internal static void ReleaseProjectBuilder (RemoteBuildEngine engine)
			lock (builders) {
				if (--engine.ReferenceCount != 0)
				builders.Remove (builders.First (kvp => kvp.Value == engine).Key);
			engine.Dispose ();
		internal static void ReleaseProjectBuilder (RemoteBuildEngine engine)
			lock (builders) {
				if (engine.ReferenceCount > 0) {
					if (--engine.ReferenceCount == 0) {
						engine.ReleaseTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds (3);
						ScheduleProjectBuilderCleanup (engine.ReleaseTime.AddMilliseconds (500));
		internal static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder (TargetRuntime runtime, string minToolsVersion, string file, string solutionFile)
			lock (builders) {
				//attempt to use 12.0 builder first if available
				string toolsVersion = "12.0";
				string binDir = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath ("12.0");
				if (binDir == null) {
					//fall back to 4.0, we know it's always available
					toolsVersion = "4.0";

				//check the ToolsVersion we found can handle the project
				Version tv, mtv;
				if (Version.TryParse (toolsVersion, out tv) && Version.TryParse (minToolsVersion, out mtv) && tv < mtv) {
					string error = null;
					if (runtime is MsNetTargetRuntime && minToolsVersion == "12.0")
						error = "MSBuild 2013 is not installed. Please download and install it from " +
					throw new InvalidOperationException (error ?? string.Format (
						"Runtime '{0}' does not have MSBuild '{1}' ToolsVersion installed",
						runtime.Id, toolsVersion)

				//one builder per solution
				string builderKey = runtime.Id + " # " + solutionFile;
				RemoteBuildEngine builder;
				if (builders.TryGetValue (builderKey, out builder)) {
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, builder);

				//always start the remote process explicitly, even if it's using the current runtime and fx
				//else it won't pick up the assembly redirects from the builder exe
				var exe = GetExeLocation (runtime, toolsVersion);

				MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();
				var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (exe) {
					UseShellExecute = false,
					CreateNoWindow = true,
					RedirectStandardError = true,
					RedirectStandardInput = true,
				runtime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment ().MergeTo (pinfo);
				Process p = null;

				try {
					IBuildEngine engine;
					if (!runLocal) {
						p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly (pinfo);

						// The builder app will write the build engine reference
						// after reading the process id from the standard input
						ManualResetEvent ev = new ManualResetEvent (false);
						string responseKey = "[MonoDevelop]";
						string sref = null;
						p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => {
							if (e.Data == null)

							if (e.Data.StartsWith (responseKey, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
								sref = e.Data.Substring (responseKey.Length);
								ev.Set ();
							} else
								Console.WriteLine (e.Data);
						p.BeginErrorReadLine ();
						p.StandardInput.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id.ToString ());
						if (!ev.WaitOne (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (5)))
							throw new Exception ("MSBuild process could not be started");
						byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (sref);
						MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
						BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
						engine = (IBuildEngine)bf.Deserialize (ms);
					} else {
						var asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom (exe);
						var t = asm.GetType ("MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild.BuildEngine");
						engine = (IBuildEngine)Activator.CreateInstance (t);
					engine.SetCulture (GettextCatalog.UICulture);
					engine.SetGlobalProperties (GetCoreGlobalProperties (solutionFile));
					foreach (var gpp in globalPropertyProviders)
						engine.SetGlobalProperties (gpp.GetGlobalProperties ());
					builder = new RemoteBuildEngine (p, engine);
				} catch {
					if (p != null) {
						try {
							p.Kill ();
						} catch {

				builders [builderKey] = builder;
				builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
				builder.Disconnected += delegate {
					lock (builders)
						builders.Remove (builderKey);
				return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, builder);
		public void Dispose ()
			if (engine != null) {
				if (builder != null)
					engine.UnloadProject (builder);
				MSBuildProjectService.ReleaseProjectBuilder (engine);
				GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
				engine = null;
				builder = null;
		public static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder (TargetRuntime runtime, TargetFramework fx, string file)
			lock (builders) {
				string binDir = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath (fx);
				RemoteBuildEngine builder;
				if (builders.TryGetValue (runtime, out builder)) {
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, builder);
				if (runtime.IsRunning) {
					if (currentBuildEngine == null)
						currentBuildEngine = new RemoteBuildEngine (null, new BuildEngine ());
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, currentBuildEngine);
				else {
					MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();
					string exe = typeof(ProjectBuilder).Assembly.Location;
					ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (exe);
					runtime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment (fx).MergeTo (pinfo);
					pinfo.UseShellExecute = false;
					pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
					pinfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
					Process p = null;
					try {
						p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly (pinfo, fx);
						p.StandardInput.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id.ToString ());
						string sref = p.StandardError.ReadLine ();
						byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (sref);
						MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
						BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
						builder = new RemoteBuildEngine (p, (IBuildEngine) bf.Deserialize (ms));
					} catch {
						if (p != null) {
							try {
								p.Kill ();
							} catch { }
				builders [runtime] = builder;
				builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
				return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, builder);
		public static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder (TargetRuntime runtime, string minToolsVersion, string file, string solutionFile)
			lock (builders) {
				//attempt to use 12.0 builder first if available
				string toolsVersion = "12.0";
				string binDir = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath ("12.0");
				if (binDir == null) {
					//fall back to 4.0, we know it's always available
					toolsVersion = "4.0";

