// Public methods public void RefreshClientProcList() { try { Process[] procs = Process.GetProcesses(); int i = 0; foreach (Process p in procs) { if (p.ProcessName.Contains(_gameProcessNamePartial)) { i++; } } WoWClient[] tempClientList = new WoWClient[i]; int j = 0; foreach (Process p in procs) { if (j >= i) { break; } if (p.ProcessName.Contains(_gameProcessNamePartial)) { tempClientList[j] = new WoWClient(p.Id); j++; } } Process[] tempProcList = new Process[tempClientList.Length]; int y = 0; foreach (WoWClient c in tempClientList) { if (y >= j) { break; } tempProcList[y] = tempClientList[y].GameProcess; y++; } GameProcList = tempProcList; GameClientList = tempClientList; } catch (Exception b) { consoleWriter.DebugLog(b.ToString(), ConfigurationManager.LogType.ERROR); } }
public void SetMasterClient(int procId) // using this to test what memory i'm reading, ie. how to read memory { Process master = Process.GetProcessById(procId); MasterClient = new WoWClient(master.Id); consoleWriter.Clear(); consoleWriter.DebugLog($"Set master client to {MasterClient.Player.Name} - {procId}", ConfigurationManager.LogType.MESSAGE); consoleWriter.DebugLog($"Game version - {MasterClient.Player.GameVersion}", ConfigurationManager.LogType.MESSAGE); consoleWriter.DebugLog($"Realm name - {MasterClient.Player.RealmName}", ConfigurationManager.LogType.MESSAGE); consoleWriter.DebugLog($"Class - {MasterClient.Player.ClassName}", ConfigurationManager.LogType.MESSAGE); }
private void listBoxMacroGenCharacterSelect_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (listBoxMacroGenCharacterSelect.SelectedItem != null) // avoid unecessary exceptions { if (InputCallback.ProcManager.MasterClient != null) { WoWClient selectedClient = new WoWClient(); foreach (WoWClient c in InputCallback.ProcManager.GameClientList) { if (listBoxMacroGenCharacterSelect.SelectedItem.ToString() == c.Player.Name) { selectedClient = c; break; } } // did we select the master? if (listBoxMacroGenCharacterSelect.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals(InputCallback.ProcManager.MasterClient.Player.Name)) { PopulateMacroList(true, selectedClient.Player.Class); // new method; pop macro list for master ('true') } else { PopulateMacroList(false, selectedClient.Player.Class); // new method; pop macro list for children ('false') } } else { MessageBox.Show(StaticTextLibrary.ErrorText.MasterClientMacro, "Macro Generator", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } catch (Exception b) { consoleWriterMain.DebugLog(b.ToString(), ConfigurationManager.LogType.ERROR); } }
// Constructor public PlayerInfo(WoWClient client) { _gameClient = client; }