internal SequencePoint(int offset, Document document) { if (document == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("document"); this.offset = new InstructionOffset (offset); this.document = document; }
public SequencePoint(Instruction instruction, Document document) { if (document == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("document"); this.offset = new InstructionOffset (instruction); this.document = document; }
public static void HideLineFromDebugger(this Instruction i, Document doc) { if (doc == null) return; // This tells the debugger to ignore and step through // all the following instructions to the next instruction // with a valid SequencePoint. That way IL can be hidden from // the Debugger. See // i.SequencePoint = new SequencePoint(doc); i.SequencePoint.StartLine = 0xfeefee; i.SequencePoint.EndLine = 0xfeefee; }
SourceFile GetSourceFile (Document document) { string url = document.Url; SourceFile file = m_documents [url] as SourceFile; if (file != null) return file; SourceFileEntry entry = m_writer.DefineDocument (url); CompileUnitEntry comp_unit = m_writer.DefineCompilationUnit (entry); file = new SourceFile (comp_unit, entry); m_documents [url] = file; return file; }
SourceFile GetSourceFile (Document document) { var url = document.Url; SourceFile source_file; if (source_files.TryGetValue (url, out source_file)) return source_file; var entry = writer.DefineDocument (url); var compile_unit = writer.DefineCompilationUnit (entry); source_file = new SourceFile (compile_unit, entry); source_files.Add (url, source_file); return source_file; }
private Document GetDocument(SourceFileEntry file) { string file_name = file.FileName; Document document; Document result; if (this.documents.TryGetValue(file_name, out document)) { result = document; } else { document = new Document(file_name); this.documents.Add(file_name, document); result = document; } return result; }
public File(Document document) { this.document_0 = document; this.string_3 = document.Url; if (document.Language == DocumentLanguage.CSharp) { this.string_2 = "C#"; } else if (document.Language == DocumentLanguage.Basic) { this.string_2 = "VB"; } else { this.string_0 = "Invalid Code Type. Only C# and VB will be parsed"; } List<string> list = new List<string>(); list.Add(""); try { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(this.string_3)) { this.string_0 = "File Doesn't Exist"; } else { using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(this.string_3)) { while (!streamReader.EndOfStream) { list.Add(streamReader.ReadLine()); } this.string_1 = list.ToArray(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { this.string_0 = ex.ToString(); } }
Document GetDocument (SourceFileEntry file) { var file_name = file.FileName; Document document; if (documents.TryGetValue (file_name, out document)) return document; document = new Document (file_name); documents.Add (file_name, document); return document; }
SymDocumentWriter GetDocument (Document document) { if (document == null) return null; SymDocumentWriter docWriter = m_documents[document.Url] as SymDocumentWriter; if (docWriter != null) return docWriter; docWriter = m_writer.DefineDocument ( document.Url, document.Language, document.LanguageVendor, document.Type); m_documents [document.Url] = docWriter; return docWriter; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args == null || args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("One argument expected: Input file (DLL or EXE)."); Console.WriteLine("A .pdb is expected to exist in the same directory."); Console.WriteLine("A .il file will be created (and overwritten if it exists)."); return; } var assemblyFile = args[0]; var ilPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyFile) + ".il"); var pdbPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyFile) + ".pdb"); var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyFile); assembly.MainModule.ReadSymbols(); var doc = new Document(ilPath) { Language = DocumentLanguage.Cil }; using (var ilFile = File.Open(ilPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)) using (var il = new StreamWriter(ilFile)) { var curLine = 1; Action<string> writeLine = line => { curLine += line.Count(ch => ch == '\n') + 1; il.WriteLine(line); }; foreach (var type in assembly.Modules.SelectMany(m => m.Types)) { writeLine("Type: " + type.FullName); foreach (var method in type.Methods) { writeLine(" Method: " + method.FullName); if (method.Body != null) { foreach (var local in method.Body.Variables) writeLine(" Local: " + local.VariableType + " " + local.Name); writeLine(""); var newInstructions = new Collection<Instruction>(); foreach (var instruction in method.Body.Instructions) { if (newInstructions.Count > 0) newInstructions.