Example #1
		private unsafe bool TrySetExpression (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object target, IntPtr target_data, Value* target_parent_ptr, string type_name, string prop_xmlns, string name, string full_name, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data)
			DependencyObject dob = target as DependencyObject;
			object obj_value = Value.ToObject (null, value_ptr);
			string str_value = obj_value as string;

			if (str_value == null)
				return false;
			if (!str_value.StartsWith ("{"))
				return false;

			MarkupExpressionParser p = new SL3MarkupExpressionParser (target, name, data->parser, target_data);
			string expression = str_value;
			object o = p.ParseExpression (ref expression);

			if (o == null)
				return false;

			if (o is Binding) {
				Binding binding = o as Binding;
				DependencyProperty prop = null;

				if (dob != null) {
					string full_type_name = type_name;
					if (IsAttachedProperty (full_name))
						GetNameForAttachedProperty (xmlns, prop_xmlns, full_name, out type_name, out full_type_name);
					prop = LookupDependencyPropertyForBinding (data, dob, full_type_name, name);
					if (prop == null && IsAttachedProperty (full_name))
						prop = LookupDependencyPropertyForBinding (data, dob, full_name.Split ('.')[0], name);

				// If it's null we should look for a regular CLR property
				if (prop != null) {
					BindingOperations.SetBinding (dob, prop, binding);
					return true;
			if (o is TemplateBindingExpression) {
				// Applying a {TemplateBinding} to a DO which is not a FrameworkElement should silently discard
				// the binding.
				if (!(dob is FrameworkElement))
					return true;

				TemplateBindingExpression tb = o as TemplateBindingExpression;

				IntPtr context = NativeMethods.sl3_xaml_loader_get_context (data->loader);
				IntPtr source_ptr = NativeMethods.xaml_context_get_template_binding_source (context);

				// Silently discard TemplateBindings which are not in ControlTemplates
				FrameworkTemplate source_template = (FrameworkTemplate) NativeDependencyObjectHelper.Lookup (NativeMethods.xaml_context_get_source_template (context));
				if (!(source_template is ControlTemplate))
					return true;

				DependencyObject templateSourceObject = NativeDependencyObjectHelper.FromIntPtr (source_ptr) as DependencyObject;
				if (templateSourceObject == null)
					return false;

				DependencyProperty sourceProperty = DependencyProperty.Lookup (templateSourceObject.GetKind(),
				if (sourceProperty == null)
					return false;

				DependencyProperty prop = null;

				if (dob != null)
					prop = LookupDependencyPropertyForBinding (data, dob, type_name, name);

				if (prop == null)
					return false;

				tb.TargetProperty = prop;
				tb.SourceProperty = sourceProperty;

				((FrameworkElement) dob).SetTemplateBinding (prop, tb);

				return true;

			if (IsAttachedProperty (full_name))
				return TrySetAttachedProperty (data, xmlns, target, target_data, prop_xmlns, full_name, o);

			PropertyInfo pi = target.GetType ().GetProperty (name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

			o = ConvertType (pi, pi.PropertyType, o);
			SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, o);
			return true;
Example #2
		private unsafe bool TrySetAttachedProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object target, IntPtr target_data, string prop_xmlns, string name, Value* value_ptr)
			string full_name = name;
			string type_name = null;
			string full_type_name = null;

			name = GetNameForAttachedProperty (xmlns, prop_xmlns, name, out type_name, out full_type_name);

			if (name == null)
				return false;

			string error = null;
			object o_value = GetObjectValue (target, target_data, name, data->parser, value_ptr, out error);
			return TrySetAttachedProperty (data, xmlns, target, target_data, prop_xmlns, full_name, o_value);
Example #3
		private unsafe void SetCLRPropertyFromString (XamlCallbackData *data, IntPtr target_data, object target, PropertyInfo pi, string value, out string error, out IntPtr unmanaged_value)
			unmanaged_value = IntPtr.Zero;
			error = null;

			object new_value = null;
			bool do_set = true;

			try {
				if (IsExplicitNull (value)) {
					Type t = pi.PropertyType;
					if (t.IsValueType && !(t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (Nullable<>))) {
						error = "Unable to set non nullable type to null.";
					new_value = null;
				} else
					new_value = MoonlightTypeConverter.ConvertObject (pi, value, target.GetType ());
			} catch {
				do_set = false;

			if (do_set) {
				try {
					SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, new_value); 
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					error = ex.Message;

