EmitGetProperty() public method

Emit property getter invocation. Pre condition is there is target instance on the top of evaluation stack when property is instance property. Post condition are that target instance will be removed from the stack for instance property, and property value will be placed on there.
public EmitGetProperty ( PropertyInfo property ) : void
property System.Reflection.PropertyInfo for target property.
return void
Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Emits the deserialize collection value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="target">The target collection variable.</param>
		/// <param name="member">The deserializing member metadata which holds the collection.</param>
		/// <param name="memberType">Type of the deserializing member.</param>
		/// <param name="nilImplication">The nil implication.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitDeserializeCollectionValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder target, MemberInfo member, Type memberType, NilImplication nilImplication, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( target != null );
			Contract.Requires( member != null );
			Contract.Requires( memberType != null );
			Contract.Requires( localHolder != null );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );

			EmitGeneralRead( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );

			switch ( nilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
					 * {
					 *		// Skip current.
					 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

				case NilImplication.Null:
				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
					 * // for Prohibit
					 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
					 * {
					 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
					 * }
					 * // for Null, and 
					 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
					 * {
					 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNullMethod( "..." );
					 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
					il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
					il.EmitLdstr( member.Name );
					if ( nilImplication == NilImplication.Prohibit )
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
						// Because result member is readonly collection, so the member will not be null if packed value was nil.
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNullMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );


			 *	if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 *	{
			 *		throw new SerializatonException( "Cannot deserialize..." );
			 *	}
			 *	using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree() )
			 *	{
			 *		GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackTo( unpacker, result ) )
			 *	}

			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "THEN" );
			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( memberType );

			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
			// else
			il.EmitLdstr( member.Name );
			il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewStreamDoesNotContainCollectionForMemberMethod );
			// then
			var subtreeUnpacker = localHolder.SubtreeUnpacker;
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );
			EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( subtreeUnpacker );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( target );
			Emittion.EmitLoadValue( il, member );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( memberType ).GetMethod( "UnpackTo", new[] { typeof( Unpacker ), memberType } ) );
			EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );
Example #2
		private static void EmitCompareNull( TracingILGenerator il, LocalBuilder value, Label targetIfNotNull )
			if ( value.LocalType == typeof( MessagePackObject ) )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
				il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
				il.EmitBrfalse_S( targetIfNotNull );
			else if ( value.LocalType.GetIsValueType() )
				Contract.Assert( Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( value.LocalType ) != null, value.LocalType.FullName );
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
				il.EmitGetProperty( value.LocalType.GetProperty( "HasValue" ) );
				il.EmitBrtrue_S( targetIfNotNull );
			else // ref type
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( value );
				il.EmitBne_Un_S( targetIfNotNull );
Example #3
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits 'foreach' statement on the IL stream.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">IL generator to be emitted to.</param>
		/// <param name="traits"><see cref="CollectionTraits"/> which contains traits of the iterating collection.</param>
		/// <param name="collection">'collection' argument index.</param>
		/// <param name="bodyEmitter">Delegate to emit body statement.</param>
		public static void EmitForEach( TracingILGenerator il, CollectionTraits traits, LocalBuilder collection, Action<TracingILGenerator, Action> bodyEmitter )
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( collection != null );
			Contract.Requires( bodyEmitter != null );

			var enumerator = il.DeclareLocal( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType, "enumerator" );