				//check the ToolsVersion we found can handle the project
				Version tv, mtv;
				if (Version.TryParse (toolsVersion, out tv) && Version.TryParse (minToolsVersion, out mtv) && tv < mtv) {
					string error = null;
					if (runtime is MsNetTargetRuntime && minToolsVersion == "12.0")
						error = "MSBuild 2013 is not installed. Please download and install it from " +
					throw new InvalidOperationException (error ?? string.Format (
						"Runtime '{0}' does not have MSBuild '{1}' ToolsVersion installed",
						runtime.Id, toolsVersion)

				//one builder per solution
				string builderKey = runtime.Id + " # " + solutionFile;
				RemoteBuildEngine builder;
				if (builders.TryGetValue (builderKey, out builder)) {
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, builder);

				//always start the remote process explicitly, even if it's using the current runtime and fx
				//else it won't pick up the assembly redirects from the builder exe
				var exe = GetExeLocation (runtime, toolsVersion);
				MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();
				var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (exe) {
					UseShellExecute = false,
					CreateNoWindow = true,
					RedirectStandardError = true,
					RedirectStandardInput = true,
				runtime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment ().MergeTo (pinfo);
				Process p = null;
				try {
					p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly (pinfo);
					p.StandardInput.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id.ToString ());
					string responseKey = "[MonoDevelop]";
					string sref;
					while (true) {
						sref = p.StandardError.ReadLine ();
						if (sref.StartsWith (responseKey)) {
							sref = sref.Substring (responseKey.Length);
					byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (sref);
					MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
					BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
					var engine = (IBuildEngine)bf.Deserialize (ms);
					engine.Initialize (solutionFile, GettextCatalog.UICulture);
					builder = new RemoteBuildEngine (p, engine);
				} catch {
					if (p != null) {
						try {
							p.Kill ();
						} catch { }
				builders [builderKey] = builder;
				builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
				return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, builder);
		internal RemoteProjectBuilder (string file, RemoteBuildEngine engine)
			this.file = file;
			this.engine = engine;
			builder = engine.LoadProject (file);
			referenceCache = new Dictionary<string, string[]> ();
		public static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder (TargetRuntime runtime, string toolsVersion, string file, string solutionFile)
			lock (builders) {
				string binDir = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath (toolsVersion);
				if (binDir == null) {
					string error = null;
					if (runtime is MsNetTargetRuntime) {
						if (toolsVersion == "12.0") {
							error = "MSBuild 2013 is not installed. Please download and install it from " +
					throw new InvalidOperationException (error ?? string.Format (
						"Runtime '{0}' does not have MSBuild '{1}' ToolsVersion installed",
						runtime.Id, toolsVersion)
				string builderKey = runtime.Id + " " + toolsVersion;
				RemoteBuildEngine builder;
				if (builders.TryGetValue (builderKey, out builder)) {
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, solutionFile, binDir, builder);

