private void button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Aggregate_Report.Count() > 0) { Time_Graph graph = new Time_Graph(Aggregate_Report, last_button, from_date_text.Text, to_date_text.Text); graph.Show(); } else { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Graph for current report invalid", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } }
private void send_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (nameBox.Text.Length > 5 && message_text.Text.Length > 0) { string important = "0"; if (this.important.Checked) { important = "1"; } // Get first name/last name of from_employee string query = "select firstname, lastname from d_user where employeenumber = '" + this.employeenumber + "'"; ExcoODBC database = ExcoODBC.Instance; OdbcDataReader reader; database = ExcoODBC.Instance; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); string from_first = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); string from_last = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); reader.Close(); // Get first name/last name of to_employee string to_employee_number = (nameBox.Text.Substring(nameBox.Text.Length - 6, 5)); query = "select firstname, lastname from d_user where employeenumber = '" + to_employee_number + "'"; database = ExcoODBC.Instance; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); string to_first = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); string to_last = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); reader.Close(); Console.WriteLine(to_employee_number); query = "insert into internalpaging_old (FromEmp, FromF, FromL, ToEmp, ToF, ToL, Msg, Pagingtime, Status, RepStatus, Important, ForceToReply) values" + " (" + employeenumber + ", '" + from_first + "', '" + from_last + "', " + to_employee_number + ", '" + to_first + "', '" + to_last + "', '" + parse_message(message_text.Text) + "', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "', 1, 0, " + important + ", 0)"; Console.WriteLine(query); database = ExcoODBC.Instance; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Close(); } AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Page sent", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); close_button.PerformClick(); }
private void between_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(DateTime.ParseExact(from_date, "MM/dd/yyyy", null) > DateTime.ParseExact(to_date, "MM/dd/yyyy", null))) { last_button = "between"; Aggregate_Report = _parent.Get_Aggregate_Report(from_date, to_date); Create_Table(); } else { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Invalid date entry", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool g = _parent.Delete_Report(delete_report_name_text.Text); if (!g) { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Report not found or cannot be deleted", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } else { refresh_button.PerformClick(); } }
private void admin_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!admin_task_box && (employee_box_name == "10577" || employee_box_name == "10403" || employee_box_name == "10178" || employee_box_name == "10100")) { admin_task_box = true; Administrative form = new Administrative(this); form.Show(); } else { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("ERROR: You are not an admin.", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } }
// Validate login information and open messenger private void login_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int check_Value = check_directories(); if (check_Value == 0) { if (checkPassword(employee_box.Text, password_box.Text) && !IsLoggedIn(employee_box.Text)) { // Try to check active, if not insert instead of update string query = "select * from d_active where employeenumber = '" + employee_box.Text + "'"; ExcoODBC database = ExcoODBC.Instance; OdbcDataReader reader; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString()); reader.Close(); query = "update d_active set active = '1', lastactive = '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "' where employeenumber = '" + employee_box.Text + "'"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); } catch { reader.Close(); query = "insert into d_active (employeenumber, active, lastactive) values ('" + employee_box.Text + "', '1', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "')"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); } reader.Close(); this.Visible = false; // GRANT ACCESS //messenger form = new messenger(employee_box.Text); Main form = new Main(employee_box.Text); form.Show(); } else if (!checkPassword(employee_box.Text, password_box.Text)) { error_text.Visible = true; password_box.Clear(); } else { logged_in_text.Visible = true; //password_box.Clear(); //employee_box.Clear(); //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(6500); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); login_button.PerformClick(); } } else { if (check_Value == 1) { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Missing S: Drive. Please map\\SHOPDATA to S: to continue", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } else if (check_Value == 2) { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Missing T: Drive. Please map\\SHOPDATA to T: to continue", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } else if (check_Value == 3) { AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Missing Z: Drive. Please map FILESRV\\sdrive to Z: to continue", ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } } }
private void Process_Files() { foreach (string file_path in File_Array) { bool Process = true; // REPORT REMOVAL //_parent.Main_Update_Transition_Data("PROCESSOR_BOLSTER_AUTOLATHE", (_parent.Get_Transition_Data_Value("PROCESSOR_BOLSTER_AUTOLATHE") + 1).ToString(), true); running_count++; try { buffer_text.AppendText("Processing file: " + file_path.Substring(file_path.Length - 10, 10) + "\r\n"); var text = File.ReadAllText(file_path); string[] lines = text.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None); string bolster_type = lines[0].Trim(); string customer_code = lines[1].Trim(); string hollow_dia = "0;"; try { hollow_dia = lines[3].Trim(); } catch { } if (customer_code.Length == 4) { customer_code = "0" + customer_code; } string bolster_size = ""; foreach (char c in lines[2]) { if (!(c.ToString() == " ")) { bolster_size = bolster_size + c.ToString(); } } string query = ""; string SO_number = Path.GetFileName(file_path).Substring(0, 6); string target_path = "\\\\\\shopdata\\LDATA\\" + SO_number + "LDCRV.txt"; string log_path = "\\\\\\shopdata\\TURN\\BOL\\LOG\\" + SO_number + ".log"; string log_path2 = "\\\\\\shopdata\\TURN\\BOL\\BOL_MODEL\\" + SO_number + ".txt"; string COL_log_path = "V:\\TURN\\BOL\\BOL_MODEL\\" + SO_number + ".txt"; string BR_log_path = "W:\\TURN\\BOL\\BOL_MODEL\\" + SO_number + ".txt"; string error_path = "\\\\\\shopdata\\TURN\\BOL\\BOL_ERROR\\" + SO_number + ".txt"; bool valid_chamfer_size = true; try { if (bolster_type.Contains("HOLDER")) { Process = false; } else if (bolsters.Contains(bolster_type)) // If bolster { buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Bolster found\r\n"); query = "select * from d_autolathebo where customercode = '" + customer_code + "' and bolsize = '" + bolster_size + "'"; } else if (sub_Bolster.Contains(bolster_type)) { buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Sub Bolster found\r\n"); query = "select * from d_autolathebo_sub where customercode = '" + customer_code + "' and bolsize = '" + bolster_size + "'"; } /* * else if (hollow_dia == "0" || hollow_dia == "0.0") * { * buffer_text.AppendText(" -> (Sub)-Bolster found\r\n"); * buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Error: Not turned because hollow value = 0\r\n"); * //buffer_text.AppendText(" -> since 4/16/2015 \r\n"); * }*/ if (Process) { ExcoODBC database = ExcoODBC.Instance; OdbcDataReader reader; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); if (reader["std"].ToString() == "1") { string[] dimension = new string[5]; if (bolsters.Contains(bolster_type)) // If bolster { dimension = calculate_dimensions( reader[2].ToString().Trim(), reader[3].ToString().Trim(), reader[6].ToString().Trim(), reader[7].ToString().Trim(), reader[8].ToString().Trim(), reader[9].ToString().Trim(), hollow_dia //"0" // No hollow dia ); } else if (sub_Bolster.Contains(bolster_type)) { dimension = calculate_dimensions( reader[2].ToString().Trim(), reader[3].ToString().Trim(), reader[6].ToString().Trim(), reader[7].ToString().Trim(), reader[8].ToString().Trim(), reader[9].ToString().Trim(), hollow_dia //reader[10].ToString().Trim() ); } // Gidda 9/30 do not process chamfers with size greater than 5mm if (Convert.ToDouble(reader[6]) > 5 || Convert.ToDouble(reader[7]) > 5) { // Gidda 11/09 do not process if chamfer > 5 and diameter less than 400 // Gidda 11/26/2015 Do not process if chamfer angle greater than 30 deg if (Convert.ToDouble(reader[2].ToString().Trim()) < 399 && Convert.ToDouble(reader[8].ToString().Trim()) > 30) { valid_chamfer_size = false; } } // If dia > 400mm and thk > 160, automark BIG LATHE // Gidda 10/16/2015 if ((Convert.ToDouble(reader[2].ToString()) > 392 && (Convert.ToDouble(reader[3].ToString()) > 160))) { _AUTO_BIG_LATHE = true; } else { _AUTO_BIG_LATHE = false; } reader.Close(); buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Processing...\r\n"); buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Customer: " + customer_code + " Bolster: " + bolster_size + "\r\n"); buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Bolster Hollow Diameter: " + hollow_dia + "\r\n"); if (!File.Exists(target_path) && (valid_chamfer_size)) { string processor = process_to_output(SO_number, dimension); using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(target_path)) // Create LDATA file { sw.Write(processor); sw.Close(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(log_path)) // Create LOG file { sw.Write(bolster_type + "\r\n" + customer_code + "\r\n" + bolster_size + "\r\n" + "Hollow Diameter: " + hollow_dia + "\r\n\r\n" + processor); sw.Close(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(log_path2)) // Create LOG file { sw.Write(bolster_type + "\r\n" + customer_code + "\r\n" + bolster_size + "\r\n" + hollow_dia + "\r\n\r\n" + processor); sw.Close(); } // TRANSFER TO BRZ/COL try { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(COL_log_path)) // Create LOG file { sw.Write(bolster_type + "\r\n" + customer_code + "\r\n" + bolster_size + "\r\n" + "Hollow Diameter: " + hollow_dia + "\r\n\r\n" + processor); sw.Close(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(BR_log_path)) // Create LOG file { sw.Write(bolster_type + "\r\n" + customer_code + "\r\n" + bolster_size + "\r\n" + "Hollow Diameter: " + hollow_dia + "\r\n\r\n" + processor); sw.Close(); } } catch { } } else { buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Does not fit Gidda's criteria for automation. Please manually program"); } } else { buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Invalid Chamfer dimension, file not processed!\r\n"); } buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Finished!\r\n"); } else { File.Move(file_path, log_path2); } } catch { try { File.Delete(error_path); File.Copy(file_path, error_path); buffer_text.AppendText(" -> *** Error on file, invalid information ***\r\n"); buffer_text.AppendText(" -> Customer: " + customer_code + " Bolster: " + bolster_size + "\r\n"); AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Invalid bolster error on file: " + file_path, ""); alert.HideButton(); alert.Show(); } catch { } } buffer_text.SelectionStart = buffer_text.Text.Length; buffer_text.ScrollToCaret(); File.Delete(file_path); count_text.Text = "Files processed: " + running_count.ToString(); count_text.Refresh(); // TRANSFER TO BRZ/COL try { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(COL_log_path)) // Create LOG file { sw.Write(bolster_type + "\r\n" + customer_code + "\r\n" + bolster_size + "\r\n" + "Hollow Diameter: " + hollow_dia); sw.Close(); } using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(BR_log_path)) // Create LOG file { sw.Write(bolster_type + "\r\n" + customer_code + "\r\n" + bolster_size + "\r\n" + "Hollow Diameter: " + hollow_dia); sw.Close(); } } catch { } } catch { } } }
private void send_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (to_text.Text.Length > 3) { get_email_list(to_text.Text); if (Email_List.Count > 0) { string query = "select * from d_active where employeenumber = '" + this.current_employeenumber + "'"; ExcoODBC database = ExcoODBC.Instance; OdbcDataReader reader; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); try { reader.Read(); Encrypter @str = new Encrypter(); string my_email = @str.Decrypt(reader[3].ToString().Trim()); string my_pw = @str.Decrypt(reader[4].ToString().Trim()); string my_smtp = reader[5].ToString().Trim(); int my_smtp_port = Convert.ToInt32(reader[7].ToString().Trim()); string my_sig = @str.Decrypt(reader[9].ToString().Trim()); foreach (string email in Email_List) { if (email.Contains("@") && email.Contains(".")) { mailmsg.To.Add(email); } } reader.Close(); MailAddress from = new MailAddress(my_email); mailmsg.From = from; mailmsg.Subject = subject_text.Text; mailmsg.Body = message_text.Text + "\r\n\r\n" + my_sig; SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(my_smtp, my_smtp_port); NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential(my_email, my_pw); client.Credentials = credential; bool hasSend = false; while (!hasSend) { try { client.Send(mailmsg); hasSend = true; } catch { hasSend = false; } } AlertBox alert = new AlertBox("Message sent.", ""); alert.Show(); alert.HideButton(); Visible = false; Dispose(); Close(); } catch { reader.Close(); } } } }
// Update each progress bar with the number of files (progressive; each file = 5x value) internal void UpdateProgress(int progress) { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action <int>(UpdateProgress), new object[] { progress }); return; } ticks++; if (ticks < 30) { /*string g = "select partno, unit_price, unit, date, plant, C.JRDES1 as DESCRIPTION, C.JRVND# from " + * "(select a.KBVPT# as PartNO, a.KBUPRC as UNIT_Price, a.KBPUNT as UNIT, a.KBRDAT as " + * "DATE, a.KBPLNT as PLANT from cmsdat.poi as a) as A, cmsdat.poptvn as c where partno=c.jrvpt# and partno <> '' and " + "upper(c.jrdes1) like upper('%" + "" + "%') and plant = '" + "001" + "' " + * "and date between " + "'2011-04-04'" + " and " + "'2016-04-04'" + " order by plant asc";*/ //Console.WriteLine(g); } if (ticks % 239 == 0) { // REPORT REMOVAL //report.Log_update(); if (Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Hour) == 23 && Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Minute) > 55) { Console.WriteLine("###Clearing###"); // REPORT REMOVAL //report.Clear_Report_Entries(); } } if (ticks % 500 == 0) { Retrieve_Files("\\\\\\shopdata\\sonum\\"); execute_prevso(); Console.WriteLine("Tick tick"); last_ldata_check = 0; } if (ticks % 10000 == 0) { last_checked = 0; } if (ticks > last_checked && p2 > 40) { string date_string = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().Length == 1) { date_string = "[" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + ":0" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "]"; } else { date_string = "[" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "]"; } // REPORT REMOVAL //Main_Update_Transition_Data("LDATA_QUEUE_ERROR", date_string, false); last_checked = last_checked + 3600; } /* * if (ticks % 5 == 0 || ticks == 21) * { * * p1 = count_files("\\\\\\shopdata\\ACCT\\CMDS\\"); * */ p2 = count_files("\\\\\\shopdata\\LDATA\\"); if (ticks % 40 == 0 && p2 > 30 && last_ldata_check == 0) //if (p2 > 30) { ExcoODBC database = ExcoODBC.Instance; OdbcDataReader reader; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); last_ldata_check = 1; string query = "insert into internalpaging_old (FromEmp, FromF, FromL, ToEmp, ToF, ToL, Msg, Pagingtime, Status, RepStatus, Important, ForceToReply) values" + " (" + "'10403'" + ", '" + "PAGER" + "', '" + ",''" + "', " + "10577" + ", '" + "Robin" + "', '" + "" + "', '" + "LDATA QUEUE ERROR. CHECK SANGKOO MACHINE TO SEE IF IT STILL PROCESSING" + "', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "', 1, 0, " + "0" + ", 0)"; reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Close(); database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); last_ldata_check = 1; query = "insert into internalpaging_old (FromEmp, FromF, FromL, ToEmp, ToF, ToL, Msg, Pagingtime, Status, RepStatus, Important, ForceToReply) values" + " (" + "'10403'" + ", '" + "PAGER" + "', '" + ",''" + "', " + "10403" + ", '" + "Gary" + "', '" + "" + "', '" + "LDATA QUEUE ERROR. CHECK SANGKOO MACHINE TO SEE IF IT STILL PROCESSING" + "', '" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "', 1, 0, " + "0" + ", 0)"; reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Close(); } if (false)//(ticks % 2000 == 0 || ticks == 22) //20 seconds { // Alert for unread messages if (has_unread_messages(this.employee_box_name)) { //FlashWindowEx(this); } // Check if still active remotely string query = "select * from d_active where employeenumber = '" + employee_box_name + "' and active = '0'"; ExcoODBC database = ExcoODBC.Instance; OdbcDataReader reader; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString()); AlertBox LA = new AlertBox("Logged in at another location. Logging off", ""); LA.HideButton(); LA.Show(); reader.Close(); close_button.PerformClick(); //return true; } catch { reader.Close(); //return false; } // Check if threads are active or not query = "select * from d_active where BLS_AL_active = '1'"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString().Trim()); BLS_AL_active_text.Text = "Active"; BLS_AL_active_text.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); BLS_AL_active_text.Visible = true; } catch { BLS_AL_active_text.Text = "Inactive"; BLS_AL_active_text.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); BLS_AL_active_text.Visible = true; } reader.Close(); // Check if threads are active or not query = "select * from d_active where CAD_print_processor_active = '1'"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString().Trim()); cad_print_active_text.Text = "Active"; cad_print_active_text.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); cad_print_active_text.Visible = true; } catch { cad_print_active_text.Text = "Inactive"; cad_print_active_text.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); cad_print_active_text.Visible = true; } reader.Close(); // Check if threads are active or not query = "select * from d_active where turn_checker_active = '1'"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString().Trim()); turn_check_active.Text = "Active"; turn_check_active.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); turn_check_active.Visible = true; } catch { turn_check_active.Text = "Inactive"; turn_check_active.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); turn_check_active.Visible = true; } reader.Close(); // Check if threads are active or not query = "select * from d_active where task_tracker_active = '1'"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString().Trim()); task_tracker_active.Text = "Active"; task_tracker_active.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); task_tracker_active.Visible = true; } catch { task_tracker_active.Text = "Inactive"; task_tracker_active.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); task_tracker_active.Visible = true; } reader.Close(); // Check if threads are active or not query = "select * from d_active where on_hold_active = '1'"; database.Open(Database.DECADE_MARKHAM); reader = database.RunQuery(query); reader.Read(); try { Console.WriteLine(reader[0].ToString().Trim()); on_hold_active.Text = "Active"; on_hold_active.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); on_hold_active.Visible = true; } catch { on_hold_active.Text = "Inactive"; on_hold_active.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(((int)(((byte)(200)))), ((int)(((byte)(10)))), ((int)(((byte)(10))))); on_hold_active.Visible = true; } reader.Close(); } if (false)//ticks > 21) { //if (ticks % 10 == 0) ping_average = 0; cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter(); cpuCounter.CategoryName = "Processor"; cpuCounter.CounterName = "% Processor Time"; cpuCounter.InstanceName = "_Total"; Ping ping = new Ping(); IPAddress address = IPAddress.Loopback; PingReply reply = ping.Send(""); double pingz = 1; if (reply.Status == IPStatus.Success) { ping1_text.Text = "Ping: " + reply.RoundtripTime.ToString() + "ms"; pingz = pingz + Convert.ToDouble(reply.RoundtripTime.ToString()); if (pingz > 9) { pingz = 9; } else if (pingz - 1 > ping_tolerance) { string date_string = ""; if (DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().Length == 1) { date_string = "[" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + ":0" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "]"; } else { date_string = "[" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + "]"; } // REPORT REMOVAL //Main_Update_Transition_Data("PING_SPIKE", date_string, false); } else if (pingz - 1 > 0) { non_zero_ticks++; non_zero_ping_average = non_zero_ping_average + pingz; } } else { pingz = 9; } avg_ping.Text = "Avg Ping (Non-zero): " + Math.Round((non_zero_ping_average / ((non_zero_ticks))), 2) + "ms"; cpuCounter.NextValue(); double gs = Convert.ToDouble(cpuCounter.NextValue()) / 18; chart1.Series["Series2"].Points.AddXY(ticks, gs + 1.5); chart1.Series["Series3"].Points.AddXY(ticks, rnd.Next(1, 90) / 10); cpu_text.Text = "CPU Usage: " + Math.Round(gs * 3, 2) + "%"; chart1.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY(ticks, pingz); if (chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum > chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Size) { chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView.Scroll(chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum); } } }