public List<Models.Ticket> TicketsProgress (List<int> ticketNumbers) { List<Models.Ticket> tt = new List<Models.Ticket>(); // ('2396','2397','2398','2399','2400') //2400 Change Rate CHANGE RATE //2399 Remove Short Code REMOVE SC //2398 NewService_IVR_SMS IVR_SMS //2396 NewService_SMS SMS //2397 NewService_IVR IVR string Command = @"select round( (select count (*) from (select distinct status from TKSTATUS where ticketid=:tkid and status like ('PEND%'))) / ( select (Case CLASSSTRUCTUREID when '2399' then 6 when '2400' then 4 when '2396' then 9 when '2397' then 9 when '2398' then 8 end) from ticket where ticketid=:tkid),2 )*100 progress, (select case lower(status) when 'closed' then 'progress-bar-success' when 'retmkt' then 'progress-bar-danger' when 'retra' then 'progress-bar-danger' when 'retra' then 'progress-bar-danger' else 'progress-bar-danger' end style from ticket where ticketid=:tkid ) style , (select description from ticket where ticketid=:tkid) description , (select status from ticket where ticketid=:tkid) status from dual"; if (ticketNumbers.Count != 0 ) { foreach (int i in ticketNumbers) { Models.Ticket y = new Models.Ticket(); y.DESCRIPTION = ""; y = this._db.Query<Models.Ticket>(Command, new { tkid = i }).SingleOrDefault(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(y.DESCRIPTION) == false) { tt.Add(y); } } } else { Exception ex = new Exception("No items requested for the progress bar"); throw ex; } if (tt.Count == 0) { Exception ex = new Exception("No items exist for the progress bar"); throw ex; } return tt; }
public string ExitVehicle(string licensePlate, DateTime endTime, decimal payedMoney) { var vehicle = this.vehicleParkData.GetVehicle(licensePlate); if (vehicle == null) { return string.Format(Message.NoSuchVehicle, licensePlate); } var startTime = this.vehicleParkData.GetExpectedTimeForVehicle(vehicle); int endHours = (int)Math.Round((endTime - startTime).TotalHours); var parkedAt = this.vehicleParkData.GetParkedSpot(vehicle); var ticket = new Ticket(vehicle, payedMoney, parkedAt, endHours); this.vehicleParkData.RemoveVehicle(vehicle); return ticket.ToString(); }
public void Add(Ticket ticket) {;; }