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Nop)); newInstructions.Add(instruction); var prevLine = curLine + 1; var instrStr = instruction.ToString(); writeLine(" " + instrStr); instruction.SequencePoint = new SequencePoint(doc) { StartLine = prevLine, StartColumn = 9, EndLine = curLine, EndColumn = (instrStr.Contains('\n') ? instrStr.Length - instrStr.LastIndexOf('\n') : instrStr.Length) + 9 }; } method.Body.Instructions.Clear(); foreach (var instr in newInstructions) method.Body.Instructions.Add(instr); writeLine(""); } writeLine(""); } } } assembly.Write(assemblyFile, new WriterParameters { WriteSymbols = true }); }
Document GetDocument(PdbSource source) { string name =; Document document; if (documents.TryGetValue (name, out document)) return document; document = new Document (name) { Language = source.language.ToLanguage (), LanguageVendor = source.vendor.ToVendor (), Type = source.doctype.ToType (), }; documents.Add (name, document); return document; }
SymDocumentWriter GetDocument(Document document) { if (document == null) return null; SymDocumentWriter doc_writer; if (documents.TryGetValue (document.Url, out doc_writer)) return doc_writer; doc_writer = writer.DefineDocument ( document.Url, document.Language.ToGuid (), document.LanguageVendor.ToGuid (), document.Type.ToGuid ()); documents [document.Url] = doc_writer; return doc_writer; }
void ReadLines (PdbLine line, Document document, IDictionary instructions) { Instruction instruction = (Instruction) instructions [(int) line.offset]; if (instruction == null) return; SequencePoint point = new SequencePoint (document); point.StartLine = (int) line.lineBegin; point.StartColumn = (int) line.colBegin; point.EndLine = (int) line.lineEnd; point.EndColumn = (int) line.colEnd; instruction.SequencePoint = point; }
static void ReadLine(PdbLine line, Document document, MethodDebugInformation info) { var sequence_point = new SequencePoint ((int) line.offset, document); sequence_point.StartLine = (int) line.lineBegin; sequence_point.StartColumn = (int) line.colBegin; sequence_point.EndLine = (int) line.lineEnd; sequence_point.EndColumn = (int) line.colEnd; info.sequence_points.Add (sequence_point); }
internal File method_4(Document document_0) { File result; if (!this.dictionary_2.ContainsKey(document_0.Url)) { File file = new File(document_0); this.dictionary_2.Add(document_0.Url, file); result = file; } else { result = this.dictionary_2[document_0.Url]; } return result; }
static void ReadLine(PdbLine line, Document document, InstructionMapper mapper) { var instruction = mapper ((int) line.offset); if (instruction == null) return; var sequence_point = new SequencePoint (document); sequence_point.StartLine = (int) line.lineBegin; sequence_point.StartColumn = (int) line.colBegin; sequence_point.EndLine = (int) line.lineEnd; sequence_point.EndColumn = (int) line.colEnd; instruction.SequencePoint = sequence_point; }
Document GetDocument (SourceFileEntry file) { Document doc = m_documents [file.FileName] as Document; if (doc != null) return doc; doc = new Document (file.FileName); m_documents [file.FileName] = doc; return doc; }
static SequencePoint LineToSequencePoint(LineNumberEntry line, MethodEntry entry, Document document) { return new SequencePoint (document) { StartLine = line.Row, EndLine = line.EndRow, StartColumn = line.Column, EndColumn = line.EndColumn, }; }
Document GetDocument (PdbSource source) { string name =; Document document; if (documents.TryGetValue (name, out document)) return document; document = new Document (name); document.Language = source.language; document.LanguageVendor = source.vendor; document.Type = source.doctype; documents.Add (name, document); return document; }