public override void WindowControllerDidLoadNib (NSWindowController windowController)
			base.WindowControllerDidLoadNib (windowController);

			// A reference to the window controller must be kept on the managed side
			// to keep the object from being GC'd so that the delegates below resolve.
			// Don't remove unless the framework is updated to track the reference.
			this.windowController = windowController;

			NSError err;
			windowController.Window.WillClose += delegate {
				if (captureSession != null)
					captureSession.StopRunning ();
				var dev = captureInput.Device;
				if (dev.IsOpen)
					dev.Close ();
			// Create a movie, and store the information in memory on an NSMutableData
			movie = new QTMovie (new NSMutableData (1), out err);
			if (movie == null){
				NSAlert.WithError (err).RunModal ();
			movieView.Movie = movie;
			// Find video device
			captureSession = new QTCaptureSession ();
			var device = QTCaptureDevice.GetDefaultInputDevice (QTMediaType.Video);
			if (!device.Open (out err)){
				NSAlert.WithError (err).RunModal ();
			// Add device input
			captureInput = new QTCaptureDeviceInput (device);
			if (!captureSession.AddInput (captureInput, out err)){
				NSAlert.WithError (err).RunModal ();
			// Create decompressor for video output, to get raw frames
			decompressedVideo = new QTCaptureDecompressedVideoOutput ();
			decompressedVideo.DidOutputVideoFrame += delegate(object sender, QTCaptureVideoFrameEventArgs e) {
				lock (this){
					currentImage = e.VideoFrame;
			if (!captureSession.AddOutput (decompressedVideo, out err)){
				NSAlert.WithError (err).RunModal ();
			// Activate preview
			captureView.CaptureSession = captureSession;
			// Start running.
			captureSession.StartRunning ();
        public override void OutputVideoFrame(CVImageBuffer videoFrame, QTSampleBuffer sampleBuffer, QTCaptureConnection connection)
            if (videoFrame == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("videoFrame");
            if (sampleBuffer == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("sampleBuffer");
            if (connection == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("connection");

            if (!capture) {
                videoFrame.Dispose ();
                sampleBuffer.Dispose ();

            Console.WriteLine("Capturing photo");
            capture = false;

                var imagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments),

                var image = CIImage.FromImageBuffer(videoFrame);
                var imageRep = new NSBitmapImageRep(image);

                var tiffImage = imageRep.TiffRepresentation;

                var bytes = new byte[tiffImage.Length];
                Marshal.Copy(tiffImage.Bytes, bytes, 0, (int)tiffImage.Length);
                File.WriteAllBytes(imagePath, bytes);

                //			NSError error;
                //			tiffImage.Save(imagePath, MonoMac.Foundation.NSDataWritingOptions.FileProtectionNone, out error);

                Console.WriteLine("Wrote image: '{0}'", imagePath);

            catch (Exception ex)
		public static CMSampleBuffer CreateForImageBuffer (CVImageBuffer imageBuffer, bool dataReady, CMVideoFormatDescription formatDescription, CMSampleTimingInfo sampleTiming, out CMSampleBufferError error)
			if (imageBuffer == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("imageBuffer");
			if (formatDescription == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("formatDescription");

			IntPtr buffer;
			error = CMSampleBufferCreateForImageBuffer (IntPtr.Zero,
				imageBuffer.handle, dataReady,
				IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero,
				ref sampleTiming,
				out buffer);

			if (error != CMSampleBufferError.None)
				return null;

			return new CMSampleBuffer (buffer, true);
 public bool VideoMatchesImageBuffer(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer)
     if (imageBuffer == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException ("imageBuffer");
     return CMVideoFormatDescriptionMatchesImageBuffer (handle, imageBuffer.Handle) != 0;
Example #5
        public static CMVideoFormatDescription CreateForImageBuffer(CVImageBuffer imageBuffer, out CMFormatDescriptionError error)
            if (imageBuffer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("imageBuffer");

            IntPtr desc;
            error = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateForImageBuffer (IntPtr.Zero, imageBuffer.handle, out desc);
            if (error != CMFormatDescriptionError.None)
                return null;

            return new CMVideoFormatDescription (desc, true);