static public CvPoint[] DistillContours( CvMat inputMat_grey, int maxContourPoints, CvPoint offset, ContourRetrieval retr = ContourRetrieval.External, ContourChain chain = ContourChain.ApproxSimple) { // maxContourPoints (original name "maxContours"); 5 or 100??!!! // TODO : The CV docs specifically state that the image should be in binary format. Check if it is. //std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point>> updateContours; //std::vector<cv::Vec4i> m_hierarchy; // TODO : Not used currently, but determine if it's gonna be needed for points-tracking // see usage here: ContourData contoursData = Filters.FindContours(inputMat_grey, retr, chain, offset); CvPoint[][] contoursFound = contoursData.contours; // original name: "updateContours" if (contoursFound.Length == 0) { return(null); // TODO : cannot process frame, no contours found. Maybe it's time to rethink about that strategy and not simply } // return empty handed!!! double[] contourAreas = contoursData.areas; Point[] newPtV; // find index of max-area contour int index = 0; double maxArea = 0; for (int i = contourAreas.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { double area = contourAreas[i]; if (area > maxArea) { index = i; maxArea = area; } } // approximate contour down to 4 points // TODO : This idea sounds weird. Why not check all contours and find one that is best approximated by 4 points??? CvPoint[] biggestContour = contoursFound[index]; newPtV = new Point[biggestContour.Length]; PointOps.CopyCvPointsToPoints(biggestContour, newPtV); //PointOps.CopyCvPointsToGenericPointsArray( biggestContour, newPtV ); double epsilon = 1; while (newPtV.Length > maxContourPoints) { newPtV = Cv2.ApproxPolyDP(newPtV, epsilon++, true); // TODO : Is incrementing epsilon by 1 a bit stupid? Maybe increment exponentially? } // finally CvPoint[] cvPoints = new CvPoint[newPtV.Length]; PointOps.CopyPointsToCvPoints(newPtV, cvPoints); return(cvPoints); }
// calculates some threshold, and populates "final4P" List private void kawane(CvPoint[] newPtV) { //****************************//3-uppers//*************************// // what's that? int up1 = -1; int minYy = 100000; for (int k = 0; k < newPtV.Length; k++) { if (newPtV[k].Y < minYy) { minYy = newPtV[k].Y; up1 = k; } if (newPtV[k].Y == minYy) { if (newPtV[k].X > newPtV[up1].X) { minYy = newPtV[k].Y; up1 = k; } } } minMaskY = minYy; // this little variable is magically used in "FourPoints" function int up2 = -1; minYy = 100000; for (int k = 0; k < newPtV.Length; k++) { if (newPtV[k].Y < minYy && k != up1) { minYy = newPtV[k].Y; up2 = k; } if (newPtV[k].Y == minYy && k != up1) { if (newPtV[k].X > newPtV[up2].X) { minYy = newPtV[k].Y; up2 = k; } } } int up3 = -1; minYy = 100000; for (int k = 0; k < newPtV.Length; k++) { if (newPtV[k].Y < minYy && k != up1 && k != up2) { minYy = newPtV[k].Y; up3 = k; } if (newPtV[k].Y == minYy && k != up1 && k != up2) { if (newPtV[k].X > newPtV[up3].X) { minYy = newPtV[k].Y; up3 = k; } } } final4P.Clear(); // NOTE : treat array as empty. Not just make it local, cause it's used in "FourPoints" function. if (up1 > -1) { final4P.Add(newPtV[up1]); if (newPtV[up2].Y < height - 10) { final4P.Add(newPtV[up2]); thresholdDist = PointOps.Norm(final4P[0] - final4P[1]); } if (newPtV[up3].Y < height - 10) { final4P.Add(newPtV[up3]); thresholdDist += PointOps.Norm(final4P[1] - final4P[2]); thresholdDist = thresholdDist / 2; } } thresholdDist /= 9; // ...whatever }
