// TODO: merge method and mb
		public ReturnParameter (MemberCore method, MethodBuilder mb, Location location)
			this.method = method;
			try {
				builder = mb.DefineParameter (0, ParameterAttributes.None, "");			
			catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) {
				method.Compiler.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (location, "custom attributes on the return type");
		public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload)
			if (overload is Indexer) {
				caching_flags |= Flags.MethodOverloadsExist;
				return true;

			return base.EnableOverloadChecks (overload);
		public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload)
			if (overload is MethodCore) {
				caching_flags |= Flags.MethodOverloadsExist;
				return true;

			// This can only happen with indexers and it will
			// be catched as indexer difference
			if (overload is AbstractPropertyEventMethod)
				return true;

			return false;
		public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload)
			if (overload is Indexer)
				return false;

			return base.EnableOverloadChecks (overload);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true when a member supports multiple overloads (methods, indexers, etc)
 /// </summary>
 public virtual bool EnableOverloadChecks(MemberCore overload)
		public virtual void RegisterFieldForInitialization (MemberCore field, FieldInitializer expression)
			if (IsPartialPart)
				PartialContainer.RegisterFieldForInitialization (field, expression);

			if ((field.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0){
				if (initialized_static_fields == null) {
					HasStaticFieldInitializer = true;
					initialized_static_fields = new List<FieldInitializer> (4);

				initialized_static_fields.Add (expression);
			} else {
				if (initialized_fields == null)
					initialized_fields = new List<FieldInitializer> (4);

				initialized_fields.Add (expression);
		// Adds the member to defined_names table. It tests for duplications and enclosing name conflicts
		public virtual void AddNameToContainer (MemberCore symbol, string name)
			if (((ModFlags | symbol.ModFlags) & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0)

			MemberCore mc;
			if (!PartialContainer.defined_names.TryGetValue (name, out mc)) {
				PartialContainer.defined_names.Add (name, symbol);

			if (symbol.EnableOverloadChecks (mc))

			InterfaceMemberBase im = mc as InterfaceMemberBase;
			if (im != null && im.IsExplicitImpl)

			Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc);
			if ((mc.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0 && (symbol is ClassOrStruct || symbol is Interface)) {
				Error_MissingPartialModifier (symbol);

			if (symbol is TypeParameter) {
				Report.Error (692, symbol.Location,
					"Duplicate type parameter `{0}'", symbol.GetSignatureForError ());
			} else {
				Report.Error (102, symbol.Location,
					"The type `{0}' already contains a definition for `{1}'",
					GetSignatureForError (), name);

		public InternalErrorException (MemberCore mc, Exception e)
			: base (mc.Location + " " + mc.GetSignatureForError (), e)
 public InternalErrorException(MemberCore mc, Exception e)
     : base(mc.Location + " " + mc.GetSignatureForError(), e)
Example #10
 public DocumentationMemberContext(MemberCore host, MemberName contextName)
     this.host        = host;
     this.contextName = contextName;
Example #11
        // Processes "see" or "seealso" elements from cref attribute.
        void HandleXrefCommon(MemberCore mc, TypeContainer ds, XmlElement xref)
            string cref = xref.GetAttribute("cref");

            // when, XmlReader, "if (cref == null)"
            if (!xref.HasAttribute("cref"))

            // Nothing to be resolved the reference is marked explicitly
            if (cref.Length > 2 && cref [1] == ':')

            // Additional symbols for < and > are allowed for easier XML typing
            cref = cref.Replace('{', '<').Replace('}', '>');

            var encoding = module.Compiler.Settings.Encoding;
            var s        = new MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(cref));

            var source_file = new CompilationSourceFile(doc_module, mc.Location.SourceFile);
            var report      = new Report(doc_module.Compiler, new NullReportPrinter());

            if (session == null)
                session = new ParserSession()
                    UseJayGlobalArrays = true

            SeekableStreamReader seekable = new SeekableStreamReader(s, encoding, session.StreamReaderBuffer);

            var parser = new CSharpParser(seekable, source_file, report, session);