			// gets enumerator
			if ( collection.LocalType.IsValueType )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( collection );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( collection );

			il.EmitAnyCall( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( enumerator );

			if ( typeof( IDisposable ).IsAssignableFrom( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType ) )

			var startLoop = il.DefineLabel( "START_LOOP" );
			il.MarkLabel( startLoop );
			var endLoop = il.DefineLabel( "END_LOOP" );
			var enumeratorType = traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType;
			MethodInfo moveNextMethod = enumeratorType.GetMethod( "MoveNext", Type.EmptyTypes );
			PropertyInfo currentProperty = traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.GetProperty( "Current" );

			if ( moveNextMethod == null )
				moveNextMethod = Metadata._IEnumerator.MoveNext;

			if ( currentProperty == null )
				if ( enumeratorType == typeof( IDictionaryEnumerator ) )
					currentProperty = Metadata._IDictionaryEnumerator.Current;
				else if ( enumeratorType.IsInterface )
					if ( enumeratorType.IsGenericType && enumeratorType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof( IEnumerator<> ) )
						currentProperty = typeof( IEnumerator<> ).MakeGenericType( traits.ElementType ).GetProperty( "Current" );
						currentProperty = Metadata._IEnumerator.Current;

			Contract.Assert( currentProperty != null, enumeratorType.ToString() );

			// iterates
			if ( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.IsValueType )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( enumerator );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );

			il.EmitAnyCall( moveNextMethod );
			il.EmitBrfalse( endLoop );

				() =>
					if ( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.IsValueType )
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( enumerator );
						il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );
					il.EmitGetProperty( currentProperty );

			il.EmitBr( startLoop );
			il.MarkLabel( endLoop );

			// Dispose
			if ( typeof( IDisposable ).IsAssignableFrom( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType ) )

				if ( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.IsValueType )
					var disposeMethod = traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType.GetMethod( "Dispose" );
					if ( disposeMethod != null && disposeMethod.GetParameters().Length == 0 && disposeMethod.ReturnType == typeof( void ) )
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( enumerator );
						il.EmitAnyCall( disposeMethod );
						il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );
						il.EmitBox( traits.GetEnumeratorMethod.ReturnType );
						il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._IDisposable.Dispose );
					il.EmitAnyLdloc( enumerator );
					il.EmitAnyCall( Metadata._IDisposable.Dispose );

Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Emits the deserialize value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="value">The value local variable which stores unpacked value.</param>
		/// <param name="targetType">The type of deserialzing type.</param>
		/// <param name="member">The metadata for nil implication. Specify <c>null</c> if nil implication is not needed.</param>
		/// <param name="memberName">The name of the member.</param>
		/// <param name="endOfDeserialization">The end of deserialization label for nil implication.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		private static void EmitDeserializeValueCore( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder value, Type targetType, SerializingMember? member, string memberName, Label endOfDeserialization, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			var directUnpacking = Metadata._Unpacker.GetDirectReadMethod( value.LocalType );
			if ( directUnpacking != null && ( member == null || !UnpackHelpers.IsReadOnlyAppendableCollectionMember( member.Value.Member ) ) )
				var isSuccess = localHolder.IsDeserializationSucceeded;
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isSuccess );

				il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
				il.EmitAnyCall( directUnpacking );
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isSuccess );
				il.BeginCatchBlock( typeof( MessageTypeException ) );
				var ex = localHolder.GetCatchedException( typeof( MessageTypeException ) );
				il.EmitAnyStloc( ex );
				il.EmitTypeOf( targetType );
				il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( ex );
				il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewFailedToDeserializeMemberMethod );
				var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( isSuccess );
				il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf0 );
				il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewUnexpectedEndOfStreamMethod );
				il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );
				if ( member != null )
					// If null, nil implication is NOT needed.
					EmitNilImplicationForPrimitive( il, member.Value, value, endOfDeserialization );
				EmitGeneralRead( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );
				if ( member != null )
					// If null, nil implication is NOT needed.

				var thenIffCollection = il.DefineLabel( "THEN_IF_COLLECTION" );
				var endIfCollection = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF_COLLECTION" );

