async void OnAdd()
            proximityValueLabel.Text = "You have ENTERED the PooBerry region";

            try {
                monkeyService = new MonkeyService();
                await monkeyService.InsertTodoItemAsync(new MonkeyItem { Text = "ENTERED Monkey Region!" });
            } catch (UriFormatException) {
                var alert = new UIAlertView("Error", "Please make sure you update the applicationURL and applicationKey to match the mobile service you have created.", null, "OK");
		async void OnAdd ()
			proximityValueLabel.Text = "You have ENTERED the PooBerry region";

			try {
				monkeyService = new MonkeyService ();
				await monkeyService.InsertTodoItemAsync (new MonkeyItem{ Text = "ENTERED Monkey Region!" });
			} catch (UriFormatException) {
				var alert = new UIAlertView ("Error", "Please make sure you update the applicationURL and applicationKey to match the mobile service you have created.", null, "OK");
				alert.Show ();