            ParsedParameters          = null;
            ParsedName                = null;
            ParsedBuiltinType         = null;
            ParsedOperator            = null;
            parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.DocumentationXref;
            parser.Lexer.parsing_generic_declaration_doc = true;
            if (report.Errors > 0)
                Report.Warning(1584, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has syntactically incorrect cref attribute `{1}'",
                               mc.GetSignatureForError(), cref);

                xref.SetAttribute("cref", "!:" + cref);

            MemberSpec          member;
            string              prefix = null;
            FullNamedExpression fne    = null;

            // Try built-in type first because we are using ParsedName as identifier of
            // member names on built-in types
            if (ParsedBuiltinType != null && (ParsedParameters == null || ParsedName != null))
                member = ParsedBuiltinType.Type;
                member = null;

            if (ParsedName != null || ParsedOperator.HasValue)
                TypeSpec type        = null;
                string   member_name = null;

                if (member == null)
                    if (ParsedOperator.HasValue)
                        type = mc.CurrentType;
                    else if (ParsedName.Left != null)
                        fne = ResolveMemberName(mc, ParsedName.Left);
                        if (fne != null)
                            var ns = fne as Namespace;
                            if (ns != null)
                                fne = ns.LookupTypeOrNamespace(mc, ParsedName.Name, ParsedName.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null);
                                if (fne != null)
                                    member = fne.Type;
                                type = fne.Type;
                        fne = ResolveMemberName(mc, ParsedName);
                        if (fne == null)
                            type = mc.CurrentType;
                        else if (ParsedParameters == null)
                            member = fne.Type;
                        else if (fne.Type.MemberDefinition == mc.CurrentType.MemberDefinition)
                            member_name = Constructor.ConstructorName;
                            type        = fne.Type;
                    type   = (TypeSpec)member;
                    member = null;

                if (ParsedParameters != null)
                    var old_printer = mc.Module.Compiler.Report.SetPrinter(new NullReportPrinter());
                    try {
                        var context = new DocumentationMemberContext(mc, ParsedName ?? MemberName.Null);

                        foreach (var pp in ParsedParameters)
                    } finally {

                if (type != null)
                    if (member_name == null)
                        member_name = ParsedOperator.HasValue ?
                                      Operator.GetMetadataName(ParsedOperator.Value) : ParsedName.Name;

                    int parsed_param_count;
                    if (ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Explicit || ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Implicit)
                        parsed_param_count = ParsedParameters.Count - 1;
                    else if (ParsedParameters != null)
                        parsed_param_count = ParsedParameters.Count;
                        parsed_param_count = 0;

                    int parameters_match = -1;
                        var members = MemberCache.FindMembers(type, member_name, true);
                        if (members != null)
                            foreach (var m in members)
                                if (ParsedName != null && m.Arity != ParsedName.Arity)

                                if (ParsedParameters != null)
                                    IParametersMember pm = m as IParametersMember;
                                    if (pm == null)

                                    if (m.Kind == MemberKind.Operator && !ParsedOperator.HasValue)

                                    var pm_params = pm.Parameters;

                                    int i;
                                    for (i = 0; i < parsed_param_count; ++i)
                                        var pparam = ParsedParameters[i];

                                        if (i >= pm_params.Count || pparam == null || pparam.TypeSpec == null ||
                                            !TypeSpecComparer.Override.IsEqual(pparam.TypeSpec, pm_params.Types[i]) ||
                                            (pparam.Modifier & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) != (pm_params.FixedParameters[i].ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask))
                                            if (i > parameters_match)
                                                parameters_match = i;

                                            i = -1;

                                    if (i < 0)

                                    if (ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Explicit || ParsedOperator == Operator.OpType.Implicit)
                                        if (pm.MemberType != ParsedParameters[parsed_param_count].TypeSpec)
                                            parameters_match = parsed_param_count + 1;
                                        if (parsed_param_count != pm_params.Count)

