Example #1
        void LayoutSubviews(UIInterfaceOrientation theOrientation, bool animate)
            // this is mostly for video playback.  if a video is playing, we need
            // to make sure that it remains on the top when a rotation occurs
            UIView topView = null;

            if (View.Subviews.Count() > 0)
                topView = View.Subviews.Last();

            if (_reconfigurePopup)

            // Layout the master, detail and divider views appropriately, adding/removing subviews as needed.
            // First obtain relevant geometry.
            CGSize fullSize = SplitViewSizeForOrientation(theOrientation);
            nfloat width    = fullSize.Width;
            nfloat height   = fullSize.Height;

            // Layout the master, divider and detail views.
            CGRect newFrame = new CGRect(0, 0, width, height);
            UIView view;
            bool   shouldShowMaster = ShouldShowMaster(theOrientation);
            bool   masterFirst = MasterBeforeDetail;
            CGRect masterRect, dividerRect, detailRect;

            if (Vertical)
                if (masterFirst)
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster())
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.X -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Width = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect     = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X    += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect    = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X    += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = width - newFrame.X;
                    detailRect     = newFrame;
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster())
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.Width += (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Width -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);
                    detailRect      = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X    += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect    = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X    += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect     = newFrame;

                // Position master.
                view = _masterViewController.View;
                if (view != null)
                    view.Frame = masterRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null)

                // Position divider.
                view       = DividerView;
                view.Frame = dividerRect;
                if (view.Superview == null)

                // Position detail.
                view = _detailViewController.View;
                if (view != null)
                    view.Frame = detailRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null)
                        View.InsertSubviewAbove(view, _masterViewController.View);
                if (masterFirst)
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster())
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.Y -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Height = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect      = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y     += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect     = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y     += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = height - newFrame.Y;
                    detailRect      = newFrame;
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster())
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.Height += (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Height -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);
                    detailRect       = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y     += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect     = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y     += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect      = newFrame;

                // Position master.
                view = _masterViewController.View;
                if (view != null)
                    view.Frame = masterRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null)

                // Position divider.
                view       = DividerView;
                view.Frame = dividerRect;
                if (view.Superview == null)

                // Position detail.
                view = _detailViewController.View;
                if (view == null)
                    view.Frame = detailRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null)
                        View.InsertSubviewAbove(view, _masterViewController.View);

            // Create corner views if necessary.
            MGSplitCornersView leadingCorners;             // top/left of screen in Vertical/horizontal split.
            MGSplitCornersView trailingCorners;            // bottom/right of screen in Vertical/horizontal split.

            if (_cornerViews == null)
                leadingCorners = new MGSplitCornersView();
                leadingCorners.CornerBackgroundColor = _defaultCornerColor;
                leadingCorners.CornerRadius          = _defaultCornerRadius;
                trailingCorners = new MGSplitCornersView();
                trailingCorners.CornerBackgroundColor = _defaultCornerColor;
                trailingCorners.CornerRadius          = _defaultCornerRadius;
                _cornerViews = new MGSplitCornersView[2] {
                    leadingCorners, trailingCorners
                leadingCorners  = _cornerViews[0];
                trailingCorners = _cornerViews[1];

            // Configure and layout the corner-views.
            leadingCorners.CornersPosition   = (Vertical) ? MGCornersPosition.LeadingVertical : MGCornersPosition.LeadingHorizontal;
            trailingCorners.CornersPosition  = (Vertical) ? MGCornersPosition.TrailingVertical : MGCornersPosition.TrailingHorizontal;
            leadingCorners.AutoresizingMask  = (Vertical) ? UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin : UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin;
            trailingCorners.AutoresizingMask = (Vertical) ? UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin : UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin;

            nfloat x, y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight;
            CGRect leadingRect, trailingRect;
            nfloat radius = leadingCorners.CornerRadius;

            if (Vertical)               // left/right split
                cornersWidth  = (radius * 2.0f) + SplitWidth;
                cornersHeight = radius;
                x             = ((shouldShowMaster) ? ((masterFirst) ? SplitPosition : width - (SplitPosition + SplitWidth)) : (0 - SplitWidth)) - radius;
                y             = 0;
                leadingRect   = new CGRect(x, y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight);                        // top corners
                trailingRect  = new CGRect(x, (height - cornersHeight), cornersWidth, cornersHeight); // bottom corners
            else                                                                                      // top/bottom split
                x             = 0;
                y             = ((shouldShowMaster) ? ((masterFirst) ? SplitPosition : height - (SplitPosition + SplitWidth)) : (0 - SplitWidth)) - radius;
                cornersWidth  = radius;
                cornersHeight = (radius * 2.0f) + SplitWidth;
                leadingRect   = new CGRect(x, y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight);                      // left corners
                trailingRect  = new CGRect((width - cornersWidth), y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight); // right corners

            leadingCorners.Frame  = leadingRect;
            trailingCorners.Frame = trailingRect;

            // Ensure corners are visible and frontmost.
            if (leadingCorners.Superview == null)
                View.InsertSubviewAbove(leadingCorners, _detailViewController.View);
                View.InsertSubviewAbove(trailingCorners, _detailViewController.View);

            if (topView != null)

