public Help(Main main) { InitializeComponent(); mainform = main; String mhelp = "Help:\n"; mhelp += "1.use 'Add New Uint' to add words infomation.\n"; mhelp += "2.use 'Edit Uint' to edit words infomation.\n"; mhelp += "3.use 'Test' to test your learning outcomes."; labelHelp.Text = mhelp; }
public About(Main main) { InitializeComponent(); mainform = main; String mabout = "About us:\n"; mabout += "This is a private software. Not for commercial use.\n"; mabout += "This software developed by Jacob Cao. It is used for himself and his wife Josephine Zhu learning English.\n"; mabout += "If you have any question, please send email to me([email protected])."; labelHelp.Text = mabout; labelVersion.Text = "V1.0.0"; }
public AddNewUnit(Main main) { InitializeComponent(); mainform = main; dataFile_path = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath; dataFile_path += "\\data\\"; datafile_name = dataFile_path + "DataFile"; if (Directory.Exists(dataFile_path) == false) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataFile_path); } }
private int testRangeMode = 0; //Auto:0,Single Unit:1,Multi Units:2 #endregion Fields #region Constructors public Test(Main main) { InitializeComponent(); mainform = main; dataFile_path = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath; dataFile_path += "\\data\\"; datafile_name = dataFile_path + "DataFile"; labelPrompt.Text = "Press 'Start' button to start testing."; testRangeMode = 0; radioButtonAT.Checked = true; textBoxEUN.Enabled = false; buttonStart.Enabled = true; buttonPause.Enabled = false; buttonStop.Enabled = false; buttonSCA.Enabled = false; radioButtonR.Checked = true; checkBoxRWW.Checked = true; retestWrongWords = true; groupBoxMP.Enabled = false; showInfo(info); }
public EditUnits(Main main) { InitializeComponent(); mainform = main; }