Inheritance: WebServiceResponse
	IEnumerable<DBLane> GetLanesWhereFileIsUsed (DBLanefile file, GetLaneForEditResponse response)
		IEnumerable<DBLanefiles> lane_files = response.LaneFiles.Where ((v) => v.lanefile_id ==;
		IEnumerable<DBLane> lanes = response.Lanes.Where ((v) => lane_files.FirstOrDefault ((v2) => v2.lane_id == != null);
		return lanes;
		public GetLaneForEditResponse GetLaneForEdit (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id, string lane)
			GetLaneForEditResponse response = new GetLaneForEditResponse ();
			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				Authenticate (db, login, response);
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

				// We do 2 trips to the database: first to get a list of all the lanes,
				// then to get all the rest of the information.

				response.Lanes = db.GetAllLanes ();

				if (lane_id > 0) {
					response.Lane = response.Lanes.Find ((l) => == lane_id);
				} else {
					response.Lane = response.Lanes.Find ((l) => l.lane == lane);

				var cmdText = new StringBuilder ();

				using (var cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					// 1: db.GetAllLanes
					cmdText.AppendLine ("SELECT * FROM Lane ORDER BY lane;");

					// 2: response.Lane.GetCommandsInherited (db, response.Lanes);
					cmdText.Append ("SELECT * FROM Command WHERE lane_id = ").Append (;
					DBLane parent = response.Lane;
					while (null != (parent = response.Lanes.FirstOrDefault ((v) => == parent.parent_lane_id))) {
						cmdText.Append (" OR lane_id = ").Append (;
					cmdText.AppendLine (" ORDER BY sequence;");

					// 3: response.Dependencies = response.Lane.GetDependencies (db);
					cmdText.AppendFormat ("SELECT * FROM LaneDependency WHERE lane_id = {0} ORDER BY dependent_lane_id;", ();

//					// 4: response.FileDeletionDirectives = DBFileDeletionDirective_Extensions.GetAll (db);
//					cmdText.AppendLine ("SELECT * FROM FileDeletionDirective;");
//					// 5: response.LaneDeletionDirectives = DBLaneDeletionDirectiveView_Extensions.Find (db, response.Lane);
//					cmdText.AppendFormat ("SELECT * FROM LaneDeletionDirectiveView WHERE lane_id = {0};", ();

					// 6: response.Files = response.Lane.GetFiles (db, response.Lanes);
					cmdText.Append (@"
SELECT,, '' AS contents, LaneFile.mime, Lanefile.original_id, LaneFile.changed_date 
FROM Lanefile 
INNER JOIN Lanefiles ON Lanefiles.lanefile_id = 
WHERE Lanefile.original_id IS NULL AND Lanefiles.lane_id = ").Append (;
					parent = response.Lane;
					while (null != (parent = response.Lanes.FirstOrDefault ((v) => == parent.parent_lane_id))) {
						cmdText.Append (" OR LaneFiles.lane_id = ").Append (;
					cmdText.AppendLine (" ORDER BY name ASC;");

					// 7: response.LaneFiles = db.GetAllLaneFiles ();
					cmdText.AppendLine ("SELECT * FROM LaneFiles;");

					// 8: response.HostLaneViews = response.Lane.GetHosts (db);
					cmdText.AppendFormat ("SELECT * FROM HostLaneView WHERE lane_id = {0} ORDER BY host;", ();

					// 9: response.Hosts = db.GetHosts ();
					cmdText.AppendLine ("SELECT * FROM Host ORDER BY host;");

					// 10: response.ExistingFiles = new List<DBLanefile> (); [...]
					cmdText.AppendFormat (@"
SELECT,, '' AS contents, LaneFile.mime, Lanefile.original_id, LaneFile.changed_date 
FROM Lanefile
INNER JOIN Lanefiles ON Lanefiles.lanefile_id =
WHERE Lanefile.original_id IS NULL AND Lanefiles.lane_id <> {0}
ORDER BY Lanefiles.lane_id, ASC;", ();

					// 11: response.Variables = DBEnvironmentVariable_Extensions.Find (db,, null, null);
					cmdText.AppendFormat ("SELECT * FROM EnvironmentVariable WHERE lane_id = {0} AND host_id IS NULL ORDER BY id ASC;", ();

					// 12: response.Notifications = new List<DBNotification> ();
					cmdText.AppendLine ("SELECT * FROM Notification;");

					// 13: response.LaneNotifications = new List<DBLaneNotification> ();
					cmdText.AppendFormat ("SELECT * FROM LaneNotification WHERE lane_id = {0};", ();

					// 14
					cmdText.AppendFormat ("SELECT * FROM LaneTag WHERE lane_id = {0};", ();

					cmd.CommandText = cmdText.ToString ();

					using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
						// 1: db.GetAllLanes
						response.Lanes = new List<DBLane> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Lanes.Add (new DBLane (reader));

