static void DrawGameObjectName(LevelMapPathElement pathElement, GizmoType gizmoType)
            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();

            style.normal.textColor =;
            Handles.Label(pathElement.transform.position + (Vector3.down * 0.1f) + (Vector3.left * 0.1f),, style);
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the destination.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newDestination">New destination.</param>
 public virtual void SetDestination(LevelMapPathElement newDestination)
     // if we haven't reached our destination yet, we do nothing and exit
     if (transform.position != _destination.transform.position - _offset)
     // otherwise we set our new destination
     _destination = newDestination;
     _shouldMove  = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles input and decides if we can move or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="movement">Movement.</param>
        public virtual void InputMovement()
            // we get both direction axis
            if (InputManager.Instance != null)
                _horizontalMove = InputManager.Instance.PrimaryMovement.x;
                _verticalMove   = InputManager.Instance.PrimaryMovement.y;

            if (!CollidingWithAPathElement)

            if (InputManager.Instance.JumpButton.State.CurrentState == MMInput.ButtonStates.ButtonDown)

            _movement = "";
            // if one or both axis values is above a small value
            if ((Mathf.Abs(_horizontalMove) > _threshold) || (Mathf.Abs(_verticalMove) > _threshold))
                if (_horizontalMove > _threshold)
                    _movement = "Right";
                if (_horizontalMove < -_threshold)
                    _movement = "Left";
                if (_verticalMove > _threshold)
                    _movement = "Up";
                if (_verticalMove < -_threshold)
                    _movement = "Down";

            // if we haven't registered any input, we do nothing and exit
            if (_movement == "")

            // if the path element we're on right now is automated, we do nothing and exit
            if (_currentPathElement.AutomaticMovement)

            if ((_movement == "Up") && (_currentPathElement.CanGoUp()))
                _destination = _currentPathElement.Up; _shouldMove = true;
            if ((_movement == "Right") && (_currentPathElement.CanGoRight()))
                _destination = _currentPathElement.Right; _shouldMove = true;
            if ((_movement == "Down") && (_currentPathElement.CanGoDown()))
                _destination = _currentPathElement.Down; _shouldMove = true;
            if ((_movement == "Left") && (_currentPathElement.CanGoLeft()))
                _destination = _currentPathElement.Left; _shouldMove = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the current path element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pathElement">Path element.</param>
 public virtual void SetCurrentPathElement(LevelMapPathElement pathElement)
     _currentPathElement = pathElement;