Example #1
		static string GetErrorMessage (LibSvnClient.svn_error_t error)
			if (error.message != null)
				return error.message;
			else {
				byte[] buf = new byte [300];
				Svn.strerror (error.apr_err, buf, buf.Length);
				return Encoding.UTF8.GetString (buf);
Example #2
		internal static bool CheckInstalled ()
			// libsvn_client may be linked to libapr-0 or libapr-1, and we need to bind the LibApr class
			// to the same library. The following code detects the required libapr version and loads it. 
			int aprver = GetLoadAprLib (-1);
			svn = LibSvnClient.GetLib ();
			if (svn == null) {
				LoggingService.LogWarning ("Subversion addin could not load libsvn_client, so it will be disabled.");
				return false;
			aprver = GetLoadAprLib (aprver);
			if (aprver != -1)
				LoggingService.LogDebug ("Subversion addin detected libapr-" + aprver);
			apr = LibApr.GetLib (aprver);
			if (apr == null) {
				svn = null;
				LoggingService.LogInfo ("Subversion addin could not load libapr, so it will be disabled.");
				return false;
			return true;
Example #3
		static IntPtr OnAuthSslServerTrustPrompt (ref IntPtr cred, IntPtr baton, string realm, UInt32 failures, ref LibSvnClient.svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t cert_info, bool may_save, IntPtr pool)
			var data = new LibSvnClient.svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t ();

			var ci = new CertficateInfo {
				AsciiCert = cert_info.ascii_cert,
				Fingerprint = cert_info.fingerprint,
				HostName = cert_info.hostname,
				IssuerName = cert_info.issuer_dname,
				ValidFrom = cert_info.valid_from,
				ValidUntil = cert_info.valid_until,

