Example #1
        static public void UseDebugPixelTexture()
            Texture texture = new Texture(2, 2, Color.White);

            Pixel    = new Subtexture(texture, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            Particle = new Subtexture(texture, 0, 0, 2, 2);
Example #2
 public Subtexture(Subtexture sub, int x, int y, int width, int height)
     Texture     = sub.Texture;
     Rect        = sub.Rect;
     Rect.X     += x;
     Rect.Y     += y;
     Rect.Width  = width;
     Rect.Height = height;
 public Subtexture(Subtexture sub, int x, int y, int width, int height)
     Texture = sub.Texture;
     Rect = sub.Rect;
     Rect.X += x;
     Rect.Y += y;
     Rect.Width = width;
     Rect.Height = height;
Example #4
        internal Image(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle? clipRect, bool active)
            : base(active)
            Texture = subTexture.Texture;

            if (clipRect.HasValue)
                ClipRect = subTexture.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect.Value);
                ClipRect = subTexture.Rect;
Example #5
        static public void TextureJustify(Subtexture subtexture, Rectangle clipRect, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 justify)
            Rectangle drawRect = subtexture.Rect;

            drawRect.X     += clipRect.X;
            drawRect.Y     += clipRect.Y;
            drawRect.Width  = clipRect.Width;
            drawRect.Height = clipRect.Height;

            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(drawRect.Width * justify.X, drawRect.Height * justify.Y);

            SpriteBatch.Draw(subtexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), drawRect, color, 0, origin, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
        public TiledImage(Subtexture source, Rectangle? clipRect, int width, int height, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
            : base(false)
            this.source = source;

            if (clipRect.HasValue)
                this.clipRect = source.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect.Value);
                this.clipRect = source.Rect;

            canvas = new Canvas(width, height);
            SetOffsets(offsetX, offsetY);
        public new void SwapSubtexture(Subtexture setTo, Rectangle?clipRect = null)
            Rectangle old = ClipRect;

            Texture  = setTo.Texture;
            ClipRect = clipRect ?? setTo.Rect;

            for (int i = 0; i < FrameRects.Length; i++)
                FrameRects[i].X += ClipRect.X - old.X;
                FrameRects[i].Y += ClipRect.Y - old.Y;
Example #8
        internal Image(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle?clipRect, bool active)
            : base(active)
            Texture = subTexture.Texture;

            if (clipRect.HasValue)
                ClipRect = subTexture.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect.Value);
                ClipRect = subTexture.Rect;
Example #9
        static public void OutlineTextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale)
            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
                    if (i != 0 || j != 0)
                        SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position) + new Vector2(i, j), subTexture.Rect, Color.Black, 0, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, 0, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #10
        public TiledImage(Subtexture source, Rectangle?clipRect, int width, int height, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
            : base(false)
            this.source = source;

            if (clipRect.HasValue)
                this.clipRect = source.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect.Value);
                this.clipRect = source.Rect;

            canvas = new Canvas(width, height);
            SetOffsets(offsetX, offsetY);
Example #11
 public ParticleType(ParticleType copy)
     Source = copy.Source;
     Color = copy.Color;
     Color2 = copy.Color2;
     ColorSwitch = copy.ColorSwitch;
     ColorSwitchLoop = copy.ColorSwitchLoop;
     Speed = copy.Speed;
     SpeedRange = copy.SpeedRange;
     SpeedMultiplier = copy.SpeedMultiplier;
     Acceleration = copy.Acceleration;
     Direction = copy.Direction;
     DirectionRange = copy.DirectionRange;
     Life = copy.Life;
     LifeRange = copy.LifeRange;
     Size = copy.Size;
     SizeRange = copy.SizeRange;
Example #12
        public ParticleType(ParticleType copy)
            Source          = copy.Source;
            Color           = copy.Color;
            Color2          = copy.Color2;
            ColorSwitch     = copy.ColorSwitch;
            ColorSwitchLoop = copy.ColorSwitchLoop;
            Speed           = copy.Speed;
            SpeedRange      = copy.SpeedRange;
            SpeedMultiplier = copy.SpeedMultiplier;
            Acceleration    = copy.Acceleration;
            Direction       = copy.Direction;
            DirectionRange  = copy.DirectionRange;
            Life            = copy.Life;
            LifeRange       = copy.LifeRange;
            Size            = copy.Size;
            SizeRange       = copy.SizeRange;
            Rotated         = copy.Rotated;
            RandomRotate    = copy.RandomRotate;
            ScaleOut        = copy.ScaleOut;

