public WaveProjectileModel(WaveProjectile projectile, Game1 game, int type) : base() { this.projectile = projectile; = game; rTarg = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 256, 64); sb = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); model = ModelLibrary.shockWave; pos = projectile.pos; scale = new Vector3(0.2f); pulsePos = -64; ripplePos = 64; alpha = 1; switch(type) { default: c1 = Color.White; break; case 2: c1 = Color.SeaGreen; break; case 3: c1 = Color.Red; break; } }
public SpinParticle(Game1 game, int type) { = game; pos = game.ship.pos; tex = TextureManager.spinGlow_d; model = TextureManager.square; }
public Minigame(Game1 game) : base(game) { = game; manager = new MgManager(this, game); screen = new MgScreen(this, manager, game); manager.screen = screen; hudMg = game.hud.hudMg; active = false; successCount = 0; maxBeats = 12; maxDubs = 4; holdTime = 0; displayer = new MgDisplayer(this, manager, game); game.modelManager.addEffect(displayer); models = new MgModelManager(game, this); defaultInstance = new MgInstance(game, this); defaultInstance.generateNew(); manager.loadInstance(defaultInstance); manager.reset(); game.hud.expSelect.setMinigame(this); triggeredHelp = false; }
public ElecParticle(Vector3 pos, Game1 game, Color c1, Color c2) : base() { initialize(pos, game); this.c1 = c1; this.c2 = c2; }
public MainMenu(Game1 game) : base(game) { = game; tutorial = false; sb = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); buttons = new List<MenuButton>(); //buttons.Add(new MenuButton("start game", new Vector2(200, 300))); buttons.Add(new MenuButton("Select level", new Vector2(155, 800), 0, 38)); buttons.Add(new MenuButton("How to Play", new Vector2(190, 860), 0, 38)); buttons.Add(new MenuButton("level creator", new Vector2(225, 920), 0, 38)); buttons.Add(new MenuButton("exit game", new Vector2(260, 980), 0, 38)); //buttons.Add(new MenuButton("options", new Vector2(200, 500))); activeButton = 0; currentButton = buttons.ElementAt(activeButton); currentButton.activate(); scale = (float)game.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds.Width / 1920.0f; buttonSwitchCooldown = 0; holdTime = 0; menuCircle = new MenuCircle(); time = 0; foreach (MenuButton b in buttons) { b.push(true,true,true); } }
public FireParticle(Vector3 pos, Game1 game, float dist) { this.model = TextureManager.dirSquare; = game; startPos = pos; scalef = Utilities.nextFloat() + .25f; direction.X = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1; direction.Y = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble() * 1.5f - .5f; direction.Z = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble() * 2 - 1; direction.Normalize(); startPos += direction * Utilities.nextFloat() / 2; goalPos = pos + direction * dist; speed = 4.5f + Utilities.nextFloat(); alpha = 1; rTarg = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 128, 128); sb = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); game.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(rTarg); sb.Begin(); sb.Draw(TextureManager.pyroFlame, Vector2.Zero, Color.Lerp(Color.Red, Color.White, Utilities.nextFloat())); sb.End(); game.GraphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null); }
public ElecParticle(Vector3 pos, Game1 game) : base() { initialize(pos, game); c1 = Color.Aqua; c2 = Color.SeaGreen; }
public BombCenterParticle(Game1 game, Vector3 pos, int type) : base() { = game; this.pos = pos; alpha = 1; rot.Z = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble() * MathHelper.Pi * 1.5f; if(type == 1) { tex = TextureManager.bombCenter; fScale = 0.7f; } else if (type == 3) { tex = TextureManager.bombCenter2; fScale = 1.2f; } else { tex = TextureManager.bombCenter; fScale = 1.2f; } model = TextureManager.square; }