				//always start the remote process explicitly, even if it's using the current runtime and fx
				//else it won't pick up the assembly redirects from the builder exe
				var exe = GetExeLocation (runtime, toolsVersion);
				MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();
				var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (exe) {
					UseShellExecute = false,
					CreateNoWindow = true,
					RedirectStandardError = true,
					RedirectStandardInput = true,
				runtime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment ().MergeTo (pinfo);
				Process p = null;
				try {
					p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly (pinfo);
					p.StandardInput.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id.ToString ());
					string sref = p.StandardError.ReadLine ();
					byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (sref);
					MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
					BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
					var engine = (IBuildEngine)bf.Deserialize (ms);
					engine.SetUICulture (GettextCatalog.UICulture);
					builder = new RemoteBuildEngine (p, engine);
				} catch {
					if (p != null) {
						try {
							p.Kill ();
						} catch { }
				builders [builderKey] = builder;
				builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
				return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, solutionFile, binDir, builder);
		public static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder (TargetRuntime runtime, string toolsVersion, string file)
			lock (builders) {
				var toolsFx = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetFramework (toolsVersion);
				string binDir = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath (toolsFx);
				if (!runtime.IsInstalled (toolsFx))
					throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (
						"Runtime '{0}' cannot be used to build MSBuild '{1}' format projects",
						runtime.Id, toolsVersion));
				string builderKey = runtime.Id + " " + toolsVersion;
				RemoteBuildEngine builder;
				if (builders.TryGetValue (builderKey, out builder)) {
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, builder);
				if (runtime.IsRunning && toolsVersion == REFERENCED_MSBUILD_TOOLS) {
					if (currentBuildEngine == null)
						currentBuildEngine = new RemoteBuildEngine (null, new BuildEngine ());
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, currentBuildEngine);
				else {
					string exe = GetExeLocation (toolsVersion);
					MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();
					ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (exe);
					runtime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment (toolsFx).MergeTo (pinfo);
					pinfo.UseShellExecute = false;
					pinfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
					pinfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
					Process p = null;
					try {
						p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly (pinfo);
						p.StandardInput.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id.ToString ());
						string sref = p.StandardError.ReadLine ();
						byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (sref);
						MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
						BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
						builder = new RemoteBuildEngine (p, (IBuildEngine) bf.Deserialize (ms));
					} catch {
						if (p != null) {
							try {
								p.Kill ();
							} catch { }
				builders [builderKey] = builder;
				builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
				return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, builder);
Example #10
		internal RemoteProjectBuilder (string file, string solutionFile, string binPath, RemoteBuildEngine engine)
			this.engine = engine;
			builder = engine.LoadProject (file, solutionFile, binPath);
		internal RemoteProjectBuilder (string file, string solutionFile, string binPath, RemoteBuildEngine engine)
			this.engine = engine;
			builder = engine.LoadProject (file, solutionFile, binPath);
Example #12
        internal static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder(TargetRuntime runtime, string minToolsVersion, string file, string solutionFile)
            lock (builders) {
                //attempt to use 12.0 builder first if available
                string toolsVersion = "12.0";
                string binDir       = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath("12.0");
                if (binDir == null)
                    //fall back to 4.0, we know it's always available
                    toolsVersion = "4.0";

                //check the ToolsVersion we found can handle the project
                Version tv, mtv;
                if (Version.TryParse(toolsVersion, out tv) && Version.TryParse(minToolsVersion, out mtv) && tv < mtv)
                    string error = null;
                    if (runtime is MsNetTargetRuntime && minToolsVersion == "12.0")
                        error = "MSBuild 2013 is not installed. Please download and install it from " +
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(error ?? string.Format(
                                                            "Runtime '{0}' does not have MSBuild '{1}' ToolsVersion installed",
                                                            runtime.Id, toolsVersion)

                //one builder per solution
                string            builderKey = runtime.Id + " # " + solutionFile;
                RemoteBuildEngine builder;
                if (builders.TryGetValue(builderKey, out builder))
                    return(new RemoteProjectBuilder(file, builder));

                //always start the remote process explicitly, even if it's using the current runtime and fx
                //else it won't pick up the assembly redirects from the builder exe
                var exe = GetExeLocation(runtime, toolsVersion);

                var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exe)
                    UseShellExecute       = false,
                    CreateNoWindow        = true,
                    RedirectStandardError = true,
                    RedirectStandardInput = true,

                Process p = null;

                try {
                    IBuildEngine engine;
                    if (!runLocal)
                        p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly(pinfo);

                        // The builder app will write the build engine reference
                        // after reading the process id from the standard input
                        ManualResetEvent ev          = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                        string           responseKey = "[MonoDevelop]";
                        string           sref        = null;
                        p.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => {
                            if (e.Data.StartsWith(responseKey, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                sref = e.Data.Substring(responseKey.Length);
                        if (!ev.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)))
                            throw new Exception("MSBuild process could not be started");

                        byte[]          data = Convert.FromBase64String(sref);
                        MemoryStream    ms   = new MemoryStream(data);
                        BinaryFormatter bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
                        engine = (IBuildEngine)bf.Deserialize(ms);
                        var asm = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(exe);
                        var t   = asm.GetType("MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild.BuildEngine");
                        engine = (IBuildEngine)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
                    foreach (var gpp in globalPropertyProviders)
                    builder = new RemoteBuildEngine(p, engine);
                } catch {
                    if (p != null)
                        try {
                        } catch {

