partial void okButtonClicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { spinner.Hidden = false; spinner.StartAnimation(this); NSError error; var networkName = nameTextField.StringValue; var password = passwordTextField.StringValue; var channelNumber = UInt32.Parse(channelPicker.SelectedItem.Title); var security = string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) ? CWIbssModeSecurity.None : CWIbssModeSecurity.WEP40; CurrentInterface.StartIbssModeWithSsid(new NSData(), security, channelNumber, password, out error); spinner.StopAnimation(this); spinner.Hidden = true; if (error != null) { NSAlert.WithError(error).RunModal(); } else { Window.Close(); } }
partial void NotifyMeAction(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { // First we create our notification and customize as needed NSUserNotification not = new NSUserNotification(); not.Title = "Hello World"; not.InformativeText = "This is an informative text"; not.DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now; not.SoundName = NSUserNotification.NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName; // We get the Default notification Center NSUserNotificationCenter center = NSUserNotificationCenter.DefaultUserNotificationCenter; center.DidDeliverNotification += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Notification Delivered"); DeliveredColorWell.Color = NSColor.Green; }; center.DidActivateNotification += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Notification Touched"); TouchedColorWell.Color = NSColor.Green; }; // If we return true here, Notification will show up even if your app is TopMost. center.ShouldPresentNotification = (c, n) => { return(true); }; center.ScheduleNotification(not); }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { View = new NSView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 320, 400)); base.ViewDidLoad (); var textEditFirst = new NSTextField(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0,0,320,40)); View.AddSubview (textEditFirst); var textEditSecond = new NSTextField(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0,50,320,40)); View.AddSubview(textEditSecond); var slider = new NSSlider(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0,150,320,40)); slider.MinValue = 0; slider.MaxValue = 100; slider.IntValue = 23; View.AddSubview(slider); var labelFull = new NSTextField(new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0,100,320,40)); labelFull.Editable = false; labelFull.Bordered = false; labelFull.AllowsEditingTextAttributes = false; labelFull.DrawsBackground = false; View.AddSubview (labelFull); var sw = new NSButton(new RectangleF(0,200,320,40)); sw.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); View.AddSubview (sw); //sw.AddObserver() var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SecondViewController, SecondViewModel> (); set.Bind (textEditFirst).For(v => v.StringValue).To (vm => vm.FirstName); set.Bind (textEditSecond).For(v => v.StringValue).To (vm => vm.LastName); set.Bind (labelFull).Described("SliderValue + ' ' + OnOffValue").For("StringValue"); set.Bind (slider).For("IntValue").To (vm => vm.SliderValue); set.Bind (sw).For(c => c.State).To (vm => vm.OnOffValue); set.Apply (); }
partial void useNumbersPressed(NSButton sender) { if( sender.IntValue == 0 ) useNumbers = false; else useNumbers = true; }
partial void useLowerCaseLettersPressed(NSButton sender) { if( sender.IntValue == 0 ) useLowercaseLetters = false; else useLowercaseLetters = true; }
partial void BtnClicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { if (null != CommandSelected) { CommandSelected(this, m_Cmds[sender.Title]); } }
partial void lightPointalize (NSButton sender) { if (controls.ContentFilters == null || controls.ContentFilters.Count() == 0) Pointalize(); var path = string.Format ("contentFilters.pointalize.{0}", CIFilter.InputRadiusKey); controls.SetValueForKeyPath (NSNumber.FromFloat (1.0f), (NSString)path); }
partial void exportFile(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { var scfExport = new ExportSCF(txt_input.StringValue, txt_output.StringValue); NSTextView txt = (NSTextView)txt_fld_output.DocumentView; //txt.TextStorage.Append(new NSAttributedString(parser.GetParseOutput())); txt.TextStorage.Append(new NSAttributedString(scfExport.DebugOutput)); }
// Action for Remove pushbutton partial void removeLastBox (NSButton sender) { if (simpleView.Subviews.Length == 0) return; simpleView.Subviews.Last ().RemoveFromSuperview (); layout (); }
partial void makeFast (NSButton sender) { CABasicAnimation frameOriginAnimation = new CABasicAnimation(); frameOriginAnimation.Duration = 0.1f; NSDictionary animations = NSDictionary.FromObjectAndKey(frameOriginAnimation, (NSString)"frameOrigin"); myView.Mover.Animations = animations; }
public MvxNSButtonTitleTargetBinding(NSButton button) : base(button) { if (button == null) { MvxBindingTrace.Trace(MvxTraceLevel.Error, "Error - NSButton is null in MvxNSButtonTitleTargetBinding"); } }
partial void heavyPointalize (NSButton sender) { if (controls.ContentFilters == null || controls.ContentFilters.Count() == 0) Pointalize(); string path = string.Format ("contentFilters.pointalize.{0}", CIFilterInputKey.Radius); controls.SetValueForKeyPath (NSNumber.FromFloat (5), (NSString)path); }
partial void generatePasswordClicked(NSButton sender) { gen = new Generator(Int32.Parse( passwordLengthText.StringValue ), useUppercaseLetters, useLowercaseLetters, useNumbers, useSpecialCharacters); generatedPasswordText.StringValue = gen.GeneratePassword(); }
partial void requestAction (NSButton sender) { myTimer = NSTimer.CreateScheduledTimer (3.0, delegate { if (popupRequestType.Cell.SelectedItemIndex == 0) NSApp.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.InformationalRequest); else NSApp.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); }); }
// The user clicked the Set Title button, so we'll take whatever text is in // the titleText NSTextField and replace the current content of the 'contentTitle' // H1 tag in the HTML with the new text. This shows you how to replace some HTML // content with new content. partial void setTitle(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { var document = webView.MainFrame.DomDocument; DomText newText = document.CreateTextNode(titleText.StringValue); var contentTitle = document.GetElementById("contentTitle"); contentTitle.ReplaceChild(newText, contentTitle.FirstChild); }
partial void openInDefaultBrowser (NSButton sender) { CLLocation currentLocation = locationManager.Location; var urlPath = String.Format("{0},{1}&spn={2},{3}", currentLocation.Coordinate.Latitude,currentLocation.Coordinate.Longitude, latitudeRangeForLocation (currentLocation), longitudeRangeForLocation (currentLocation)); var externalBrowserURL = new NSUrl (urlPath); NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenUrl (externalBrowserURL); }
partial void DeleteButtonClicked (NSButton sender) { if (bookmarkTableView.SelectedRowCount != 1) return; var index = bookmarkTableView.SelectedRow; if (index < 0 || index > bookmarkTableView.RowCount) return; var temp = BookmarkDeleted; if (temp != null) temp (index); }
partial void startStopAction (NSButton sender) { if (sender.Title == "Start") { counter.Start (); sender.Title = "Stop"; GrowlApplicationBridge.Notify ("The two-minute rule is magic.", "You now have two minutes to Get Your Things Done.", "Start", null, 0, false, null); } else { counter.Stop (); sender.Title = "Start"; if (counter.TimerMark.Minutes > 0 && counter.TimerMark.Seconds > 0) GrowlApplicationBridge.Notify ("Action Completed", String.Format ("You still have {0} left. Step back and breath. " + "Take a second and contemplate what you have achieved. " + "You'll be suprised how many two-minute actions you can " + "perform even on your most critical projects", counter.TimeLeft), "Stop", null, 0, true, null); } }
public Canvas() { root = new RootNode (); renderers = new List<object> (); uisync = new UISyncInvoke (); Motion.Tweener.Sync = uisync; testButton = new NSButton (new System.Drawing.RectangleF (100, 100, 100, 50)); testButton.BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Rounded; testButton.FrameCenterRotation = 40; AddSubview (testButton); }
partial void goFullScreen (NSButton sender) { isInFullScreenMode = true; // Pause the non-fullscreen view openGLView.StopAnimation (); RectangleF mainDisplayRect; RectangleF viewRect; // Create a screen-sized window on the display you want to take over // Note, mainDisplayRect has a non-zero origin if the key window is on a secondary display mainDisplayRect = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame; fullScreenWindow = new NSWindow (mainDisplayRect, NSWindowStyle.Borderless, NSBackingStore.Buffered, true); // Set the window level to be above the menu bar fullScreenWindow.Level = NSWindowLevel.MainMenu + 1; // Perform any other window configuration you desire fullScreenWindow.IsOpaque = true; fullScreenWindow.HidesOnDeactivate = true; // Create a view with a double-buffered OpenGL context and attach it to the window // By specifying the non-fullscreen context as the shareContext, we automatically inherit the // OpenGL objects (textures, etc) it has defined viewRect = new RectangleF (0, 0, mainDisplayRect.Size.Width, mainDisplayRect.Size.Height); fullScreenView = new MyOpenGLView (viewRect, openGLView.OpenGLContext); fullScreenWindow.ContentView = fullScreenView; // Show the window fullScreenWindow.MakeKeyAndOrderFront (this); // Set the scene with the full-screen viewport and viewing transformation Scene.setViewportRect (viewRect); // Assign the view's MainController to self fullScreenView.MainController = this; if (!isAnimating) { // Mark the view as needing drawing to initalize its contents fullScreenView.NeedsDisplay = true; } else { // Start playing the animation fullScreenView.StartAnimation (); } }