public JunkShip(Game1 game, Vector3 pos) { = game; this.pos = pos; minigame = game.minigame; instance = new MgInstance(game, minigame); ship = game.ship; dir.X = Utilities.nextFloat() * 2 - 1; dir.Z = Utilities.nextFloat() * 2 - 1; dir.Normalize(); successAtActivate = -1; interactRange = new CircleCollider(this.pos + dir*4, 2); cols = new List<OOBB>(); cols.Add(new OOBB(this.pos + dir * 1.5f, dir, 1, 4, dir)); cols.Add(new OOBB(this.pos + dir * -1.5f, dir, 1, 4, -dir)); cols.Add(new OOBB(this.pos + Vector3.Cross(dir, Vector3.Up) * -1.5f, dir, 1, 4, Vector3.Cross(-dir, Vector3.Up))); cols.Add(new OOBB(this.pos + Vector3.Cross(-dir, Vector3.Up) * -1.5f, dir, 1, 4, Vector3.Cross(dir, Vector3.Up))); col = new OOBB(this.pos+dir*1.5f, dir, 1, 4, dir); model = new JunkShipModel(this, game); game.modelManager.addObject(model); nodePos = new Vector2((int)((this.pos.X / 30) + 0.5f), (int)((this.pos.Z / 30) + 0.5f)); destroying = false; }
public Sentry(Game1 game, EnemyManager manager, Vector3 pos) { = game; this.manager = manager; this.pos = pos; ship = game.ship; wakeRange = new CircleCollider(pos, 30); sleepRange = new CircleCollider(pos, 40); col = new CircleCollider(pos, 1.5f); state = State.idle; prevState = state; model = new SentryModel(this, game); game.modelManager.addEnemy(model); targetDir = Vector3.Forward; eyeDir = targetDir; cannonDir = targetDir; cooldownTime = 2; emoteTime = 0; health = 25; agroFireCount = 0; triggeredTele = false; telegraph = new EnemyShotTelegraph(game, pos - targetDir*2, targetDir, 1); game.modelManager.addEffect(telegraph); nodePos = new Vector2((int)((pos.X / 30) + 0.5f), (int)((pos.Z / 30) + 0.5f)); }
public Projectile(Vector3 pos, Vector3 direction, Game1 game, Weapon weapon, int type) { this.direction = direction; = game; this.pos = pos; this.rot.Y = (float)Math.Atan2(direction.X, direction.Z); this.weapon = weapon; this.type = type; speed = 50; life = 300; delete = false; damage = 5; col = new CircleCollider(pos, 0.2f); boundingBox = new OOBB(pos, direction, 0.3f, 1); // Need to be changed to be actual projectile dimensions if(type == 1) // model = new ProjectileModel(this, TextureManager.elecRound64, TextureManager.elecRound64, TextureManager.elecTrail64, Color.Magenta, Color.Purple, game); model = new ProjectileModel(ModelLibrary.projectile, pos, this, Color.Green, Color.CornflowerBlue, game); else if(type == 0) model = new ProjectileModel(ModelLibrary.projectile, pos, this, Color.Orange, Color.Purple, game); else model = new ProjectileModel(ModelLibrary.projectile, pos, this, new Color(255,0,255), Color.Green, game); game.modelManager.addEffect(model); }
public BloomComponent(Game1 game) : base(game) { = game; if (game == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("game"); }
public AudioManager(Game1 game) : base(game) { = game; soundEffects = new List<DisposableSoundEffect>(); sToDelete = new List<DisposableSoundEffect>(); }
public MgScreen(Minigame minigame, MgManager manager, Game1 game) { = game; this.minigame = minigame; this.manager = manager; font = manager.font; overlay = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Minigame/mgOverlay"); cross = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Minigame/mgX"); rTarg = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1365, 1024); sb = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); blue = new Color(200, 250, 255); red = new Color(249, 59, 43); particles = new List<SpriteParticle>(); pToDelete = new List<SpriteParticle>(); frontParticles = new List<SpriteParticle>(); messages = new List<MgMessage>(); mToDelete = new List<MgMessage>(); moneyDesc = "Money earned:"; displayMoney = 0; }
public Map(Game1 game, int[,] newMap) { mapSize = new Vector2(newMap.GetLength(0), newMap.GetLength(1)); map = new MapNode[(int)mapSize.X, (int)mapSize.Y]; //Generate array of mapNodes from int array //As each node is created, it's position and traversable values must be set //The model data will also need to bet set for each node here for(int y = 0; y < mapSize.Y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < mapSize.X; x++) { map[x, y] = new MapNode(game, newMap[x, y], new Vector2(x,y)); //add enemy spawn points to a list for easy access if(newMap[x,y] == 7 || newMap[x,y] == 8 || newMap[x, y] == 9 || newMap[x, y] == 10) { enemySpawn.Add(new Vector2(x, y)); } if (newMap[x, y] == 24) { coreLocation = new Vector2(x, y); } } } linkNeighbors(); game.asteroidManager.generateField(); game.hud.hudMap.minimap.drawMap(map); }
