/// <summary>
        /// Merge multiple DI Factories into a single factory. If settings or object mappings collide, it will throw
        /// an InvalidOperation exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalContainer"></param>
        /// <param name="extraContainers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DIFactory Merge(DIFactory originalContainer, params DIFactory[] extraContainers)
            DIFactory newFactory = new DIFactory(originalContainer);

            foreach (var container in extraContainers)

        /// <summary>
        /// Adopt the given new factory's create/release routines and settings and merge it with our own.
        /// Fails with InvalidOperationException if there are duplicate definitions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newFactory"></param>
        public void MergeWithSelf(DIFactory newFactory)
            //For each container, merge the creation mappings
            foreach (var cMapping in newFactory.CreationMapping)
                if (CreationMapping.ContainsKey(cMapping.Key))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Duplicate methods for creating type " + cMapping.Key.ToString());
                    CreationMapping.Add(cMapping.Key, cMapping.Value);

            //For each container, merge the release mappings
            foreach (var rMapping in newFactory.ReleaseMapping)
                if (ReleaseMapping.ContainsKey(rMapping.Key))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Duplicate methods for releasing type " + rMapping.Key.ToString());
                    ReleaseMapping.Add(rMapping.Key, rMapping.Value);

            //Finally, for each container, merge the settings.
            foreach (var setting in newFactory.Settings)
                if (Settings.ContainsKey(setting.Key))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Duplicate settings key: " + setting.Key);
                    Settings.Add(setting.Key, setting.Value);
 public DIFactory(DIFactory copy, bool setupLogger = true) : this(setupLogger)
     CreationMapping = new Dictionary <Type, Func <DIFactory, object> >(copy.CreationMapping);
     ReleaseMapping  = new Dictionary <Type, Action <DIFactory, object> >(copy.ReleaseMapping);
     Settings        = new Dictionary <string, object>(copy.Settings);