partial void AddButtonClicked (NSButton sender) { var panel = NSOpenPanel.OpenPanel; panel.FloatingPanel = true; panel.CanChooseDirectories = true; panel.CanChooseFiles = true; //FIXME - create enum for open/save panel return code int i = panel.RunModal (); if (i == 1 && panel.Urls != null) { foreach (NSUrl url in panel.Urls) { browseData.AddImages (url); } browserView.ReloadData (); } }
partial void openInDefaultBrowser (NSButton sender) { CLLocation currentLocation = locationManager.Location; // it can take a few seconds before a location is returned if (currentLocation == null) { AppKitFramework.NSBeep (); return; } var urlPath = String.Format("{0},{1}&spn={2},{3}", currentLocation.Coordinate.Latitude,currentLocation.Coordinate.Longitude, latitudeRangeForLocation (currentLocation), longitudeRangeForLocation (currentLocation)); var externalBrowserURL = new NSUrl (urlPath); NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.OpenUrl (externalBrowserURL); }
// The user just clicked the Add Content NSButton, so we'll add a new P tag // and a new I tag to the HTML, with some default content. // This shows you how to add content into an HTML document without reloading the page. partial void addContent(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { var document = webView.MainFrameDocument; var paraBlock = document.GetElementById("main_content"); var newPara = document.CreateElement("p"); var newItal = document.CreateElement("i"); var newText = document.CreateTextNode("Some new italic content"); newPara.AppendChild(newItal); newItal.AppendChild(newText); paraBlock.AppendChild(newPara); // This is a different way to change the whole text. // Useful for replacing the ".InnerText = some string" used by Internet Explorer engine //paraBlock.TextContent = "Text replaced from Mono"; }
public Note() : base() { SetFrame (new RectangleF (0, 0, 480, 240), true); Center (); Delegate = new SparkleNoteDelegate (); StyleMask = (NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Titled); Title = "Add Note"; MaxSize = new SizeF (480, 240); MinSize = new SizeF (480, 240); HasShadow = true; IsOpaque = false; BackingType = NSBackingStore.Buffered; Level = NSWindowLevel.Floating; this.hidden_close_button = new NSButton () { Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0), KeyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierMask.CommandKeyMask, KeyEquivalent = "w" }; CreateNote (); this.hidden_close_button.Activated += delegate { Controller.WindowClosed (); }; Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke (() => PerformClose (this)); }; Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke (() => OrderFrontRegardless ()); CreateNote (); }; Controller.UpdateTitleEvent += delegate (string title) { SparkleShare.Controller.Invoke (() => { Title = title; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview (this.hidden_close_button); }
partial void NotifyMeAction(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { // First we create our notification and customize as needed NSUserNotification not = null; try { not = new NSUserNotification(); } catch { new NSAlert { MessageText = "NSUserNotification Not Supported", InformativeText = "This API was introduced in OS X Mountain Lion (10.8)." }.RunSheetModal(this); return; } not.Title = "Hello World"; not.InformativeText = "This is an informative text"; not.DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now; not.SoundName = NSUserNotification.NSUserNotificationDefaultSoundName; // We get the Default notification Center NSUserNotificationCenter center = NSUserNotificationCenter.DefaultUserNotificationCenter; center.DidDeliverNotification += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Notification Delivered"); DeliveredColorWell.Color = NSColor.Green; }; center.DidActivateNotification += (s, e) => { Console.WriteLine("Notification Touched"); TouchedColorWell.Color = NSColor.Green; }; // If we return true here, Notification will show up even if your app is TopMost. center.ShouldPresentNotification = (c, n) => { return(true); }; center.ScheduleNotification(not); }
public SparkleAbout () : base () { SetFrame (new RectangleF (0, 0, 640, 281), true); Center (); Delegate = new SparkleAboutDelegate (); StyleMask = (NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Titled); Title = "About SparkleShare"; MaxSize = new SizeF (640, 281); MinSize = new SizeF (640, 281); HasShadow = true; BackingType = NSBackingStore.Buffered; Level = NSWindowLevel.Floating; this.hidden_close_button = new NSButton () { Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0), KeyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierMask.CommandKeyMask, KeyEquivalent = "w" }; CreateAbout (); this.hidden_close_button.Activated += delegate { Controller.WindowClosed (); }; Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => PerformClose (this)); }; Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => OrderFrontRegardless ()); }; Controller.UpdateLabelEvent += delegate (string text) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { this.updates_text_field.StringValue = text; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview (this.hidden_close_button); }
public override void AwakeFromNib() { base.AwakeFromNib (); CloseButton = new NSButton (); CloseButton.BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Circular; CloseButton.Bordered = false; NSButton windowCloseButton = StandardWindowButton (NSWindowButton.CloseButton); NSButton windowMinimizeButton = StandardWindowButton (NSWindowButton.MiniaturizeButton); NSButton windowZoomButton = StandardWindowButton (NSWindowButton.ZoomButton); windowZoomButton.Hidden = true; windowMinimizeButton.Hidden = true; windowCloseButton.Hidden = true; if (NSScreen.MainScreen.BackingScaleFactor > 1.0f) { AssignCloseImage ("*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**"); AssignBackgroundImage ("*****@*****.**"); } else { AssignCloseImage ("lightdialog.close.png", "lightdialog.close_pressed.png"); AssignBackgroundImage ("lightwindow.paper.png"); } NSView themeFrame = ContentView.Superview; RectangleF containerFrame = themeFrame.Frame; RectangleF buttonFrame = CloseButton.Frame; CloseButton.Frame = new RectangleF ( 1.0f, containerFrame.Size.Height - buttonFrame.Size.Height - 2, buttonFrame.Size.Width, buttonFrame.Size.Height);; themeFrame.AddSubview (CloseButton); CloseButton.AutoresizingMask = NSViewResizingMask.MinXMargin | NSViewResizingMask.MinYMargin; CloseButton.Enabled = true; CloseButton.Target = this; CloseButton.Action = new Selector("performClose:"); }
public void ShowPage(PageType type, string [] warnings) { if (type == PageType.Setup) { Header = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; Description = "First off, what's your name and email?\n(visible only to team members)"; FullNameLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 234, 160, 17), StringValue = "Full Name:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; FullNameTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 238, 196, 22), StringValue = UnixUserInfo.GetRealUser ().RealName, Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate () }; EmailLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 264, 160, 17), StringValue = "Email:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; EmailTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 268, 196, 22), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate () }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; (FullNameTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage (FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); }; (EmailTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage (FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { string full_name = FullNameTextField.StringValue.Trim (); string email = EmailTextField.StringValue.Trim (); Controller.SetupPageCompleted (full_name, email); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SetupPageCancelled (); }; Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview (FullNameLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (FullNameTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (EmailLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (EmailTextField); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); Controller.CheckSetupPage (FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); } if (type == PageType.Invite) { Header = "You've received an invite!"; Description = "Do you want to add this project to SparkleShare?"; AddressLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 240, 160, 17), StringValue = "Address:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; PathLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 264, 160, 17), StringValue = "Remote Path:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; AddressTextField = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 240, 260, 17), StringValue = Controller.PendingInvite.Address, Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; PathTextField = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 264, 260, 17), StringValue = Controller.PendingInvite.RemotePath, Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; AddButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Add" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; AddButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.InvitePageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PathLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (PathTextField); Buttons.Add (AddButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.Add) { Header = "Where's your project hosted?"; Description = ""; AddressLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 308, 160, 17), StringValue = "Address:", Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; AddressTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), Font = SparkleUI.Font, Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Address == null), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate (), StringValue = "" + Controller.PreviousAddress }; AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; PathLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 308, 160, 17), StringValue = "Remote Path:", Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; PathTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Path == null), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate (), StringValue = "" + Controller.PreviousPath }; PathTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; PathHelpLabel = new NSTextField () { BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 355, 204, 17), Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11), StringValue = "" + Controller.SelectedPlugin.PathExample }; AddressHelpLabel = new NSTextField () { BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 355, 204, 17), Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11), StringValue = "" + Controller.SelectedPlugin.AddressExample }; TableView = new NSTableView () { Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0), RowHeight = 34, IntercellSpacing = new SizeF (8, 12), HeaderView = null, Delegate = new SparkleTableViewDelegate () }; ScrollView = new NSScrollView () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 280, 408, 185), DocumentView = TableView, HasVerticalScroller = true, BorderType = NSBorderType.BezelBorder }; IconColumn = new NSTableColumn (new NSImage ()) { Width = 36, HeaderToolTip = "Icon", DataCell = new NSImageCell () { ImageAlignment = NSImageAlignment.Right } }; DescriptionColumn = new NSTableColumn () { Width = 350, HeaderToolTip = "Description", Editable = false }; DescriptionColumn.DataCell.Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11); TableView.AddColumn (IconColumn); TableView.AddColumn (DescriptionColumn); DataSource = new SparkleDataSource (Controller.Plugins); TableView.DataSource = DataSource; TableView.ReloadData (); HistoryCheckButton = new NSButton () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 400, 300, 18), Title = "Fetch prior revisions" }; if (Controller.FetchPriorHistory) HistoryCheckButton.State = NSCellStateValue.On; HistoryCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); AddButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Add", Enabled = false }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { AddressTextField.StringValue = text; AddressTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); AddressHelpLabel.StringValue = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PathTextField.StringValue = text; PathTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); PathHelpLabel.StringValue = example_text; }); }; TableView.SelectRow (Controller.SelectedPluginIndex, false); TableView.ScrollRowToVisible (Controller.SelectedPluginIndex); (AddressTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); }; (PathTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); }; (TableView.Delegate as SparkleTableViewDelegate).SelectionChanged += delegate { Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (TableView.SelectedRow); Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); }; HistoryCheckButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.HistoryItemChanged (HistoryCheckButton.State == NSCellStateValue.On); }; AddButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.AddPageCompleted (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { AddButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview (ScrollView); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PathLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PathTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (PathHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (HistoryCheckButton); Buttons.Add (AddButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); } if (type == PageType.Syncing) { Header = "Adding project ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…"; Description = "This may take a while on big projects. Isn't it coffee-o'clock?"; ProgressIndicator = new NSProgressIndicator () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 200, 640 - 150 - 80, 20), Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Bar, MinValue = 0.0, MaxValue = 100.0, Indeterminate = false, DoubleValue = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage }; ProgressIndicator.StartAnimation (this); CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish", Enabled = false }; Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate (double percentage) { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { ProgressIndicator.DoubleValue = percentage; }); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SyncingCancelled (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (ProgressIndicator); Buttons.Add (FinishButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.Error) { Header = "Oops! Something went wrong…"; Description = "Please check the following:"; // Displaying marked up text with Cocoa is // a pain, so we just use a webview instead WebView web_view = new WebView (); web_view.Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 525, 375, 400); string html = "<style>" + "* {" + " font-family: 'Lucida Grande';" + " font-size: 12px; cursor: default;" + "}" + "body {" + " -webkit-user-select: none;" + " margin: 0;" + " padding: 3px;" + "}" + "li {" + " margin-bottom: 16px;" + " margin-left: 0;" + " padding-left: 0;" + " line-height: 20px;" + "}" + "ul {" + " padding-left: 24px;" + "}" + "</style>" + "<ul>" + " <li><b>" + Controller.PreviousUrl + "</b> is the address we've compiled. Does this look alright?</li>" + " <li>Do you have access rights to this remote project?</li>" + "</ul>"; if (warnings.Length > 0) { string warnings_markup = ""; foreach (string warning in warnings) warnings_markup += "<br><b>" + warning + "</b>"; html = html.Replace ("</ul>", "<li>Here's the raw error message: " + warnings_markup + "</li></ul>"); } web_view.MainFrame.LoadHtmlString (html, new NSUrl ("")); web_view.DrawsBackground = false; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; TryAgainButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Try again…" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; TryAgainButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.ErrorPageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (web_view); Buttons.Add (TryAgainButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { Header = "Set up file encryption"; Description = "This project is supposed to be encrypted, but it doesn't yet have a password set. Please provide one below:"; PasswordLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (155, Frame.Height - 204, 160, 17), StringValue = "Password:"******"Show password", State = NSCellStateValue.Off }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); WarningImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("NSInfo"); WarningImage.Size = new SizeF (24, 24); WarningImageView = new NSImageView () { Image = WarningImage, Frame = new RectangleF (200, Frame.Height - 320, 24, 24) }; WarningTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (235, Frame.Height - 390, 325, 100), StringValue = "This password can't be changed later, and your files can't be recovered if it's forgotten.", BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Font = SparkleUI.Font }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.Activated += delegate { if (PasswordTextField.Superview == ContentView) { PasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (VisiblePasswordTextField); } else { VisiblePasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordTextField); } }; (PasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue = PasswordTextField.StringValue; Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; (VisiblePasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { PasswordTextField.StringValue = VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue; Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; Controller.UpdateCryptoSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CryptoPageCancelled (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (ShowPasswordCheckButton); ContentView.AddSubview (WarningImageView); ContentView.AddSubview (WarningTextField); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.CryptoPassword) { Header = "This project contains encrypted files"; Description = "Please enter the password to see their contents."; PasswordLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (155, Frame.Height - 224, 160, 17), StringValue = "Password:"******"Show password", State = NSCellStateValue.Off }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; Controller.UpdateCryptoPasswordContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { InvokeOnMainThread (() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.Activated += delegate { if (PasswordTextField.Superview == ContentView) { PasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (VisiblePasswordTextField); } else { VisiblePasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordTextField); } }; (PasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue = PasswordTextField.StringValue; Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; (VisiblePasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { PasswordTextField.StringValue = VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue; Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CryptoPageCancelled (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (ShowPasswordCheckButton); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.Finished) { Header = "Your shared project is ready!"; Description = "You can find the files in your SparkleShare folder."; if (warnings.Length > 0) { WarningImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("NSInfo"); WarningImage.Size = new SizeF (24, 24); WarningImageView = new NSImageView () { Image = WarningImage, Frame = new RectangleF (200, Frame.Height - 175, 24, 24) }; WarningTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (235, Frame.Height - 245, 325, 100), StringValue = warnings [0], BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Font = SparkleUI.Font }; ContentView.AddSubview (WarningImageView); ContentView.AddSubview (WarningTextField); } OpenFolderButton = new NSButton () { Title = string.Format ("Open {0}", Path.GetFileName (Controller.PreviousPath)) }; FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish" }; OpenFolderButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.OpenFolderClicked (); }; FinishButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.FinishPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (FinishButton); Buttons.Add (OpenFolderButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.Tutorial) { string slide_image_path = Path.Combine (NSBundle.MainBundle.ResourcePath, "Pixmaps", "tutorial-slide-" + Controller.TutorialPageNumber + ".png"); SlideImage = new NSImage (slide_image_path) { Size = new SizeF (350, 200) }; SlideImageView = new NSImageView () { Image = SlideImage, Frame = new RectangleF (215, Frame.Height - 350, 350, 200) }; ContentView.AddSubview (SlideImageView); switch (Controller.TutorialPageNumber) { case 1: { Header = "What's happening next?"; Description = "SparkleShare creates a special folder on your computer " + "that will keep track of your projects."; SkipTutorialButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Skip Tutorial" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue" }; SkipTutorialButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialSkipped (); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (SlideImageView); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (SkipTutorialButton); break; } case 2: { Header = "Sharing files with others"; Description = "All files added to your project folders are synced automatically with " + "the host and your team members."; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue" }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); break; } case 3: { Header = "The status icon is here to help"; Description = "It shows the syncing progress, provides easy access to " + "your projects and let's you view recent changes."; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue" }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); break; } case 4: { Header = "Adding projects to SparkleShare"; Description = "You can do this through the status icon menu, or by clicking " + "magic buttons on webpages that look like this:"; StartupCheckButton = new NSButton () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 400, 300, 18), Title = "Add SparkleShare to startup items", State = NSCellStateValue.On }; StartupCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish" }; SlideImage.Size = new SizeF (350, 64); StartupCheckButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.StartupItemChanged (StartupCheckButton.State == NSCellStateValue.On); }; FinishButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (StartupCheckButton); Buttons.Add (FinishButton); break; } } } }
public SparkleEventLog() : base() { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { Title = "Recent Changes"; Delegate = new SparkleEventsDelegate (); int min_width = 480; int min_height = 640; float x = (float) (NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Width * 0.61); float y = (float) (NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Height * 0.5 - (min_height * 0.5)); SetFrame ( new RectangleF ( new PointF (x, y), new SizeF (min_width, (int) (NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame.Height * 0.85))), true); StyleMask = (NSWindowStyle.Closable | NSWindowStyle.Miniaturizable | NSWindowStyle.Titled | NSWindowStyle.Resizable); MinSize = new SizeF (min_width, min_height); HasShadow = true; BackingType = NSBackingStore.Buffered; TitlebarHeight = Frame.Height - ContentView.Frame.Height; this.web_view = new WebView (new RectangleF (0, 0, 481, 579), "", "") { PolicyDelegate = new SparkleWebPolicyDelegate (), Frame = new RectangleF (new PointF (0, 0), new SizeF (ContentView.Frame.Width, ContentView.Frame.Height - 39)) }; this.hidden_close_button = new NSButton () { KeyEquivalentModifierMask = NSEventModifierMask.CommandKeyMask, KeyEquivalent = "w" }; this.hidden_close_button.Activated += delegate { Controller.WindowClosed (); }; this.size_label = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (0, ContentView.Frame.Height - 30), new SizeF (60, 20)), StringValue = "Size:", Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; this.size_label_value = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (60, ContentView.Frame.Height - 30), new SizeF (60, 20)), StringValue = "…", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; this.history_label = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (130, ContentView.Frame.Height - 30), new SizeF (60, 20)), StringValue = "History:", Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; this.history_label_value = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (190, ContentView.Frame.Height - 30), new SizeF (60, 20) ), StringValue = "…", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; this.popup_button = new NSPopUpButton () { Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (ContentView.Frame.Width - 156 - 12, ContentView.Frame.Height - 33), new SizeF (156, 26)), PullsDown = false }; this.background = new NSBox () { Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (-1, -1), new SizeF (Frame.Width + 2, this.web_view.Frame.Height + 2)), FillColor = NSColor.White, BorderColor = NSColor.LightGray, BoxType = NSBoxType.NSBoxCustom }; this.progress_indicator = new NSProgressIndicator () { Frame = new RectangleF ( new PointF (Frame.Width / 2 - 10, this.web_view.Frame.Height / 2 + 10), new SizeF (20, 20)), Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Spinning }; this.progress_indicator.StartAnimation (this); ContentView.AddSubview (this.size_label); ContentView.AddSubview (this.size_label_value); ContentView.AddSubview (this.history_label); ContentView.AddSubview (this.history_label_value); ContentView.AddSubview (this.popup_button); ContentView.AddSubview (this.progress_indicator); ContentView.AddSubview (this.background); ContentView.AddSubview (this.hidden_close_button); (this.web_view.PolicyDelegate as SparkleWebPolicyDelegate).LinkClicked += delegate (string href) { Controller.LinkClicked (href); }; (Delegate as SparkleEventsDelegate).WindowResized += Relayout; } // Hook up the controller events Controller.HideWindowEvent += delegate { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PerformClose (this); if (this.web_view.Superview == ContentView) this.web_view.RemoveFromSuperview (); }); } }; Controller.ShowWindowEvent += delegate { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { OrderFrontRegardless (); }); } }; Controller.UpdateChooserEvent += delegate (string [] folders) { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { UpdateChooser (folders); }); } }; Controller.UpdateContentEvent += delegate (string html) { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { UpdateContent (html); }); } }; Controller.ContentLoadingEvent += delegate { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { if (this.web_view.Superview == ContentView) this.web_view.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (this.progress_indicator); }); } }; Controller.UpdateSizeInfoEvent += delegate (string size, string history_size) { using (var a = new NSAutoreleasePool ()) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { this.size_label_value.StringValue = size; this.history_label_value.StringValue = history_size; }); } }; }
public void ShowPage (PageType type, string [] warnings) { if (type == PageType.Setup) { Header = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; Description = "First off, what’s your name and email?\n(visible only to team members)"; FullNameLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Full Name:", NSTextAlignment.Right); FullNameLabel.Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 234, 160, 17); FullNameTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 238, 196, 22), StringValue = UnixUserInfo.GetRealUser ().RealName, Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate () }; EmailLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Email:", NSTextAlignment.Right); EmailLabel.Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 264, 160, 17); EmailTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 268, 196, 22), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate () }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; (FullNameTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage (FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); }; (EmailTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckSetupPage (FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { string full_name = FullNameTextField.StringValue.Trim (); string email = EmailTextField.StringValue.Trim (); Controller.SetupPageCompleted (full_name, email); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SetupPageCancelled (); }; Controller.UpdateSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview (FullNameLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (FullNameTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (EmailLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (EmailTextField); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); Controller.CheckSetupPage (FullNameTextField.StringValue, EmailTextField.StringValue); } if (type == PageType.Invite) { Header = "You’ve received an invite!"; Description = "Do you want to add this project to SparkleShare?"; AddressLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Address:", NSTextAlignment.Right); AddressLabel.Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 240, 160, 17); AddressTextField = new SparkleLabel (Controller.PendingInvite.Address, NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 240, 260, 17), Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; PathLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Remote Path:", NSTextAlignment.Right); PathLabel.Frame = new RectangleF (165, Frame.Height - 264, 160, 17); PathTextField = new SparkleLabel (Controller.PendingInvite.RemotePath, NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new RectangleF (330, Frame.Height - 264, 260, 17), Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; AddButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Add" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; AddButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.InvitePageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PathLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (PathTextField); Buttons.Add (AddButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.Add) { Header = "Where’s your project hosted?"; Description = ""; AddressLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Address:", NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 308, 160, 17), Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; AddressTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), Font = SparkleUI.Font, Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Address == null), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate (), StringValue = "" + Controller.PreviousAddress }; AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; PathLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Remote Path:", NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 308, 160, 17), Font = SparkleUI.BoldFont }; PathTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 336, 196, 22), Enabled = (Controller.SelectedPlugin.Path == null), Delegate = new SparkleTextFieldDelegate (), StringValue = "" + Controller.PreviousPath }; PathTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; PathHelpLabel = new SparkleLabel (Controller.SelectedPlugin.PathExample, NSTextAlignment.Left) { TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Frame = new RectangleF (190 + 196 + 16, Frame.Height - 355, 204, 17), Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11), }; AddressHelpLabel = new SparkleLabel (Controller.SelectedPlugin.AddressExample, NSTextAlignment.Left) { TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 355, 204, 17), Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11), }; if (TableView == null || TableView.RowCount != Controller.Plugins.Count) { TableView = new NSTableView () { Frame = new RectangleF (0, 0, 0, 0), RowHeight = 34, IntercellSpacing = new SizeF (8, 12), HeaderView = null, Delegate = new SparkleTableViewDelegate () }; ScrollView = new NSScrollView () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 280, 408, 185), DocumentView = TableView, HasVerticalScroller = true, BorderType = NSBorderType.BezelBorder }; IconColumn = new NSTableColumn () { Width = 36, HeaderToolTip = "Icon", DataCell = new NSImageCell () { ImageAlignment = NSImageAlignment.Right } }; DescriptionColumn = new NSTableColumn () { Width = 350, HeaderToolTip = "Description", Editable = false }; DescriptionColumn.DataCell.Font = NSFontManager.SharedFontManager.FontWithFamily ("Lucida Grande", NSFontTraitMask.Condensed, 0, 11); TableView.AddColumn (IconColumn); TableView.AddColumn (DescriptionColumn); // Hi-res display support was added after Snow Leopard if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major < 11) DataSource = new SparkleDataSource (1, Controller.Plugins); else DataSource = new SparkleDataSource (BackingScaleFactor, Controller.Plugins); TableView.DataSource = DataSource; TableView.ReloadData (); (TableView.Delegate as SparkleTableViewDelegate).SelectionChanged += delegate { Controller.SelectedPluginChanged (TableView.SelectedRow); Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); }; } TableView.SelectRow (Controller.SelectedPluginIndex, false); TableView.ScrollRowToVisible (Controller.SelectedPluginIndex); HistoryCheckButton = new NSButton () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 400, 300, 18), Title = "Fetch prior revisions" }; if (Controller.FetchPriorHistory) HistoryCheckButton.State = NSCellStateValue.On; HistoryCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); AddButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Add", Enabled = false }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; Controller.ChangeAddressFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { AddressTextField.StringValue = text; AddressTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); AddressHelpLabel.StringValue = example_text; }); }; Controller.ChangePathFieldEvent += delegate (string text, string example_text, FieldState state) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { PathTextField.StringValue = text; PathTextField.Enabled = (state == FieldState.Enabled); PathHelpLabel.StringValue = example_text; }); }; (AddressTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); }; (PathTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); }; HistoryCheckButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.HistoryItemChanged (HistoryCheckButton.State == NSCellStateValue.On); }; AddButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.AddPageCompleted (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; Controller.UpdateAddProjectButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { AddButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ContentView.AddSubview (ScrollView); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PathLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PathTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (PathHelpLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (HistoryCheckButton); Buttons.Add (AddButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); Controller.CheckAddPage (AddressTextField.StringValue, PathTextField.StringValue, TableView.SelectedRow); } if (type == PageType.Syncing) { Header = "Adding project ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…"; Description = "This may take a while for large projects.\nIsn’t it coffee-o’clock?"; ProgressIndicator = new NSProgressIndicator () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 200, 640 - 150 - 80, 20), Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Bar, MinValue = 0.0, MaxValue = 100.0, Indeterminate = false, DoubleValue = Controller.ProgressBarPercentage }; ProgressIndicator.StartAnimation (this); CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish", Enabled = false }; Controller.UpdateProgressBarEvent += delegate (double percentage) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { ProgressIndicator.DoubleValue = percentage; }); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.SyncingCancelled (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (ProgressIndicator); Buttons.Add (FinishButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.Error) { Header = "Oops! Something went wrong…"; Description = "Please check the following:"; // Displaying marked up text with Cocoa is // a pain, so we just use a webview instead WebView web_view = new WebView (); web_view.Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 525, 375, 400); string html = "<style>" + "* {" + " font-family: 'Lucida Grande';" + " font-size: 12px; cursor: default;" + "}" + "body {" + " -webkit-user-select: none;" + " margin: 0;" + " padding: 3px;" + "}" + "li {" + " margin-bottom: 16px;" + " margin-left: 0;" + " padding-left: 0;" + " line-height: 20px;" + " word-wrap: break-word;" + "}" + "ul {" + " padding-left: 24px;" + "}" + "</style>" + "<ul>" + " <li><b>" + Controller.PreviousUrl + "</b> is the address we’ve compiled. Does this look alright?</li>" + " <li>Is this computer’s Client ID known by the host?</li>" + "</ul>"; if (warnings.Length > 0) { string warnings_markup = ""; foreach (string warning in warnings) warnings_markup += "<br><b>" + warning + "</b>"; html = html.Replace ("</ul>", "<li>Here’s the raw error message: " + warnings_markup + "</li></ul>"); } web_view.MainFrame.LoadHtmlString (html, new NSUrl ("")); web_view.DrawsBackground = false; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; TryAgainButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Try Again…" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.PageCancelled (); }; TryAgainButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.ErrorPageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (web_view); Buttons.Add (TryAgainButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); } if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup || type == PageType.CryptoPassword) { if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { Header = "Set up file encryption"; Description = "Please a provide a strong password that you don’t use elsewhere."; } else { Header = "This project contains encrypted files"; Description = "Please enter the password to see their contents."; } int extra_pos_y = 0; if (type == PageType.CryptoPassword) extra_pos_y = 20; PasswordLabel = new SparkleLabel ("Password:"******"Show password", State = NSCellStateValue.Off }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); WarningImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("NSInfo"); WarningImage.Size = new SizeF (24, 24); WarningImageView = new NSImageView () { Image = WarningImage, Frame = new RectangleF (200, Frame.Height - 320, 24, 24) }; WarningTextField = new SparkleLabel ("This password can’t be changed later, and your files can’t be recovered if it’s forgotten.", NSTextAlignment.Left) { Frame = new RectangleF (235, Frame.Height - 390, 325, 100), }; CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; Controller.UpdateCryptoPasswordContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; Controller.UpdateCryptoSetupContinueButtonEvent += delegate (bool button_enabled) { Program.Controller.Invoke (() => { ContinueButton.Enabled = button_enabled; }); }; ShowPasswordCheckButton.Activated += delegate { if (PasswordTextField.Superview == ContentView) { PasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (VisiblePasswordTextField); } else { VisiblePasswordTextField.RemoveFromSuperview (); ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordTextField); } }; (PasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue = PasswordTextField.StringValue; if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); else Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; (VisiblePasswordTextField.Delegate