private void lb_Sweeps_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fName = tb_Sweeps.Text + "\\"; if (lb_Sweeps.SelectedIndex > -1) { fName += lb_Sweeps.SelectedItem.ToString(); ovf2 ovf = new ovf2(fName); string itxt = tb_CompInfo.Text; string[] sitxt = itxt.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); this.componentNum = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[0]); PlotRow(ovf, chart2, ovf.header.ynodes / 2); Bitmap bmp = Viz.MakeImage(ovf, componentNum); //pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pictureBox1.Image = bmp; if (mt != null) { string filename = lb_Sweeps.SelectedItem.ToString(); string fn = filename.Substring(1, filename.Length - 5); int fileN = Convert.ToInt32(fn); string fileNname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[0]; string fieldname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[1]; int index =[fileNname].IndexOf(fileN); double field =[fieldname][index]; double amp = chart1.Series[0].Points.Where(point => point.XValue == field).ToList()[0].YValues[0]; this.VA.X = field; Field.Text = field.ToString() + "(G)"; Amp.Text = amp.ToString(); } } }
//xy or z = 1,2 or 3 public static double[] GetMinMax(ovf2 ovfFile, int XYorZ_12or3) { double max = double.NegativeInfinity; double min = double.PositiveInfinity; int Nx = ovfFile.header.xnodes; int Ny = ovfFile.header.ynodes; for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) { double val = Component(ovfFile.CellValue(i, j, 0), XYorZ_12or3); if (val > max) { max = val; } if (val < min) { min = val; } } } return(new double[] { min, max }); }
private ovf2 average(string baseDir, int n, int AvgNum) { string fname = baseDir + "\\" + n.ToString() + "-f1-"; List <ovf2> ovfs = new List <ovf2>(); for (int i = 0; i < AvgNum; i++) { ovf2 ovf = new ovf2(fname + i.ToString() + ".ovf"); //return ovf; ovfs.Add(ovf); } double dblAvgNum = Convert.ToDouble(AvgNum); for (int i = 0; i < ovfs[0].data.Count; i++) { Vector avg = new Vector(0, 0, 0); for (int j = 0; j < AvgNum; j++) { avg += ovfs[j].data[i]; } ovfs[0].data[i] = new Vector(avg.x / dblAvgNum, avg.y / dblAvgNum, avg.z / dblAvgNum); } return(ovfs[0]); }
private void btn_ExportSel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dir = tb_Sweeps.Text; //ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(dir + "\\m000000.ovf", false); string fname = lb_Sweeps.SelectedItem.ToString(); string FileName = dir + '\\' + fname.Substring(0, fname.Length - 4) + ".txt"; System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FileName); ovf2 m = new ovf2(dir + '\\' + fname); if (tb_minit.Text != "") { ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(tb_minit.Text); ExportCurrFile(sw, m0, m, cb_inseries.Checked, 0); } //find ground state automatically if the selected states are generated using 8-avg methods else if (cb_autoground.Checked) { string f0name = fname.Split('-')[0] + "-m0.ovf"; ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(dir + '\\' + f0name);; ExportCurrFile(sw, m0, m, cb_inseries.Checked, 0); } else { ExportCurrFile(sw, m, null, cb_inseries.Checked, 0); } sw.Close(); }
public static Bitmap MakeImage(ovf2 ovfFile, int XYorZ_12or3) { int Nx = ovfFile.header.xnodes; int Ny = ovfFile.header.ynodes; Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(Nx, Ny); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); double[] minmax = Viz.GetMinMax(ovfFile, XYorZ_12or3); for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) { Vector vij = ovfFile.CellValue(i, j, 0); //if (vij.z < 1) //Console.WriteLine(vij.z.ToString()); brush.Color = ColorMap.BlackWhite(minmax[0], minmax[1], Component(vij, XYorZ_12or3)); //Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", i, Nx - 1 - j); Rectangle pxl = new Rectangle(i, Ny - 1 - j, 1, 1); g.FillRectangle(brush, pxl); } } return(bmp); }
public double CalculateFz(ovf2 mRef, ovf2 m) { int Ny = mRef.header.ynodes; double fz = 0; double vol = mRef.header.xstepsize * mRef.header.ystepsize * mRef.header.zstepsize; double mom = vol * MaterialMs; for (int i = 0; i < Ny; i++) { Vector[] row0 = mRef.GetRow(i, 0); Vector[] rowf = m.GetRow(i, 0); Vector[] dm = vecSub(rowf, row0); for (int j = 0; j < dm.Count(); j++) { Vector mf = new Vector(dm[j].x * mom, dm[j].y * mom, dm[j].z * mom); //Vector mf = new Vector(0, 0, dm[j].z * mom); Vector r = m.GetPos(j, i, 0); //double fzi = dipole.Fz(mf, r); double fzi = dipole.Fz_ip(mf, r); //if (fzi > 0) // Console.WriteLine(fzi.ToString()); fz += fzi; } } return(fz); }
