Example #1
        private static Rgbquad[] BuildColorTable(Hashtable colors, ushort bpp)
            //RGBQUAD[] colorTable = new RGBQUAD[colors.Count];
            //HACK: it looks like the color array needs to be the max size based on bitcount
            var numColors  = 1 << bpp;
            var colorTable = new Rgbquad[numColors];

            foreach (Rgbquad color in colors.Keys)
                var colorIndex = Convert.ToInt32(colors[color]);
                colorTable[colorIndex] = color;
Example #2
        public static IconHolder BitmapToIconHolder(BitmapHolder bmp)
            var mapColors     = (bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiBitCount <= 24);
            var maximumColors = 1 << bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiBitCount;
            //Hashtable uniqueColors = new Hashtable(maximumColors);
            // actual colors is probably nowhere near maximum, so dont try to initialize the hashtable
            var uniqueColors = new Hashtable();

            var  sourcePosition = 0;
            var  numPixels      = bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiHeight * bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiWidth;
            var  indexedImage   = new byte[numPixels];
            byte colorIndex;

            if (mapColors)
                for (var i = 0; i < indexedImage.Length; i++)
                    //TODO: currently assumes source bitmap is 24bit color
                    //read 3 bytes, convert to color
                    var pixel = new byte[3];
                    Array.Copy(bmp.ImageData, sourcePosition, pixel, 0, 3);
                    sourcePosition += 3;

                    var color = new Rgbquad(pixel);
                    if (uniqueColors.Contains(color))
                        colorIndex = Convert.ToByte(uniqueColors[color]);
                        if (uniqueColors.Count > byte.MaxValue)
                            throw new NotSupportedException(
                                      $"The source image contains more than {byte.MaxValue} colors.");
                        colorIndex = Convert.ToByte(uniqueColors.Count);
                        uniqueColors.Add(color, colorIndex);
                    // store pixel as an index into the color table
                    indexedImage[i] = colorIndex;
                // added by Pavel Janda on 14/11/2006
                if (bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiBitCount == 32)
                    for (var i = 0; i < indexedImage.Length; i++)
                        //TODO: currently assumes source bitmap is 32bit color with alpha set to zero
                        //ignore first byte, read another 3 bytes, convert to color
                        var pixel = new byte[4];
                        Array.Copy(bmp.ImageData, sourcePosition, pixel, 0, 4);
                        sourcePosition += 4;

                        var color = new Rgbquad(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3]);
                        if (uniqueColors.Contains(color))
                            colorIndex = Convert.ToByte(uniqueColors[color]);
                            if (uniqueColors.Count > byte.MaxValue)
                                throw new NotSupportedException(
                                          $"The source image contains more than {byte.MaxValue} colors.");
                            colorIndex = Convert.ToByte(uniqueColors.Count);
                            uniqueColors.Add(color, colorIndex);
                        // store pixel as an index into the color table
                        indexedImage[i] = colorIndex;
                    // end of addition
                    //TODO: implement converting an indexed bitmap
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Unable to convert indexed bitmaps.");

            var bitCount = GetBitCount(uniqueColors.Count);
            // *** Build Icon ***
            var ico = new IconHolder {
                IconDirectory = { Entries = new Icondirentry[1] }

            //TODO: is it really safe to assume the bitmap width/height are bytes?
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Width      = (byte)bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiWidth;
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Height     = (byte)bmp.Info.InfoHeader.BiHeight;
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].BitCount   = bitCount; // maybe 0?
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].ColorCount = (uniqueColors.Count > byte.MaxValue) ? (byte)0 : (byte)uniqueColors.Count;
            //HACK: safe to assume that the first imageoffset is always 22
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].ImageOffset = 22;
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Planes      = 0;
            ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiBitCount      = bitCount;
            ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiWidth         = ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Width;
            // height is doubled in header, to account for XOR and AND
            ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiHeight    = ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Height << 1;
            ico.IconImages[0].Xor                = new byte[ico.IconImages[0].NumBytesInXor()];
            ico.IconImages[0].And                = new byte[ico.IconImages[0].NumBytesInAnd()];
            ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiSize      = 40; // always
            ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiSizeImage = (uint)ico.IconImages[0].Xor.Length;
            ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiPlanes    = 1;
            ico.IconImages[0].Colors             = BuildColorTable(uniqueColors, bitCount);
            //BytesInRes = biSize + colors * 4 + XOR + AND
            ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].BytesInRes = (uint)(ico.IconImages[0].Header.BiSize
                                                             + (ico.IconImages[0].Colors.Length * 4)
                                                             + ico.IconImages[0].Xor.Length
                                                             + ico.IconImages[0].And.Length);

            // copy image data
            var  bytePosXor       = 0;
            var  bytePosAnd       = 0;
            byte transparentIndex = 0;

            transparentIndex = indexedImage[0];
            //initialize AND
            ico.IconImages[0].And[0] = byte.MaxValue;

            int pixelsPerByte;
            int bytesPerRow; // must be a long boundary (multiple of 4)

            int[] shiftCounts;

            switch (bitCount)
            case 1:
                pixelsPerByte = 8;
                shiftCounts   = new int[] { 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 };

            case 4:
                pixelsPerByte = 2;
                shiftCounts   = new int[] { 4, 0 };

            case 8:
                pixelsPerByte = 1;
                shiftCounts   = new int[] { 0 };

                throw new NotSupportedException("Bits per pixel must be 1, 4, or 8");
            bytesPerRow = ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Width / pixelsPerByte;
            var padBytes = bytesPerRow % 4;

            if (padBytes > 0)
                padBytes = 4 - padBytes;

            sourcePosition = 0;
            for (var row = 0; row < ico.IconDirectory.Entries[0].Height; ++row)
                for (var rowByte = 0; rowByte < bytesPerRow; ++rowByte)
                    byte currentByte = 0;
                    for (var pixel = 0; pixel < pixelsPerByte; ++pixel)
                        var index        = indexedImage[sourcePosition++];
                        var shiftedIndex = (byte)(index << shiftCounts[pixel]);
                        currentByte |= shiftedIndex;
                    ico.IconImages[0].Xor[bytePosXor] = currentByte;
                // make sure each scan line ends on a long boundary
                bytePosXor += padBytes;

            for (var i = 0; i < indexedImage.Length; i++)
                var index     = indexedImage[i];
                var bitPosAnd = 128 >> (i % 8);
                if (index != transparentIndex)
                    ico.IconImages[0].And[bytePosAnd] ^= (byte)bitPosAnd;
                if (bitPosAnd != 1)
                // need to start another byte for next pixel
                if (bytePosAnd % 2 == 1)
                    //TODO: fix assumption that icon is 16px wide
                    //skip some bytes so that scanline ends on a long barrier
                    bytePosAnd += 3;
                    bytePosAnd += 1;
                if (bytePosAnd < ico.IconImages[0].And.Length)
                    ico.IconImages[0].And[bytePosAnd] = byte.MaxValue;