as SparkleTextFieldDelegate).StringValueChanged += delegate { PasswordTextField.StringValue = VisiblePasswordTextField.StringValue; if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) Controller.CheckCryptoSetupPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); else Controller.CheckCryptoPasswordPage (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) Controller.CryptoSetupPageCompleted (PasswordTextField.StringValue); else Controller.CryptoPasswordPageCompleted (PasswordTextField.StringValue); }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CryptoPageCancelled (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (PasswordTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (ShowPasswordCheckButton); if (type == PageType.CryptoSetup) { ContentView.AddSubview (WarningImageView); ContentView.AddSubview (WarningTextField); } Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (CancelButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.Finished) { Header = "Your shared project is ready!"; Description = "You can find the files in your SparkleShare folder."; if (warnings.Length > 0) { WarningImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("NSInfo"); WarningImage.Size = new SizeF (24, 24); WarningImageView = new NSImageView () { Image = WarningImage, Frame = new RectangleF (200, Frame.Height - 175, 24, 24) }; WarningTextField = new SparkleLabel (warnings [0], NSTextAlignment.Left); WarningTextField.Frame = new RectangleF (235, Frame.Height - 245, 325, 100); ContentView.AddSubview (WarningImageView); ContentView.AddSubview (WarningTextField); } ShowFilesButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Show Files…" }; FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish" }; ShowFilesButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.ShowFilesClicked (); }; FinishButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.FinishPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (FinishButton); Buttons.Add (ShowFilesButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); } if (type == PageType.Tutorial) { SlideImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("tutorial-slide-" + Controller.TutorialPageNumber); if (SlideImage != null) { SlideImage.Size = new SizeF (324, 200); SlideImageView = new NSImageView () { Image = SlideImage, Frame = new RectangleF (228, Frame.Height - 350, 324, 200) }; ContentView.AddSubview (SlideImageView); } switch (Controller.TutorialPageNumber) { case 1: { Header = "What’s happening next?"; Description = "SparkleShare creates a special folder on your computer " + "that will keep track of your projects."; SkipTutorialButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Skip Tutorial" }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue" }; SkipTutorialButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialSkipped (); }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (SlideImageView); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); Buttons.Add (SkipTutorialButton); break; } case 2: { Header = "Sharing files with others"; Description = "All files added to your project folders are synced automatically with " + "the host and your team members."; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue" }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); break; } case 3: { Header = "The status icon helps you"; Description = "It shows the syncing progress, provides easy access to " + "your projects, and lets you view recent changes."; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue" }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); break; } case 4: { Header = "Here’s your unique Client ID"; Description = "You’ll need it whenever you want to link this computer to a host. " + "You can also find it in the status icon menu."; LinkCodeTextField = new NSTextField () { StringValue = Program.Controller.CurrentUser.PublicKey, Enabled = false, Selectable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (230, Frame.Height - 238, 246, 22) }; LinkCodeTextField.Cell.UsesSingleLineMode = true; LinkCodeTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; CopyButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Copy", BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.RoundRect, Frame = new RectangleF (480, Frame.Height - 238, 60, 22) }; StartupCheckButton = new NSButton () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 400, 300, 18), Title = "Add SparkleShare to startup items", State = NSCellStateValue.On }; StartupCheckButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish" }; StartupCheckButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.StartupItemChanged (StartupCheckButton.State == NSCellStateValue.On); }; CopyButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.CopyToClipboardClicked (); }; FinishButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.TutorialPageCompleted (); }; ContentView.AddSubview (LinkCodeTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (CopyButton); ContentView.AddSubview (StartupCheckButton); Buttons.Add (FinishButton); break; } } } }
public SparkleSetup() : base() { Controller.ChangePageEvent += delegate (PageType type) { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { Reset (); switch (type) { case PageType.Setup: Header = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; Description = "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this " + "computer, we need some information from you."; UserInfoForm = new NSForm (new RectangleF (250, 115, 350, 64)); UserInfoForm.AddEntry ("Full Name:"); UserInfoForm.AddEntry ("Email Address:"); UserInfoForm.CellSize = new SizeF (280, 22); UserInfoForm.IntercellSpacing = new SizeF (4, 4); UserInfoForm.Cells [0].LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; UserInfoForm.Cells [1].LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; UserInfoForm.Cells [0].StringValue = SparkleShare.Controller.UserName; UserInfoForm.Cells [1].StringValue = SparkleShare.Controller.UserEmail; // TODO: Ugly hack, do properly with events timer = new Timer () { Interval = 50 }; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { timer.Stop (); timer = null; string full_name = UserInfoForm.Cells [0].StringValue.Trim (); string email = UserInfoForm.Cells [1].StringValue.Trim (); Controller.SetupPageCompleted (full_name, email); }; timer.Elapsed += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { bool name_is_valid = !UserInfoForm.Cells [0].StringValue.Trim ().Equals (""); bool email_is_valid = SparkleShare.Controller.IsValidEmail ( UserInfoForm.Cells [1].StringValue.Trim ()); ContinueButton.Enabled = (name_is_valid && email_is_valid); }); }; timer.Start (); ContentView.AddSubview (UserInfoForm); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); break; case PageType.Add: Header = "Where is your remote folder?"; Description = ""; ServerTypeLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (150, Frame.Height - 139 , 160, 17), StringValue = "Server Type:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; AddressLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (150, Frame.Height - 237 , 160, 17), StringValue = "Address:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; FolderNameLabel = new NSTextField () { Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Right, BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (150, Frame.Height - 264 , 160, 17), StringValue = "Folder Name:", Font = SparkleUI.Font }; AddressTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (320, Frame.Height - 240 , 256, 22), Font = SparkleUI.Font, StringValue = Controller.PreviousServer }; AddressTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; FolderNameTextField = new NSTextField () { Frame = new RectangleF (320, Frame.Height - (240 + 22 + 4) , 256, 22), StringValue = Controller.PreviousFolder }; FolderNameTextField.Cell.LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; FolderNameHelpLabel = new NSTextField () { BackgroundColor = NSColor.WindowBackground, Bordered = false, TextColor = NSColor.DisabledControlText, Editable = false, Frame = new RectangleF (320, Frame.Height - 285 , 200, 17), StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’" }; ServerType = 0; ButtonCellProto = new NSButtonCell (); ButtonCellProto.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Radio) ; Matrix = new NSMatrix (new RectangleF (315, 180, 256, 78), NSMatrixMode.Radio, ButtonCellProto, 4, 1); Matrix.CellSize = new SizeF (256, 18); Matrix.Cells [0].Title = "My own server"; Matrix.Cells [1].Title = "Github"; Matrix.Cells [2].Title = "Gitorious"; Matrix.Cells [3].Title = "The GNOME Project"; foreach (NSCell cell in Matrix.Cells) cell.Font = SparkleUI.Font; // TODO: Ugly hack, do properly with events timer = new Timer () { Interval = 50 }; timer.Elapsed += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { if (Matrix.SelectedRow != ServerType) { ServerType = Matrix.SelectedRow; AddressTextField.Enabled = (ServerType == 0); switch (ServerType) { case 0: AddressTextField.StringValue = ""; FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’"; break; case 1: AddressTextField.StringValue = "ssh://[email protected]/"; FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘rupert/website-design’"; break; case 2: AddressTextField.StringValue = "ssh://[email protected]/"; FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘project/website-design’"; break; case 3: AddressTextField.StringValue = "ssh://[email protected]/git/"; FolderNameHelpLabel.StringValue = "e.g. ‘gnome-icon-theme’"; break; } } if (ServerType == 0 && !AddressTextField.StringValue.Trim ().Equals ("") && !FolderNameTextField.StringValue.Trim ().Equals ("")) { SyncButton.Enabled = true; } else if (ServerType != 0 && !FolderNameTextField.StringValue.Trim ().Equals ("")) { SyncButton.Enabled = true; } else { SyncButton.Enabled = false; } }); }; timer.Start (); ContentView.AddSubview (ServerTypeLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (Matrix); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (AddressTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (FolderNameLabel); ContentView.AddSubview (FolderNameTextField); ContentView.AddSubview (FolderNameHelpLabel); SyncButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Sync", Enabled = false }; SyncButton.Activated += delegate { timer.Stop (); timer = null; string folder_name = FolderNameTextField.StringValue; string server = AddressTextField.StringValue; Controller.AddPageCompleted (server, folder_name); }; Buttons.Add (SyncButton); CancelButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Cancel" }; CancelButton.Activated += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PerformClose (this); }); }; Buttons.Add (CancelButton); break; case PageType.Syncing: Header = "Syncing folder ‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’…"; Description = "This may take a while.