Example #1
        public async Task FixesAreReportedByExtension()
            var expected = new ExpectedCodeFixes {
                CodeFixData = new CodeActionData [] {
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Add accessibility modifiers"
                CodeRefactoringData = new CodeActionData [] {
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "To public"
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Generate overrides..."
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Generate constructor 'MyClass()'"
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Rename file to MyClass.cs"
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Rename type to a"

            Projects.Solution sol = null;
            var old = IdeApp.Preferences.EnableSourceAnalysis;

            try {
                IdeApp.Preferences.EnableSourceAnalysis.Value = true;

                int expectedUpdates           = 1;
                ImmutableArray <QuickTask> qt = ImmutableArray <QuickTask> .Empty;
                var tuple = await GatherFixesNoDispose <bool> (OneFromEach, (resultExt, tcs) => {
                    if (--expectedUpdates == 0)
                        qt = resultExt.QuickTasks;

                var ext = tuple.Item1;
                sol = tuple.Item2;

                Assert.AreEqual(1, qt.Length);

                ext.Editor.CaretOffset = qt[0].Location;

                var fixes = await ext.GetCurrentFixesAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                AssertCodeFixes(fixes, expected);
            } finally {
                IdeApp.Preferences.EnableSourceAnalysis.Value = old;
Example #2
        public async Task FixesAreReportedForCompilerErrors()
            var expected = new ExpectedCodeFixes {
                CodeFixData = new CodeActionData [] {
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Implement interface"
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Implement interface with Dispose pattern"
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Implement interface explicitly"
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "Implement interface explicitly with Dispose pattern"
                CodeRefactoringData = new CodeActionData[] {
                    new CodeActionData {
                        Message = "To public"

            Projects.Solution sol = null;
            var old = IdeApp.Preferences.EnableSourceAnalysis;

            try {
                IdeApp.Preferences.EnableSourceAnalysis.Value = true;

                int expectedUpdates        = 2;
                ImmutableArray <Result> qt = ImmutableArray <Result> .Empty;
                var tuple = await GatherFixesNoDispose <bool> (IDisposableImplement, (resultExt, tcs) => {
                    if (--expectedUpdates == 0)
                        qt = resultExt.GetResults().ToImmutableArray();

                var ext = tuple.Item1;
                sol = tuple.Item2;

                Assert.AreEqual(2, qt.Length);

                var diag = qt.OfType <DiagnosticResult> ().Single(x => x.Diagnostic.Id == "CS0535");
                ext.Editor.CaretOffset = diag.Region.Start;

                var fixes = await ext.GetCurrentFixesAsync(CancellationToken.None);

                AssertCodeFixes(fixes, expected);
            } finally {
                IdeApp.Preferences.EnableSourceAnalysis.Value = old;
Example #3
        static void AssertCodeFixes(CodeActionContainer fixes, ExpectedCodeFixes expected)
            var fixActions = fixes.CodeFixActions.SelectMany(x => x.Fixes).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeFixData.Length, fixActions.Length);
            for (int j = 0; j < expected.CodeFixData.Length; ++j)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeFixData [j].Message, fixActions [j].Action.Message);

            var fixRefactorings = fixes.CodeRefactoringActions.SelectMany(x => x.Actions).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeRefactoringData.Length, fixRefactorings.Length);
            for (int j = 0; j < expected.CodeRefactoringData.Length; ++j)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeRefactoringData [j].Message, fixRefactorings [j].Message);
Example #4
        protected static async Task AssertExpectedCodeFixes(ExpectedCodeFixes expected, Ide.Gui.Document doc)
            var fixes = await doc.GetContent <CodeActionEditorExtension> ().GetCurrentFixesAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            var fixActions = fixes.CodeFixActions.SelectMany(x => x.Fixes).OrderBy(f => f.Action.Message).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeFixData.Length, fixActions.Length);
            for (int j = 0; j < expected.CodeFixData.Length; ++j)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeFixData [j].Message, fixActions [j].Action.Message);

            var fixRefactorings = fixes.CodeRefactoringActions.SelectMany(x => x.Actions).OrderBy(f => f.Message).ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeRefactoringData.Length, fixRefactorings.Length);
            for (int j = 0; j < expected.CodeRefactoringData.Length; ++j)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected.CodeRefactoringData [j].Message, fixRefactorings [j].Message);