			SslFailure accepted_failures;
			bool ms;
			if (SslServerTrustAuthenticationPrompt (realm, (SslFailure) failures, may_save, ci, out accepted_failures, out ms) && accepted_failures != SslFailure.None) {
				data.may_save = ms ;
				data.accepted_failures = (uint) accepted_failures;
				cred = apr.pcalloc (pool, data);
				return IntPtr.Zero;
			} else {
				data.accepted_failures = 0;
				data.may_save = false;
				cred = apr.pcalloc (pool, data);
				return GetCancelError ();
Example #4
		void svn_wc_notify_func_t_impl (IntPtr baton, ref LibSvnClient.svn_wc_notify_t data, IntPtr pool)
			string actiondesc;
			string file = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (data.path);
			bool notifyChange = false;
			bool skipEol = false;
//			System.Console.WriteLine(data.action);
			switch (data.action) {
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Skip: 
				if (data.content_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Missing) {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Skipped missing target: '{0}'"), file); 
				} else {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Skipped '{0}'"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.UpdateDelete: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Deleted   '{0}'"), file);
//			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.UpdateReplace: 
//				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Replaced  '{0}'"), file);
//				break;
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.UpdateAdd: 
				if (data.content_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Conflicted) {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Conflict {0}"), file); 
				} else {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Added   {0}"), file); 
//			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Exists:
//				// original is untranslated, we'll make it a bit shorter
//				actiondesc = data.content_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Conflicted ? "C" : "E";
//				if (data.prop_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Conflicted) {
//					actiondesc += "C";
//				} else if (data.prop_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Merged) {
//					actiondesc += "G";
//				}
//				actiondesc += " {0}";
//				actiondesc = string.Format (actiondesc, file);
//				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Exists   {0}"), file);
//				break;
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Restore: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Restored '{0}'"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Revert: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Reverted '{0}'"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.FailedRevert: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Failed to revert '{0}' -- try updating instead."), file);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Resolved:
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Resolved conflict state of '{0}'"), file);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Add: 
				if (MimeTypeIsBinary (Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (data.mime_type))) {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Add (bin) '{0}'"), file); 
				} else {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Add       '{0}'"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Delete: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Delete    '{0}'"), file);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.UpdateUpdate: 
				// original is untranslated, we'll make it a bit shorter
			/*	actiondesc = "";
				if (data.content_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Conflicted) {
					actiondesc += "C";
				} else if (data.content_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Merged) {
					actiondesc += "G";
				} else if (data.content_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Changed) {
					actiondesc += "U";
				if (data.prop_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Conflicted) {
					actiondesc += "C";
				} else if (data.prop_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Merged) {
					actiondesc += "G";
				} else if (data.prop_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyState.Changed) {
					actiondesc += "U";
				if (data.lock_state == LibSvnClient.NotifyLockState.Unlocked)
					actiondesc += "B";
				actiondesc += " '{0}'"; 
				actiondesc = string.Format (actiondesc, file); */
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Update '{0}'"), file);
				notifyChange = true;
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.UpdateExternal: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Fetching external item into '{0}'"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.UpdateCompleted:  // TODO
				actiondesc = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Finished"); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.StatusExternal: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Performing status on external item at '{0}'"), file);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.StatusCompleted: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Status against revision: '{0}'"), data.revision);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.CommitDeleted: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Deleting       {0}"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.CommitModified: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Sending        {0}"), file);
				notifyChange = true; 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.CommitAdded: 
				if (MimeTypeIsBinary (Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (data.mime_type))) {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Adding  (bin)  '{0}'"), file); 
				} else {
					actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Adding         '{0}'"), file); 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.CommitReplaced: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Replacing      {0}"), file);
				notifyChange = true; 
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.CommitPostfixTxDelta: 
				if (!nb.sent_first_txdelta) {
					actiondesc = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Transmitting file data");
					nb.sent_first_txdelta = true;
				} else {
					actiondesc = ".";
					skipEol = true;
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Locked: 
				LibSvnClient.svn_lock_t repoLock = (LibSvnClient.svn_lock_t) Marshal.PtrToStructure (data.repo_lock, typeof (LibSvnClient.svn_lock_t));
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("'{0}' locked by user '{1}'."), file, repoLock.owner);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.Unlocked: 
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("'{0}' unlocked."), file);
			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.BlameRevision:
				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Get annotations {0}"), file);
//			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.ChangeListSet: 
//				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Path '{0}' is now a member of changelist '{1}'."), file, Marshal.PtrToStringAuto (data.changelist_name));
//				break;
//			case LibSvnClient.NotifyAction.ChangeListClear: 
//				actiondesc = string.Format (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Path '{0}' is no longer a member of a changelist."), file);
//				break;
				LoggingService.LogDebug ("untranslated action:" + data.action);
				actiondesc = data.action.ToString () + " " + file;
			if (updatemonitor != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (actiondesc)) {
				Runtime.RunInMainThread (() => {
					if (skipEol) {
						updatemonitor.Log.Write (actiondesc);
					} else {
						updatemonitor.Log.WriteLine (actiondesc);
			if (updateFileList != null && notifyChange && File.Exists (file))
				updateFileList.Add (file);
			if (lockFileList != null && data.lock_state == requiredLockState)
				lockFileList.Add (file);
Example #5
		static VersionStatus ConvertStatus (LibSvnClient.NodeSchedule schedule, LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind status) {
			switch (schedule) {
				case LibSvnClient.NodeSchedule.Add: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.ScheduledAdd;
				case LibSvnClient.NodeSchedule.Delete: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.ScheduledDelete;
				case LibSvnClient.NodeSchedule.Replace: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.ScheduledReplace;
			switch (status) {
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.None: return VersionStatus.Versioned;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Normal: return VersionStatus.Versioned;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Unversioned: return VersionStatus.Unversioned;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Modified: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.Modified;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Merged: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.Modified;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Conflicted: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.Conflicted;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Ignored: return VersionStatus.Unversioned | VersionStatus.Ignored;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Obstructed: return VersionStatus.Versioned;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Added: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.ScheduledAdd;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Deleted: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.ScheduledDelete;
			case LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.Replaced: return VersionStatus.Versioned | VersionStatus.ScheduledReplace;
			return VersionStatus.Unversioned;
Example #6
		static VersionInfo CreateNode (LibSvnClient.StatusEnt ent, Repository repo) 
			VersionStatus rs = VersionStatus.Unversioned;
			Revision rr = null;
			if (ent.RemoteTextStatus != LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_kind.EMPTY) {
				rs = ConvertStatus (LibSvnClient.NodeSchedule.Normal, ent.RemoteTextStatus);
				rr = new SvnRevision (repo, ent.LastCommitRevision, ent.LastCommitDate,
				                      ent.LastCommitAuthor, GettextCatalog.GetString ("(unavailable)"), null);