\n" + "Are you sure it’s not coffee o'clock?"; ProgressIndicator = new NSProgressIndicator () { Frame = new RectangleF (190, Frame.Height - 200, 640 - 150 - 80, 20), Style = NSProgressIndicatorStyle.Bar }; ProgressIndicator.StartAnimation (this); ContentView.AddSubview (ProgressIndicator); FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish", Enabled = false }; Buttons.Add (FinishButton); break; case PageType.Error: Header = "Something went wrong…"; Description = ""; TryAgainButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Try again…" }; TryAgainButton.Activated += delegate { Controller.ErrorPageCompleted (); }; Buttons.Add (TryAgainButton); break; case PageType.Finished: Header = "Folder synced succesfully!"; Description = "Now you can access the synced files from " + "‘" + Controller.SyncingFolder + "’ in " + "your SparkleShare folder."; FinishButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Finish" }; FinishButton.Activated += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PerformClose (this); }); }; OpenFolderButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Open Folder" }; OpenFolderButton.Activated += delegate { SparkleShare.Controller.OpenSparkleShareFolder (Controller.SyncingFolder); }; Buttons.Add (FinishButton); Buttons.Add (OpenFolderButton); NSApplication.SharedApplication.RequestUserAttention (NSRequestUserAttentionType.CriticalRequest); break; } ShowAll (); }); }; }
public bool Run (OpenFileDialogData data) { NSSavePanel panel = null; try { bool directoryMode = data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Open && data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save; if (data.Action == Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save) { panel = new NSSavePanel (); } else { panel = new NSOpenPanel () { CanChooseDirectories = directoryMode, CanChooseFiles = !directoryMode, }; } MacSelectFileDialogHandler.SetCommonPanelProperties (data, panel); SelectEncodingPopUpButton encodingSelector = null; NSPopUpButton viewerSelector = null; NSButton closeSolutionButton = null; var box = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Vertical, 2, 2); List<FileViewer> currentViewers = null; List<MDAlignment> labels = new List<MDAlignment> (); if (!directoryMode) { var filterPopup = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.CreateFileFilterPopup (data, panel); if (filterPopup != null) { var filterLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Show files:")), true); var filterBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) { { filterLabel }, { new MDAlignment (filterPopup, true) { MinWidth = 200 } } }; labels.Add (filterLabel); box.Add (filterBox); } if (data.ShowEncodingSelector) { encodingSelector = new SelectEncodingPopUpButton (data.Action != Gtk.FileChooserAction.Save); encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId = data.Encoding != null ? data.Encoding.CodePage : 0; var encodingLabel = new MDAlignment (new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Encoding:")), true); var encodingBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) { { encodingLabel }, { new MDAlignment (encodingSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 } } }; labels.Add (encodingLabel); box.Add (encodingBox); } if (data.ShowViewerSelector && panel is NSOpenPanel) { currentViewers = new List<FileViewer> (); viewerSelector = new NSPopUpButton () { Enabled = false, }; if (encodingSelector != null) { viewerSelector.Activated += delegate { var idx = viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem; encodingSelector.Enabled = ! (idx == 0 && currentViewers [0] == null); }; } var viewSelLabel = new MDLabel (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Open with:")); var viewSelBox = new MDBox (LayoutDirection.Horizontal, 2, 0) { { viewSelLabel, true }, { new MDAlignment (viewerSelector, true) { MinWidth = 200 } } }; if (IdeApp.Workspace.IsOpen) { closeSolutionButton = new NSButton () { Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Close current workspace"), Hidden = true, State = NSCellStateValue.On, }; closeSolutionButton.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.Switch); closeSolutionButton.SizeToFit (); viewSelBox.Add (closeSolutionButton, true); } box.Add (viewSelBox); } } if (labels.Count > 0) { float w = labels.Max (l => l.MinWidth); foreach (var l in labels) { l.MinWidth = w; l.XAlign = LayoutAlign.Begin; } } if (box.Count > 0) { box.Layout (); panel.AccessoryView = box.View; } panel.SelectionDidChange += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { var selection = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel); bool slnViewerSelected = false; if (viewerSelector != null) { FillViewers (currentViewers, viewerSelector, closeSolutionButton, selection); if (currentViewers.Count == 0 || currentViewers [0] != null) { if (closeSolutionButton != null) closeSolutionButton.Hidden = true; slnViewerSelected = false; } else { if (closeSolutionButton != null) closeSolutionButton.Hidden = false; slnViewerSelected = true; } box.Layout (); //re-center the accessory view in its parent, Cocoa does this for us initially and after //resizing the window, but we need to do it again after altering its layout var superFrame = box.View.Superview.Frame; var frame = box.View.Frame; //not sure why it's ceiling, but this matches the Cocoa layout frame.X = (float)Math.Ceiling ((superFrame.Width - frame.Width) / 2); frame.Y = (float)Math.Ceiling ((superFrame.Height - frame.Height) / 2); box.View.Frame = frame; } if (encodingSelector != null) encodingSelector.Enabled = !slnViewerSelected; }; var action = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.RunPanel (data, panel); if (!action) { GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow); return false; } data.SelectedFiles = MacSelectFileDialogHandler.GetSelectedFiles (panel); if (encodingSelector != null) data.Encoding = encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId > 0 ? Encoding.GetEncoding (encodingSelector.SelectedEncodingId) : null; if (viewerSelector != null ) { if (closeSolutionButton != null) data.CloseCurrentWorkspace = closeSolutionButton.State != NSCellStateValue.Off; data.SelectedViewer = currentViewers[viewerSelector.IndexOfSelectedItem]; } GtkQuartz.FocusWindow (data.TransientFor ?? MessageService.RootWindow); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError ("Error in Open File dialog", ex); MessageService.ShowException (ex); } finally { if (panel != null) panel.Dispose (); } return true; }
// Action for Add pushbutton partial void addABox (NSButton sender) { simpleView.AddSubview (viewToBeAdded ()); layout (); }
/// <summary> /// Create the UI /// </summary> private void CreateEdit() { RootFolder repo = new RootFolder() { Name = FolderName, Id = credentials.RepoId, Address = credentials.Address.ToString() }; repo.Selected = true; IgnoredFolderLoader.AddIgnoredFolderToRootNode(repo, Ignores); LocalFolderLoader.AddLocalFolderToRootNode(repo, localPath); List<RootFolder> repos = new List<RootFolder>(); repos.Add(repo); OutlineViewDelegate DataDelegate = new OutlineViewDelegate (); CmisTree.CmisTreeDataSource DataSource = new CmisTree.CmisTreeDataSource(repos); CmisOutlineController OutlineController = new CmisOutlineController (DataSource, DataDelegate); AsyncNodeLoader asyncLoader = new AsyncNodeLoader(repo, credentials, PredefinedNodeLoader.LoadSubFolderDelegate, PredefinedNodeLoader.CheckSubFolderDelegate); asyncLoader.UpdateNodeEvent += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { DataSource.UpdateCmisTree(repo); NSOutlineView view = OutlineController.OutlineView(); for (int i = 0; i < view.RowCount; ++i) { view.ReloadItem(view.ItemAtRow(i)); } }); }; asyncLoader.Load(repo); DataDelegate.ItemExpanded += delegate(NSNotification notification) { InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { NSCmisTree cmis = notification.UserInfo["NSObject"] as NSCmisTree; if (cmis == null) { Console.WriteLine("ItemExpanded Error"); return; } NSCmisTree cmisRoot = cmis; while (cmisRoot.Parent != null) { cmisRoot = cmisRoot.Parent; } if (repo.Name != cmisRoot.Name) { Console.WriteLine("ItemExpanded find root Error"); return; } Node node = cmis.GetNode(repo); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("ItemExpanded find node Error"); return; } asyncLoader.Load(node); }); }; DataSource.SelectedEvent += delegate (NSCmisTree cmis, int selected) { InvokeOnMainThread(delegate { Node node = cmis.GetNode(repo); if (node == null) { Console.WriteLine("SelectedEvent find node Error"); } node.Selected = (selected != 0); DataSource.UpdateCmisTree(repo); NSOutlineView view = OutlineController.OutlineView(); for (int i = 0; i < view.RowCount; ++i) { try{ view.ReloadItem(view.ItemAtRow(i)); }catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } }); }; OutlineController.View.Frame = new RectangleF (190, 60, 400, 240); ContentView.AddSubview (OutlineController.View); Controller.CloseWindowEvent += delegate { asyncLoader.Cancel(); }; Controller.OpenWindowEvent += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { OrderFrontRegardless (); }); }; NSButton finish_button = new NSButton() { Title = Properties_Resources.SaveChanges, }; NSButton cancel_button = new NSButton() { Title = Properties_Resources.DiscardChanges }; Buttons.Add(finish_button); Buttons.Add(cancel_button); finish_button.Activated += delegate { Ignores = NodeModelUtils.GetIgnoredFolder(repo); Controller.SaveFolder(); InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PerformClose (this); }); }; cancel_button.Activated += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { PerformClose (this); }); }; this.Header = Properties_Resources.EditTitle; this.Description = ""; this.ShowAll(); }
