public Template(string tName, Location initial, List<Location> locs, List<Transition> transits, string localDecls) { name = tName; InitialLocation = initial; Locations = locs; Transitions = transits; localDeclarations = localDecls; }
public Location(Location caller) { id = + "a"; y = caller.y + Constants.LabelOffsetY * 2; x = Constants.LabelOffsetX * 10; Label = new Label{ content = "1", kind = "exponentialrate", y = y, x = caller.x + Constants.LabelOffsetX * 10 - 70 }; }
public Transition (Location from, Location to, List<Label> labl, int xOffset = 0) { source = from; target = to; for (int i = 0; i < labl.Count; i++) { var tmp = labl[i]; tmp.SetCords(from, i * Constants.LabelOffsetY); labels.Add(tmp); } if (xOffset != 0) { nails.Add(new Nail(){x = xOffset, y = (from.y + to.y) / 2}); } }
public void addErrorLocation() { // add extra error location for each template foreach (var t in templates) { // make location Location errorLoc = new Location(); errorLoc.x = -400; errorLoc.y = 200; = "error"; = Constants.errorLocId; // arbitrary id set high so as to not interfere with "regular" locs t.Locations.Add(errorLoc); } }
public Template getTemplate(XElement xel) { Template t = new Template(xel); = xel.Element("init").Attribute("ref").Value; // store name object from XML = (string)xel.Element("name"); // store information about locations from UPPAAL model in objects from XML foreach (var locs in xel.Descendants("location")) { Location l = new Location(); = (string)locs.Attribute("id"); = (string)locs.Element("name"); l.Guid = idCount.ToString(); var tr = locs.Element("urgent"); l.Urgent = tr != null; idCount++; XElement xele = locs.Element("label"); if (xele != null) { int xCoord = Convert.ToInt32(xele.Attribute("x").Value); int yCoord = Convert.ToInt32(xele.Attribute("y").Value); Label invariant = new Label { kind = xele.Attribute("kind").Value, content = (string)xele.Value, x = xCoord, y = yCoord }; l.Label = invariant; } try { // load pc number Regex regex = new Regex(@"pc(\d+)"); Match match = regex.Match(; if (match.Success) { l.pc = match.Value.Replace("pc", ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { // yeah.. this should probably be handled more eloquently.. l.pc = "None"; } //TODO fix fault template l.x = Convert.ToInt32(locs.Attribute("x").Value); l.y = Convert.ToInt32(locs.Attribute("y").Value); t.Locations.Add(l); } // store information about transitions from UPPAAL model in objects from XML List<Transition> transitions = new List<Transition>(); foreach (var trans in xel.Descendants("transition")) { Transition srcDstPair = new Transition(); = (string)trans.Element("source").Attribute("ref"); = (string)trans.Element("target").Attribute("ref"); // add guards srcDstPair.grds = getGuards(trans); // add selections srcDstPair.sels = getSelections(trans); // add updates srcDstPair.asms = getAssignments(trans); // add synchronizations srcDstPair.syncs = getSyncs(trans); // add nails srcDstPair.nails = getNails(trans); transitions.Add(srcDstPair); } t.Transitions = transitions; return t; }
public Transition (Location from, Location to) { source = from; target = to; }
public Transition () { source = new Location(); target = new Location(); }
public Location NextLocation(Location current) { var orderedLocs = Locations.OrderBy(x => x.inst.pc).ToList(); foreach (var loc in orderedLocs) { if (loc.inst.pc > current.inst.pc) { return loc; } } throw new KeyNotFoundException(); }
private Location addExceptionLoc(Location waiter, int catchIndex, List<string> instArg){ string methodName = instArg[2].Split('.').Last(); string methodClassName = instArg[2].Split('.').First(); if (!JParser.ClassNames.Contains(methodClassName)) { return null; } var excepLoc = new Location(waiter); excepLoc.Urgent = true; if (methodName == "<init>") { methodName = methodClassName; } int classId = classSelf.catchPCs[catchIndex]; Transitions.Add(new Transition(waiter, excepLoc, makeLabels("guy", "exceptionOccurred == true", classId != -1 ? "osp_inc(), t = 0" : "osp = 0, t = 0", String.Format("c{0}?", methodClassName + "_" + methodName)))); Transitions.Add(new Transition(excepLoc, PCToLocation(classId), makeLabels("y", String.Format("c{0}!", name)))); return excepLoc; }