public SpawnVortex(Vector3 pos, Vector3 rot, Game1 game) : base() { this.pos = pos; this.rot = rot; = game; model = ModelLibrary.vortex; tex = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Models/Enemies/SpawnPoint/spiraltest"); scale = new Vector3(0.8f,0.8f,0.7f); SkinningData skinningData = ModelLibrary.vortex.Tag as SkinningData; if (skinningData == null) throw new InvalidOperationException ("This model does not contain a SkinningData tag."); // Create an animation player, and start decoding an animation clip. animPlayer = new AnimationPlayer(skinningData); animClip = skinningData.AnimationClips["Take 001"]; animPlayer.StartClip(animClip); SetupEffects(); sb = new SpriteBatch(game.GraphicsDevice); targ1 = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1024, 1024); targ2 = new RenderTarget2D(game.GraphicsDevice, 1024, 1024); texPos = Vector2.Zero; }
public HudZoom(Hud hud, Game1 game) { this.hud = hud; = game; alpha = 0; maxScale = 0.1f; }
public SentryModel(Sentry sentry, Game1 game) : base() { this.sentry = sentry; = game; pos = sentry.pos; scale = new Vector3(0.2f); model = ModelLibrary.sentry; bodyTex = TextureManager.sentryBod; visorTex = TextureManager.sEye3; ant = model.Bones["anten"]; topCap = model.Bones["topCap"]; visor = model.Bones["visor"]; midCap = model.Bones["midCap"]; canRot = model.Bones["cannonRound"]; cannon = model.Bones["cannon"]; botCap = model.Bones["botCap"]; topOffset = Vector3.Zero; tiltRot = 0; spinRot = 0; }
public BaseCore(Game1 game) : base(game) { = game; maxHealth = 500; health = maxHealth; }
public HudMg(Hud hud, SpriteFont font, Game1 game) : base(hud, font, game) { active = false; updateText(); }
public AmmoGib(MoneyManager mon, Ship ship, Vector3 pos, Game1 game, int type) : base() { this.value = value; this.model = ModelLibrary.bombProjectile; this.pos = pos; this.ship = ship; = game; this.type = type; moneyManager = mon; weps = ship.weapons; scale = new Vector3(.3f, .3f, .3f); setColor(type); glow = new MoneyGibGlow(TextureManager.square, this, game); game.modelManager.addEffect(glow); initDirection.X = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble()*2-1; initDirection.Y = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble()*2-1; initDirection.Z = (float)Utilities.random.NextDouble()*2-1; initDirection.Normalize(); currentDirection = initDirection; rot = currentDirection; speed = Utilities.nextFloat()*5+17; changeDirectionSpeed = Utilities.nextFloat() + 4.5f; col = new CircleCollider(pos, 0.05f); collected = false; }
public CoreRing(Vector3 pos, Game1 game) { this.pos = pos; this.pos.Y += 4.5f; = game; fScale = 0.4f; model = TextureManager.square; }
public ShipHealthSystem(Game1 game, Ship ship) : base(game) { = game; this.ship = ship; reset(); }
public LcSaveButton(Game1 game, Vector2 pos, LevelCreator lc) { this.pos = pos; = game; = lc; bounds = new AABB(pos, 188, 71); checkTex(); }
public Asteroid(Vector3 pos, Game1 game) { this.pos = pos; = game; manager = game.asteroidManager; Random rng = Utilities.random; dir = Vector3.Zero; moveSpeed = 0f; }
public PyroTurretModel(Turret turret, Game1 game) : base(turret, game) { model = ModelLibrary.turretPyro; bodyMat = new Vector3(0, 1.45f, 0); barrelMat = new Vector3(1, 1.87f, 0); }
public SpeedCylModel(Model model, Ship ship, Game1 game) : base(model) { this.model = model; this.ship = ship; = game; scale = new Vector3(100, 100, 100); offset = -25; }
public Weapon(WeaponSystem wepSys, Ship ship, Game1 game) { this.wepSys = wepSys; this.ship = ship; = game; cooldown = 0; level = 1; projectiles = new List<Projectile>(); toDelete = new List<Projectile>(); }
int type; //0 is x, 1 is y #endregion Fields #region Constructors public LcGridModifier(Game1 game, Vector2 pos, LevelCreator lc, bool add, int type) { this.pos = pos; = game; = lc; this.add = add; this.type = type; bounds = new AABB(pos, 30, 30); setTex(); }
public HudPrompt(Hud hud, Game1 game, SpriteFont font) { this.hud = hud; = game; this.font = font; pos = new Vector2(960, 350); promptFill = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Hud/promptFill"); promptOut = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(@"Hud/promptOut"); }