Example #1
        XSample ConvertSample(int count, SSampleHeader sh, byte [] sample, Zone izone)
            // Indices in sf2 are numbers of samples, not byte length. So double them.
            var xs = new XSample();

            xs.Extension = ".wav";
            xs.LoopStart = sh.StartLoop - sh.Start;
            xs.LoopEnd   = sh.EndLoop - sh.Start;
            int sampleModes = izone.SampleModes();

            xs.LoopMode = sampleModes == 0 ? InstrumentSampleLoopMode.Off : InstrumentSampleLoopMode.Forward;
            xs.Name     = String.Format("Sample{0:D02} ({1})", count, sh.SampleName);
            xs.BaseNote = (sbyte)izone.OverridingRootKey();
//			xs.Volume = (izone.VelocityRange () & 0xFF00 >> 8); // low range
            if (xs.BaseNote == 0)
                xs.BaseNote = (sbyte)sh.OriginalPitch;
//Console.WriteLine ("{0} ({1}/{2}/{3}/{4}) {5}:{6}:{7}:{8}", xs.Name, sh.Start, sh.StartLoop, sh.EndLoop, sh.End, sh.SampleRate != 0xAC44 ? sh.SampleRate.ToString () : "", sh.OriginalPitch != 60 ? sh.OriginalPitch.ToString () : "", sh.PitchCorrection != 0 ? sh.PitchCorrection.ToString () : "", sampleModes);
            xs.FileName = xs.Name + ".wav";
            var ms  = new MemoryStream();
            var wfw = new WaveFileWriter(ms, new WaveFormat((int)sh.SampleRate, 16, 1));

            wfw.WriteData(sample, 2 * (int)sh.Start, 2 * (int)(sh.End - sh.Start));
            xs.Buffer = ms.ToArray();

		public void Load(SampleHeader[] sampleHeaders)
			foreach(Generator g in Generators)
				if(g.GeneratorType == GeneratorEnum.SampleID)
					g.SampleHeader = sampleHeaders[g.UInt16Amount];
Example #3
		public override object Read(BinaryReader br) 
			SampleHeader sh = new SampleHeader();
			string s = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(br.ReadBytes(20));
			if(s.IndexOf('\0') >= 0) 
				s = s.Substring(0,s.IndexOf('\0'));

			sh.SampleName = s;
			sh.Start = br.ReadUInt32();
			sh.End = br.ReadUInt32();
			sh.StartLoop = br.ReadUInt32();
			sh.EndLoop = br.ReadUInt32();
			sh.SampleRate = br.ReadUInt32();
			sh.OriginalPitch = br.ReadByte();
			sh.PitchCorrection = br.ReadSByte();
			sh.SampleLink = br.ReadUInt16();
			sh.SFSampleLink = (SFSampleLink) br.ReadUInt16();
			return sh;
        public override object Read(BinaryReader br)
            SampleHeader sh = new SampleHeader();
            string       s  = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(br.ReadBytes(20));

            if (s.IndexOf('\0') >= 0)
                s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf('\0'));

            sh.SampleName      = s;
            sh.Start           = br.ReadUInt32();
            sh.End             = br.ReadUInt32();
            sh.StartLoop       = br.ReadUInt32();
            sh.EndLoop         = br.ReadUInt32();
            sh.SampleRate      = br.ReadUInt32();
            sh.OriginalPitch   = br.ReadByte();
            sh.PitchCorrection = br.ReadSByte();
            sh.SampleLink      = br.ReadUInt16();
            sh.SFSampleLink    = (SFSampleLink)br.ReadUInt16();
Example #5
        XSample ConvertSample(int count, SSampleHeader sh, byte [] sample, Zone izone)
            // Indices in sf2 are numbers of samples, not byte length. So double them.
            var xs = new XSample ();
            xs.Extension = ".wav";
            xs.LoopStart =(sh.StartLoop - sh.Start);
            xs.LoopEnd = (sh.EndLoop - sh.Start);
            int sampleModes = izone.SampleModes ();
            xs.LoopMode = sampleModes == 0 ? InstrumentSampleLoopMode.Off : InstrumentSampleLoopMode.Forward;
            xs.Name = String.Format ("Sample{0:D02} ({1})", count, sh.SampleName);
            xs.BaseNote = (sbyte) izone.OverridingRootKey ();
            //			xs.Volume = (izone.VelocityRange () & 0xFF00 >> 8); // low range
            if (xs.BaseNote == 0)
                xs.BaseNote = (sbyte) sh.OriginalPitch;
            //Console.WriteLine ("{0} ({1}/{2}/{3}/{4}) {5}:{6}:{7}:{8}", xs.Name, sh.Start, sh.StartLoop, sh.EndLoop, sh.End, sh.SampleRate != 0xAC44 ? sh.SampleRate.ToString () : "", sh.OriginalPitch != 60 ? sh.OriginalPitch.ToString () : "", sh.PitchCorrection != 0 ? sh.PitchCorrection.ToString () : "", sampleModes);
            xs.FileName = xs.Name + ".wav";
            var ms = new MemoryStream ();
            var wfw = new WaveFileWriter (ms, new WaveFormat ((int) sh.SampleRate, 16, 1));
            wfw.WriteData (sample, 2 * (int) sh.Start, 2 * (int) (sh.End - sh.Start));
            wfw.Close ();
            xs.Buffer = ms.ToArray ();

            return xs;
Example #6
 public SampleMap(ushort keyRange, ushort velocityRange, XSample sample, SampleHeader sh)
     KeyRange = keyRange;
     VelocityRange = velocityRange;
     Sample = sample;
     SampleHeader = sh;
 public override void Write(BinaryWriter bw, object o)
     SampleHeader sh = (SampleHeader)o;