                builders [builderKey]  = builder;
                builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
                builder.Disconnected  += delegate {
                    lock (builders)
                return(new RemoteProjectBuilder(file, builder));
 internal RemoteProjectBuilder(string file, RemoteBuildEngine engine)
     this.engine    = engine;
     builder        = engine.LoadProject(file);
     referenceCache = new Dictionary <string, string[]> ();
 internal RemoteProjectBuilder(string file, RemoteBuildEngine engine)
     this.engine = engine;
     builder     = engine.LoadProject(file);
		public void Dispose ()
			if (!MSBuildProjectService.ShutDown && engine != null) {
				try {
					if (builder != null)
						engine.UnloadProject (builder);
					MSBuildProjectService.ReleaseProjectBuilder (engine);
				} catch {
					// Ignore
				GC.SuppressFinalize (this);
				engine = null;
				builder = null;
		public static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder (TargetRuntime runtime, string toolsVersion, string file)
			lock (builders) {
				var toolsFx = Runtime.SystemAssemblyService.GetTargetFramework (new TargetFrameworkMoniker (toolsVersion));
				string binDir = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath (toolsFx);
				if (!runtime.IsInstalled (toolsFx))
					throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format (
						"Runtime '{0}' does not have the MSBuild '{1}' framework installed",
						runtime.Id, toolsVersion));
				string builderKey = runtime.Id + " " + toolsVersion;
				RemoteBuildEngine builder;
				if (builders.TryGetValue (builderKey, out builder)) {
					return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, builder);

				//always start the remote process explicitly, even if it's using the current runtime and fx
				//else it won't pick up the assembly redirects from the builder exe
				var exe = GetExeLocation (runtime, toolsVersion);
				MonoDevelop.Core.Execution.RemotingService.RegisterRemotingChannel ();
				var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo (exe) {
					UseShellExecute = false,
					CreateNoWindow = true,
					RedirectStandardError = true,
					RedirectStandardInput = true,
				runtime.GetToolsExecutionEnvironment (toolsFx).MergeTo (pinfo);
				Process p = null;
				try {
					p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly (pinfo);
					p.StandardInput.WriteLine (Process.GetCurrentProcess ().Id.ToString ());
					string sref = p.StandardError.ReadLine ();
					byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String (sref);
					MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (data);
					BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
					builder = new RemoteBuildEngine (p, (IBuildEngine) bf.Deserialize (ms));
				} catch {
					if (p != null) {
						try {
							p.Kill ();
						} catch { }
				builders [builderKey] = builder;
				builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
				return new RemoteProjectBuilder (file, binDir, builder);
		internal RemoteProjectBuilder (string file, RemoteBuildEngine engine)
			this.engine = engine;
			builder = engine.LoadProject (file);
        public static RemoteProjectBuilder GetProjectBuilder(TargetRuntime runtime, string minToolsVersion, string file, string solutionFile)
            lock (builders) {
                //attempt to use 12.0 builder first if available
                string toolsVersion = "12.0";
                string binDir       = runtime.GetMSBuildBinPath("12.0");
                if (binDir == null)
                    //fall back to 4.0, we know it's always available
                    toolsVersion = "4.0";

                //check the ToolsVersion we found can handle the project
                Version tv, mtv;
                if (Version.TryParse(toolsVersion, out tv) && Version.TryParse(minToolsVersion, out mtv) && tv < mtv)
                    string error = null;
                    if (runtime is MsNetTargetRuntime && minToolsVersion == "12.0")
                        error = "MSBuild 2013 is not installed. Please download and install it from " +
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(error ?? string.Format(
                                                            "Runtime '{0}' does not have MSBuild '{1}' ToolsVersion installed",
                                                            runtime.Id, toolsVersion)

                //one builder per solution
                string            builderKey = runtime.Id + " # " + solutionFile;
                RemoteBuildEngine builder;
                if (builders.TryGetValue(builderKey, out builder))
                    return(new RemoteProjectBuilder(file, builder));

                //always start the remote process explicitly, even if it's using the current runtime and fx
                //else it won't pick up the assembly redirects from the builder exe
                var exe = GetExeLocation(runtime, toolsVersion);
                var pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exe)
                    UseShellExecute       = false,
                    CreateNoWindow        = true,
                    RedirectStandardError = true,
                    RedirectStandardInput = true,

                Process p = null;
                try {
                    p = runtime.ExecuteAssembly(pinfo);
                    string responseKey = "[MonoDevelop]";
                    string sref;
                    while (true)
                        sref = p.StandardError.ReadLine();
                        if (sref.StartsWith(responseKey))
                            sref = sref.Substring(responseKey.Length);
                    byte[]          data   = Convert.FromBase64String(sref);
                    MemoryStream    ms     = new MemoryStream(data);
                    BinaryFormatter bf     = new BinaryFormatter();
                    var             engine = (IBuildEngine)bf.Deserialize(ms);
                    engine.Initialize(solutionFile, GettextCatalog.UICulture);
                    builder = new RemoteBuildEngine(p, engine);
                } catch {
                    if (p != null)
                        try {
                        } catch { }

                builders [builderKey]  = builder;
                builder.ReferenceCount = 1;
                return(new RemoteProjectBuilder(file, builder));