			VersionStatus status = ConvertStatus (ent.Schedule, ent.TextStatus);
			bool readOnly = File.Exists (ent.LocalFilePath) && (File.GetAttributes (ent.LocalFilePath) & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0;
			if (ent.RepoLocked) {
				status |= VersionStatus.LockRequired;
				if (ent.LockOwned)
					status |= VersionStatus.LockOwned;
					status |= VersionStatus.Locked;
			} else if (readOnly)
				status |= VersionStatus.LockRequired;

			VersionInfo ret = new VersionInfo (ent.LocalFilePath, ent.Url, ent.IsDirectory,
			                                   status, new SvnRevision (repo, ent.Revision),
			                                   rs, rr);
			return ret;
Example #7
		private void Merge (string path, LibSvnClient.Rev revision1, LibSvnClient.Rev revision2)
			IntPtr localpool = IntPtr.Zero;
			try {
				localpool = TryStartOperation (null);
				path = NormalizePath (path, localpool);
				LibSvnClient.Rev working = LibSvnClient.Rev.Working;
				CheckError (svn.client_merge_peg2 (path, 
				                                   ref revision1,
				                                   ref revision2,
				                                   ref working,
				                                   false, false, false, false,
				                                   IntPtr.Zero, //default options is NULL
				                                   ctx, localpool));
			finally {
				TryEndOperation (localpool);
Example #8
		private void Merge (string path, LibSvnClient.Rev revision1, LibSvnClient.Rev revision2)
			IntPtr localpool = newpool (pool);
			try {
				path = NormalizePath (path, localpool);
				LibSvnClient.Rev working = LibSvnClient.Rev.Working;
				CheckError (svn.client_merge_peg2 (path, 
				                                   ref revision1,
				                                   ref revision2,
				                                   ref working,
				                                   false, false, false, false,
				                                   IntPtr.Zero, //default options is NULL
				                                   ctx, localpool));
			finally {
				apr.pool_destroy (localpool);
Example #9
		static IntPtr OnAuthSslServerTrustPrompt (ref IntPtr cred, IntPtr baton, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string realm, uint failures, ref LibSvnClient.svn_auth_ssl_server_cert_info_t cert_info, [MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.SysInt)] int may_save, IntPtr pool)
			LibSvnClient.svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t data = new LibSvnClient.svn_auth_cred_ssl_server_trust_t ();
			CertficateInfo ci = new CertficateInfo ();
			ci.AsciiCert = cert_info.ascii_cert;
			ci.Fingerprint = cert_info.fingerprint;
			ci.HostName = cert_info.hostname;
			ci.IssuerName = cert_info.issuer_dname;
			ci.ValidFrom = cert_info.valid_from;
			ci.ValidUntil = cert_info.valid_until;

			SslFailure accepted_failures;
			bool ms;
			if (SslServerTrustAuthenticationPrompt (realm, (SslFailure) failures, may_save != 0, ci, out accepted_failures, out ms) && accepted_failures != SslFailure.None) {
				data.may_save = ms ? 1 : 0;
				data.accepted_failures = (uint) accepted_failures;
				cred = apr.pcalloc (pool, data);
				return IntPtr.Zero;
			} else {
				data.accepted_failures = 0;
				data.may_save = 0;
				cred = apr.pcalloc (pool, data);
				return GetCancelError ();
Example #10
			public void Func (IntPtr baton, IntPtr path, ref LibSvnClient.svn_wc_status_t status)
				string pathstr = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (path);
				/*if (status.to_svn_wc_entry_t == IntPtr.Zero)
				statuses.Add (new LibSvnClient.StatusEnt (status, pathstr));
		private void Merge (string path, LibSvnClient.Rev revision1, LibSvnClient.Rev revision2)
			IntPtr localpool = newpool (pool);
			LibSvnClient.Rev working = LibSvnClient.Rev.Working;
			CheckError (svn.client_merge_peg2 (path, 
			                                   ref revision1,
			                                   ref revision2,
			                                   ref working,
			                                   false, false, false, false,
			                                   IntPtr.Zero, //default options is NULL
			                                   ctx, localpool));