// => inputMat MUST be 24/32 bit private CvMat processFrame(CvMat inputMat) { // return "inputMat" after lots. LOTS. Of processing width = inputMat.Cols; height = inputMat.Rows; // taking out 4% of the input's edges: sounds wrong #if false // I have no idea what on earth is the purpose of this: //CvMat temp2 = inputMat( new CvRect( inputMat.Cols / 25, inputMat.Cols / 25, inputMat.Cols - 2 * (inputMat.Cols / 25), inputMat.Rows - 2 * (inputMat.Rows / 25) ) ); //resize( temp2, temp2, inputMat.size() ); //temp2.copyTo( inputMat ); int borderX = inputMat.Cols / 25; // 4% of original int borderY = inputMat.Rows / 25; CvRect roi = new CvRect(borderX, borderY, inputMat.Cols - 2 * borderX, inputMat.Rows - 2 * borderY); CvMat temp2 = inputMat.GetSubRect(out temp2, roi); // stupid to pass "out temp2"? inputMat = temp2; // =TODO : What? temp2.Copy( inputMat ); // is it really required to remove 4% of the input image's edges? #endif CvMat inputMat_grey; { // TODO : looks like a waste to make two conversions from inputMat to _grey, instead of 1 // since OpenCV doesn't support it, it could be made manually CvMat inputMat_grey8 = MatOps.ConvertChannels(inputMat); inputMat_grey = MatOps.ConvertElements(inputMat_grey8, MatrixType.F32C1, 1.0 / 255.0); } // NOTE : IBO seems to give good contrast with certain images, but with bbox7, it is just disastrous. //MatOps.NewWindowShow( inputMat_grey ); //inputMat_grey = Filters.IBO( inputMat_grey ); // inputMat_grey = 32f //MatOps.NewWindowShow( inputMat_grey ); inputMat_grey = MatOps.ConvertElements(inputMat_grey, MatrixType.U8C1, 255); // inputMat_grey = 8u // was: SLOW : Filters.ContrastEnhancement( inputMat_grey ); // NOTE : not needed AFTER IBO // NOTE : Contrast Enhancement2 may NOT be needed AT ALL, at this point at least, ANYWAY!!! Filters.ContrastEnhancement2(inputMat_grey); // NOTE : certainly NOT needed AFTER IBO MatOps.NewWindowShow(inputMat_grey); // mask passed originally in method below was all white, so I optimized it out. Passing the number of pixels was also dumb-o. double thresh = Filters.NeighborhoodValleyEmphasis(inputMat_grey); Cv.Threshold(inputMat_grey, inputMat_grey, thresh, 255, ThresholdType.BinaryInv); IplConvKernel element = new IplConvKernel(3, 3, 1, 1, ElementShape.Cross); Cv.Erode(inputMat_grey, inputMat_grey, element); Cv.Dilate(inputMat_grey, inputMat_grey, element); MatOps.NewWindowShow(inputMat_grey); // TODO : check if check is required if (inputMat_grey.ElemType != MatrixType.U8C1) { inputMat_grey = MatOps.ConvertElements(inputMat_grey, MatrixType.U8C1, 255.0); } // ======= // is this just a test? CvPoint[] newPtV = Filters.DistillContours(inputMat_grey, 5, Const.PointZero); CvMat imageDest; using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage()) { CvSeq <CvPoint> updateContours = CvSeq <CvPoint> .FromArray(newPtV, SeqType.Contour, storage); imageDest = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1); Cv.DrawContours(imageDest, updateContours, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 100, 16); } // ======= kawane(newPtV); // updates thresholdDist, minMaskY, final4P //*******************************************set a greater contour for estimation of the missing points*******************************// // ======= newPtV = Filters.DistillContours(inputMat_grey, 100, Const.PointZero); using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage()) { CvSeq <CvPoint> updateContours = CvSeq <CvPoint> .FromArray(newPtV, SeqType.Contour, storage); imageDest = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1); Cv.DrawContours(imageDest, updateContours, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 100, 1, LineType.AntiAlias); } // ======= CvMat mask1 = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1, 0); Cv.FillConvexPoly(mask1, newPtV, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 0); temp = MatOps.ConvertChannels(inputMat); temp.Copy(imageDest, mask1); Cv.Canny(imageDest, imageDest, 150, 300, ApertureSize.Size3); IplConvKernel element2 = new IplConvKernel(3, 3, 1, 1, ElementShape.Rect); Cv.Dilate(imageDest, imageDest, element2); Cv.Erode(imageDest, imageDest, element2); CvLineSegmentPoint[] lines = Cv2.HoughLinesP(new Mat(imageDest), 1, Cv.PI / 180 /*NOTE : 1 degree angle*/, 50, 50, 50); // TODO : those 50s..? extendLines(lines, 350); // TODO : This idea sounds arbitary? And why 350? At least some percentage? // draw extended lines for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; ++i) { CvLineSegmentPoint l = lines[i]; Cv.Line(imageDest, l.P1, l.P2, Const.ScalarWhite, 1, LineType.AntiAlias); } Cv.Dilate(imageDest, imageDest, element2); // TODO : FIX : Dilate again?! // another huge function here... fourPoints(lines); //////////// //********************************************************************* replace estimate points with mask corners ********// if (oldPt.Count != 0) { //** // BEWARE : great use of the English language following right below: // test for each and every one of the last slice delete each one of all the revisited of the above and estimate for only the best the off topic adapt //** List <int> positions = new List <int>(final4P.Count); for (int i = 0; i < final4P.Count; ++i) { positions.Add(-1); // "initialize" positions[i] double distmin = 10000; for (int j = 0; j < oldPt.Count; ++j) { double distAB = PointOps.Norm(oldPt[j] - final4P[i]); if (distAB < distmin) { distmin = distAB; positions[i] = j; } } } int flagFrCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < final4P.Count; ++i) { double distA = PointOps.Norm(oldPt[positions[i]] - final4P[i]); //********************* threshold pou na orizei tin megisti perioxi gia anazitisi,alliws na krataei to proigoumeno simeio*******// if (distA < thresholdDist) //if(distA<80) { oldPt[positions[i]] = final4P[i]; --flagFrCounter; } ++flagFrCounter; } if (reset) { numFrames = 0; oldPt.Clear(); final4P.Clear(); } } //pointsb[0]=thresholdDist; //****************************************************************************// for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i) { Cv.Circle(temp, oldPt[i], 2, Const.ScalarRed, 3); } MatOps.Convert8To24(temp).Copy(inputMat); //MatOps.ConvertChannels( temp, ColorConversion.GrayToBgr ).Copy( inputMat ); //temp.Copy( inputMat ); //******************************************************OVERLAY IMAGE***********************************************////// if (oldPt.Count == 0) { return(inputMat); // end of line } CvMat black2; if (overlay != null) { black2 = overlay.Clone(); //=imread("cubes.jpg"); Cv.Resize(black2, inputMat, Interpolation.NearestNeighbor); // TODO : check if interpolation type is appropriate } else { black2 = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C3); } List <CvPoint> tempPoint = new List <CvPoint>(4); //vector<Point> tempPoint; int pp = 0; // BEWARE : the guy is copy/pasting needlessly? int mini = 1000000; for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i) { if (oldPt[i].Y < mini) { mini = oldPt[i].Y; pp = i; } } tempPoint.Add(oldPt[pp]); mini = 1000000; for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i) { if (oldPt[i].Y < mini && oldPt[i] != tempPoint[0]) { mini = oldPt[i].Y; pp = i; } } tempPoint.Add(oldPt[pp]); mini = 1000000; for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i) { int tempmini = Math.Abs(oldPt[i].X - tempPoint[1].X); if (tempmini < mini && oldPt[i] != tempPoint[0] && oldPt[i] != tempPoint[1]) { mini = tempmini; pp = i; } } tempPoint.Add(oldPt[pp]); for (int i = 0; i < oldPt.Count; ++i) { CvPoint pt = oldPt[i]; bool found = false; for (int j = 0; j < tempPoint.Count; ++j) { if (tempPoint[j] == pt) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { tempPoint.Add(pt); } } // only keep up to 4 points List <CvPoint> co_ordinates = new List <CvPoint>(4); { int maxIndex = Math.Min(4, tempPoint.Count); for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; ++i) { co_ordinates.Add(tempPoint[i]); } } // lost me... if (outputQuad[0] == outputQuad[2]) { { int maxIndex = Math.Min(4, tempPoint.Count); for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex; ++i) { outputQuad[i] = tempPoint[i]; } } } else { CvPoint2D32f rr; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { List <double> dist = new List <double>(tempPoint.Count); for (int j = 0; j < tempPoint.Count; ++j) { rr = tempPoint[j]; dist.Add(PointOps.Norm(outputQuad[i] - rr)); } double minimumDist = dist.Min(); int min_pos = Utils.FindIndex(dist, minimumDist); if (tempPoint.Count > 