				 *	if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
				 *	{
				 *		value = GET_SERIALIZER().UnpackFrom( unpacker );
				 *	}
				 *	else
				 *	{
				 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree() )
				 *		{
				 *			value = GET_SERIALIZER().UnpackFrom( subtreeUnpacker );
				 *		}
				 *	}

				il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
				il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
				il.EmitBrtrue_S( thenIffCollection );
				EmitUnpackFrom( emitter, il, value, unpackerArgumentIndex );
				il.EmitBr_S( endIfCollection );
				var subtreeUnpacker = localHolder.SubtreeUnpacker;
				il.MarkLabel( thenIffCollection );
				EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
				EmitUnpackFrom( emitter, il, value, subtreeUnpacker );
				EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
				il.MarkLabel( endIfCollection );

Example #5
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits the nil implication.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="memberName">Name of the deserializing member.</param>
		/// <param name="nilImplication">The nil implication.</param>
		/// <param name="endOfDeserialization">The label to the end of deserialization.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitNilImplication(
			TracingILGenerator il,
			int unpackerArgumentIndex,
			string memberName,
			NilImplication nilImplication,
			Label endOfDeserialization,
			LocalVariableHolder localHolder
			switch ( nilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					// TODO: This should be empty for extra items.
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
					var dataValue = localHolder.UnpackedDataValue;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
					il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
					il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );

Example #6
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits the serializing value instructions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="packerArgumentIndex">Index of the packer argument.</param>
		/// <param name="valueType">Type of the current member value.</param>
		/// <param name="memberName">Name of the current member.</param>
		/// <param name="nilImplication">The nil implication of the current member.</param>
		/// <param name="loadValueEmitter">The delegate which emits case specific value loading instructions.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitSerializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int packerArgumentIndex, Type valueType, string memberName, NilImplication nilImplication, Action<TracingILGenerator> loadValueEmitter, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( packerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( valueType != null );
			Contract.Requires( loadValueEmitter != null );

			 * var serializingValue = LOAD_VALUE;
			 * GET_SERIALIZER.PackTo( packer, serializingValue );
			var value = localHolder.GetSerializingValue( valueType );
			loadValueEmitter( il );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			if ( memberName != null && nilImplication == NilImplication.Prohibit )
				 *	if( serializingValue == null )(
				 *	{
				 *		throw SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibited();
				 *	}

				if ( !valueType.IsValueType )
					il.EmitAnyLdloc( value );
					var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
					il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
					il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf );
				else if ( Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( valueType ) != null )
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
					il.EmitGetProperty( typeof( Nullable<> ).MakeGenericType( Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( valueType ) ).GetProperty( "HasValue" ) );
					var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
					il.EmitBrtrue_S( endIf );
					il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf );

			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( valueType );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( packerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( value );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( valueType ).GetMethod( "PackTo" ) );
Example #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Emits the deserialize value.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="emitter">The emitter.</param>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="result">The result local variable which represents the result of deserialization.</param>
		/// <param name="member">The metadata for nil implication. Specify <c>null</c> if nil implication is not needed.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitDeserializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder result, SerializingMember member, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( result != null );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );

			 * if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 * {
			 *		valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 * }
			 * else
			 * {
			 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree )
			 *		{
			 *			valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 *		}
			 * }
			 * isValueNUnpacked = true;
			LocalBuilder value;
			bool useDummyNullableValue = false;
			if ( member.Member.GetMemberValueType().GetIsValueType() &&
				Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() ) == null )
				// Use temporary nullable value for nil implication.
				value = localHolder.GetDeserializedValue(
					typeof( Nullable<> ).MakeGenericType( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() ) );
				useDummyNullableValue = true;
				value = localHolder.GetDeserializedValue( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() );

			if ( value.LocalType.GetIsValueType() )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
				il.EmitInitobj( value.LocalType );
				il.EmitAnyStloc( value );

			EmitDeserializeValueCore( emitter, il, unpackerArgumentIndex, value, result.LocalType, member, member.Contract.Name, endOfDeserialization, localHolder );

			if ( result.LocalType.IsValueType )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( result );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( result );

			if ( useDummyNullableValue )
				il.EmitAnyLdloca( value );
				il.EmitGetProperty( typeof( Nullable<> ).MakeGenericType( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() ).GetProperty( "Value" ) );
				il.EmitAnyLdloc( value );

