public void RemoveFromEmptyList()
            var result = EncryptionTypes.Remove(new List <EncryptionType> (), EncryptionType.PlainText);

            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException> (() => result.Add(EncryptionType.PlainText));
        internal async void ProcessNewOutgoingConnection(TorrentManager manager, PeerId id)
            // If we have too many open connections, close the connection
            if (OpenConnections > MaxOpenConnections)
                CleanupSocket(manager, id);

            Interlocked.Increment(ref openConnections);

            try {
                // Create a handshake message to send to the peer
                var handshake           = new HandshakeMessage(manager.InfoHash, LocalPeerId, VersionInfo.ProtocolStringV100);
                var preferredEncryption = EncryptionTypes.GetPreferredEncryption(id.Peer.AllowedEncryption, Settings.AllowedEncryption);
                EncryptorFactory.EncryptorResult result = await EncryptorFactory.CheckOutgoingConnectionAsync(id.Connection, preferredEncryption, manager.InfoHash, handshake);

                id.Decryptor = result.Decryptor;
                id.Encryptor = result.Encryptor;
            } catch {
                // If an exception is thrown it's because we tried to establish an encrypted connection and something went wrong
                if (id.Peer.AllowedEncryption.Contains(EncryptionType.PlainText))
                    id.Peer.AllowedEncryption = EncryptionTypes.PlainText;
                    id.Peer.AllowedEncryption = EncryptionTypes.None;

                manager.RaiseConnectionAttemptFailed(new ConnectionAttemptFailedEventArgs(id.Peer, ConnectionFailureReason.EncryptionNegiotiationFailed, manager));
                CleanupSocket(manager, id);

                // CleanupSocket will contain the peer only if AllowedEncryption is not set to None. If
                // the peer was re-added, then we should try to reconnect to it immediately to try an
                // unencrypted connection.
                if (manager.Peers.AvailablePeers.Remove(id.Peer))
                    ConnectToPeer(manager, id.Peer);

            try {
                // Receive their handshake
                HandshakeMessage handshake = await PeerIO.ReceiveHandshakeAsync(id.Connection, id.Decryptor);

                manager.Mode.HandleMessage(id, handshake);
            } catch {
                // If we choose plaintext and it resulted in the connection being closed, remove it from the list.
                id.Peer.AllowedEncryption = EncryptionTypes.Remove(id.Peer.AllowedEncryption, id.EncryptionType);

                manager.RaiseConnectionAttemptFailed(new ConnectionAttemptFailedEventArgs(id.Peer, ConnectionFailureReason.HandshakeFailed, manager));
                CleanupSocket(manager, id);

                // CleanupSocket will contain the peer only if AllowedEncryption is not set to None. If
                // the peer was re-added, then we should try to reconnect to it immediately to try an
                // encrypted connection, assuming the previous connection was unencrypted and it failed.
                if (manager.Peers.AvailablePeers.Remove(id.Peer))
                    ConnectToPeer(manager, id.Peer);


            try {
                if (id.BitField.Length != manager.Bitfield.Length)
                    throw new TorrentException($"The peer's bitfield was of length {id.BitField.Length} but the TorrentManager's bitfield was of length {manager.Bitfield.Length}.");

                TryProcessQueue(manager, id);

                ReceiveMessagesAsync(id.Connection, id.Decryptor, manager.DownloadLimiters, id.Monitor, manager, id);

            } catch {
                manager.RaiseConnectionAttemptFailed(new ConnectionAttemptFailedEventArgs(id.Peer, ConnectionFailureReason.Unknown, manager));
                CleanupSocket(manager, id);