        public ParticleType(ParticleType copy)
            Source = copy.Source;
            Color = copy.Color;
            Color2 = copy.Color2;
            ColorSwitch = copy.ColorSwitch;
            ColorSwitchLoop = copy.ColorSwitchLoop;
            Speed = copy.Speed;
            SpeedRange = copy.SpeedRange;
            SpeedMultiplier = copy.SpeedMultiplier;
            Acceleration = copy.Acceleration;
            Direction = copy.Direction;
            DirectionRange = copy.DirectionRange;
            Life = copy.Life;
            LifeRange = copy.LifeRange;
            Size = copy.Size;
            SizeRange = copy.SizeRange;
            Rotated = copy.Rotated;
            RandomRotate = copy.RandomRotate;
            ScaleOut = copy.ScaleOut;

Example #14
 public void AddFrame(Subtexture subtexture)
     AddFrame(new SpriteFrame(subtexture));
Example #15
 public static void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color);
 public MotionBlurImage(Subtexture subtexture, int blurs)
     : base(subtexture)
     blurData = new MotionBlurData[blurs];
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a SpriteFrame with a centered origin point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subtexture"></param>
 public SpriteFrame(Subtexture subtexture)
     Subtexture = subtexture;
     Origin     = subtexture.Center;
Example #18
 public static void UseDebugPixelTexture()
     Texture texture = new Texture(2, 2, Color.White);
     Pixel = new Subtexture(texture, 0, 0, 1, 1);
     Particle = new Subtexture(texture, 0, 0, 2, 2);
 public Spritesheet(Subtexture subTexture, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int frameSep = 0)
     : this(subTexture, null, frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSep)
Example #20
 static public void TextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle clipRect, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, float rotation)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect), color, rotation, new Vector2(clipRect.Width / 2, clipRect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #21
 static public void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, 0, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #22
 public TilableBackground(string image, int layerIndex)
     : base(layerIndex)
     texture = OldSkullGame.Atlas[image];
Example #23
 static public void TextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale, float rotation)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, rotation, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #24
 static public void TextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #25
 static public void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle clipRect, Vector2 position, Color color)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect), color);
Example #26
 static public void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 origin, float scale, float rotation, SpriteEffects effects)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, 0);
Example #27
 public static void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 origin, float scale, float rotation, SpriteEffects effects)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, rotation, origin, scale, effects, 0);
Example #28
 static public void TextureJustify(Subtexture subtexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale, float rotation, Vector2 justify)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subtexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subtexture.Rect, color, rotation, subtexture.Size * justify, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #29
 public static void TextureBannerV(Subtexture subtexture, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, float rotation, Color color, SpriteEffects effects, float sineCounter, float amplitude = 2, int sliceSize = 2, float sliceAdd = MathHelper.TwoPi / 8)
     TextureBannerV(subtexture.Texture, subtexture.Rect, position, origin, scale, rotation, color, effects, sineCounter, amplitude, sliceSize, sliceAdd);
Example #30
 public void SetTileset(Subtexture tileset, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int tileSep = 0)
     SetTileset(tileset.Texture, tileset.Rect, tileWidth, tileHeight, tileSep);
Example #31
 public static void TextureJustify(Subtexture subtexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale, float rotation, Vector2 justify)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subtexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subtexture.Rect, color, rotation, subtexture.Size * justify, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #32
 static public void SineTextureH(Subtexture subtexture, Vector2 position, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale, float rotation, Color color, SpriteEffects effects, float sineCounter, float amplitude = 2, int sliceSize = 2, float sliceAdd = MathHelper.TwoPi / 8)
     SineTextureH(subtexture.Texture, subtexture.Rect, position, origin, scale, rotation, color, effects, sineCounter, amplitude, sliceSize, sliceAdd);
Example #33
 public Image(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle? clipRect = null)
     : this(subTexture, clipRect, false)
Example #34
 public FlashingImage(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle? clipRect = null)
     : base(subTexture, clipRect, true)
Example #35
