public static Orbit OrbitFromStateVectors(Vector3d pos, Vector3d vel, CelestialBody body, double UT) { Orbit ret = new Orbit(); ret.UpdateFromStateVectors(OrbitExtensions.SwapYZ(pos - body.position), OrbitExtensions.SwapYZ(vel), body, UT); return(ret); }
public static Orbit OrbitFromStateVectors(Vector3d pos, Vector3d vel, CelestialBody body, double UT) { Orbit ret = new Orbit(); ret.UpdateFromStateVectors(OrbitExtensions.SwapYZ(pos - body.position), OrbitExtensions.SwapYZ(vel), body, UT); if (double.IsNaN(ret.argumentOfPeriapsis)) { Vector3d vectorToAN = Quaternion.AngleAxis(-(float)ret.LAN, Planetarium.up) * Planetarium.right; Vector3d vectorToPe = OrbitExtensions.SwapYZ(ret.eccVec); double cosArgumentOfPeriapsis = Vector3d.Dot(vectorToAN, vectorToPe) / (vectorToAN.magnitude * vectorToPe.magnitude); //Squad's UpdateFromStateVectors is missing these checks, which are needed due to finite precision arithmetic: if (cosArgumentOfPeriapsis > 1) { ret.argumentOfPeriapsis = 0; } else if (cosArgumentOfPeriapsis < -1) { ret.argumentOfPeriapsis = 180; } else { ret.argumentOfPeriapsis = Math.Acos(cosArgumentOfPeriapsis); } } return(ret); }
public override void OnFixedUpdate() { if (!warping) { return; } if (warpTarget == WarpTarget.SuicideBurn) { try { targetUT = OrbitExtensions.SuicideBurnCountdown(orbit, vesselState, vessel) + vesselState.time; } catch { warping = false; } } double target = targetUT - leadTime; if (target < vesselState.time + 1) { core.warp.MinimumWarp(true); warping = false; } else { core.warp.WarpToUT(target); } }
public string SuicideBurnCountdown() { try { return(GuiUtils.TimeToDHMS(OrbitExtensions.SuicideBurnCountdown(orbit, vesselState, vessel))); } catch { return("N/A"); } }
override public void afterOnFixedUpdate() { //Check the end of the action if (this.isStarted() && !this.isExecuted() && !warping && startTime == 0f) { startTime = Time.time; } if (this.isStarted() && !this.isExecuted() && startTime > 0) { this.spendTime = initTime - (int)(Math.Round(Time.time - startTime)); //Add the end action timer if (this.spendTime <= 0) { this.endAction(); } } if (!warping) { return; } if (warpTarget == WarpTarget.SuicideBurn) { try { targetUT = OrbitExtensions.SuicideBurnCountdown(this.scriptModule.orbit, this.scriptModule.vesselState, this.scriptModule.vessel) + this.scriptModule.vesselState.time; } catch { warping = false; } } double target = targetUT - leadTime; if (target < this.scriptModule.vesselState.time + 1) { core.warp.MinimumWarp(true); warping = false; } else { core.warp.WarpToUT(target); } }
override public void activateAction() { base.activateAction(); warping = true; Orbit orbit = this.scriptModule.orbit; VesselState vesselState = this.scriptModule.vesselState; Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; switch (warpTarget) { case WarpTarget.Periapsis: targetUT = orbit.NextPeriapsisTime(vesselState.time); break; case WarpTarget.Apoapsis: if (orbit.eccentricity < 1) { targetUT = orbit.NextApoapsisTime(vesselState.time); } break; case WarpTarget.SoI: if (orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL) { targetUT = orbit.EndUT; } break; case WarpTarget.Node: if (vessel.patchedConicsUnlocked() && vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Any()) { targetUT = vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].UT; } break; case WarpTarget.Time: targetUT = vesselState.time + timeOffset; break; case WarpTarget.PhaseAngleT: if ( { Orbit reference; if ( == orbit.referenceBody) { reference = orbit; // we orbit arround the same body } else { reference = orbit.referenceBody.orbit; } // From Kerbal Alarm Clock double angleChangePerSec = (360 / - (360 / reference.period); double currentAngle = reference.PhaseAngle(, vesselState.time); double angleDigff = currentAngle - phaseAngle; if (angleDigff > 0 && angleChangePerSec > 0) { angleDigff -= 360; } if (angleDigff < 0 && angleChangePerSec < 0) { angleDigff += 360; } double TimeToTarget = Math.Floor(Math.Abs(angleDigff / angleChangePerSec)); targetUT = vesselState.time + TimeToTarget; } break; case WarpTarget.AtmosphericEntry: try { targetUT = OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(vessel.orbit, vesselState.time, vesselState.mainBody.Radius + vesselState.mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude()); } catch { warping = false; } break; case WarpTarget.SuicideBurn: try { targetUT = OrbitExtensions.SuicideBurnCountdown(orbit, vesselState, vessel) + vesselState.time; } catch { warping = false; } break; default: targetUT = vesselState.time; break; } }