private void chart1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { double xval = chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.PixelPositionToValue(e.X); Field.Text = Convert.ToString(xval); currXVal = xval; Console.WriteLine(xval); //return; if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) { string fileNname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[0]; string fieldname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[1]; double N = mt.find(fileNname, fieldname, xval); if (ActiveSim != null) { if (comboBox1.Text == "8Avg_FieldScan") { string baseName = ActiveSim.dir + "\\" + Convert.ToInt32(N).ToString() + "-"; //ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(baseName + Ni.ToString() + ".ovf"); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + Nf.ToString() + ".ovf"); ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(baseName + "m0.ovf"); ovf2 mf; string itxt = tb_CompInfo.Text; string[] sitxt = itxt.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); this.componentNum = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[0]); int tfAvg = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[1]); if (tfAvg == 1) { mf = new ovf2(baseName + "mf.ovf"); } else { mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); } PlotRow(mf, m0, chart2, mf.header.ynodes / 2); Bitmap bmp = GetImageDiff(mf, m0); pictureBox1.Image = bmp; } else if (comboBox1.Text == "FFT") { string filename = ActiveSim.dir + "\\f" + Convert.ToInt32(N).ToString() + ".ovf"; ovf2 m = new ovf2(filename); string itxt = tb_CompInfo.Text; string[] sitxt = itxt.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); this.componentNum = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[0]); PlotRow(m, chart2, m.header.ynodes / 2); Bitmap bmp = Viz.MakeImage(m, componentNum); //pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pictureBox1.Image = bmp; } } Console.WriteLine("N={0}, H={1}", N, (xval).ToString()); } }
public void DoSweep(double H0, double dH) { double h; for (int i = 0; i < files.Count; i++) { h = H0 + i * dH; ovf2 mi = new ovf2(files[i].FullName, false); double fzi = fmrfm.CalculateFz(mi) - (0.00206897 * (h - H0)); H.Add(h); Fz.Add(fzi); } }
private Bitmap GetImageDiff(ovf2 fileA, ovf2 fileB) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Vector v1 =[i]; Vector v2 =[i]; Vector v = v1 - v2;[i] = v; } Bitmap bmp = Viz.MakeImage(fileA, componentNum); return(bmp); }
private void btn_Export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveFileDialog svd = new SaveFileDialog(); if (svd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { Console.WriteLine(svd.FileName); string FileName = svd.FileName.Substring(0, svd.FileName.Length - 4) + ".txt"; System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FileName); if (ActiveSim != null) { //find the index N of currently selected point in the table string fileNname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[0]; string fieldname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[1]; double N = mt.find(fileNname, fieldname, currXVal); string baseName = ActiveSim.dir + "\\" + Convert.ToInt32(N).ToString() + "-"; ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(baseName + "m0.ovf"); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-" + k.ToString() + ".ovf"); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf", cb_py.Checked); ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "mf.ovf"); string itxt = tb_CompInfo.Text; string[] sitxt = itxt.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); this.componentNum = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[0]); int tfAvg = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[1]); if (tfAvg == 1) { mf = new ovf2(baseName + "mf.ovf"); ExportCurrFile(sw, m0, mf, false, 0); } else if (tfAvg == 2) { for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { string FName = svd.FileName.Substring(0, svd.FileName.Length - 4) + "-" + "-snapshot" + k.ToString() + ".txt"; System.IO.StreamWriter sww = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FName); mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-" + k.ToString() + ".ovf"); ExportCurrFile(sww, m0, mf, false, 0); } } else { mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); ExportCurrFile(sw, m0, mf, false, 0); } } sw.Close(); } }
