Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the host MMFeedbacks' time multiplier to this feedback
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="duration"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual float ApplyTimeMultiplier(float duration)
            if (_isHostMMFeedbacksNotNull)

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw a header similar to the one used for the post-process stack
        /// </summary>
        static public Rect DrawHeader(ref bool expanded, ref bool activeField, string title, Color feedbackColor, System.Action <GenericMenu> fillGenericMenu,
                                      float startedAt, float duration, float totalDuration, MMFeedbackTiming timing, bool pause, MMFeedbacks host)
            var e = Event.current;

            // Initialize Rects
            var backgroundRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 17f);

            var progressRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(1f, 2f);

            var offset = 4f;

            var reorderRect = backgroundRect;

            reorderRect.xMin  -= 8f;
            reorderRect.y     += 5f;
            reorderRect.width  = 9f;
            reorderRect.height = 9f;

            var labelRect = backgroundRect;

            labelRect.xMin += 32f + offset;
            labelRect.xMax -= 20f;

            var foldoutRect = backgroundRect;

            foldoutRect.y     += 1f;
            foldoutRect.xMin  += offset;
            foldoutRect.width  = 13f;
            foldoutRect.height = 13f;

            var toggleRect = backgroundRect;

            toggleRect.x     += 16f;
            toggleRect.xMin  += offset;
            toggleRect.y     += 2f;
            toggleRect.width  = 13f;
            toggleRect.height = 13f;

            var menuIcon = PaneOptionsIcon;
            var menuRect = new Rect(labelRect.xMax + 4f, labelRect.y + 4f, menuIcon.width, menuIcon.height);

            _timingStyle.normal.textColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? _timingDark : _timingLight;
            _timingStyle.alignment        = TextAnchor.MiddleRight;

            var colorRect = new Rect(labelRect.xMin, labelRect.yMin, 5f, 17f);

            colorRect.xMin = 0f;
            colorRect.xMax = 5f;
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(colorRect, feedbackColor);

            // Background rect should be full-width
            backgroundRect.xMin   = 0f;
            backgroundRect.width += 4f;

            progressRect.xMin   = 0f;
            progressRect.width += 4f;

            Color headerBackgroundColor = Color.white;

            // Background - if color is white we draw the default color
            if (!pause)
                headerBackgroundColor = HeaderBackground;
                headerBackgroundColor = feedbackColor;
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(backgroundRect, headerBackgroundColor);

            // Foldout
            expanded = GUI.Toggle(foldoutRect, expanded, GUIContent.none, EditorStyles.foldout);

            // Title ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            using (new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!activeField))
                EditorGUI.LabelField(labelRect, title, EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            // Direction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            float directionRectWidth = 70f;
            var   directionRect      = new Rect(labelRect.xMax - directionRectWidth, labelRect.yMin, directionRectWidth, 17f);

            directionRect.xMin = labelRect.xMax - directionRectWidth;
            directionRect.xMax = labelRect.xMax;

            if (timing.MMFeedbacksDirectionCondition == MMFeedbackTiming.MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions.OnlyWhenBackwards)
                GUIContent directionIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("vcs_change", "Only play when backwards");
                EditorGUI.LabelField(directionRect, directionIcon);

            if (timing.MMFeedbacksDirectionCondition == MMFeedbackTiming.MMFeedbacksDirectionConditions.OnlyWhenForwards)
                float rotationAngle = 180f;
                var   pivotPoint    = new Vector2(directionRect.xMin + 9, directionRect.yMin + 8);
                var   matrixBackup  = GUI.matrix;
                GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(rotationAngle, pivotPoint);
                GUIContent directionIcon = EditorGUIUtility.IconContent("vcs_incoming", "Only play when forwards");
                EditorGUI.LabelField(directionRect, directionIcon);
                GUI.matrix = matrixBackup;

            // Time -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            string timingInfo   = "";
            bool   displayTotal = false;

            if (host.DisplayFullDurationDetails)
                if (timing.InitialDelay != 0)
                    timingInfo  += host.ApplyTimeMultiplier(timing.InitialDelay).ToString() + "s + ";
                    displayTotal = true;

                timingInfo += duration.ToString("F2") + "s";

                if (timing.NumberOfRepeats != 0)
                    float delayBetweenRepeats = host.ApplyTimeMultiplier(timing.DelayBetweenRepeats);

                    timingInfo += " + " + timing.NumberOfRepeats.ToString() + " x ";
                    if (timing.DelayBetweenRepeats > 0)
                        timingInfo += "(";
                    timingInfo += duration + "s";
                    if (timing.DelayBetweenRepeats > 0)
                        timingInfo += " + " + host.ApplyTimeMultiplier(timing.DelayBetweenRepeats) + "s )";
                    displayTotal = true;

                if (displayTotal)
                    timingInfo += " = " + totalDuration.ToString("F2") + "s";
                timingInfo = totalDuration.ToString("F2") + "s";

            //"[ 2s + 3 x (4s + 1s) ]"

            float timingRectWidth = 150f;
            var   timingRect      = new Rect(labelRect.xMax - timingRectWidth, labelRect.yMin, timingRectWidth, 17f);

            timingRect.xMin = labelRect.xMax - timingRectWidth;
            timingRect.xMax = labelRect.xMax;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(timingRect, timingInfo, _timingStyle);

            // Progress bar
            if (totalDuration == 0f)
                totalDuration = 0.1f;
            if ((startedAt > 0f) && (Time.time - startedAt < totalDuration + 0.05f))
                float fullWidth = progressRect.width;
                if (totalDuration == 0f)
                    totalDuration = 0.1f;
                float percent = ((Time.time - startedAt) / totalDuration) * 100f;
                progressRect.width = percent * fullWidth / 100f;
                Color barColor = Color.white;
                if (Time.time - startedAt > totalDuration)
                    barColor = Color.yellow;
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(progressRect, barColor);
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(progressRect, headerBackgroundColor);

            // Active checkbox
            activeField = GUI.Toggle(toggleRect, activeField, GUIContent.none, SmallTickbox);

            // Dropdown menu icon
            GUI.DrawTexture(menuRect, menuIcon);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                Rect r = reorderRect;
                r.height = 1;
                r.y      = reorderRect.y + reorderRect.height * (i / 3.0f);
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(r, Reorder);

            // Handle events

            if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown)
                if (menuRect.Contains(e.mousePosition))
                    var menu = new GenericMenu();
                    menu.DropDown(new Rect(new Vector2(menuRect.x, menuRect.yMax), Vector2.zero));

            if (e.type == EventType.MouseDown && labelRect.Contains(e.mousePosition) && e.button == 0)
                expanded = !expanded;