			EmitStoreValue( il, member.Member );

			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );
Example #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Emits gets <see cref="Unpacker.ItemsCount"/> with exception handling.
		/// Note that final state is the value is pushed top of the evaluation stack.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">IL generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Argument index of the unpacker.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitGetUnpackerItemsCountAsInt32( TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalVariableHolder localHolder )
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );

			 *	long rawItemsCount;
			 *	try
			 *	{
			 *		rawItemsCount = unpacker.ItemsCount;
			 *	}
			 *	catch ( InvalidOperationException ex )
			 *	{
			 *		throw SerializationExceptions.NewIsIncorrectStream( ex );
			 *	}
			 *	if( rawItemsCount > Int32.MaxValue )
			 *	{
			 *		throw SerializationException.NewIsTooLargeCollection(); 
			 *	}
			 *	... unchecked( ( int )rawItemsCount );
			il.EmitAnyLdloca( localHolder.RawItemsCount );
			il.EmitInitobj( typeof( long ) );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.ItemsCount );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( localHolder.RawItemsCount );
			il.BeginCatchBlock( typeof( InvalidOperationException ) );
			il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewIsIncorrectStreamMethod );

			il.EmitAnyLdloc( localHolder.RawItemsCount );
			il.EmitLdc_I8( Int32.MaxValue );
			var endIf = il.DefineLabel();
			il.EmitBle_S( endIf );
			il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewIsTooLargeCollectionMethod );
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( localHolder.RawItemsCount );
Example #9
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits appropriate loading member instructions.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">IL generator to be emitted to.</param>
		/// <param name="member"><see cref="MemberInfo"/> to be loaded.</param>
		public static void EmitLoadValue( TracingILGenerator il, MemberInfo member )
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( member != null );

			var asProperty = member as PropertyInfo;
			if ( asProperty != null )
				il.EmitGetProperty( asProperty );
				Contract.Assert( member is FieldInfo, member.ToString() + ":" + member.MemberType );
				il.EmitLdfld( member as FieldInfo );
Example #10
		/// <summary>
		///		Emits the nil implication.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="il">The il generator.</param>
		/// <param name="unpackerArgumentIndex">Index of the unpacker argument.</param>
		/// <param name="member">Metadata of the serializing member.</param>
		/// <param name="endOfDeserialization">The label to the end of deserialization.</param>
		/// <param name="localHolder">The <see cref="LocalVariableHolder"/> which holds shared local variable information.</param>
		public static void EmitNilImplication(
			TracingILGenerator il,
			int unpackerArgumentIndex,
			SerializingMember member,
			Label endOfDeserialization,
			LocalVariableHolder localHolder
			switch ( member.Contract.NilImplication )
				case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
					// TODO: This should be empty for extra items.
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.LastReadData );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

				case NilImplication.Null:
					if ( member.Member.GetMemberValueType().GetIsValueType() && Nullable.GetUnderlyingType( member.Member.GetMemberValueType() ) == null )
						throw SerializationExceptions.NewValueTypeCannotBeNull(
							member.Contract.Name, member.Member.GetMemberValueType(), member.Member.DeclaringType 

					if ( !member.Member.CanSetValue() )
						throw SerializationExceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNull(

				case NilImplication.Prohibit:
					if ( !member.Member.CanSetValue() )
						throw SerializationExceptions.NewReadOnlyMemberItemsMustNotBeNull(
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
					il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.LastReadData );
					var data = localHolder.UnpackedData;
					il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
					il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
					il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
					var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
					il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
					il.EmitLdstr( member.Contract.Name );
					il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
					il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );

Example #11
		public static void EmitDeserializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder value, NilImplication nilImplication, Action<TracingILGenerator, int> customUnpackerReading )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( value != null );

			if ( customUnpackerReading != null )
				customUnpackerReading( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );

			 * if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 * {
			 *		valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 * }
			 * else
			 * {
			 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree )
			 *		{
			 *			valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 *		}
			 * }
			 * isValueNUnpacked = true;

			var then = il.DefineLabel( "THEN" );
			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( value.LocalType );

			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			// else
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			il.EmitBr_S( endIf );
			// then
			var subtreeUnpacker = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( Unpacker ), "subtreeUnpacker" );
			il.MarkLabel( then );
			EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( subtreeUnpacker );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );

			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );
Example #12
		public static void EmitDeserializeValue( SerializerEmitter emitter, TracingILGenerator il, int unpackerArgumentIndex, LocalBuilder value, LocalBuilder isUnpacked, string memberName, NilImplication nilImplication, Action<TracingILGenerator, int> customUnpackerReading )
			Contract.Requires( emitter != null );
			Contract.Requires( il != null );
			Contract.Requires( unpackerArgumentIndex >= 0 );
			Contract.Requires( value != null );

			if ( customUnpackerReading != null )
				customUnpackerReading( il, unpackerArgumentIndex );

			var endOfDeserialization = il.DefineLabel( "END_OF_DESERIALIZATION" );
			if ( memberName != null )
				switch ( nilImplication )
					case NilImplication.MemberDefault:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		// Skip current.
						 * }
						il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
						var data = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject? ), "data" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
						var dataValue = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject ), "dataValue" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
						il.EmitBrtrue( endOfDeserialization );

					case NilImplication.Prohibit:
						 * if( unpacker.Data.Value.IsNil )
						 * {
						 *		throw SerializationEceptions.NewProhibitNullException( "..." );
						 * }
						il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.Data );
						var data = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject? ), "data" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( data );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( data );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Nullable<MessagePackObject>.Value );
						var dataValue = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( MessagePackObject ), "dataValue" );
						il.EmitAnyStloc( dataValue );
						il.EmitAnyLdloca( dataValue );
						il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._MessagePackObject.IsNil );
						var endIf0 = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF0" );
						il.EmitBrfalse_S( endIf0 );
						il.EmitLdstr( memberName );
						il.EmitAnyCall( SerializationExceptions.NewNullIsProhibitedMethod );
						il.MarkLabel( endIf0 );


			 * if( !unpacker.IsArrayHeader && !unpacker.IsMapHeader )
			 * {
			 *		valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 * }
			 * else
			 * {
			 *		using( var subtreeUnpacker = unpacker.ReadSubtree )
			 *		{
			 *			valueN = GET_SERIALIZER.UnpackFrom( unpacker );
			 *		}
			 * }
			 * isValueNUnpacked = true;

			var then = il.DefineLabel( "THEN" );
			var endIf = il.DefineLabel( "END_IF" );
			var serializerGetter = emitter.RegisterSerializer( value.LocalType );

			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsArrayHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitGetProperty( Metadata._Unpacker.IsMapHeader );
			il.EmitBrtrue_S( then );
			// else
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdarg( unpackerArgumentIndex );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			il.EmitBr_S( endIf );
			// then
			var subtreeUnpacker = il.DeclareLocal( typeof( Unpacker ), "subtreeUnpacker" );
			il.MarkLabel( then );
			EmitUnpackerBeginReadSubtree( il, unpackerArgumentIndex, subtreeUnpacker );
			serializerGetter( il, 0 );
			il.EmitAnyLdloc( subtreeUnpacker );
			il.EmitAnyCall( typeof( MessagePackSerializer<> ).MakeGenericType( value.LocalType ).GetMethod( "UnpackFrom" ) );
			il.EmitAnyStloc( value );
			EmitUnpackerEndReadSubtree( il, subtreeUnpacker );
			il.MarkLabel( endIf );

			if ( isUnpacked != null )
				il.EmitAnyStloc( isUnpacked );

			il.MarkLabel( endOfDeserialization );