0) { outputQuad[i] = tempPoint[min_pos]; tempPoint.RemoveAt(min_pos); } } } // The 4 points where the mapping is to be done , from top-left in clockwise order inputQuad[0] = new CvPoint2D32f(0, 0); inputQuad[1] = new CvPoint2D32f(inputMat.Cols - 1, 0); inputQuad[2] = new CvPoint2D32f(inputMat.Cols - 1, inputMat.Rows - 1); inputQuad[3] = new CvPoint2D32f(0, inputMat.Rows - 1); //Input and Output Image; // Get the Perspective Transform Matrix i.e. lambda (2D warp transform) // Lambda Matrix CvMat lambda = Cv.GetPerspectiveTransform(inputQuad, outputQuad); // Apply this Perspective Transform to the src image // - get a "top-down" view of the supposedly box-y area Cv.WarpPerspective(black2, black2, lambda, Interpolation.Cubic, Const.ScalarBlack); // see nice explanation : CvMat maskOV = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1, Const.ScalarBlack); using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage()) { CvSeq <CvPoint> updateContours = CvSeq <CvPoint> .FromArray(co_ordinates, SeqType.Contour, storage); imageDest = new CvMat(inputMat.Rows, inputMat.Cols, MatrixType.U8C1); Cv.DrawContours(maskOV, updateContours, Const.ScalarWhite, 0, 100, 16); //drawContours( maskOV, co_ordinates, 0, Scalar( 255 ), CV_FILLED, 8 ); } double alpha = 0.8; double beta = (1.0 - alpha); Cv.AddWeighted(black2, alpha, inputMat, beta, 0.0, black2); black2.Copy(inputMat, maskOV); return(inputMat); }
void fourPoints(CvLineSegmentPoint[] linesArray) { List <CvLineSegmentPoint> lines = new List <CvLineSegmentPoint>(linesArray); int i, j, k; List <double> angleV = new List <double>(lines.Count); for (i = lines.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { CvLineSegmentPoint lineSegm = lines[i]; angleV.Add(Math.Atan2(lineSegm.P1.Y - lineSegm.P2.Y, lineSegm.P1.X - lineSegm.P2.X)); } CvPoint p1, p2, p0, p0_; //Discard almost parallel lines and keep the largest // FIX : everything about this sucks for (i = 0; i < lines.Count; ++i) { CvLineSegmentPoint segi = lines[i]; p0 = segi.P1; p0_ = segi.P2; double e2 = p0.DistanceTo(p0_); for (j = 0; j < lines.Count; ++j) { if (i == j) // ugly? { continue; } if (Math.Abs(angleV[i] - angleV[j]) > 0.1 || Math.Abs(angleV[i] - angleV[j]) > Cv.PI / 2.0 - 0.1 && Math.Abs(angleV[i] - angleV[j]) < Cv.PI / 2.0 + 0.1) { continue; } CvLineSegmentPoint segj = lines[j]; p1 = segj.P1; p2 = segj.P2; if (PointOps.LineDistance(p1, p2, p0) < 15 && PointOps.LineDistance(p0, p0_, p1) < 15) { if (p1.DistanceTo(p2) > e2) { lines.RemoveAt(i); angleV.RemoveAt(i); --i; --j; break; } else { lines.RemoveAt(j); angleV.RemoveAt(j); --j; } } } } // instead of 3 lists, we could have one with custom struct containing all 3 required values List <CvPoint> allPointsV = new List <CvPoint>(); List <int> fstln = new List <int>(); List <int> secln = new List <int>(); const int bound = 50; for (i = 0; i < lines.Count; ++i) { CvLineSegmentPoint segmI = lines[i]; for (j = 0; j < lines.Count; ++j) { if (i == j) { continue; // ugly? } CvLineSegmentPoint segmJ = lines[j]; if (PointOps.LineIntersection(segmI.P1, segmI.P2, segmJ.P1, segmJ.P2, out p1)) { if (p1.X > -bound && p1.X < temp.Cols + bound && p1.Y > -bound && p1.Y < temp.Rows + bound) { bool foundSamePt = false; for (k = 0; k < allPointsV.Count; ++k) { if (p1 == allPointsV[k]) { foundSamePt = true; break; } } if (!foundSamePt) { allPointsV.Add(p1); fstln.Add(i); secln.Add(j); } } } } } if (allPointsV.Count == 0) { reset = true; return; } reset = false; // time to start doing our drawings if (imageDest3 == null) { imageDest3 = new CvMat(height, width, MatrixType.U8C3); } // are we at start or just not found any points yet? if (oldPt.Count == 0 || numFrames < 20) { //************************draw intersections************************// for (i = 0; i < allPointsV.Count; ++i) { CvScalar circleColor; if (allPointsV[i].Y < height - 10) { circleColor = Const.ScalarGreen; } else { circleColor = Const.ScalarWhite; } Cv.Circle(imageDest3, allPointsV[i], 7, circleColor); } //mapping the detected corners with