public static double ogF(int N, SimController sim, List <int> pltChoice) { //m000001.ovf N--; double f = 0; string file1 = sim.dir + fName(2 * N); string file2 = sim.dir + fName(2 * N + 1); //string file3 = sim.dir + fName(3 * N + 2); ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(file1, false); ovf2 mi = new ovf2(file2, false); double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFz(m0, mi); return(fzi); }
private void btn_ExportAll_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 0; int packagenum = 0; string dir = tb_Sweeps.Text; //ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(dir + "\\m000000.ovf", false); foreach (string fname in lb_Sweeps.Items) { string FileName = ""; if (!cb_inseries.Checked) { FileName = dir + '\\' + fname.Substring(0, fname.Length - 4) + ".txt"; } else { FileName = dir + "\\package" + Convert.ToString(packagenum) + ".txt"; } System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(FileName, cb_inseries.Checked); ovf2 m = new ovf2(dir + '\\' + fname); if (tb_minit.Text != "") { ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(tb_minit.Text); ExportCurrFile(sw, m, m0, cb_inseries.Checked, i); } //find ground state automatically if the selected states are generated using 8-avg methods else if (cb_autoground.Checked) { string f0name = fname.Split('-')[0] + "-m0.ovf"; ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(dir + '\\' + f0name);; ExportCurrFile(sw, m, m0, cb_inseries.Checked, i); } else { ExportCurrFile(sw, m, null, cb_inseries.Checked, i); } i++; if (i == Convert.ToInt32(tb_packn.Text)) { i = 0; packagenum++; } sw.Close(); } }
public static double noRefF(int N, SimController sim, List <int> plotChoice, MagnetizationByPosition MsByPos, string calccondition) { //N--; string fmt = "000000.##"; //string file = sim.dir + 'f' + N.ToString(fmt) + ".ovf"; string file = sim.dir + 'f' + N.ToString() + ".ovf"; //string file3 = sim.dir + fName(3 * N + 2); Console.WriteLine("Dip pos:" + sim.fmrfm.dipole.r0.ToString()); ovf2 m = new ovf2(file, true); //double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFz(m0, mi); double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFzConditional(null, m, ops.CalcCondition_range, MsByPos, plotChoice, calccondition); return(fzi); }
public void DoSweep(double H0, double dH, bool propEven) { double h; int num = (files.Count - 1) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int bg = 2 * i + 1; int real = 2 * i + 2; h = H0 + i * dH; ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(files[bg].FullName, false); ovf2 mi = new ovf2(files[real].FullName, false); double fzi = fmrfm.CalculateFz(m0, mi); H.Add(h); Fz.Add(fzi); } }
public static double dualFSmooth(int N, SimController sim, List <int> pltChoice) { //m000001.ovf N--; double f = 0; string file1 = sim.dir + "mx" + (3 * N).ToString() + ".ovf"; string file2 = sim.dir + "mx" + (3 * N + 1).ToString() + ".ovf"; string file3 = sim.dir + "mx" + (3 * N + 2).ToString() + ".ovf"; List <string> file = new List <string> { file1, file2, file3 }; ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(file[pltChoice[0]], false); ovf2 mi = new ovf2(file[pltChoice[1]], false); double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFz(m0, mi); return(fzi); }
public static double dualF(int N, SimController sim, List <int> pltChoice) { //m000001.ovf N--; double f = 0; string file1 = sim.dir + fName(3 * N); string file2 = sim.dir + fName(3 * N + 1); string file3 = sim.dir + fName(3 * N + 2); List <string> file = new List <string> { file1, file2, file3 }; ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(file[pltChoice[0]]); ovf2 mi = new ovf2(file[pltChoice[1]]); double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFz(m0, mi); return(fzi); }
public static double newF(int N, SimController sim, List <int> plotChoice, MagnetizationByPosition MsByPos, string calccondition) { //N--; double f = 0; string file1 = sim.dir + N.ToString() + "-m0.ovf"; string file2 = sim.dir + N.ToString() + "-mf.ovf"; //string file3 = sim.dir + fName(3 * N + 2); Console.WriteLine("Dip pos:" + sim.fmrfm.dipole.r0.ToString()); ovf2 m0 = new ovf2(file1, false); ovf2 mi = new ovf2(file2, false); //double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFz(m0, mi); //double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFzConditional(m0, mi, (v) => { return true; }, MsByPos,plotChoice); double fzi = sim.fmrfm.CalculateFzConditional(m0, mi, ops.CalcCondition_range, MsByPos, plotChoice, calccondition); return(fzi); }