			// lastly, attempt to create an unmanaged Value* object, if one is created, the managed
			// parser will create a managed wrapper for the object and call SetPropertyFromValue with
			// the managed object
			bool result = NativeMethods.value_from_str_with_typename (TypeToMoonType (pi.PropertyType), pi.Name, value, out unmanaged_value);
			if (!result) {
				error = string.Format ("unable to convert to type {0} from a string", pi.PropertyType);
Example #4
		private unsafe DependencyProperty LookupDependencyPropertyForBinding (XamlCallbackData *data, DependencyObject fwe, string type_name, string propertyName)
			// map the property name + type_name to an actual DependencyProperty
			Kind kind;
			Type type = string.IsNullOrEmpty (type_name) ? null : TypeFromString (data, type_name);
			if (type != null) {
				Types.Ensure (type);
				kind = Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToNativeKind (type);
			} else {
				kind = fwe.GetKind ();

			if (kind == Kind.INVALID)
				return null;
			try {
				return DependencyProperty.Lookup (kind, propertyName);
			} catch {
				return null;
Example #5
		private unsafe bool TrySetObjectTextProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object target, Value* target_ptr, IntPtr target_data, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data)
			object obj_value = Value.ToObject (null, value_ptr);
			string str_value = obj_value as string;

			if (str_value == null)
				return false;
			string assembly_name = AssemblyNameFromXmlns (xmlns);
			string clr_namespace = ClrNamespaceFromXmlns (xmlns);
			string type_name = NativeMethods.xaml_get_element_name (data->parser, target_data);
			string full_name = String.IsNullOrEmpty (clr_namespace) ? type_name : clr_namespace + "." + type_name;

			Type type = LookupType (data->top_level, assembly_name, full_name);

			if (type == null || type.IsSubclassOf (typeof (DependencyObject)))
				return false;

			// For now just trim the string right here, in the future this should probably be done in the xaml parser
			object e = ConvertType (null, type, str_value.Trim ());

			NativeMethods.value_free_value2 ((IntPtr)target_ptr);

			unsafe {
				Value *val = (Value *) target_ptr;

				GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc (e);
				val->IsGCHandle = true;
				val->k = Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind (e.GetType ());
				val->u.p = GCHandle.ToIntPtr (handle);

			return true;
Example #6
		private unsafe bool AddChild (XamlCallbackData *data, Value* parent_parent_ptr, bool parent_is_property, string parent_xmlns, Value *parent_ptr, IntPtr parent_data, Value* child_ptr, IntPtr child_data)
			object parent = Value.ToObject (null, parent_ptr);
			object child = Value.ToObject (null, child_ptr);

			if (parent_is_property) {
				object parent_parent = Value.ToObject (null, parent_parent_ptr);
				return AddChildToProperty (data, parent_parent, parent_xmlns, parent, child, child_data);

			return AddChildToItem (data, parent_parent_ptr, parent, parent_data, child_ptr, child, child_data);
Example #7
		/// Callbacks invoked by the xaml.cpp C++ parser

#region Callbacks from xaml.cpp
		// Proxy so that we return IntPtr.Zero in case of any failures, instead of
		// genereting an exception and unwinding the stack.
		private unsafe bool cb_lookup_object (XamlCallbackData *data, Value* parent, string xmlns, string name, bool create, bool is_property, out Value value, ref MoonError error)
			value = Value.Empty;
			try {
				return LookupObject (data->top_level, parent, xmlns, name, create, is_property, out value);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				NativeMethods.value_free_value (ref value);
				value = Value.Empty;
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("ManagedXamlLoader::LookupObject ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}) failed: {3} ({4}).", (IntPtr) data->top_level, xmlns, create, name, ex.Message, ex.GetType ().FullName);
				Console.WriteLine (ex);
				error = new MoonError (ex);
				return false;
Example #8
		private unsafe bool TrySetEventReflection (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object publisher, string type_name, string name, Value* value_ptr, out string error)
			object subscriber = null;
			EventInfo ie = publisher.GetType ().GetEvent (name);
			string handler_name = Value.ToObject (null, value_ptr) as string;