lines intersections List <int> tracker = new List <int>(final4P.Count); for (j = 0; j < final4P.Count; ++j) { double dist = PointOps.Norm(final4P[j] - allPointsV[0]); tracker.Add(0); // tracker[j] = 0; for (i = 0; i < allPointsV.Count; ++i) { double distA = PointOps.Norm(final4P[j] - allPointsV[i]); if (distA < dist) { dist = distA; tracker[j] = i; } } } //******* draw mapped corners *****************// for (j = 0; j < final4P.Count; ++j) { Cv.Circle(imageDest3, allPointsV[tracker[j]], 8, Const.ScalarMagenta); } //*******************************************************************************************// List <int> linesIds = new List <int>(final4P.Count); for (i = 0; i < final4P.Count; ++i) { int counterfstln = 0; for (j = 0; j < final4P.Count; ++j) { if (i == j || fstln[tracker[i]] == fstln[tracker[j]] /*this might be redundant after 1st check*/ || fstln[tracker[i]] == secln[tracker[j]]) { ++counterfstln; } } int countersecln = 0; for (j = 0; j < final4P.Count; ++j) { if (i == j || secln[tracker[i]] == fstln[tracker[j]] || secln[tracker[i]] == secln[tracker[j]]) { ++countersecln; } } if (counterfstln < countersecln) { linesIds.Add(fstln[tracker[i]]); // linesIds[i] = fstln[tracker[i]]; } else { linesIds.Add(secln[tracker[i]]); // linesIds[i] = secln[tracker[i]]; } } List <int> maxdistpos1 = new List <int>(tracker.Count); // TODO : check if Count is always less than 3-4... for (j = 0; j < tracker.Count; j++) { maxdistpos1.Add(0); // maxdistpos1.Add( -1 ); // "initialize" maxdistpos1[j], so that it can be re-assigned below // TODO : logic is wrong!!!! Not all [j]s are assigned. Proof : if "initialized" with "-1", it just crashes later! double dist = 0; for (i = 0; i < fstln.Count; i++) { if (linesIds[j] == fstln[i] || linesIds[j] == secln[i] && allPointsV[i].Y < height - 15) { double distA = PointOps.Norm(allPointsV[tracker[j]] - allPointsV[i]); if (distA > dist) { dist = distA; maxdistpos1[j] = i; } } } } oldPt.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < final4P.Count; i++) { oldPt.Add(final4P[i]); } List <CvPoint> candidatePts = new List <CvPoint>(); List <double> candist = new List <double>(); for (i = 0; i < maxdistpos1.Count; i++) { Cv.Circle(imageDest3, allPointsV[maxdistpos1[i]], 7, Const.ScalarBlue); if (allPointsV[maxdistpos1[i]].Y > minMaskY && allPointsV[maxdistpos1[i]].Y < height - 10) { candidatePts.Add(allPointsV[maxdistpos1[i]]); } } for (i = 0; i < candidatePts.Count; i++) { double dist = 0; for (j = 0; j < oldPt.Count; j++) { dist += PointOps.Norm(candidatePts[i] - oldPt[j]); } candist.Add(dist); } while (oldPt.Count < 4) { if (candidatePts.Count != 0) { int p = candist.FindMaxIndex(); // Utils.FindMaxIndex( candist ); // p = max_element(candist.begin(),candist.end()) - candist.begin(); oldPt.Add(candidatePts[p]); candist.RemoveAt(p); candidatePts.RemoveAt(p); } else { break; } } for (j = 0; j < oldPt.Count; j++) { Cv.Circle(imageDest3, oldPt[j], 7, Const.ScalarBlue); } //***************************************************** end of estimation **************************************************************// } else { for (i = 0; i < allPointsV.Count; ++i) { if (allPointsV[i].Y < height - 10) { Cv.Circle(imageDest3, allPointsV[i], 7, Const.ScalarGreen); } else { Cv.Circle(imageDest3, allPointsV[i], 7, Const.ScalarWhite); } } //mapping the detected corners with lines intersections // List <int> tracker = new List <int>(oldPt.Count); for (j = 0; j < oldPt.Count; ++j) { tracker.Add(-1); double dist = 1000000; for (i = 0; i < allPointsV.Count; ++i) { double distA = PointOps.Norm(oldPt[j] - allPointsV[i]); if (distA < dist && allPointsV[i].Y < height - 10) { dist = distA; tracker[j] = i; } } } for (j = 0; j < oldPt.Count; ++j) { double distA = PointOps.Norm(oldPt[j] - allPointsV[tracker[j]]); //********************* threshold pou na orizei tin megisti perioxi gia anazitisi,alliws na krataei to proigoumeno simeio*******// if (distA < thresholdDist) { oldPt[j] = allPointsV[tracker[j]]; } } } }