private void lb_Files_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string fName = tb_Dir.Text + "\\"; if (lb_Files.SelectedIndex > -1) { fName += lb_Files.SelectedItem.ToString(); ovf2 ovf = new ovf2(fName); string itxt = tb_CompInfo.Text; string[] sitxt = itxt.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); this.componentNum = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[0]); PlotRow(ovf, chart2, ovf.header.ynodes / 2); Bitmap bmp = Viz.MakeImage(ovf, componentNum); pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; pictureBox1.Image = bmp; } }
private void AverageMagnetizations(string dirPath, int NumOfAvgs) { //string fName = "-f1-"; MuMaxTable mt1 = new MuMaxTable(dirPath + "\\table.txt"); string fileNname = tb_colname.Text.Split(',')[0]; int fnum =[fileNname].Count; for (int i = 0; i < fnum; i++) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(dirPath + "\\" + i.ToString() + "-mf.ovf")) { ovf2 newAvg = average(dirPath, i, NumOfAvgs); newAvg.SaveAs(dirPath + "\\" + i.ToString() + "-mf.ovf"); Console.WriteLine("Done with {0}", i); } else { Console.WriteLine("Skipping {0}", i); } } }
private void PlotRow(ovf2 m, Chart chart, int RowNumber) { chart.Series[0].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line; Vector[] vecM = m.GetRow(RowNumber, 0); chart.Series[0].Points.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < vecM.Count(); i++) { double dV = 0; if (componentNum == 1) { dV = (vecM[i].x); } else if (componentNum == 2) { dV = (vecM[i].y); } else if (componentNum == 3) { dV = (vecM[i].z); } chart.Series[0].Points.AddXY(i, dV); } }
public double CalculateFz(ovf2 m) { double fz = CalculateFz(this.m0, m); return(fz); }
public double CalculateFzConditional(ovf2 mRef, ovf2 m, CalcCondition ccond, MagnetizationByPosition MsAtPos, List <int> plotChoice, string cond) { //int Ny = mRef.header.ynodes; int Ny = m.header.ynodes; double fz = 0; //double vol = mRef.header.xstepsize * mRef.header.ystepsize * mRef.header.zstepsize; double vol = m.header.xstepsize * m.header.ystepsize * m.header.zstepsize; for (int i = 0; i < Ny; i++) { Vector[] dm = m.GetRow(i, 0); if (mRef != null) { Vector[] row0 = mRef.GetRow(i, 0); dm = vecSub(dm, row0); } for (int j = 0; j < dm.Count(); j++) { //Vector mf = new Vector(dm[j].x * mom, dm[j].y * mom, dm[j].z * mom); Vector r = m.GetPos(j, i, 0); //Vector mf = new Vector(0, 0, dm[j].z * MsAtPos(r) * vol); Vector mf = new Vector(dm[j].x * MsAtPos(r) * vol, dm[j].y * MsAtPos(r) * vol, dm[j].z * MsAtPos(r) * vol); double fzi = 0; if (plotChoice[0] == 0) { if (plotChoice[1] == 1) { fzi = dipole.Fz(mf, r); } else if (plotChoice[1] == 2) { fzi = dipole.Fz_ip(mf, r); } else if (plotChoice[1] == 3) { fzi = dipole.Fz_ipy(mf, r); } } if (plotChoice[0] == 1) { if (plotChoice[1] == 1) { fzi = dm[j].z; } else if (plotChoice[1] == 2) { fzi = dm[j].x; } else if (plotChoice[1] == 3) { fzi = dm[j].y; } } //double fzi = dipole.Fz(mf, r); //double fzi = dipole.Fz_ip(mf, r); if (ccond(r, cond)) { fz += fzi; } } } return(fz); }
public FMRFM(Dipole cantileverDipole, ovf2 m0, double MaterialMs) { this.dipole = cantileverDipole; this.m0 = m0; this.MaterialMs = MaterialMs; }
private void ExportCurrFile(System.IO.StreamWriter sw, ovf2 m0, ovf2 mf, bool inseries, int index) { double factor = 1.0; int Nx = m0.header.xnodes; int Ny = m0.header.ynodes; int startK = 0; int endK = (m0.GetRow(0, 0)).Count(); double vcomp = 0; if (inseries) { if (index > 0 && index < Convert.ToInt32(tb_packn.Text)) { sw.Write("##\n"); } } for (int i = 0; i < Ny; i++) { Vector[] vrow0 = m0.GetRow(i, 0); Vector[] vrowf; if (mf != null) { vrowf = mf.GetRow(i, 0); } else { vrowf = new Vector[vrow0.Count()]; } Vector[] vsub = new Vector[vrow0.Count()]; int colStart = vrow0.Count() / 2; for (int k = startK; k < endK; k++) { if (mf != null) { vsub[k] = vrow0[k] - vrowf[k]; } else { vsub[k] = vrow0[k]; } //which component to plot (x, y or z) string itxt = tb_CompInfo.Text; string[] sitxt = itxt.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); //ovf2 mf = new ovf2(baseName + "f1-0.ovf"); this.componentNum = Convert.ToInt16(sitxt[0]); if (this.componentNum == 1) { vcomp = vsub[k].x; } else if (this.componentNum == 2) { vcomp = vsub[k].y; } else if (this.componentNum == 3) { vcomp = vsub[k].z; } sw.Write((factor * vcomp).ToString()); if (k < endK - 1) { sw.Write(" "); } else { sw.Write("\n"); } } } sw.Close(); }