			try {
				subscriber = Value.ToObject (null, data->top_level);
			} catch {

			//Console.WriteLine ("TrySetEventReflection ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}) handler_name: {6}", data->top_level, xmlns, publisher, type_name, name, value_ptr, handler_name);
			if (ie == null) {
				error = "Event does not exist.";
				return false;

			if (handler_name == null) {
				error = "No method name supplied for event handler.";
				return false;

			MethodInfo invoker_info = ie.EventHandlerType.GetMethod ("Invoke");
			ParameterInfo [] event_params = invoker_info.GetParameters ();

			Delegate d = null;
			Type stype = subscriber.GetType ();
			MethodInfo [] methods = stype.GetMethods (BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance);
			MethodInfo candidate = null;
			bool name_match = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) {
				MethodInfo m = methods [i];
				ParameterInfo [] parameters;
				if (m.Name != handler_name)

				if (name_match) {
					error = "Multiple candidates with the same name found for event handler.";
					// Console.WriteLine (error);
					return false;

				name_match = true;

				if (m.ReturnType != typeof (void))

				parameters = m.GetParameters ();

				if (parameters.Length != event_params.Length)

				bool match = true;
				for (int p = 0; p < parameters.Length; p++) {
					if (!event_params [p].ParameterType.IsSubclassOf (parameters [p].ParameterType) && parameters [p].ParameterType != event_params [p].ParameterType) {
						Console.WriteLine ("mismatch:  {0}  and {1}", parameters [p].ParameterType, event_params [p].ParameterType);
						match = false;

				if (!match)

				if (candidate != null) {
					error = "Multiple candidates for event handler found.";
					// Console.WriteLine (error);
					return false;

				candidate = m;

			if (candidate == null) {
				error = "Event handler not found.";
				// Console.WriteLine (error);
				return false;

			d = Delegate.CreateDelegate (ie.EventHandlerType, subscriber, candidate, false);
			if (d == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("ManagedXamlLoader::HookupEvent ({0}, {1}, {2}): unable to create delegate (src={3} target={4}).", (IntPtr) data->top_level, name, (IntPtr)value_ptr, ie.EventHandlerType, publisher);
				error = "Can not create even delegate.";
				return false;

			// Console.Error.WriteLine ("ManagedXamlLoader::HookupEvent ({0}, {1}, {2}): Successfully created delegate (src={3} target={4}).", (IntPtr) data->top_level, name, value_ptr, ie.EventHandlerType, publisher);
			error = null;
			ie.AddEventHandler (publisher, d);
			return true;
Example #9
		private unsafe bool SetPropertyFromValue (XamlCallbackData *data, object target, IntPtr target_data, Value* target_parent_ptr, PropertyInfo pi, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data, out string error)
			error = null;
			object obj_value = Value.ToObject (null, value_ptr);
			if (pi.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (SetPropertyDelayedAttribute), true).Length > 0) {
				if ((data->flags & XamlCallbackFlags.SettingDelayedProperty) == 0) {
					Value v = *value_ptr;
					NativeMethods.xaml_delay_set_property (data->parser, target_data, null, pi.Name, ref v);
					return true;

			if (obj_value is Binding && target is FrameworkElement) {
				FrameworkElement fe = (FrameworkElement) target;
				fe.SetBinding (DependencyProperty.Lookup (fe.GetKind (), pi.Name), (Binding) obj_value);
				return true;

			if (obj_value is StaticResource) {
				StaticResource sr = (StaticResource)obj_value;
				obj_value = "{StaticResource " + sr.ResourceKey + "}";

			if (typeof (IList).IsAssignableFrom (pi.PropertyType) && !(obj_value is IList)) {
				// This case is handled in the AddChild code
				return true;

			if (typeof (ResourceDictionary).IsAssignableFrom (pi.PropertyType) && !(obj_value is ResourceDictionary)) {
				// This case is handled in the AddChild code
				return true;