                                if (member != null)
                                    Report.Warning(419, 3, mc.Location,
                                                   "Ambiguous reference in cref attribute `{0}'. Assuming `{1}' but other overloads including `{2}' have also matched",
                                                   cref, member.GetSignatureForError(), m.GetSignatureForError());


                                member = m;

                        // Continue with parent type for nested types
                        if (member == null)
                            type = type.DeclaringType;
                            type = null;
                    } while (type != null);

                    if (member == null && parameters_match >= 0)
                        for (int i = parameters_match; i < parsed_param_count; ++i)
                            Report.Warning(1580, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid type for parameter `{0}' in XML comment cref attribute `{1}'",
                                           (i + 1).ToString(), cref);

                        if (parameters_match == parsed_param_count + 1)
                            Report.Warning(1581, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid return type in XML comment cref attribute `{0}'", cref);

            if (member == null)
                Report.Warning(1574, 1, mc.Location, "XML comment on `{0}' has cref attribute `{1}' that could not be resolved",
                               mc.GetSignatureForError(), cref);
                cref = "!:" + cref;
            else if (member == InternalType.Namespace)
                cref = "N:" + fne.GetSignatureForError();
                prefix = GetMemberDocHead(member);
                cref   = prefix + member.GetSignatureForDocumentation();

            xref.SetAttribute("cref", cref);
Example #12
 // Handles <exception> elements.
 void HandleException(MemberCore mc, TypeContainer ds, XmlElement seealso)
     HandleXrefCommon(mc, ds, seealso);
Example #13
 // Handles <see> elements.
 void HandleSee(MemberCore mc, TypeContainer ds, XmlElement see)
     HandleXrefCommon(mc, ds, see);
Example #14
        // Processes "include" element. Check included file and
        // embed the document content inside this documentation node.
        bool HandleInclude(MemberCore mc, XmlElement el)
            bool   keep_include_node = false;
            string file = el.GetAttribute("file");
            string path = el.GetAttribute("path");

            if (file == "")
                Report.Warning(1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `file' attribute");
                el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" Include tag is invalid "), el);
                keep_include_node = true;
            else if (path.Length == 0)
                Report.Warning(1590, 1, mc.Location, "Invalid XML `include' element. Missing `path' attribute");
                el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" Include tag is invalid "), el);
                keep_include_node = true;
                XmlDocument doc;
                Exception   exception = null;
                var         full_path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(mc.Location.NameFullPath), file);

                if (!StoredDocuments.TryGetValue(full_path, out doc))
                    try {
                        doc = new XmlDocument();
                        StoredDocuments.Add(full_path, doc);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        exception = e;
                        el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(String.Format(" Badly formed XML in at comment file `{0}': cannot be included ", file)), el);

                if (doc != null)
                    try {
                        XmlNodeList nl = doc.SelectNodes(path);
                        if (nl.Count == 0)
                            el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" No matching elements were found for the include tag embedded here. "), el);

                            keep_include_node = true;
                        foreach (XmlNode n in nl)
                            el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(n, true), el);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        exception = ex;
                        el.ParentNode.InsertBefore(el.OwnerDocument.CreateComment(" Failed to insert some or all of included XML "), el);

                if (exception != null)
                    Report.Warning(1589, 1, mc.Location, "Unable to include XML fragment `{0}' of file `{1}'. {2}",
                                   path, file, exception.Message);

Example #15
        // Generates xml doc comments (if any), and if required,
        // handle warning report.
        internal void GenerateDocumentationForMember(MemberCore mc)
            string name = mc.DocCommentHeader + mc.GetSignatureForDocumentation();

            XmlNode n = GetDocCommentNode(mc, name);

            XmlElement el = n as XmlElement;

            if (el != null)
                var pm = mc as IParametersMember;
                if (pm != null)
                    CheckParametersComments(mc, pm, el);

                // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader
                XmlNodeList nl = n.SelectNodes(".//include");
                if (nl.Count > 0)
                    // It could result in current node removal, so prepare another list to iterate.
                    var al = new List <XmlNode> (nl.Count);
                    foreach (XmlNode inc in nl)
                    foreach (XmlElement inc in al)
                        if (!HandleInclude(mc, inc))

