((addContentBox.Text != "") && (Regex.IsMatch(mSender, emailCheck))) { //EMAIL SUBJECT CHECKER STARTS(SIR) if (Regex.IsMatch(mSubject, sirCheck)) { //EMAIL CONTENT FOR URL CHECKER STARTS if (mContent.Contains("http://")) { string temp = " " + mContent + " "; String secondHalf; String firstHalf; String replace = "<URL Quanantined>"; string del = "http://"; int i = temp.IndexOf(del); string tempCon = temp.Remove(0, i); String url = tempCon.Substring(0, tempCon.IndexOf(" ")); secondHalf = tempCon.Remove(tempCon.IndexOf(" ")); firstHalf = temp.Substring(0, i - 1); mContent = firstHalf + " " + replace + " " + secondHalf; urlQuarantineList uList = urlQuarantineList.Instance(); Url u = new Url(addIdBox.Text, url); uList.addUrl(u); }//EMAIL CONTENT FOR URL CHECKER ENDS length = mContent.IndexOf("//") - 9; string code = mContent.Substring(0, 8); string nOI = mContent.Substring(9, length); String message = mContent.Substring(mContent.IndexOf("//") + 2); SirList sirList = SirList.Instance(); Sir sir = new Sir(addIdBox.Text, mSender, code, nOI, mSubject, message); sirList.addSir(sir); statusLbl.Text = "SIR " + code + " Added"; addContentBox.Text = ""; addIdBox.Text = ""; }//EMAIL SUBJECT CHECKER ENDS(SIR) //EMAIL SUBJECT CHECKER STARTS(STANDARD EMAIL) else if ((Regex.IsMatch(mSubject, subCheck)) && (Regex.IsMatch(mContent, contentCheck))) { //EMAIL CONTENT FOR URL CHECKER STARTS if (mContent.Contains("http://")) { string temp = " " + mContent + " "; String secondHalf; String firstHalf; String replace = "<URL Quanantined>"; string del = "http://"; int i = temp.LastIndexOf(del); string tempCon = temp.Remove(0, i); String url = tempCon.Substring(0, tempCon.IndexOf(" ")); secondHalf = tempCon.Remove(0, tempCon.IndexOf(" ")); firstHalf = temp.Substring(0, i - 1); mContent = firstHalf + " " + replace + " " + secondHalf; urlQuarantineList uList = urlQuarantineList.Instance(); Url u = new Url(addIdBox.Text, url); uList.addUrl(u); }//EMAIL CONTENT FOR URL CHECKER ENDS if (mSubject.Length <= 20) { MsgList list = MsgList.Instance(); Message email = new Message(addIdBox.Text, mSender, mSubject, mContent); list.addMessage(email); statusLbl.Text = "Message Added!"; addContentBox.Text = ""; addIdBox.Text = ""; } else { statusLbl.Text = "Subject too long, please ensure Subject is 20 characters or less"; } }//EMAIL SUBJECT CHECKER ENDS(STANDARD EMAIL) else { statusLbl.Text = "Please input valid SIR in the form of Sub:SIR dd/mm/yy Con:xx-xx-xx (Code) //Message content, Or enter a standard email with Sen:(sender address) Sub:(subject line) Con:(message content)"; } }//EMAIL SENDER CHECKER STARTS else { statusLbl.Text = "Sender email address incorrect, please ensure message is of Sen:(Email address) Sub:(subject line/SIR) Con:(message body) Format"; } }//EMAIL ID CHECKER IF ENDS //=====================EMAIL MESSAGE VADLIDATION ENDS================== //===================================================================== //=====================SMS MESSAGE VADLIDATION STARTS================== //===================================================================== //SMS ID CHECKER STARTS else if ((addIdBox.Text != "") && ((Regex.IsMatch(addIdBox.Text, sAccepted)))) { String copy = addContentBox.Text; String senderNo = @"^((\+\d{1,3}(-| )?\(?\d\)?(-| )?\d{1,5})|(\(?\d{2,6}\)?))(-| )?(\d{3,4})(-| )?(\d{4})(( x| ext)\d{1,5}){0,1}$"; int length = (copy.IndexOf("Con:") - copy.IndexOf("Sub:")); String mSender = copy.Substring(copy.IndexOf("Sen:") + 4, copy.IndexOf("Con:") - 5); String mContent = addContentBox.Text.Substring(addContentBox.Text.IndexOf("Con:") + 4); //SMS SENDER CHECKER START if ((addContentBox.Text != "") && (Regex.IsMatch(mSender, senderNo))) { string txtContent = @"(.