private List<Transition>InvokeStatic(Location caller, Location waiter, Location next) { bool ret = caller.inst.instArgs[1] != "void"; var objRef ="invokespecial") ? 1 : 0; string methodName = caller.inst.instArgs[2].Split('.').Last(); string methodClassName = caller.inst.instArgs[2].Split('.').First(); if (methodName == "<init>") { methodName = methodClassName; } var param = caller.inst.instArgs.Skip(3).Where(p => p != "()" && p != "(" && p != ")").ToList(); bool included = JParser.ClassNames.Contains(methodClassName); var res = new List<Transition>(); var call = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = "t == 1", kind = "guard" } }; var wait = new List<Label>(); if (included) { call.Add(new Label { content = String.Format("osp_dec({0}), t = 0, par0 = os[osp]", param.Count + objRef), kind = "assignment" }); call.Add(new Label { content = String.Format("c{0}!", methodClassName + "_" + methodName), kind = "synchronisation" }); wait.Add(new Label { content = String.Format("c{0}?", methodClassName + "_" + methodName), kind = "synchronisation" }); wait.Add(new Label { content = "!exceptionOccurred", kind = "guard" }); } else { call.Add(new Label { content = String.Format("osp_dec({0}), t = 0", param.Count + objRef), kind = "assignment" }); // remove exponential label from non-implemented method call locations waiter.Label = new Label() { kind = "invariant", content = "t <= 5"}; wait.Add(new Label { content = "t == 5", kind = "guard" }); } if (ret) { wait.Add(new Label { content = "t = 0, os[osp] = par0, osp_inc()", kind = "assignment" }); } else { wait.Add(new Label { content = "t = 0", kind = "assignment" }); } res.Add(new Transition(caller, waiter, call)); res.Add(new Transition(waiter, next, wait)); return res; }
public Template(List<string> method, JClass self, int catchIndex) { classSelf = self; name = self.Name + "_" + JClass.FirstNonKeyword(method.First()); Locations = ResolveLocations(method); // instruction switch case ResolveCode(catchIndex); localDeclarations = @"const int os_size = 10; const int locs_size = 10; int os[os_size]; int osp = 0; int locs[locs_size]; void osp_inc(){ if (osp >= os_size - 1){ opstack_fault = true; return; } osp++; return; } void osp_dec(int i){ if (osp < i){ opstack_fault = true; return; } osp -= i; return; } bool ifcmpme(){ if (osp > 1){ return os[osp-2] >= os[osp - 1]; } return false; } bool ifcmpeq(){ if (osp > 1){ return os[osp-2] == os[osp - 1]; } return false; } bool ifcmpge(){ if (osp > 1){ return os[osp - 2] >= os[osp - 1] ; } return false; } bool ifcmpne(){ if (osp > 1){ return os[osp - 2] != os[osp - 1] ; } return false; } bool ifeq(){ if (osp > 0){ return os[osp - 1] == 0; } return false; }"; InitialLocation = Locations.First(); }
//Magic happens here! private void ResolveCode(int catchIndex) { var timeGuard = "t == 1"; var newLocs = new List<Location>(); List<Label> labels = new List<Label>(); foreach (var loc in Locations) { //TODO maybe move to switch with instArg if (loc.inst.pc == -1) { // special case for main if ( == "main") { loc.Urgent = true; labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { // TODO this should probably be fixed.. content = String.Format("t = 0", 0), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(0), labels)); continue; //clean up later } labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("c{0}?", name), kind = "synchronisation" }, new Label { // TODO this should probably be fixed.. content = String.Format("locs[{0}] = par{0}, t = 0", 0), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(0), labels)); continue; } var instArg = loc.inst.instArgs; switch (instArg[0]) { case "aload": /* aload load a refernce from locals into the opstack * the opstack counter osp is incremented as the opstack grows. * Opstack: .. -> .. , locals[n] */ labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format(" osp_inc(), os[osp - 1] = locs[{0}], t = 0", instArg[1]), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); //TODO is +1 allways true? break; case "arraylength": /* arrays are represented as an object on the heap * the first field (index 0) is used for the lenght * making it identical to getfield 0 * Opstack: .. , ref -> .. , lenght */ labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "os[osp] = H(os[osp]), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "getstatic": /* get a static field value of a class, * where the field is identified by field reference in the constant pool index * Opstack: .. -> .. , CP[n] */ labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("osp_inc(), os[osp-1] = H(cp{0}), t = 0", CP.Add(String.Join(" ", instArg.Skip(1)))), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "putfield": Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), makeLabels("gu", timeGuard, String.Format("osp_dec(2), setH(os[osp] + {0}, os[osp + 1])", classSelf.Fields.FindIndex(x => x.Split(' ').Last() == instArg[1].Split('.').Last()) + 1)))); break; case "getfield": Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), makeLabels("gu", timeGuard, String.Format("os[osp - 1] = H(os[osp - 1] + {0})", classSelf.Fields.FindIndex(x => x.Split(' ').Last() == instArg[1].Split('.').Last()) + 1)))); //lamda compares the name of: public int <name>; with class.