			string str_value = obj_value as string;
			if (str_value != null) {
				IntPtr unmanaged_value;
				if (pi.PropertyType == typeof (Type)) {
					Type t = TypeFromString (data, str_value);
					if (t != null) {
						SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, t);
						return true;

				if (pi.PropertyType == typeof (DependencyProperty)) {
					DependencyProperty dp = DependencyPropertyFromString (data, target, target_parent_ptr, str_value);
					if (dp != null) {
						SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, dp);
						return true;

				if (typeof (System.Windows.Data.Binding).IsAssignableFrom (pi.PropertyType) && SL3MarkupExpressionParser.IsBinding (str_value)) {
					MarkupExpressionParser p = new SL3MarkupExpressionParser (null, pi.Name,  data->parser, target_data);

					string expression = str_value;
					obj_value = p.ParseExpression (ref expression);

					if (!(obj_value is Binding))
						return false;

					SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, obj_value);
					return true;

				if (SL3MarkupExpressionParser.IsStaticResource (str_value)) {
					MarkupExpressionParser p = new SL3MarkupExpressionParser (null, "", data->parser, target_data);
					obj_value = p.ParseExpression (ref str_value);

					obj_value = ConvertType (pi, pi.PropertyType, obj_value);

					SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, obj_value);
					return true;

				SetCLRPropertyFromString (data, target_data, target, pi, str_value, out error, out unmanaged_value);

				try {
					if (error == null && unmanaged_value != IntPtr.Zero)
						obj_value = Value.ToObject (null, unmanaged_value);
						return error == null;
				} finally {
					if (unmanaged_value != IntPtr.Zero)
						Mono.NativeMethods.value_delete_value2 (unmanaged_value);
			} else {
				obj_value = Value.ToObject (pi.PropertyType, value_ptr);

			obj_value = ConvertType (pi, pi.PropertyType, obj_value);
			SetValue (data, target_data, pi, target, obj_value);

			return true;
Example #10
		private static unsafe void SetValue (XamlCallbackData *data, IntPtr target_data, PropertyInfo pi, object target, object value)
			if (NativeMethods.xaml_is_property_set (data->parser, target_data, pi.Name))
				throw new XamlParseException (2033, String.Format ("Cannot specify the value multiple times for property: {0}.", pi.Name));

			pi.SetValue (target, value, null);

			NativeMethods.xaml_mark_property_as_set (data->parser, target_data, pi.Name);
Example #11
		private unsafe DependencyProperty DependencyPropertyFromString (XamlCallbackData *data, object otarget, Value* target_parent_ptr, string str_value)
			object o = Value.ToObject (null, target_parent_ptr);
			Style parent = o as Style;

			if (parent == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("DependencyPropertyFromString Parent of target is not a Style. It's a {0}", o);
				return null;

			Type target_type = parent.TargetType;
			if (target_type == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("DependencyPropertyFromString TargetType is null.");
				return null;

			// Check to see if we have an attached property
			int dot = str_value.IndexOf ('.');
			if (dot >= 0) {
				string type_name = str_value.Substring (0, dot);
				str_value= str_value.Substring (++dot, str_value.Length - dot);

				target_type = TypeFromString (data, type_name);
			Types.Ensure (target_type);

			ManagedType mt = Deployment.Current.Types.Find (target_type);
			DependencyProperty dp = DependencyProperty.Lookup ((Kind) mt.native_handle, str_value);

			return dp;
Example #12
		private unsafe Type TypeFromString (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, string name)
			string clr_namespace = ClrNamespaceFromXmlns (xmlns);
			string assembly_name = AssemblyNameFromXmlns (xmlns);

			string full_name = string.IsNullOrEmpty (clr_namespace) ? name : clr_namespace + "." + name;

			return LookupType (data->top_level, assembly_name, full_name);
Example #13
		// TODO: Is it legal to jam the whole metadata right in the string ie: TargetType="clr-namespace:Mono;MyType"
		private unsafe Type TypeFromString (XamlCallbackData *data, string str)
			string assembly_name = null;
			string full_name = str;