                // FIXME: it could be done with XmlReader
                var ds_target = mc as TypeContainer;
                if (ds_target == null)
                    ds_target = mc.Parent;

                foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes(".//see"))
                    HandleSee(mc, ds_target, see);
                foreach (XmlElement seealso in n.SelectNodes(".//seealso"))
                    HandleSeeAlso(mc, ds_target, seealso);
                foreach (XmlElement see in n.SelectNodes(".//exception"))
                    HandleException(mc, ds_target, see);
                foreach (XmlElement node in n.SelectNodes(".//typeparam"))
                    HandleTypeParam(mc, node);
                foreach (XmlElement node in n.SelectNodes(".//typeparamref"))
                    HandleTypeParamRef(mc, node);

			public override void Visit (MemberCore member)
				Console.WriteLine ("Unknown member:");
				Console.WriteLine (member.GetType () + "-> Member {0}", member.GetSignatureForError ());
		public void ResolveDefaultValues (MemberCore m)
			ResolveContext rc = null;
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; ++i) {
				Parameter p = (Parameter) parameters [i];

				// Try not to enter default values resolution if there are is not any default value possible
				if (p.HasDefaultValue || p.OptAttributes != null) {
					if (rc == null)
						rc = new ResolveContext (m);

					p.ResolveDefaultValue (rc);
 public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError(MemberCore mc)
     SymbolRelatedToPreviousError(mc.Location, mc.GetSignatureForError());
Example #19
		public void ReplaceMember (MemberCore oldsymbol, MemberCore newsymbol)
			var i = members.IndexOf (oldsymbol);
			if (i == -1)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("No member to replace");
			members[i] = newsymbol;
			ReplaceNameInContainer (newsymbol, newsymbol.MemberName.Basename);
Example #20
 public virtual void Visit(MemberCore member)
     Debug.Fail("unknown member type: " + member.GetType());
Example #21
		// Replaces the member in the defined_names table.
		public virtual void ReplaceNameInContainer (MemberCore newsymbol, string name)
			if (((ModFlags | newsymbol.ModFlags) & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0)
			MemberCore mc;
			if (PartialContainer.defined_names.TryGetValue (name, out mc)) {
				PartialContainer.defined_names[name] = newsymbol;
Example #22
		// Performs the validation on a Method's modifiers (properties have
		// the same properties).
		// TODO: Why is it not done at parse stage, move to Modifiers::Check
		public bool MethodModifiersValid (MemberCore mc)
			const Modifiers vao = (Modifiers.VIRTUAL | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.OVERRIDE);
			const Modifiers nv = (Modifiers.NEW | Modifiers.VIRTUAL);
			bool ok = true;
			var flags = mc.ModFlags;
			// At most one of static, virtual or override
			if ((flags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0){
				if ((flags & vao) != 0){
					Report.Error (112, mc.Location, "A static member `{0}' cannot be marked as override, virtual or abstract",
						mc.GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

			if ((flags & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) != 0 && (flags & nv) != 0){
				Report.Error (113, mc.Location, "A member `{0}' marked as override cannot be marked as new or virtual",
					mc.GetSignatureForError ());
				ok = false;

			// If the declaration includes the abstract modifier, then the
			// declaration does not include static, virtual or extern
			if ((flags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0){
				if ((flags & Modifiers.EXTERN) != 0){
					Report.Error (
						180, mc.Location, "`{0}' cannot be both extern and abstract", mc.GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

				if ((flags & Modifiers.SEALED) != 0) {
					Report.Error (502, mc.Location, "`{0}' cannot be both abstract and sealed", mc.GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

				if ((flags & Modifiers.VIRTUAL) != 0){
					Report.Error (503, mc.Location, "The abstract method `{0}' cannot be marked virtual", mc.GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

				if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) == 0){
					Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (this);
					Report.Error (513, mc.Location, "`{0}' is abstract but it is declared in the non-abstract class `{1}'",
						mc.GetSignatureForError (), GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