protected override void WindowGUI(int windowID) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_label1"), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));//"Warp to: " warpTarget = (WarpTarget)GuiUtils.ComboBox.Box((int)warpTarget, warpTargetStrings, this); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (warpTarget == WarpTarget.Time) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_label2"), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true));//"Warp for: " timeOffset.text = GUILayout.TextField(timeOffset.text, GUILayout.Width(100)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } else if (warpTarget == WarpTarget.PhaseAngleT) { // I wonder if I should check for target that don't make sense if (! { GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_label3"));//"You need a target" } else { GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_label4"), phaseAngle, "ยบ", 60);//"Phase Angle:" } } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GuiUtils.SimpleTextBox(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_label5"), leadTime, "");//"Lead time: " if (warping) { if (GUILayout.Button(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_button1")))//"Abort" { warping = false; core.warp.MinimumWarp(true); } } else { if (GUILayout.Button(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_button2")))//"Warp" { warping = true; switch (warpTarget) { case WarpTarget.Periapsis: targetUT = orbit.NextPeriapsisTime(vesselState.time); break; case WarpTarget.Apoapsis: if (orbit.eccentricity < 1) { targetUT = orbit.NextApoapsisTime(vesselState.time); } break; case WarpTarget.SoI: if (orbit.patchEndTransition != Orbit.PatchTransitionType.FINAL) { targetUT = orbit.EndUT; } break; case WarpTarget.Node: if (vessel.patchedConicsUnlocked() && vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes.Any()) { targetUT = vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes[0].UT; } break; case WarpTarget.Time: targetUT = vesselState.time + timeOffset; break; case WarpTarget.PhaseAngleT: if ( { Orbit reference; if ( == orbit.referenceBody) { reference = orbit; // we orbit arround the same body } else { reference = orbit.referenceBody.orbit; } // From Kerbal Alarm Clock double angleChangePerSec = (360 / - (360 / reference.period); double currentAngle = reference.PhaseAngle(, vesselState.time); double angleDigff = currentAngle - phaseAngle; if (angleDigff > 0 && angleChangePerSec > 0) { angleDigff -= 360; } if (angleDigff < 0 && angleChangePerSec < 0) { angleDigff += 360; } double TimeToTarget = Math.Floor(Math.Abs(angleDigff / angleChangePerSec)); targetUT = vesselState.time + TimeToTarget; } break; case WarpTarget.AtmosphericEntry: try { targetUT = OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(vessel.orbit, vesselState.time, vesselState.mainBody.Radius + vesselState.mainBody.RealMaxAtmosphereAltitude()); } catch { warping = false; } break; case WarpTarget.SuicideBurn: try { targetUT = OrbitExtensions.SuicideBurnCountdown(orbit, vesselState, vessel) + vesselState.time; } catch { warping = false; } break; default: targetUT = vesselState.time; break; } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); core.warp.useQuickWarpInfoItem(); if (warping) { GUILayout.Label(Localizer.Format("#MechJeb_WarpHelper_label6") + (leadTime > 0 ? GuiUtils.TimeToDHMS(leadTime) + " before " : "") + warpTargetStrings[(int)warpTarget] + "."); //"Warping to " } core.warp.ControlWarpButton(); GUILayout.EndVertical(); base.WindowGUI(windowID); }
public ManeuverParameters ComputeEjectionManeuver(Vector3d exit_velocity, Orbit initial_orbit, double UT_0) { double GM = initial_orbit.referenceBody.gravParameter; double C3 = exit_velocity.sqrMagnitude; double Mh = initial_orbit.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence; double Rpe = initial_orbit.semiMajorAxis; double isma = 2 / Mh - C3 / GM; //inverted Semi-major Axis, will work for parabolic orbit double ecc = 1.0 - Rpe * isma; //double vstart = Math.Sqrt(GM * (2 / Rpe - isma)); //{ total start boost} //double slat = Rpe * Rpe * vstart * vstart / GM; //the problem here should be R for circular orbit instead of Rpe double slat = 2 * Rpe - isma * Rpe * Rpe; //but we don't know start point (yet) in elliptic orbit double theta = Math.Acos((slat / Mh - 1) / ecc); /* * //old way infinity hyperbolic: * //problems: it's not necessary hyperbolic (in case of low speed exit_velocity), * //and exit_velocity appears not infinite far from celestial body, but only sphereOfInfluence far * //i.e. Mh in previous statements(theta, isma) is not infinity! * * double sma = -GM / C3; * * double ecc = 1 - Rpe / sma; * double theta = Math.Acos(-1 / ecc); * */ Vector3d intersect_1; Vector3d intersect_2; // intersect_1 is the optimal position on the orbit assuming the orbit is circular and the sphere of influence is infinite IntersectConePlane(exit_velocity, theta, initial_orbit.h, out intersect_1, out intersect_2); Vector3d eccvec = initial_orbit.GetEccVector(); double true_anomaly = AngleAboutAxis(eccvec, intersect_1, initial_orbit.h); // GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly expects degrees and returns radians double mean_anomaly = initial_orbit.GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(true_anomaly * UtilMath.Rad2Deg); double delta_mean_anomaly = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(mean_anomaly - initial_orbit.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT_0)); double UT = UT_0 + delta_mean_anomaly / initial_orbit.MeanMotion(); Vector3d V_0 = initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT); Vector3d pos = initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT); double final_vel = Math.Sqrt(C3 + 2 * GM / pos.magnitude); Vector3d x = pos.normalized; Vector3d z = Vector3d.Cross(x, exit_velocity).normalized; Vector3d y = Vector3d.Cross(z, x); theta = Math.PI / 2; double dtheta = 0.001; Orbit sample = new Orbit(); double theta_err = double.MaxValue; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; ++iteration) { Vector3d V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta) * x + Math.Sin(theta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); theta_err = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); if (double.IsNaN(theta_err)) { return(null); } if (Math.Abs(theta_err) <= 0.1 * UtilMath.Deg2Rad) { return(new ManeuverParameters((V_1 - V_0).xzy, UT)); } V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta + dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta + dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_2 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta - dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta - dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_3 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); double derr = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(theta_err_2 - theta_err_3) / (2 * dtheta); theta = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(theta - theta_err / derr); // if theta > pi, replace with 2pi - theta, the function ejection_angle=f(theta) is symmetrc wrt theta=pi if (theta > Math.PI) { theta = 2 * Math.PI - theta; } } return(null); }
static ManeuverParameters ComputeEjectionManeuver(Vector3d exit_velocity, Orbit initial_orbit, double UT_0) { double GM = initial_orbit.referenceBody.gravParameter; double C3 = exit_velocity.sqrMagnitude; double sma = -GM / C3; double Rpe = initial_orbit.semiMajorAxis; double ecc = 1 - Rpe / sma; double theta = Math.Acos(-1 / ecc); Vector3d intersect_1; Vector3d intersect_2; // intersect_1 is the optimal position on the orbit assuming the orbit is circular and the sphere of influence is infinite IntersectConePlane(exit_velocity, theta, initial_orbit.h, out intersect_1, out intersect_2); Vector3d eccvec = initial_orbit.GetEccVector(); double true_anomaly = AngleAboutAxis(eccvec, intersect_1, initial_orbit.h); // GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly expects degrees and returns radians double mean_anomaly = initial_orbit.GetMeanAnomalyAtTrueAnomaly(true_anomaly * 180 / Math.PI); double delta_mean_anomaly = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(mean_anomaly - initial_orbit.MeanAnomalyAtUT(UT_0)); double UT = UT_0 + delta_mean_anomaly / initial_orbit.MeanMotion(); Vector3d V_0 = initial_orbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(UT); Vector3d pos = initial_orbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(UT); double final_vel = Math.Sqrt(C3 + 2 * GM / pos.magnitude); Vector3d x = pos.normalized; Vector3d z = Vector3d.Cross(x, exit_velocity).normalized; Vector3d y = Vector3d.Cross(z, x); theta = Math.PI / 2; double dtheta = 0.001; Orbit sample = new Orbit(); double theta_err = Double.MaxValue; for (int iteration = 0; iteration < 50; ++iteration) { Vector3d V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta) * x + Math.Sin(theta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); theta_err = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); if (double.IsNaN(theta_err)) { return(null); } if (Math.Abs(theta_err) <= Math.PI / 1800) { return(new ManeuverParameters((V_1 - V_0).xzy, UT)); } V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta + dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta + dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_2 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); V_1 = final_vel * (Math.Cos(theta - dtheta) * x + Math.Sin(theta - dtheta) * y); sample.UpdateFromStateVectors(pos, V_1, initial_orbit.referenceBody, UT); double theta_err_3 = AngleAboutAxis(exit_velocity, sample.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(OrbitExtensions.NextTimeOfRadius(sample, UT, sample.referenceBody.sphereOfInfluence)), z); double derr = MuUtils.ClampRadiansPi(theta_err_2 - theta_err_3) / (2 * dtheta); theta = MuUtils.ClampRadiansTwoPi(theta - theta_err / derr); // if theta > pi, replace with 2pi - theta, the function ejection_angle=f(theta) is symmetrc wrt theta=pi if (theta > Math.PI) { theta = 2 * Math.PI - theta; } } return(null); }