public override SqlFragment Visit(DbElementExpression expression)
            SelectStatement s = VisitInputExpressionEnsureSelect(expression.Argument, null, null);

        public SelectStatement WrapIfNotCompatible(SelectStatement select, DbExpressionKind expressionKind)
            if (select.IsCompatible(expressionKind))
            SelectStatement newSelect = new SelectStatement(this);

            select.Scoped  = true;
            newSelect.From = select;
 private InputFragment WrapJoinInputIfNecessary(InputFragment fragment, bool isRightPart)
     if (fragment is SelectStatement || fragment is UnionFragment)
         fragment.Scoped = true;
     else if (fragment is JoinFragment && isRightPart)
         SelectStatement select = new SelectStatement(this);
         select.From = fragment;
         select.Name = fragment.Name;
        /// <summary>
        /// If input sqlFragment is a group by structure, is flattened to remove some nested correlation queries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private SqlFragment TryFlatteningGroupBy(SqlFragment input)
            SelectStatement select = null;
            SelectStatement tmpFrag = null, tmpFrag2 = null, tmpFrag3 = null;
            InputFragment   table = null;
            string          objName = null, colName = null, queryName = null;

            // First part assert is a kind-of structure we are looking for
            tmpFrag = input as SelectStatement;
            if (tmpFrag == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            tmpFrag = (tmpFrag).From as SelectStatement;
            if (tmpFrag == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            queryName = tmpFrag.Name;
            if (tmpFrag.Columns.Count < 2)
                goto NoChanges;
            if (!(tmpFrag.Columns[0] is ColumnFragment))
                goto NoChanges;
            colName  = objName = (tmpFrag.Columns[0] as ColumnFragment).ActualColumnName;
            tmpFrag2 = tmpFrag.From as SelectStatement;
            if (tmpFrag2 == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            if (tmpFrag2.Columns.Count < 1 || !(tmpFrag2.Columns[0] is ColumnFragment))
                goto NoChanges;
            if (string.CompareOrdinal(objName, tmpFrag2.Columns[0].ActualColumnName) != 0)
                goto NoChanges;
            if (tmpFrag.Columns[1].Literal == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            tmpFrag2 = tmpFrag.Columns[1].Literal as SelectStatement;
            if (tmpFrag2 == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            if ((tmpFrag2.Columns.Count != 1) || !(tmpFrag2.Columns[0].Literal != null))
                goto NoChanges;
            tmpFrag3 = tmpFrag2.From as SelectStatement;
            if (tmpFrag3 == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            table = tmpFrag3.From as InputFragment;
            if (table == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            FunctionFragment func = tmpFrag2.Columns[0].Literal as FunctionFragment;

            if (tmpFrag3.Columns.Count != 1 || !(tmpFrag3.Columns[0] is ColumnFragment))
                goto NoChanges;
            if (func == null)
                goto NoChanges;
            // Yes it is the kind-of type we like, then optimize it
            select     = new SelectStatement(this);
            table.Name = null;
            string        tableName = null;
            TableFragment t         = tmpFrag3.From as TableFragment;

            if (t == null)
                tableName = tmpFrag3.Columns[0].TableName;
                tableName = t.Table;
            select.From = table;
            select.Columns.Add(new ColumnFragment(tableName, colName));
            select.Columns.Add(new ColumnFragment(tableName, "C0")
                ColumnAlias = "C1",
                Literal     = new FunctionFragment()
                    Argument = new ColumnFragment(tableName, tmpFrag3.Columns[0].ActualColumnName),
                    Distinct = tmpFrag3.IsDistinct,
                    Name     = func.Name
            select.Name = queryName;
            (input as SelectStatement).From = select;
        public override SqlFragment Visit(DbApplyExpression expression)
            DbExpressionBinding inputBinding = expression.Input;
            InputFragment       input        = VisitInputExpression(inputBinding.Expression, inputBinding.VariableName, inputBinding.VariableType);
            DbExpressionBinding applyBinding = expression.Apply;
            InputFragment       apply        = VisitInputExpression(applyBinding.Expression, applyBinding.VariableName, applyBinding.VariableType);
            SelectStatement     select       = new SelectStatement(this);
            bool isInputSelect = false;

            if (!(input is TableFragment))
                isInputSelect = true;
            select.From = input;
            if (apply is SelectStatement)
                SelectStatement applySel = apply as SelectStatement;
                foreach (ColumnFragment f in applySel.Columns)
                    SelectStatement newColSelect = new SelectStatement(this);
                    newColSelect.From  = applySel.From;
                    newColSelect.Where = applySel.Where;
                    if (isInputSelect)
                        VisitAndReplaceTableName(newColSelect.Where, (input as SelectStatement).From.Name, input.Name, null);
                    newColSelect.Limit      = applySel.Limit;
                    newColSelect.OrderBy    = applySel.OrderBy;
                    newColSelect.Skip       = applySel.Skip;
                    newColSelect.GroupBy    = applySel.GroupBy;
                    newColSelect.IsDistinct = applySel.IsDistinct;

                    scope.Add(applySel.From.Name, applySel.From);

                    ColumnFragment newCol = new ColumnFragment(apply.Name, f.ColumnName);
                    newCol.Literal = newColSelect;
                    select.AddColumn(newCol, scope);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCol.ColumnAlias))
                        newColSelect.Name  = newCol.ColumnName;
                        newCol.ColumnAlias = newCol.ColumnName;
            else if (apply is UnionFragment)
                UnionFragment uf = apply as UnionFragment;
                if (uf.Left == null || uf.Right == null)
                    throw new Exception("Union fragment is not properly formed.");

                var left  = uf.Left as SelectStatement;
                var right = uf.Right as SelectStatement;

                if (left == null || right == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                var whereleft  = left.Where as BinaryFragment;
                var whereright = right.Where as BinaryFragment;

                if (whereleft == null || whereright == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                LiteralFragment literalFragmentWhere = null;

                //checking where left
                if (whereleft.Left is ColumnFragment && whereleft.Right is ColumnFragment)
                    // we replace the where part for a dummy one
                    if (whereright.Left is ColumnFragment && whereright.Right is ColumnFragment)
                        literalFragmentWhere = new LiteralFragment("1 = 1");

                if (literalFragmentWhere == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                var leftouterjoin = new JoinFragment();
                leftouterjoin.JoinType = Metadata.GetOperator(DbExpressionKind.LeftOuterJoin);
                leftouterjoin.Name     = apply.Name;

                // validating that column fragment on the left matches the name
                // for the input fragment
                var leftColumnFragment = whereleft.Left as ColumnFragment;

                if (leftColumnFragment == null)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                if (!leftColumnFragment.TableName.Equals(input.Name))
                    new NotImplementedException();

                var conditionJoin = new BinaryFragment();
                conditionJoin.Left = whereleft.Left;

                //update to the new reference
                var newColumnFragment = whereright.Right as ColumnFragment;
                if (newColumnFragment != null)
                    newColumnFragment.TableName = uf.Name;
                conditionJoin.Right    = newColumnFragment;
                conditionJoin.Operator = whereleft.Operator;

                leftouterjoin.Condition = conditionJoin;

                (uf.Left as SelectStatement).Where  = literalFragmentWhere;
                (uf.Right as SelectStatement).Where = literalFragmentWhere;

                leftouterjoin.Left  = input;
                leftouterjoin.Right = uf;