			int ps = str.IndexOf (':');
			if (ps > 0) {
				string xmlns = NativeMethods.xaml_uri_for_prefix (data->parser, str.Substring (0, ps));
				string name = str.Substring (ps + 1, str.Length - ps -1);

				return TypeFromString (data, xmlns, name);

			return LookupType (data->top_level, assembly_name, full_name);
Example #14
		private unsafe bool TrySetAttachedProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object target, IntPtr target_data, string prop_xmlns, string name, object o_value)
			string type_name = null;
			string full_type_name = null;

			name = GetNameForAttachedProperty (xmlns, prop_xmlns, name, out type_name, out full_type_name);
			var fwe = target as FrameworkElement;
			if (fwe != null && o_value is Binding) {
				var dp = LookupDependencyPropertyForBinding (data, fwe, full_type_name, name);
				((FrameworkElement) target).SetBinding (dp, (Binding) o_value);
				return true;

			if (name == null)
				return false;

			MethodInfo get_method = GetGetMethodForAttachedProperty (data->top_level, prop_xmlns, type_name, full_type_name, name);
			if (get_method == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("get method is null: {0}  {1}", String.Concat ("Get", name), prop_xmlns);
				return false;

			// The Setter might actually want a collection, in this case we grab the old collection with the getter
			// and then add the new object to the collection
			if (typeof (IList).IsAssignableFrom (get_method.ReturnType) && !(o_value is IList)) {
				if (get_method != null || get_method.GetParameters () == null || get_method.GetParameters ().Length != 1) {
					IList the_list = (IList) get_method.Invoke (null, new object [] { target });
					try {
						the_list.Add (o_value);
						return true;
					catch {
						// don't return here, fall through to the ConvertType case below.
				} else {
					// I guess we need to wrap the current value in a collection, or does this error out?
					Console.WriteLine ("ow god my eye!");
					return false;

			MethodInfo set_method = get_method.DeclaringType.GetMethod (String.Concat ("Set", name), BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
			if (set_method == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("set method is null: {0}  {1}", String.Concat ("Set", name), prop_xmlns);
				return false;

			ParameterInfo [] set_params = set_method.GetParameters ();
			if (set_params == null || set_params.Length < 2) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("set method signature is incorrect.");
				return false;

			o_value = ConvertType (get_method, set_params [1].ParameterType, o_value);
			set_method.Invoke (null, new object [] {target, o_value});
			return true;
Example #15
		// Proxy so that we return bool in case of any failures, instead of
		// generating an exception and unwinding the stack.
		private unsafe bool cb_set_property (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, Value* target, IntPtr target_data, Value* target_parent, string prop_xmlns, string name, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data, ref MoonError error)
			try {
				return SetProperty (data, xmlns, target, target_data, target_parent, prop_xmlns, name, value_ptr, value_data);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				try {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("ManagedXamlLoader::SetProperty ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}) threw an exception: {5}", (IntPtr) data->top_level, xmlns, (IntPtr)target, name, (IntPtr)value_ptr, ex.Message);
					Console.Error.WriteLine (ex);
					error = new MoonError (ex);
					return false;
				catch {
					return false;
Example #16
		private unsafe bool TrySetPropertyReflection (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object target, IntPtr target_data, Value* target_parent_ptr, string type_name, string name, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data, out string error)
			PropertyInfo pi = target.GetType ().GetProperty (name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

			if (pi == null) {
				error = "Property does not exist.";
				return false;

			if (!SetPropertyFromValue (data, target, target_data, target_parent_ptr, pi, value_ptr, value_data, out error))
				return false;

			error = null;
			return true;
Example #17
		private unsafe bool cb_import_xaml_xmlns (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, ref MoonError error)
			try {
				if (!ValidateXmlns (xmlns))
					return false;
				Application.ImportXamlNamespace (xmlns);
				return true;
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Application::ImportXamlNamespace ({0}) threw an exception: {1}", xmlns, ex);
				error = new MoonError (ex);
				return false;