						// 2: response.Lane.GetCommandsInherited (db, response.Lanes);
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.Commands = new List<DBCommand> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Commands.Add (new DBCommand (reader));
						// 3: response.Dependencies = response.Lane.GetDependencies (db);
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.Dependencies = new List<DBLaneDependency> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Dependencies.Add (new DBLaneDependency (reader));

//						// 4: response.FileDeletionDirectives = DBFileDeletionDirective_Extensions.GetAll (db);
//						reader.NextResult ();
//						response.FileDeletionDirectives = new List<DBFileDeletionDirective> ();
//						while (reader.Read ()) {
//							response.FileDeletionDirectives.Add (new DBFileDeletionDirective (reader));
//						}
//						// 5: response.LaneDeletionDirectives = DBLaneDeletionDirectiveView_Extensions.Find (db, response.Lane);
//						reader.NextResult ();
//						response.LaneDeletionDirectives = new List<DBLaneDeletionDirectiveView> ();
//						while (reader.Read ())
//							response.LaneDeletionDirectives.Add (new DBLaneDeletionDirectiveView (reader));
						// 6: response.Files = response.Lane.GetFiles (db, response.Lanes);
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.Files = new List<DBLanefile> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Files.Add (new DBLanefile (reader));

						// 7: response.LaneFiles = db.GetAllLaneFiles ();
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.LaneFiles = new List<DBLanefiles> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.LaneFiles.Add (new DBLanefiles (reader));

						// 8: response.HostLaneViews = response.Lane.GetHosts (db);
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.HostLaneViews = new List<DBHostLaneView> ();
						while (reader.Read ()) {
							response.HostLaneViews.Add (new DBHostLaneView (reader));

						// 9: response.Hosts = db.GetHosts ();
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.Hosts = new List<DBHost> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Hosts.Add (new DBHost (reader));

						// 10: response.ExistingFiles = new List<DBLanefile> (); [...]
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.ExistingFiles = new List<DBLanefile> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.ExistingFiles.Add (new DBLanefile (reader));

						// 11: response.Variables = DBEnvironmentVariable_Extensions.Find (db,, null, null);
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.Variables = new List<DBEnvironmentVariable> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Variables.Add (new DBEnvironmentVariable (reader));

						// 12: response.Notifications = new List<DBNotification> ();
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.Notifications = new List<DBNotification> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.Notifications.Add (new DBNotification (reader));

						// 13: response.LaneNotifications = new List<DBLaneNotification> ();
						reader.NextResult ();
						response.LaneNotifications = new List<DBLaneNotification> ();
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.LaneNotifications.Add (new DBLaneNotification (reader));

						// 14
						reader.NextResult ();
						if (reader.Read ()) {
							response.Tags = new List<DBLaneTag> ();
							do {
								response.Tags.Add (new DBLaneTag (reader));
							} while (reader.Read ());

				return response;
Example #3
		public GetLaneForEditResponse GetLaneForEdit (WebServiceLogin login, int lane_id, string lane)
			GetLaneForEditResponse response = new GetLaneForEditResponse ();
			using (DB db = new DB ()) {
				Authenticate (db, login, response);
				VerifyUserInRole (db, login, Roles.Administrator);

				response.Lane = FindLane (db, lane_id, lane);
				response.Commands = response.Lane.GetCommands (db);
				response.Dependencies = response.Lane.GetDependencies (db);
				response.FileDeletionDirectives = DBFileDeletionDirective_Extensions.GetAll (db);
				response.LaneDeletionDirectives = DBLaneDeletionDirectiveView_Extensions.Find (db, response.Lane);
				response.Files = response.Lane.GetFiles (db);
				response.HostLaneViews = response.Lane.GetHosts (db);
				response.Hosts = db.GetHosts ();
				response.Lanes = db.GetAllLanes ();

				response.ExistingFiles = new List<DBLanefile> ();
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = @"
SELECT Lanefile.*
FROM Lanefile
INNER JOIN Lanefiles ON Lanefiles.lanefile_id =
WHERE Lanefiles.lane_id <> @lane_id 
ORDER BY Lanefiles.lane_id, ASC";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id",;
					using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
						while (reader.Read ())
							response.ExistingFiles.Add (new DBLanefile (reader));

				response.Variables = DBEnvironmentVariable_Extensions.Find (db,, null, null);

				response.Notifications = new List<DBNotification> ();
				response.LaneNotifications = new List<DBLaneNotification> ();
				using (IDbCommand cmd = db.CreateCommand ()) {
					cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Notification; SELECT * FROM LaneNotification WHERE lane_id = @lane_id;";
					DB.CreateParameter (cmd, "lane_id",;
					using (IDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ()) {
						while (reader.Read ()) {
							response.Notifications.Add (new DBNotification (reader));
						if (reader.NextResult ()) {
							while (reader.Read ()) {
								response.LaneNotifications.Add (new DBLaneNotification (reader));

				return response;