protected async Task<FileResult> UploadAsync(HttpPostedFileBase file, string container, string relPath)
            //Generate guid for the file to upload
            var path = string.Format("{0}/{1:10}{2}_{3}", relPath, DateTime.Now.Ticks, Guid.NewGuid(), Path.GetExtension(file.FileName));

            //Instantiate a new FileWrapper
            var fileWrapper = new FileWrapper
                Stream = file.InputStream,
                ContentType = file.ContentType,
                Name = file.FileName,
                Path = path

            //Upload the file
            var result = await _blobStore.SaveAsync(container, fileWrapper);

            return new FileResult
                Path = path,
                Success = result
        public bool Save(string container, FileWrapper file)
                var containerRef = GetContainerReference(container);
                var blob = containerRef.GetBlockBlobReference(file.Path);

                blob.Properties.ContentType = file.ContentType;
                blob.Metadata[MetadataName] = file.Name;
                _writePolicy.ExecuteAction(() => blob.UploadFromStream(file.Stream));

                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                return false;