Example #18
		private unsafe bool TrySetEnumContentProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, object target, Value* target_ptr, IntPtr target_data, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data)
			object obj_value = Value.ToObject (null, value_ptr);
			string str_value = obj_value as string;

			if (str_value == null)
				return false;
			string assembly_name = AssemblyNameFromXmlns (xmlns);
			string clr_namespace = ClrNamespaceFromXmlns (xmlns);
			string type_name = NativeMethods.xaml_get_element_name (data->parser, target_data);
			string full_name = String.IsNullOrEmpty (clr_namespace) ? type_name : clr_namespace + "." + type_name;

			Type type = LookupType (data->top_level, assembly_name, full_name);

			if (type == null || !type.IsEnum)
				return false;

			object e = Enum.Parse (type, str_value, true);

			NativeMethods.value_free_value2 ((IntPtr)target_ptr);

			unsafe {
				Value *val = (Value *) target_ptr;

				GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc (e);
				val->IsGCHandle = true;
				val->k = Deployment.Current.Types.TypeToKind (e.GetType ());
				val->u.p = GCHandle.ToIntPtr (handle);

			return true;
Example #19
		private unsafe bool cb_add_child (XamlCallbackData *data, Value* parent_parent, bool parent_is_property, string parent_xmlns, Value *parent, IntPtr parent_data, Value* child, IntPtr child_data, ref MoonError error)
			try {
				return AddChild (data, parent_parent, parent_is_property, parent_xmlns, parent, parent_data, child, child_data);
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine (ex);
				error = new MoonError (ex);
				return false;
Example #20
		private unsafe bool SetProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, string xmlns, Value* target_ptr, IntPtr target_data, Value* target_parent_ptr, string prop_xmlns, string name, Value* value_ptr, IntPtr value_data)
			string error;
			object target = Value.ToObject (null, target_ptr);

			if (target == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("target is null: {0} {1} {2}", (IntPtr)target_ptr, name, xmlns);
				return false;

			if (name == null) {
				if (TrySetEnumContentProperty (data, xmlns, target, target_ptr, target_data, value_ptr, value_data))
					return true;
				if (TrySetCollectionContentProperty (xmlns, target, target_ptr, target_data, value_ptr, value_data))
					return true;
				if (TrySetObjectTextProperty (data, xmlns, target, target_ptr, target_data, value_ptr, value_data))
					return true;
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("no property name supplied");
				return false;

			string full_name = name;
			int dot = name.IndexOf ('.');
			string type_name = null;

			if (dot >= 0) {
				type_name = name.Substring (0, dot);
				if (prop_xmlns != null) {
					string ns = ClrNamespaceFromXmlns (prop_xmlns);
					if (ns != null)
						type_name = String.Concat (ns, ".", type_name);
				name = name.Substring (++dot, name.Length - dot);

			if (TrySetExpression (data, xmlns, target, target_data, target_parent_ptr, type_name, prop_xmlns, name, full_name, value_ptr, value_data))
				return true;

			if (!IsAttachedProperty (data, target, xmlns, prop_xmlns, full_name)) {
				if (TrySetPropertyReflection (data, xmlns, target, target_data, target_parent_ptr, type_name, name, value_ptr, value_data, out error))
					return true;

				if (TrySetEventReflection (data, xmlns, target, type_name, name, value_ptr, out error))
					return true;
			} else {
				if (TrySetAttachedProperty (data, xmlns, target, target_data, prop_xmlns, full_name, value_ptr))
					return true;

			return false;
Example #21
		private unsafe bool IsAttachedProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, object target, string xmlns, string prop_xmlns, string name)
			string type_name = null;
			string full_type_name = null;

			name = GetNameForAttachedProperty (xmlns, prop_xmlns, name, out type_name, out full_type_name);

			if (name == null)
				return false;

			MethodInfo get_method = GetGetMethodForAttachedProperty (data->top_level, prop_xmlns, type_name, full_type_name, name);
			if (get_method == null)
				return false;

			return !target.GetType ().IsSubclassOf (get_method.DeclaringType);
Example #22
		private unsafe bool AddChildToProperty (XamlCallbackData *data, object parent_parent, string parent_xmlns, object parent, object child, IntPtr child_data)
			string full_prop_name = parent as string;

			if (full_prop_name == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Attempting to add child to non string parent {0} as a property.", parent);
				return false;

			int dot = full_prop_name.IndexOf ('.');
			if (dot < 1)
				return false;
			string type_name = full_prop_name.Substring (0, dot);
			string prop_name = full_prop_name.Substring (++dot, full_prop_name.Length - dot);