partial void NewNoteButton_Clicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { NewNote(); }
public void ShowAccountForm() { Reset (); Header = "Welcome to SparkleShare!"; Description = "Before we can create a SparkleShare folder on this " + "computer, we need some information from you."; UserInfoForm = new NSForm (new RectangleF (250, 115, 350, 64)); UserInfoForm.AddEntry ("Full Name:"); UserInfoForm.AddEntry ("Email Address:"); UserInfoForm.CellSize = new SizeF (280, 22); UserInfoForm.IntercellSpacing = new SizeF (4, 4); UserInfoForm.Cells [0].LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; UserInfoForm.Cells [1].LineBreakMode = NSLineBreakMode.TruncatingTail; UserInfoForm.Cells [0].StringValue = SparkleShare.Controller.UserName; UserInfoForm.Cells [1].StringValue = SparkleShare.Controller.UserEmail; ContinueButton = new NSButton () { Title = "Continue", Enabled = false }; ContinueButton.Activated += delegate { SparkleShare.Controller.UserName = UserInfoForm.Cells [0].StringValue.Trim (); SparkleShare.Controller.UserEmail = UserInfoForm.Cells [1].StringValue.Trim (); SparkleShare.Controller.GenerateKeyPair (); SparkleUI.StatusIcon.CreateMenu (); InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { ShowServerForm (); }); }; // TODO: Ugly hack, do properly with events Timer timer = new Timer () { Interval = 50 }; timer.Elapsed += delegate { InvokeOnMainThread (delegate { bool name_is_correct = !UserInfoForm.Cells [0].StringValue.Trim ().Equals (""); bool email_is_correct = SparkleShare.Controller.IsValidEmail ( UserInfoForm.Cells [1].StringValue.Trim ()); ContinueButton.Enabled = (name_is_correct && email_is_correct); }); }; timer.Start (); ContentView.AddSubview (UserInfoForm); Buttons.Add (ContinueButton); ShowAll (); }
partial void CancelClicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { CancellationSource.Cancel(); }
// This will only reset colors to red partial void ResetAction(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { DeliveredColorWell.Color = NSColor.Red; TouchedColorWell.Color = NSColor.Red; }
partial void disconnectButtonClicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { CurrentInterface.Disassociate(); UpdateInfoTab(); }
partial void BtnCancel(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { Close(); NSApplication.SharedApplication.StopModalWithCode(0); }
public override void AwakeFromNib () { base.AwakeFromNib (); #region first two buttons // add the image menu item back to the first menu item NSMenuItem menuItem = new NSMenuItem ("", new Selector (""), ""); menuItem.Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof.png"); buttonMenu.InsertItematIndex (menuItem, 0); nibBasedPopUpDown.Menu = buttonMenu; nibBasedPopUpRight.Menu = buttonMenu; // create the pull down button pointing DOWN RectangleF buttonFrame = placeHolder1.Frame; codeBasedPopUpDown = new NSPopUpButton (buttonFrame, true); ((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpDown.Cell).ArrowPosition = NSPopUpArrowPosition.Bottom; ((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpDown.Cell).BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.ThickSquare; codeBasedPopUpDown.Menu = buttonMenu; popupBox.AddSubview (codeBasedPopUpDown); placeHolder1.RemoveFromSuperview (); // create the pull down button pointing RIGHT buttonFrame = placeHolder2.Frame; codeBasedPopUpRight = new NSPopUpButton (buttonFrame, true); ((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).ArrowPosition = NSPopUpArrowPosition.Bottom; ((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).PreferredEdge = NSRectEdge.MaxXEdge; ((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.Circular; codeBasedPopUpRight.Menu = buttonMenu; ((NSPopUpButtonCell)codeBasedPopUpRight.Cell).HighlightsBy = (int)NSCellMask.ChangeGrayCell; popupBox.AddSubview (codeBasedPopUpRight); placeHolder2.RemoveFromSuperview (); #endregion #region second two buttons // create the rounded button buttonFrame = placeHolder3.Frame; // note: this button we want alternate title and image, so we need to call this: codeBasedButtonRound = new NSButton (buttonFrame) { Title = "NSButton", AlternateTitle = "(pressed)", Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof.png"), AlternateImage = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof2.png"), BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.RegularSquare, ImagePosition = NSCellImagePosition.ImageLeft, Font = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize (NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize), Sound = NSSound.FromName ("Pop"), }; // Two choices, either use the .NET event system: // foo.Activated += delegate {..} or += SomeMethod // // Or you can use the Target = this Action = new Selector ("buttonAction:") // pattern codeBasedButtonRound.Activated += delegate { buttonAction (null); }; codeBasedButtonRound.SetButtonType (NSButtonType.MomentaryChange); codeBasedButtonRound.Cell.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left; buttonBox.AddSubview (codeBasedButtonRound); placeHolder3.RemoveFromSuperview (); // we are done with the place holder, remove it from the window // create the square button buttonFrame = placeHolder4.Frame; codeBasedButtonSquare = new NSButton (buttonFrame){ Title = "NSButton", BezelStyle = NSBezelStyle.ShadowlessSquare, ImagePosition = NSCellImagePosition.ImageLeft, Image = NSImage.ImageNamed ("moof.png"), Font = NSFont.SystemFontOfSize (NSFont.SmallSystemFontSize), Sound = NSSound.FromName ("Pop"), }; codeBasedButtonSquare.Activated += delegate { buttonAction (null); }; codeBasedButtonSquare.Cell.Alignment = NSTextAlignment.Left; buttonBox.AddSubview (codeBasedButtonSquare); placeHolder4.RemoveFromSuperview (); // we are done with the place holder, remove it from the window #endregion #region segmented control buttonFrame = placeHolder5.Frame; codeBasedSegmentControl = new NSSegmentedControl(buttonFrame) { SegmentCount = 3, Target = this, Action = new Selector("segmentAction:") }; codeBasedSegmentControl.SetWidth (nibBasedSegControl.GetWidth(0), 0); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetWidth (nibBasedSegControl.GetWidth (1), 1); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetWidth (nibBasedSegControl.GetWidth (2), 2); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetLabel ("One", 0); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetLabel ("Two", 1); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetLabel ("Three", 2); segmentBox.AddSubview (codeBasedSegmentControl); placeHolder5.RemoveFromSuperview (); // use a menu to the first segment (applied to both nib-based and code-based) codeBasedSegmentControl.SetMenu (buttonMenu, 0); nibBasedSegControl.SetMenu (buttonMenu, 0); // add icons to each segment (applied to both nib-based and code-based) NSImage segmentIcon1 = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFileType(NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode.ComputerIcon); segmentIcon1.Size = new SizeF(16, 16); nibBasedSegControl.SetImage (segmentIcon1, 0); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetImage (segmentIcon1, 0); NSImage segmentIcon2 = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFileType (NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode.DesktopIcon); segmentIcon2.Size = new SizeF (16, 16); nibBasedSegControl.SetImage (segmentIcon2, 1); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetImage (segmentIcon2, 1); NSImage segmentIcon3 = NSWorkspace.SharedWorkspace.IconForFileType (NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode.FinderIcon); segmentIcon3.Size = new SizeF (16, 16); nibBasedSegControl.SetImage (segmentIcon3, 2); codeBasedSegmentControl.SetImage (segmentIcon3, 2); #endregion #region level indicator buttonFrame = placeHolder8.Frame; codeBasedIndicator = new NSLevelIndicator(buttonFrame) { MaxValue = 10, MajorTickMarkCount = 4, TickMarkCount = 7, WarningValue = 5, CriticalValue = 8, Action = new Selector("levelAction:") }; codeBasedIndicator.Cell.LevelIndicatorStyle = NSLevelIndicatorStyle.DiscreteCapacity; indicatorBox.AddSubview(codeBasedIndicator); placeHolder8.RemoveFromSuperview(); #endregion }
partial void cancelButtonClicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { Window.Close(); }
static void FillViewers (List<FileViewer> currentViewers, NSPopUpButton button, NSButton closeSolutionButton, FilePath[] filenames) { button.Menu.RemoveAllItems (); currentViewers.Clear (); if (filenames == null || filenames.Length == 0) { button.Enabled = false; return; } var filename = filenames[0]; if (System.IO.Directory.Exists (filename)) return; int selected = -1; int i = 0; if (IdeApp.Services.ProjectService.IsWorkspaceItemFile (filename) || IdeApp.Services.ProjectService.IsSolutionItemFile (filename)) { button.Menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem () { Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Solution Workbench") }); currentViewers.Add (null); if (closeSolutionButton != null) closeSolutionButton.State = NSCellStateValue.On; selected = 0; i++; } foreach (var vw in DisplayBindingService.GetFileViewers (filename, null)) { if (!vw.IsExternal) { button.Menu.AddItem (new NSMenuItem () { Title = vw.Title }); currentViewers.Add (vw); if (vw.CanUseAsDefault && selected == -1) selected = i; i++; } } if (selected == -1) selected = 0; button.Enabled = currentViewers.Count > 1; button.SelectItem (selected); }
partial void refreshButtonClicked(MonoMac.AppKit.NSButton sender) { UpdateInfo(); }