*?){0,140}"; //SMS CONTENT CHECKER START if (Regex.IsMatch(mContent, txtContent)) { String file = @"textwords.csv"; //TRY BLOCK START try { var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(file)); List <String> rows = new List <string>(); List <String> abvs = new List <string>(); List <String> extends = new List <string>(); //WHILE LOOP TO READ TEXTWORD FILE START while (!reader.EndOfStream) { rows.Add(reader.ReadLine()); }//WHILE LOOP TO READ TEXTWORD FILE END reader.Close(); String replace; //FOREACH FOR FILE ROW TO LIST START foreach (string r in rows) { abvs.Add(r.Substring(0, r.IndexOf(","))); extends.Add(r.Substring(r.IndexOf(",") + 1)); }//FOREACH FOR FILE ROW TO LIST END //FOR LOOP TO CHECK MESSAGE CONTENT AGAINST ABREVIATIONS START for (int i = 0; i < abvs.Count; i++) { replace = extends[i]; //IF CONDITION FOR ABREVIATION EXPANSION STARTS if (mContent.Contains(abvs[i])) { string temp = " " + mContent + " "; String secondHalf; String firstHalf; string del = abvs[i]; int j = temp.LastIndexOf(del); firstHalf = temp.Substring(0, (j + del.Length)); secondHalf = temp.Substring(j + del.Length + 1); temp = firstHalf + "< " + replace + " >" + secondHalf; mContent = temp; } // IF CONDITION FOR ABREVIATION EXPANSION ENDS } //FOR LOOP TO CHECK MESSAGE CONTENT AGAINST ABREVIATIONS END //IF CONDITION TO ADD MESSAGE IF LENGTH UNDER 140 STARTS if (addContentBox.Text.Length < 140) { MsgList list = MsgList.Instance(); Message sms = new Message(addIdBox.Text, mSender, "", mContent); list.addMessage(sms); statusLbl.Text = "Message Added!"; addContentBox.Text = ""; addIdBox.Text = ""; } //IF CONDITION TO ADD MESSAGE IF LENGTH UNDER 140 ENDS } //TRY BLOCK END //CATCH BLOCK START catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("File not found"); } //CATCH BLOCK END } //SMS CONTENT CHECKER END else {//SMS CONTENT CHECKER FOR INVALID ELSE STARTS statusLbl.Text = "invalid content."; addContentBox.Text = ""; } //SMS CONTENT CHECKER FOR INVALID ELSE ENDS } //SMS SENDER CHECKER ENDs else { statusLbl.Text = "Sender Invalid, please enter valid number"; addContentBox.Text = ""; } //SMS SENDER CHECKER ELSE ENDS } //SMS ID CHECKER ENDS //=====================SMS MESSAGE VADLIDATION ENDS==================== //===================================================================== //=====================TWEET MESSAGE VADLIDATION STARTS================ //===================================================================== //TWEET ID CHECKER STARTS else if ((addIdBox.Text != "") && (Regex.IsMatch(addIdBox.Text, tAccepted))) { String copy = addContentBox.Text; String senderID = @"(@[[:ascii:]]{0,15})"; int length = (copy.IndexOf("Con:") - copy.IndexOf("Sub:")); String mSender = copy.Substring(copy.IndexOf("Sen:") + 4, copy.IndexOf("Con:") - 5); String mContent = addContentBox.Text.Substring(addContentBox.Text.IndexOf("Con:") + 4); //TWEET SENDER CHECKER STARTS if (Regex.IsMatch(mSender, senderID)) { string txtContent = @"(.*?){0,140}"; //TWEET CONTENT CHECKER STARTS if (Regex.IsMatch(mContent, txtContent)) { String file = @"textwords.csv"; //TRY BLOCK START try { var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(file)); List <String> rows = new List <string>(); List <String> abvs = new List <string>(); List <String> extends = new List <string>(); //WHILE LOOP TO READ TEXTWORD FILE START while (!reader.EndOfStream) { rows.Add(reader.ReadLine()); }//WHILE LOOP TO READ TEXTWORD FILE END reader.Close(); String replace; //FOREACH FOR FILE ROW TO LIST START foreach (string r in