Example #1
 public virtual void ViewCalendarAt(NSDate at)
     ObjectiveCRuntime.SendMessage(this, "viewCalendarAt:", at);
Example #2
partial         void AddUpdateEvent(Id sender)
            // Get the scripting bridge object for the target application.
            iCalApplication iCal = SBApplication.ApplicationWithBundleIdentifier ("com.apple.iCal").CastTo<iCalApplication>();

            // Bring the iCal application into view
            iCal.Activate ();

            // Reference to our calendar object
            iCalCalendar theCalendar = null;

            // Get the name of the calendar from the window.
            NSString calendarName = calendar.StringValue;

            // Get the calendar with the specified name using the -filteredArrayUsingPredicate: method.
            NSArray matchingCalendars = iCal.Calendars.FilteredArrayUsingPredicate (NSPredicate.PredicateWithFormat ("name == %@", calendarName));
            if (matchingCalendars.Count > 0) {
                theCalendar = matchingCalendars.ObjectAtIndex (0).CastTo<iCalCalendar> ();

            // If no such calendar exists, then create a new one with that name.
            if (theCalendar == null) {
                // Set up the properties for the new calendar
                NSDictionary props = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithObjectForKey (calendarName, (NSString)"name");

                // Allocate and initialize the new calendar
                Class calendarClass = iCal.ClassForScriptingClass ("calendar");
                // TODO: Change when constructor is available
                theCalendar = calendarClass.SendMessage<Id>("alloc").SendMessage<iCalCalendar>("initWithProperties:",props);

                // ...and add it to the list of calendars in the iCal application.
                iCal.Calendars.AddObject (theCalendar);

            // get the event with the specified name from the calendar.  If no such event exists, then create a new one with that name.

            // reference to our event object
            iCalEvent theEvent;

            // get the name of the event from the window.
            NSString eventName = [email protected];

            // calculate start and end times for a one hour event starting at the time displayed in the window.
            NSDate startDate = this.time.DateValue;

            // set the end date to the start time plus one hour (3600 seconds).
            NSDate endDate = new NSDate (3600, startDate);

            // the event summary contains the name displayed in the iCal calendar windows,
            // so we can't use [[[theCalendar events] objectWithName:eventName] exists]
            // to find out if the event exists.
            //So, instead of that we're going to use filteredArrayUsingPredicate to retrieve
            // an array of all of the events with a matching summary.
            NSArray matchingEvents = theCalendar.Events.FilteredArrayUsingPredicate (NSPredicate.PredicateWithFormat ("summary == %@", eventName));

            // if we found at least one matching event, then we'll update the times for the first event with a matching summary
            if (matchingEvents.Count >= 1) {
                // get the first matching event out of the response
                theEvent = matchingEvents.ObjectAtIndex (0).CastTo<iCalEvent> ();

                // update the dates for the event
                theEvent.StartDate = startDate;
                theEvent.EndDate = endDate;
            } else {
                // otherwise, create a new event

                // set up the event properties.  Note, we're using kvc names from the iCal.h file to name the properties encoded in the NSDictonary.
                NSDictionary props = NSDictionary.DictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys (eventName, (NSString)"summary", startDate, (NSString)"startDate", endDate, (NSString)"endDate", null);

                // create the new event
                Class eventClass = iCal.ClassForScriptingClass ("event");
                // TODO: Change when constructor is available
                theEvent = eventClass.SendMessage<Id>("alloc").SendMessage<iCalEvent>("initWithProperties:",props);

                // add it to the list of events for this calendar.
                theCalendar.Events.AddObject (theEvent);