Example #1
			public LazyField(FieldsReader enclosingInstance, System.String name, Field.Store store, Field.Index index, Field.TermVector termVector, int toRead, long pointer, bool isBinary):base(name, store, index, termVector)
				this.toRead = toRead;
				this.pointer = pointer;
				this.isBinary = isBinary;
				if (isBinary)
					binaryLength = toRead;
				lazy = true;
Example #2
		private void  AddField(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed, bool tokenize)
			//we have a binary stored field, and it may be compressed
			if (binary)
				int toRead = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
				byte[] b = new byte[toRead];
				fieldsStream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length);
				if (compressed)
					doc.Add(new Field(fi.name, Uncompress(b), Field.Store.COMPRESS));
					doc.Add(new Field(fi.name, b, Field.Store.YES));
				Field.Store store = Field.Store.YES;
				Field.Index index = GetIndexType(fi, tokenize);
				Field.TermVector termVector = GetTermVectorType(fi);
				AbstractField f;
				if (compressed)
					store = Field.Store.COMPRESS;
					int toRead = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
					byte[] b = new byte[toRead];
					fieldsStream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length);
					f = new Field(fi.name, false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(Uncompress(b)), store, index, termVector);
					f = new Field(fi.name, false, fieldsStream.ReadString(), store, index, termVector);
Example #3
		/// <summary> Creates a field for numeric values with the specified
		/// <code>precisionStep</code>. The instance is not yet initialized with
		/// a numeric value, before indexing a document containing this field,
		/// set a value using the various set<em>???</em>Value() methods.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">the field name
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="precisionStep">the used <a href="../search/NumericRangeQuery.html#precisionStepDesc">precision step</a>
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="store">if the field should be stored in plain text form
		/// (according to <code>toString(value)</code> of the used data type)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="index">if the field should be indexed using {@link NumericTokenStream}
		/// </param>
		public NumericField(System.String name, int precisionStep, Field.Store store, bool index):base(name, store, index?Field.Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS:Field.Index.NO, Field.TermVector.NO)
			tokenStream = new NumericTokenStream(precisionStep);
Example #4
		/// <summary> Creates a field for numeric values using the default <code>precisionStep</code>
		/// {@link NumericUtils#PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT} (4). The instance is not yet initialized with
		/// a numeric value, before indexing a document containing this field,
		/// set a value using the various set<em>???</em>Value() methods.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="name">the field name
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="store">if the field should be stored in plain text form
		/// (according to <code>toString(value)</code> of the used data type)
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="index">if the field should be indexed using {@link NumericTokenStream}
		/// </param>
		public NumericField(System.String name, Field.Store store, bool index):this(name, NumericUtils.PRECISION_STEP_DEFAULT, store, index)
Example #5
		protected internal AbstractField(System.String name, Field.Store store, Field.Index index, Field.TermVector termVector)
			if (name == null)
				throw new System.NullReferenceException("name cannot be null");
			this.name = StringHelper.Intern(name); // field names are interned
			if (store == Field.Store.YES)
				this.isStored = true;
				this.isCompressed = false;
			else if (store == Field.Store.COMPRESS)
				this.isStored = true;
				this.isCompressed = true;
			else if (store == Field.Store.NO)
				this.isStored = false;
				this.isCompressed = false;
				throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown store parameter " + store);
			if (index == Field.Index.NO)
				this.isIndexed = false;
				this.isTokenized = false;
			else if (index == Field.Index.ANALYZED)
				this.isIndexed = true;
				this.isTokenized = true;
			else if (index == Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED)
				this.isIndexed = true;
				this.isTokenized = false;
			else if (index == Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)
				this.isIndexed = true;
				this.isTokenized = false;
				this.omitNorms = true;
			else if (index == Field.Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)
				this.isIndexed = true;
				this.isTokenized = true;
				this.omitNorms = true;
				throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown index parameter " + index);
			this.isBinary = false;
Example #6
		protected internal virtual void  SetStoreTermVector(Field.TermVector termVector)
			if (termVector == Field.TermVector.NO)
				this.storeTermVector = false;
				this.storePositionWithTermVector = false;
				this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
			else if (termVector == Field.TermVector.YES)
				this.storeTermVector = true;
				this.storePositionWithTermVector = false;
				this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
			else if (termVector == Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS)
				this.storeTermVector = true;
				this.storePositionWithTermVector = true;
				this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = false;
			else if (termVector == Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS)
				this.storeTermVector = true;
				this.storePositionWithTermVector = false;
				this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = true;
			else if (termVector == Field.TermVector.WITH_POSITIONS_OFFSETS)
				this.storeTermVector = true;
				this.storePositionWithTermVector = true;
				this.storeOffsetWithTermVector = true;
				throw new System.ArgumentException("unknown termVector parameter " + termVector);