 public FlashingImage(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle?clipRect = null)
     : base(subTexture, clipRect, true)
Example #36
 static public void TextureFill(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle fillArea, int offsetX, int offsetY)
     TextureFill(subTexture.Texture, subTexture.Rect, fillArea, offsetX, offsetY);
Example #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a SpriteFrame with a defined origin point
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subtexture"></param>
 /// <param name="origin"></param>
 public SpriteFrame(Subtexture subtexture, Vector2 origin)
     Subtexture = subtexture;
     Origin     = origin;
Example #38
 static public void TextureFill(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle fillArea)
     TextureFill(subTexture.Texture, subTexture.Rect, fillArea);
Example #39
 public void AddFrame(Subtexture subtexture, Vector2 origin)
     AddFrame(new SpriteFrame(subtexture, origin));
 public OutlineImage(Subtexture subtexture)
     : base(subtexture)
     OutlineColor = Color.Black;
Example #41
        public static void OutlineTextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale)
            for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
                    if (i != 0 || j != 0)
                        SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position) + new Vector2(i, j), subTexture.Rect, Color.Black, 0, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, 0, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #42
 public TiledImage(Subtexture source, int width, int height, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
     : this(source, null, width, height, offsetX, offsetY)
Example #43
 public static void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 origin, Vector2 scale)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, 0, origin, scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #44
 public static void TextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale, float rotation)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color, rotation, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #45
 public static void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle clipRect, Vector2 position, Color color)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect), color);
Example #46
 public static void TextureFill(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle fillArea, int offsetX, int offsetY)
     TextureFill(subTexture.Texture, subTexture.Rect, fillArea, offsetX, offsetY);
Example #47
 public static void TextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, Color.White, 0, new Vector2(subTexture.Rect.Width / 2, subTexture.Rect.Height / 2), 1, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #48
 static public void Texture(Subtexture subTexture, Vector2 position, Color color)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.Rect, color);
Example #49
 public static void TextureCentered(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle clipRect, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, float rotation)
     SpriteBatch.Draw(subTexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), subTexture.GetAbsoluteClipRect(clipRect), color, rotation, new Vector2(clipRect.Width / 2, clipRect.Height / 2), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
Example #50
 public Tileset(int layerIndex,string csv,Subtexture texture)
     : base(layerIndex)
     this.csv = csv;
     this.texture = texture;
Example #51
 public static void TextureFill(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle fillArea)
     TextureFill(subTexture.Texture, subTexture.Rect, fillArea);
Example #52
 public void SwapSubtexture(Subtexture subtexture, Rectangle?clipRect = null)
     Texture  = subtexture.Texture;
     ClipRect = clipRect ?? subtexture.Rect;
Example #53
        public static void TextureJustify(Subtexture subtexture, Rectangle clipRect, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 justify)
            Rectangle drawRect = subtexture.Rect;
            drawRect.X += clipRect.X;
            drawRect.Y += clipRect.Y;
            drawRect.Width = clipRect.Width;
            drawRect.Height = clipRect.Height;

            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(drawRect.Width * justify.X, drawRect.Height * justify.Y);

            SpriteBatch.Draw(subtexture.Texture.Texture2D, Calc.Floor(position), drawRect, color, 0, origin, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
 public MotionBlurImage(Subtexture subtexture, int blurs)
     : base(subtexture)
     blurData = new MotionBlurData[blurs];
Example #55
 public void SwapSubtexture(Subtexture subtexture, Rectangle? clipRect = null)
     Texture = subtexture.Texture;
     ClipRect = clipRect ?? subtexture.Rect;
Example #56
 public MotionBlurSpritesheet(Subtexture subtexture, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int blurs)
     : base(subtexture, frameWidth, frameHeight)
     blurData = new MotionBlurData[blurs];
Example #57
 public Image(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle?clipRect = null)
     : this(subTexture, clipRect, false)
 public Spritesheet(Subtexture subTexture, Rectangle?clipRect, int frameWidth, int frameHeight, int frameSep = 0)
     : base(subTexture, clipRect, true)
     Initialize(frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSep);