public List<TrackedUserOccurance> GetReactsfrom8to14DaysAgoRange(DateTime ProcessDate)
            List<TrackedUserOccurance> userList = new List<TrackedUserOccurance>();

            //have to add a day to the end of the range we're looking at if we're using the 00:00:00 midnight beginning of the range dates
            //so we can get the whole date, either we can use INTERVAL 9 DAY in the SQL statement or ADD DAY in C# DateTime land. -- PJ
            string query = String.Format(@"SELECT DISTINCT(UserId) as UserId, LoginTimestamp
                                           FROM {0}
                                           WHERE LoginTimestamp BETWEEN SUBDATE('{1}', INTERVAL 14 DAY) AND SUBDATE('{2}', INTERVAL 8 DAY)
                                           AND RetentionCohortType = 2
                                           ORDER BY LoginTimestamp desc;",
                                           ProcessDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"),
                                           ProcessDate.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));

            DataTable UsersTable = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query);
            if (UsersTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow UserRecord in UsersTable.Rows)
                    TrackedUserOccurance user = new TrackedUserOccurance()
                        Date = DateTime.Parse(UserRecord["LoginTimestamp"].ToString()),
                        UserId = UserRecord["UserId"].ToString(),
                        CohortType = RetentionCohortType.ReactivatedUser
            return userList;
        public List<TrackedUserOccurance> GetRetentionCohorts(DateTime ProcessDate)
            List<TrackedUserOccurance> userList = new List<TrackedUserOccurance>();

            //have to add a day to the end of the range we're looking at if we're using the 00:00:00 midnight beginning of the range dates
            //so we can get the whole date, either we can use INTERVAL 9 DAY in the SQL statement or ADD DAY in C# DateTime land. -- PJ
            string query = String.Format(@"	SELECT UserId, min(LoginTimestamp) as LoginTimestamp, RetentionCohortType
                                            FROM {0}
                                            WHERE LoginTimestamp >= SUBDATE('{1}', INTERVAL 13 DAY)
                                            AND LoginTimestamp <= SUBDATE('{1}', INTERVAL 7 DAY)
                                            GROUP BY UserId
                                            ORDER BY RetentionCohortType, UserId;",
               ProcessDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"));

            DataTable UsersTable = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query);
            if (UsersTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow UserRecord in UsersTable.Rows)
                    TrackedUserOccurance user = new TrackedUserOccurance()
                        Date = DateTime.Parse(UserRecord["LoginTimestamp"].ToString()),
                        UserId = UserRecord["UserId"].ToString(),
                        CohortType = (RetentionCohortType)Convert.ToInt32(UserRecord["RetentionCohortType"].ToString())
            return userList;
        public TrackedUserOccurance DetermineUserType(Login User)
            TrackedUserOccurance occurence = new TrackedUserOccurance();

            occurence.Date = User.LoginTimestamp;
            occurence.UserId = User.UserId;

            if (User.InstallDateRecord == 1)
            { // todo: if you install, quit and then play on the same day... should this be marked as n, and c?
                occurence.CohortType = RetentionCohortType.NewUser;
            else if (IsReactivatedUser(User))
                occurence.CohortType = RetentionCohortType.ReactivatedUser;
                occurence.CohortType = RetentionCohortType.ContinuingUser;

            return occurence;