			if ((flags & Modifiers.PRIVATE) != 0){
				if ((flags & vao) != 0){
					Report.Error (621, mc.Location, "`{0}': virtual or abstract members cannot be private", mc.GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

			if ((flags & Modifiers.SEALED) != 0){
				if ((flags & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) == 0){
					Report.Error (238, mc.Location, "`{0}' cannot be sealed because it is not an override", mc.GetSignatureForError ());
					ok = false;

			return ok;
Example #23
        // Checks whether the type P is as accessible as this member
        public bool IsAccessibleAs(TypeSpec p)
            // if M is private, its accessibility is the same as this declspace.
            // we already know that P is accessible to T before this method, so we
            // may return true.
            if ((mod_flags & Modifiers.PRIVATE) != 0)

            while (TypeManager.HasElementType(p))
                p = TypeManager.GetElementType(p);

            if (p.IsGenericParameter)

            for (TypeSpec p_parent; p != null; p = p_parent)
                p_parent = p.DeclaringType;

                if (p.IsGeneric)
                    foreach (TypeSpec t in p.TypeArguments)
                        if (!IsAccessibleAs(t))

                var pAccess = p.Modifiers & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask;
                if (pAccess == Modifiers.PUBLIC)

                bool same_access_restrictions = false;
                for (MemberCore mc = this; !same_access_restrictions && mc != null && mc.Parent != null; mc = mc.Parent)
                    var al = mc.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask;
                    switch (pAccess)
                    case Modifiers.INTERNAL:
                        if (al == Modifiers.PRIVATE || al == Modifiers.INTERNAL)
                            same_access_restrictions = p.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic(mc.Module.DeclaringAssembly);


                    case Modifiers.PROTECTED:
                        if (al == Modifiers.PROTECTED)
                            same_access_restrictions = mc.Parent.PartialContainer.IsBaseTypeDefinition(p_parent);

                        if (al == Modifiers.PRIVATE)
                            // When type is private and any of its parents derives from
                            // protected type then the type is accessible
                            while (mc.Parent != null && mc.Parent.PartialContainer != null)
                                if (mc.Parent.PartialContainer.IsBaseTypeDefinition(p_parent))
                                    same_access_restrictions = true;
                                mc = mc.Parent;


                    case Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL:
                        if (al == Modifiers.INTERNAL)
                            same_access_restrictions = p.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic(mc.Module.DeclaringAssembly);
                        else if (al == (Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL))
                            same_access_restrictions = mc.Parent.PartialContainer.IsBaseTypeDefinition(p_parent) && p.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic(mc.Module.DeclaringAssembly);
                            goto case Modifiers.PROTECTED;


                    case Modifiers.PRIVATE:
                        // Both are private and share same parent
                        if (al == Modifiers.PRIVATE)
                            var decl = mc.Parent;
                                same_access_restrictions = decl.CurrentType.MemberDefinition == p_parent.MemberDefinition;
                            } while (!same_access_restrictions && !decl.PartialContainer.IsTopLevel && (decl = decl.Parent) != null);


                        throw new InternalErrorException(al.ToString());

                if (!same_access_restrictions)

Example #24
		public override void AddNameToContainer (MemberCore symbol, string name)
			if (!(symbol is Constructor) && symbol.MemberName.Name == MemberName.Name) {
				if (symbol is TypeParameter) {
					Report.Error (694, symbol.Location,
						"Type parameter `{0}' has same name as containing type, or method",
						symbol.GetSignatureForError ());
				InterfaceMemberBase imb = symbol as InterfaceMemberBase;
				if (imb == null || !imb.IsExplicitImpl) {
					Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (this);
					Report.Error (542, symbol.Location, "`{0}': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type",
						symbol.GetSignatureForError ());

			base.AddNameToContainer (symbol, name);
Example #25
 public void AppendToMember(MemberCore existing, params Location[] locations)
     AppendToMember(existing, (IEnumerable <Location>)locations);
Example #26
		public override void RegisterFieldForInitialization (MemberCore field, FieldInitializer expression)
			if ((field.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0) {
				Report.Error (573, field.Location, "`{0}': Structs cannot have instance field initializers",
					field.GetSignatureForError ());
			base.RegisterFieldForInitialization (field, expression);
		public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload)
			if (overload is MethodCore) {
				caching_flags |= Flags.MethodOverloadsExist;
				return true;

			if (overload is AbstractPropertyEventMethod)
				return true;

			return base.EnableOverloadChecks (overload);
Example #28
		protected void Error_MissingPartialModifier (MemberCore type)
			Report.Error (260, type.Location,
				"Missing partial modifier on declaration of type `{0}'. Another partial declaration of this type exists",
				type.GetSignatureForError ());
Example #29
		/// <summary>
		/// Returns true when a member supports multiple overloads (methods, indexers, etc)
		/// </summary>
		public virtual bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload)
			return false;
Example #30
		protected static bool CheckAccessModifiers (MemberCore this_member, MemberSpec base_member)
			var thisp = this_member.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask;
			var base_classp = base_member.Modifiers & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask;

			if ((base_classp & (Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL)) == (Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL)) {
				// It must be at least "protected"
				if ((thisp & Modifiers.PROTECTED) == 0) {
					return false;

				// when overriding protected internal, the method can be declared
				// protected internal only within the same assembly or assembly
				// which has InternalsVisibleTo
				if ((thisp & Modifiers.INTERNAL) != 0) {
					return base_member.DeclaringType.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (this_member.Module.DeclaringAssembly);

				// protected overriding protected internal inside same assembly
				// requires internal modifier as well
				if (base_member.DeclaringType.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (this_member.Module.DeclaringAssembly)) {
					return false;

				return true;

			return thisp == base_classp;
Example #31
		public virtual void Visit (MemberCore member)
			Debug.Fail ("unknown member type: " + member.GetType ());
Example #32
		public override bool EnableOverloadChecks (MemberCore overload)
			// Two members can differ in their explicit interface
			// type parameter only
			InterfaceMemberBase imb = overload as InterfaceMemberBase;
			if (imb != null && imb.IsExplicitImpl) {
				if (IsExplicitImpl) {
					caching_flags |= Flags.MethodOverloadsExist;
				return true;

			return IsExplicitImpl;
		// Parameters checks for members which don't have a block
		public void CheckParameters (MemberCore member)
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; ++i) {
				var name = parameters[i].Name;
				for (int ii = i + 1; ii < parameters.Length; ++ii) {
					if (parameters[ii].Name == name)
						this[ii].Error_DuplicateName (member.Compiler.Report);
Example #34
		protected void Error_CannotChangeAccessModifiers (MemberCore member, MemberSpec base_member)
			var base_modifiers = base_member.Modifiers;

			// Remove internal modifier from types which are not internally accessible
			if ((base_modifiers & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) == (Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.INTERNAL) &&
				!base_member.DeclaringType.MemberDefinition.IsInternalAsPublic (member.Module.DeclaringAssembly))
				base_modifiers = Modifiers.PROTECTED;

			Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (base_member);
			Report.Error (507, member.Location,
				"`{0}': cannot change access modifiers when overriding `{1}' inherited member `{2}'",
				member.GetSignatureForError (),
				ModifiersExtensions.AccessibilityName (base_modifiers),
				base_member.GetSignatureForError ());
Example #35
		public void AddMember (MemberCore symbol)
			if (symbol.MemberName.ExplicitInterface != null) {
				if (!(Kind == MemberKind.Class || Kind == MemberKind.Struct)) {
					Report.Error (541, symbol.Location,
						"`{0}': explicit interface declaration can only be declared in a class or struct",
						symbol.GetSignatureForError ());

			AddNameToContainer (symbol, symbol.MemberName.Basename);
			members.Add (symbol);
		public void SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (MemberCore mc)
			SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (mc.Location, mc.GetSignatureForError ());