Example #1
        public ObsessedForm(Plugin.MusicBeeApiInterface pApi)
            // C:\MusicBee\AppData\LastFmScrobbles.log | Scrobble log location

            // --------Initializing lastfm api--------
            string  apikey    = app.Default.API_KEY;    //ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["API_KEY"];
            string  secretkey = app.Default.SECRET_KEY; //ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SECRET_KEY"];
            Session session   = new Session(apikey, secretkey);
            string  usr       = pApi.Setting_GetLastFmUserId();

            // -------- URL Construction --------
            string root = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?";

            string m_topTracks = "method=user.gettoptracks&user="******"method=user.gettopalbums&user="******"method=user.getrecenttracks&user="******"&limit=200";
            string pages          = "&page=";
            int    pageNum        = 1;
            string tail           = "&api_key=" + apikey + "&format=json";
            // ---------------------------------------

            string url = root + m_recentTracks + limit + pages + pageNum + tail;

            var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

            var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            var responseString = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();

            // Use QueryFilesEx to get the fileURLs
            pApi.Library_QueryFilesEx("domain=SelectedFiles", out String[] files); // files contains the fileURL for a selected track(s)

            string[] lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\MusicBee\AppData\LastFmScrobble.log");

            string artist = pApi.Library_GetFileTag(files[0], Plugin.MetaDataType.Artist);
            string title  = pApi.Library_GetFileTag(files[0], Plugin.MetaDataType.TrackTitle);
            int    plays  = Int32.Parse(pApi.Library_GetFileTag(files[0], (Plugin.MetaDataType) 14));

            string added = pApi.Library_GetFileProperty(files[0], Plugin.FilePropertyType.DateAdded); //Date the selected track was added to the library

            string track = artist + " - " + title;                 // Consolidation for matching in the scrobble log

            List <DateTime> history = filter(lines, track, plays); // history contains the history of scrobbles for a given track represented in unix time.

            if (history.Count <= 1)
                label1.Text = "Not enough scrobbles for this track";
                label1.Text = responseString + "";// +" | "+obsession(history, added, title, artist, plays);