public void Init(ParticleEventProperties properties, Animator animator, float startTime, bool flipped, float stopTime, bool clear) { _properties = properties; //_flipped = flipped; _clear = clear; //_animator = animator; _startTime = startTime; _stopTime = stopTime; _lastTime = startTime; _played = false; _stopped = false; if (_particleSystem == null) { _particleSystem = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(null, properties, animator, flipped, true); } if (properties._parent) { _attachTransform = _particleSystem.GetComponent <AttachTransform>(); if (_attachTransform != null) { _attachTransform.UpdateManually = true; } } Reset(); }
public void Init(TrailRendererEventProperties properties, Animator animator, float startTime, bool flipped, bool isCrit) { //_properties = properties; _startTime = startTime; _animClip = properties._rigAnimClip; _trailRenderer = MoveUtils.InstantiateTrailInstance(properties, animator, flipped, isCrit, true).GetComponent <TrailRendererInstance>(); _animRoot = EB.Util.GetObjectExactMatch(_trailRenderer.gameObject, "anim_root"); _played = false; if (properties._parent) { _attachTransform = _trailRenderer.GetComponent <AttachTransform>(); } }
public void PlayDynamicLight(DynamicLightEventProperties properties) { // TJ: don't play this light if one with the same event name is already playing if (properties._eventName.Length > 0 && _activeDynamicLights.Count(pi => pi._name == properties._eventName) > 0) { return; } GameObject light = MoveUtils.InstantiateDynamicLight(properties, GetComponent <Animator>(), false); if (light != null) { RegisterLight(light, properties._eventName, properties._interruptable, properties._stopOnExit); light.GetComponent <DynamicPointLightInstance>().Play(); } }
public void Init(DynamicLightEventProperties properties, Animator animator, float startTime, float stopTime) { //_properties = properties; _startTime = startTime; _stopTime = stopTime; _dynamicLight = MoveUtils.InstantiateDynamicLight(properties, animator, false, true).GetComponent <DynamicPointLightInstance>(); _played = false; _stopped = false; if (!Application.isPlaying) { _dynamicLight.EnableSimMode(true); } _dynamicLight.Stop(); }
public void PlayTrailRenderer(TrailRendererEventProperties properties) { bool isCrit = false; Hotfix_LT.Combat.Combatant combatant = gameObject.GetComponent <Hotfix_LT.Combat.Combatant>(); if (combatant != null) { isCrit = combatant.IsCurrentAttackCritical(); } GameObject trail = MoveUtils.InstantiateTrailInstance(properties, GetComponent <Animator>(), _flipped, isCrit); if (trail != null) { RegisterTrail(trail, properties._eventName, properties._isInterruptible); trail.GetComponent <TrailRendererInstance>().Play(Time.time); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.RigAnimClipName)) { Animation animRoot = trail.transform.Find("anim_root").GetComponent <Animation>(); animRoot.Play(properties.RigAnimClipName); } } }
public ParticleSystem PlayParticle(ParticleEventProperties properties, float time = 0, bool forcePlay = false, bool target = false, Vector3 tarPos = new Vector3(), Animator tarAimator = null, Vector3 tarOrgPos = new Vector3(), Vector3 tarHitPos = new Vector3()) { if (!m_CanPlayParticle) { return(null); } //判断是否被禁止播放特效 if (DisableFX) { return(null); } if (properties._applyOnTargetList) { ParticleEventProperties clone = ParticleEventProperties.Deserialize(properties.Serialize()); PlayParticleOnTargetList(clone); return(null); } //ToDo:改调热更 //if (LTInstanceMapModel.Instance.IsInsatnceViewAction() && properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Contains("paobu")) if (GameFlowControlManager.IsInView("InstanceView") && properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Contains("paobu")) { return(null); } //如果是世界boss的封印特效,则必须要在主场景才会出现 //ToDo:改调热更 //if (properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Contains("fx_f_M00") && (!"-Variant-Normal-M") || LTWorldBossDataManager.Instance.IsOpenWorldBoss())) if (properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Contains("fx_f_M00") && (!"-Variant-Normal-M") || (bool)GlobalUtils.CallStaticHotfix("Hotfix_LT.UI.LTWorldBossDataManager", "IsOpenWorldBossFromILR"))) { return(null); } //世界boss某个出场特效播放之后需要特殊处理场景状态 if (properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Equals("fx_m_m001_specialappear03") || properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Equals("fx_m_m002_specialappear03") || properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.Equals("fx_m_m003_specialappear03")) { if (WorldBossCombatScene.Instance != null) { WorldBossCombatScene.Instance.SetSceneStatus(2);//世界boss播放出场镜头的时候需要特殊设置场景状态 } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties._partition)) { //AvatarComponent avatar = _player != null ? _player.GetComponent<AvatarComponent>() : GetComponent<AvatarComponent>(); AvatarComponent avatar = GetComponent <AvatarComponent>(); if (avatar == null) { return(null); } if (!avatar.Partitions.ContainsKey(properties._partition)) { return(null); } /*string fxName = avatar.Partitions[properties._partition].AssetName; * if (properties._particleReference.Valiad && !properties._particleReference.Name.EndsWith(fxName)) * { * return null; * } * if (properties._flippedParticleReference.Valiad && !properties._flippedParticleReference.Name.EndsWith(fxName)) * { * return null; * } * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.ParticleName) && !properties.ParticleName.EndsWith(fxName)) * { * return null; * } * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(properties.FlippedParticleName) && !properties.FlippedParticleName.EndsWith(fxName)) * { * return null; * }*/ } bool canPlay = true; // TJ: Test conditions that would prevent the particle from playing if (!forcePlay) { // check if there are any particles playing using this event name if (properties._eventName.Length > 0 && _activeParticles.Count(pi => pi._name == properties._eventName) > 0) { ParticleInfo info = _activeParticles.Find(pi => pi._name == properties._eventName); if (!info._stopOnOverride) { canPlay = false; } } // check if we need to wait for attacks to be resolved else if (properties._killIfBlocked || properties._cancelIfMissed || properties._cancelIfHit) { _cachedConditionalParticles.Add(properties); canPlay = false; } } if (!canPlay) { return(null); } ParticleInfo last = null; if (properties._eventName.Length > 0 && _activeParticles.Count(pi => pi._name == properties._eventName) > 0) { foreach (ParticleInfo info in _activeParticles.FindAll(pi => pi._name == properties._eventName)) { if (info._stopOnOverride) { if (!info._particleSystem.loop || last != null) { StopParticle(info._name); } else { last = info; } } } } //EB.Debug.Log("PlayParticle: play {0} _activeParticles = {1}", properties._eventName, _activeParticles.Count); ParticleInfo new_pi = last; ParticleSystem ps = last != null ? last._particleSystem : null; if (new_pi == null) { ps = InstantiateParticle(properties, _flipped, target, tarPos, tarAimator, tarOrgPos, tarHitPos); if (ps == null) { //如果是开场动画,如果还没播放开场动画,还需要隔一段时间播放 //if (CombatUtil.IsHeroStartEffect(MoveUtils.GetParticleName(properties, true))) if (IsHeroStartEffect(MoveUtils.GetParticleName(properties, true))) { mCurrentReplayTime++; if (mCurrentReplayTime >= mReplayTime) { TimerManager.instance.RemoveTimer(mTimer); mCurrentReplayTime = 0; return(null); } mTimer = TimerManager.instance.AddTimer(100, 1, delegate(int seq) { TimerManager.instance.RemoveTimer(mTimer); PlayParticle(properties, time, forcePlay); }); } return(null); } new_pi = RegisterParticle(ps, properties._eventName, properties._interruptable, properties._stopOnExit, properties._stopOnDuration, properties._duration); } new_pi._stopOnOverride = properties._stopOnOverride; new_pi._stopOnEndTurn = properties._stopOnEndTurn; new_pi._stopAfterTurns = properties._stopAfterTurns; new_pi._turns = properties._turns; = properties; new_pi._activeTurn = Mathf.Max(1, GetCurrentTurn()); if (last == null) { ps.EnableEmission(true); if (time < 0.01f) { ps.Simulate(0.0001f, true, true); } else { ps.Simulate(time, true, true); } ps.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer; ps.transform.SetChildLayer(gameObject.layer); ps.Play(true); } //EB.Debug.LogPSPoolAsset(string.Format(">>播放指定的特效:<color=#00ff00>{0}</color>",; if (PlayParticleAction != null) { PlayParticleAction(ps); } return(ps); }
private ParticleSystem InstantiateParticle(ParticleEventProperties properties, bool flipped, bool target = false, Vector3 tarPos = new Vector3(), Animator tarAimator = null, Vector3 tarOrgPos = new Vector3(), Vector3 tarHitPos = new Vector3()) { ParticleSystem ps = null; if (properties._spawnAtOpponent && _player != null) { // calculate world position of the particle //Vector3 position = _player.transform.position; //Combatant target = _player.GetAttackTarget(); Vector3 position = this.gameObject.transform.position; if (!target) { ps = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(this, properties, position, flipped); } else { //position = target.transform.position; position = tarPos; if (properties._attachToOpponent) { flipped = !flipped; // since this is now attached to the other player we need to reverse the flip if (tarAimator == null) { ps = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(this, properties, position, flipped); } else { ps = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(this, properties, tarAimator, flipped); } } else { if (properties._spawnAtTargetBase) { position = tarOrgPos; } else if (properties._spawnAtHitPoint) { position = tarHitPos; } ps = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(this, properties, position, flipped); } } } else { if (_animator == null) { ps = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(this, properties, transform.position, flipped); } else { ps = MoveUtils.InstantiateParticle(this, properties, _animator, flipped); } } return(ps); }