//			if (IsLandscape())
//				View.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 20, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height);
//			else
//				View.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 20, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height);
Example #2
        void LayoutSubviews(UIInterfaceOrientation theOrientation, bool animate)
            // this is mostly for video playback.  if a video is playing, we need
            // to make sure that it remains on the top when a rotation occurs
            UIView topView = null;
            if (View.Subviews.Count() > 0)
                topView = View.Subviews.Last();

            if (_reconfigurePopup) {

            // Layout the master, detail and divider views appropriately, adding/removing subviews as needed.
            // First obtain relevant geometry.
            CGSize fullSize = SplitViewSizeForOrientation(theOrientation);
            nfloat width = fullSize.Width;
            nfloat height = fullSize.Height;

            // Layout the master, divider and detail views.
            CGRect newFrame = new CGRect(0, 0, width, height);
            UIView view;
            bool shouldShowMaster = ShouldShowMaster(theOrientation);
            bool masterFirst = MasterBeforeDetail;
            CGRect masterRect, dividerRect, detailRect;
            if (Vertical) {
                if (masterFirst) {
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster()) {
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.X -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Width = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = width - newFrame.X;
                    detailRect = newFrame;

                } else {
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster()) {
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.Width += (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Width -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);
                    detailRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.X += newFrame.Width;
                    newFrame.Width = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect = newFrame;

                // Position master.
                view = _masterViewController.View;
                if (view != null) {
                    view.Frame = masterRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null) {

                // Position divider.
                view = DividerView;
                view.Frame = dividerRect;
                if (view.Superview == null) {

                // Position detail.
                view = _detailViewController.View;
                if (view != null) {
                    view.Frame = detailRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null) {
                        View.InsertSubviewAbove(view, _masterViewController.View);
                    } else {

            } else {
                if (masterFirst) {
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster()) {
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.Y -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Height = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = height - newFrame.Y;
                    detailRect = newFrame;

                } else {
                    if (!ShouldShowMaster()) {
                        // Move off-screen.
                        newFrame.Height += (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);

                    newFrame.Height -= (SplitPosition + SplitWidth);
                    detailRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = SplitWidth;
                    dividerRect = newFrame;

                    newFrame.Y += newFrame.Height;
                    newFrame.Height = SplitPosition;
                    masterRect = newFrame;

                // Position master.
                view = _masterViewController.View;
                if (view != null) {
                    view.Frame = masterRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null) {

                // Position divider.
                view = DividerView;
                view.Frame = dividerRect;
                if (view.Superview == null) {

                // Position detail.
                view = _detailViewController.View;
                if (view == null) {
                    view.Frame = detailRect;
                    if (view.Superview == null) {
                        View.InsertSubviewAbove(view, _masterViewController.View);
                    } else {

            // Create corner views if necessary.
            MGSplitCornersView leadingCorners; // top/left of screen in Vertical/horizontal split.
            MGSplitCornersView trailingCorners; // bottom/right of screen in Vertical/horizontal split.
            if (_cornerViews == null) {

                leadingCorners = new MGSplitCornersView();
                leadingCorners.CornerBackgroundColor = _defaultCornerColor;
                leadingCorners.CornerRadius = _defaultCornerRadius;
                trailingCorners = new MGSplitCornersView();
                trailingCorners.CornerBackgroundColor = _defaultCornerColor;
                trailingCorners.CornerRadius = _defaultCornerRadius;
                _cornerViews = new MGSplitCornersView[2]{leadingCorners, trailingCorners};

            } else {
                leadingCorners = _cornerViews[0];
                trailingCorners = _cornerViews[1];

            // Configure and layout the corner-views.
            leadingCorners.CornersPosition = (Vertical) ? MGCornersPosition.LeadingVertical : MGCornersPosition.LeadingHorizontal;
            trailingCorners.CornersPosition = (Vertical) ? MGCornersPosition.TrailingVertical : MGCornersPosition.TrailingHorizontal;
            leadingCorners.AutoresizingMask = (Vertical) ? UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleBottomMargin : UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleRightMargin;
            trailingCorners.AutoresizingMask = (Vertical) ? UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleTopMargin : UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleLeftMargin;

            nfloat x, y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight;
            CGRect leadingRect, trailingRect;
            float radius = leadingCorners.CornerRadius;
            if (Vertical) { // left/right split
                cornersWidth = (radius * 2.0f) + SplitWidth;
                cornersHeight = radius;
                x = ((shouldShowMaster) ? ((masterFirst) ? SplitPosition : width - (SplitPosition + SplitWidth)) : (0 - SplitWidth)) - radius;
                y = 0;
                leadingRect = new CGRect(x, y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight); // top corners
                trailingRect = new CGRect(x, (height - cornersHeight), cornersWidth, cornersHeight); // bottom corners

            } else { // top/bottom split
                x = 0;
                y = ((shouldShowMaster) ? ((masterFirst) ? SplitPosition : height - (SplitPosition + SplitWidth)) : (0 - SplitWidth)) - radius;
                cornersWidth = radius;
                cornersHeight = (radius * 2.0f) + SplitWidth;
                leadingRect = new CGRect(x, y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight); // left corners
                trailingRect = new CGRect((width - cornersWidth), y, cornersWidth, cornersHeight); // right corners

            leadingCorners.Frame = leadingRect;
            trailingCorners.Frame = trailingRect;

            // Ensure corners are visible and frontmost.
            if (leadingCorners.Superview == null) {
                View.InsertSubviewAbove(leadingCorners, _detailViewController.View);
                View.InsertSubviewAbove(trailingCorners, _detailViewController.View);
            } else {

            if (topView != null)

            //			if (IsLandscape())
            //				View.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 20, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height);
            //			else
            //				View.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 20, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height);