rows) { abvs.Add(r.Substring(0, r.IndexOf(","))); extends.Add(r.Substring(r.IndexOf(",") + 1)); }//FOREACH FOR FILE ROW TO LIST END //FOR LOOP TO CHECK MESSAGE CONTENT AGAINST ABREVIATIONS START for (int i = 0; i < abvs.Count; i++) { replace = extends[i]; //IF CONDITION FOR ABREVIATION EXPANSION STARTS if (mContent.Contains(abvs[i])) { string temp = " " + mContent + " "; String secondHalf; String firstHalf; string del = abvs[i]; int j = temp.LastIndexOf(del); firstHalf = temp.Substring(0, (j + del.Length - 1)); secondHalf = temp.Substring(j + del.Length + 1); temp = firstHalf + " <" + replace + " >" + secondHalf; mContent = temp; } // IF CONDITION FOR ABREVIATION EXPANSION ENDS } //FOR LOOP TO CHECK MESSAGE CONTENT AGAINST ABREVIATIONS END } //TRY BLOCK END //CATCH BLOCK START catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("File not found"); }//CATCH BLOCK END //TWEET HASHTAG CHECKER STARTS string hashCheck = @"(#([a-zA-Z0-9]+))"; if (Regex.IsMatch(addContentBox.Text, hashCheck)) { HashTags t = HashTags.Instance(); copy = mContent; //WHILE LOOP TO GATHER ALL HASHTAGS STARTS while (Regex.IsMatch(copy, hashCheck)) { string first; string tag; string del = "#"; first = copy.Substring(copy.IndexOf(del)); //IF CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING STARTS if (first.Contains(" ")) { tag = first.Substring(0, first.IndexOf(" ")); }//IF CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING ENDS //ELSE CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING STARTS else { tag = first.Substring(0); }//ELSE CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING ENDS Tags hT = new Tags(addIdBox.Text, tag); t.addTag(hT); copy = first.Substring(first.IndexOf(del) + 1); } //WHILE LOOP TO GATHER ALL HASHTAGS ENDS } //TWEET HASHTAG CHECKER ENDS //TWEET MENTIONS CHECKER STARTS string mentionCheck = @"(@[[:ascii:]]{0,15})"; if (Regex.IsMatch(addContentBox.Text, mentionCheck)) { Mentions m = Mentions.Instance(); copy = mContent; //WHILE LOOP TO GATHER ALL HASHTAGS STARTS while (Regex.IsMatch(copy, mentionCheck)) { string first; string ids; string del = "@"; first = copy.Substring(copy.IndexOf(del)); //IF CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING STARTS if (first.Contains(" ")) { ids = first.Substring(0, first.IndexOf(" ")); }//IF CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING ENDS //ELSE CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING STARTS else { ids = first.Substring(0); }//ELSE CONDITION FOR A SPACE BEING LEFT IN THE STRING ENDS TwitterIds tid = new TwitterIds(ids); m.addTid(tid); copy = first.Substring(first.IndexOf(del) + 1); } //WHILE LOOP TO GATHER ALL HASHTAGS ENDS } //TWEET HASHTAG CHECKER ENDS //IF CONDITION TO ADD MESSAGE IF LENGTH UNDER 140 STARTS if (addContentBox.Text.Length < 140) { MsgList list = MsgList.Instance(); Message sms = new Message(addIdBox.Text, mSender, "", mContent); list.addMessage(sms); statusLbl.Text = "Message Added!"; addContentBox.Text = ""; addIdBox.Text = ""; HashTags t = new HashTags(); } //IF CONDITION TO ADD MESSAGE IF LENGTH UNDER 140 ENDS } //TWEET CONTENT CHECKER IF ENDS else { statusLbl.Text = "Content Empty, please enter your tweet"; } }//TWEET SENDER CHECKER ENDS else { statusLbl.Text = "Please enter valid twitter ID, @ followed by 15 characters"; } }//TWEET ID CHECKER ENDS //=====================TWEET MESSAGE VADLIDATION ENDS================== //===================================================================== else//ID CHECKER ELSE STARTS { statusLbl.Text = "Message Id invalid. Please use S,E or T followed by 9 numbers."; addIdBox.Text = ""; addContentBox.Text = ""; }//ID CHECKER ELSE ENDS }