			Type target_type = TypeFromString (data, parent_xmlns, type_name);

			if (target_type == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Type '{0}' with xmlns '{1}' could not be found", type_name, parent_xmlns);
				return false;

			if (!target_type.IsAssignableFrom (parent_parent.GetType ())) {
				// This would happen with an attached property, we don't need to do anything here....do we?
				return false;

			PropertyInfo pi = parent_parent.GetType ().GetProperty (prop_name, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);

			if (pi == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Property does not exist. {0}", prop_name);
				return false;

			if (typeof (ResourceDictionary).IsAssignableFrom (pi.PropertyType) && !(child is ResourceDictionary)) {
				ResourceDictionary the_dict = (ResourceDictionary) pi.GetValue (parent_parent, null);
				string key_name = NativeMethods.xaml_get_element_key (data->parser, child_data);

				if (key_name == null) {
					throw new XamlParseException (2034, "Elements in a ResourceDictionary must have x:Key or x:Name attribute.");

				if (the_dict == null) {
					the_dict = (ResourceDictionary) Activator.CreateInstance (pi.PropertyType);
					if (the_dict == null) {
						Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unable to create instance of dictionary: " + pi.PropertyType);
						return false;
					pi.SetValue (parent_parent, the_dict, null);

				try {
					the_dict.Add (key_name, child);
					return true;
				} catch (ArgumentException) {
					throw new XamlParseException (2273, "Elements in the same ResourceDictionary cannot have the same x:Key");

			if (typeof (IList).IsAssignableFrom (pi.PropertyType) && !(child is IList)) {
				IList the_list = (IList) pi.GetValue (parent_parent, null);

				if (the_list == null) {
					the_list = (IList) Activator.CreateInstance (pi.PropertyType);
					if (the_list == null) {
						Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unable to create instance of list: " + pi.PropertyType);
						return false;
					pi.SetValue (parent_parent, the_list, null);

				try {
					the_list.Add (child);
					return true;
				catch (Exception e) {
					Console.WriteLine (e);
					return false;

			return true;
Example #23
		private unsafe bool AddChildToItem (XamlCallbackData *data, Value *parent_parent_ptr, object parent, IntPtr parent_data, Value *child_ptr, object child, IntPtr child_data)
			ResourceDictionary the_dict = parent as ResourceDictionary;
			if (the_dict != null) {
				string key_name = NativeMethods.xaml_get_element_key (data->parser, child_data);

				if (key_name == null) {
					Console.Error.WriteLine ("Attempting to add item to a resource dictionary without an x:Key or x:Name");
					throw new XamlParseException (-1, -1, "You must specify an x:Key or x:Name for elements in a ResourceDictionary");

				try {
					the_dict.Add (key_name, child);
					return true;
				} catch (Exception e) {
					// Fall through to string
					Console.Error.WriteLine (e);
					return false;

			IList the_list = parent as IList;
			if (the_list != null) {

				try {
					the_list.Add (child);
					return true;
				catch {
					return false;

			Type parent_type = parent.GetType ();
			PropertyInfo pi = GetContentProperty (parent_type);

			if (pi == null) {
				Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unable to find content property on type {0}", parent_type);
				return false;

			// Is the content property a collection
			if (typeof (IList).IsAssignableFrom (pi.PropertyType) && !(child is IList)) {
				the_list = (IList) pi.GetValue (parent, null);

				if (the_list == null) {
					the_list = (IList) Activator.CreateInstance (pi.PropertyType);
					if (the_list == null) {
						Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unable to create instance of list: " + pi.PropertyType);
						return false;
					pi.SetValue (parent, the_list, null);

				try {
					the_list.Add (child);
					return true;
				catch {
					return false;

			string error;

			try {
				return SetPropertyFromValue (data, parent, parent_data, parent_parent_ptr, pi, child_ptr, child_data, out error);
			} catch {
				throw new XamlParseException (2010, String.Format ("{0} does not support {1} as content.", parent, child));