<name> break; case "bipush": case "iconst": /* Pushes a constant value to the opstack * Opstack: .. -> .. , n */ labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("osp_inc(), os[osp - 1] = {0}, t = 0", instArg[1]), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "ifcmpeq": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard + " && ifcmpeq()", kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(2), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(loc.inst.pc + Convert.ToInt32(instArg[1])), labels, -50)); labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard + " && !ifcmpeq()", kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "opstack_fault = osp < 2 ? true : opstack_fault, osp_dec(2), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "ifcmpme": /* if greather or eq * Opstack: .. ,value1, value2 -> .. */ labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard + " && ifcmpme()", kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(2), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(loc.inst.pc + Convert.ToInt32(instArg[1])), labels, -50)); labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard + " && !ifcmpme()", kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "opstack_fault = osp < 2 ? true : opstack_fault, osp_dec(2), t = 0", kind = "assignment" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "ifeq": /* if top element equal to 0 * Opstack: .. , value1 -> .. */ labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard + " && ifeq()", kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(1), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(loc.inst.pc + Convert.ToInt32(instArg[1])), labels, -50)); labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard + " && !ifeq()", kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "opstack_fault = osp < 1 ? true : opstack_fault, osp_dec(1), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "new": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("osp_inc(), os[osp-1] = alocNew({0}), t = 0", JParser.getClassID(instArg[1])), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "invokevirtual": var waiterV = new Location(loc); var param = loc.inst.instArgs.Skip(3).Where(p => p != "()" && p != "(" && p != ")").ToList(); labels = makeLabels("gyu", timeGuard, "cVirtual!", String.Format("osp_dec({0}), par0 = os[osp], meID = {1}", param.Count + 1, JParser.GetMethodIndex(instArg[2].Replace(".", "_"))) ); newLocs.Add(waiterV); Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, waiterV, labels)); var virReturn = "t = 0"; if (loc.inst.instArgs[1] != "void") { virReturn += ", os[osp] = par0, osp_inc()"; } labels = makeLabels("yu", "cVirtual?", virReturn); Transitions.Add(new Transition(waiterV, NextLocation(loc), labels)); newLocs.Add(addExceptionLoc(waiterV, catchIndex, instArg)); break; case "invokespecial": case "invokestatic": var waiterS = new Location(loc); Transitions.AddRange(InvokeStatic(loc, waiterS, NextLocation(loc))); newLocs.Add(waiterS); newLocs.Add(addExceptionLoc(waiterS, catchIndex, instArg)); break; case "ldc": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("osp_inc(), os[osp-1] = cp{0}, t = 0", CP.Add(String.Join(" ", instArg.Skip(1)))), kind = "assignment" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "ireturn": case "return": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("c{0}!", name), kind = "synchronisation" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; if (instArg[0] == "ireturn") { labels.Add(new Label { content = String.Format("osp_dec(1), par0 = os[osp], osp = 0, t = 0"), kind = "assignment" }); } else { labels.Add(new Label { content = String.Format("osp = 0, t = 0"), kind = "assignment" }); } if (name.Split('_').Last() == "main") { var endLoc = new Location(loc); = "Done"; endLoc.Label = new Label { content = "1", kind = "exponentialrate" }; newLocs.Add(endLoc); labels.RemoveAll(l => l.kind == "assignment"); Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, endLoc, labels)); break; } Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(-1), labels, -100)); break; case "dup": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = "osp_dec(1), osp_inc(), osp_inc(), os[osp - 1] = os[osp - 2]", kind = "assignment" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "sipush": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = string.Format("osp_inc(), os[osp] = {0}", instArg[1]), kind = "assignment" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "iload": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = string.Format("osp_inc(), os[osp - 1] = locs[{0}]", instArg[1]), kind = "assignment" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "istore": // fall through to astore because Kristian wanted to save space.. // lol, it does the same as astore from our perspetive anyway case "astore": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = string.Format("osp_dec(1), locs[{0}] = os[osp]", instArg[1]), kind = "assignment" }, new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "ifcmpge": var labelsNoJump = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = string.Format("{0} && !ifcmpge()", timeGuard), kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(2)", kind = "assignment" } }; var labelsJump = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = string.Format("{0} && ifcmpge()", timeGuard), kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(2)", kind = "assignment" } }; // edge to next location Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labelsNoJump)); // edge to jump destination int absoluteAddress = loc.inst.pc + Convert.ToInt32(instArg[1]); Location jumpLoc = PCToLocation(absoluteAddress); Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, jumpLoc, labelsJump, -50)); break; case "athrow": var throwLoc = new Location(loc); throwLoc.Urgent = true; newLocs.Add(throwLoc); labels = Template.makeLabels("gu", timeGuard, "exceptionOccurred = true" ); Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, throwLoc, labels)); labels = Template.makeLabels("y", String.Format("c{0}!", name)); Transitions.Add(new Transition(throwLoc, PCToLocation(-1), labels)); break; case "goto": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(loc.inst.pc + Convert.ToInt32(instArg[1])), labels, -50)); break; case "ifcmpne": List<Label> labJump = makeLabels("gu", timeGuard + " && ifcmpne()", "osp_dec(2)"); List<Label> labNoJump = makeLabels("gu", timeGuard + " && !ifcmpne", "osp_dec(2)"); Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, PCToLocation(loc.inst.pc + Convert.ToInt32(instArg[1])), labJump, -50)); Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labNoJump, -50)); break; case "putstatic": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = String.Format("osp_dec(1), setH(cp{0}, os[osp]), t = 0", CP.Add(String.Join(" ", instArg.Skip(1)))), kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "iadd": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(2), osp_inc(), os[osp - 1] = os[osp - 1] + os[osp], t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; case "pop": labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" }, new Label { content = "osp_dec(1), t = 0", kind = "assignment" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); break; default: labels = new List<Label>() { new Label { content = timeGuard, kind = "guard" } }; Transitions.Add(new Transition(loc, NextLocation(loc), labels)); += "___NOT_IMPLEMENTED___NOT_IMPLEMENTED___NOT_IMPLEMENTED"; //throw new System.NotImplementedException(instArg[0]); break; } } newLocs.RemoveAll(x => x == null); Locations.AddRange(newLocs); }
//The CTOR for the Virtual template. public Template(List<string> method){ name = "Virtual"; //init Loc var initLoc = new Location("Invoke", 0 ,0); InitialLocation = initLoc; Locations.Add(initLoc); //resolve loc var SignaChecks = new List<string>(); var resolveLoc = new Location("Resolver", 0, 100); resolveLoc.Urgent = true; Locations.Add(resolveLoc); Transitions.Add(new Transition(initLoc, resolveLoc, makeLabels("yu", "cVirtual?", "clID = H(par0)") )); //Error loc var errorLoc = new Location("Error", 200, 50); Locations.Add(errorLoc); Transitions.Add(new Transition(resolveLoc, errorLoc, makeLabels("g","clID == 0") )); var returnerLoc = new Location("Returner", -100, 300); returnerLoc.Urgent = true; Locations.Add(returnerLoc); Transitions.Add(new Transition(returnerLoc, initLoc, makeLabels("y", "cVirtual!"))); //Method locations for (int i = 0; i < method.Count; i++) { var mLoc = new Location(method[i], i*200, 200); var sigCheck = String.Format("signature(clID, {0}, {1})", JParser.GetMethodIndex(method[i]).ToString(), JParser.getClassID('_').First())); Locations.Add(mLoc); Transitions.Add(new Transition(resolveLoc, mLoc, makeLabels("gy", sigCheck, String.Format("c{0}!", ))); Transitions.Add(new Transition(mLoc, returnerLoc, makeLabels("y", String.Format("c{0}?",; SignaChecks.Add(sigCheck); } Transitions.Add(new Transition(resolveLoc, resolveLoc, makeLabels("gu", String.Format("clID != 0 && !({0})",String.Join(" || ", SignaChecks)), "clID = classHierarchy(clID)" ))); }
public static bool isReachable(Location l1, Location l2) { // 8 bits for a single byte for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { try { int n1 = Int32.Parse(l1.pc.ToString()); int n2 = Int32.Parse(l2.pc.ToString()); if (((n1) ^ Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2, i))) == n2) { return true; } } catch (Exception ex) { // to catch "None"s return false; } } return false; }
public void calculateReachableLocations() { // calculate which states are reachable by a single bit flip foreach (Location l in Locations) { foreach (Location lNext in Locations) { if (( != && isReachable(l, lNext)))// && !(reachableLocs.ContainsKey(l) || reachableLocs.ContainsKey(lNext))) { l.reachableLocs.Add(lNext); } } } // insert new errror loc var errLoc = new Location("error", -500, Locations.OrderByDescending(l => l.y).First().y / 2); Locations.Add(errLoc); foreach (Location l in Locations) { if (l.pc == null) { continue; } for (int i = l.reachableLocs.Count; i < 8 ; i++) { l.reachableLocs.Add(errLoc); } } }
public void SetCords(Location loc, int offset) { x = Constants.LabelOffsetX; y = Convert.ToInt32(loc.y) + offset; }