public Game(List<Character> fullList, outputFunction outputFunction, cleverOutput cleverOutputFunction, Rules rules) { this.fullList = fullList; this.characterQueue = initiateQueue(); this.Output = outputFunction; this.cleverOutput = cleverOutputFunction; this.rules = rules; }
private void loadRules_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog Dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); Dlg.Filter = "Rule Set DLL|*.dll"; Dlg.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); DialogResult DlgResult = Dlg.ShowDialog(); if (DlgResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { string loadString = ""; loadString += "Rules | Loading " + Dlg.FileName; Rules tempRules = Loader.LoadRuleset(Dlg.FileName); if (tempRules != null) { rules = tempRules; loadString += "\n Turn Points: " + rules.AllowedTurnPoints; loadString += "\n Scale: " + rules.Scale; loadString += "\nSuccessfully loaded rules."; } else loadString += "\nError loading rules, rules not found."; this.sendMessageToLog(loadString); } }
private Tuple<bool, string> IsCharacterOk(Rules rules, List<Character> characterList) { foreach (Character c in characterList) { Tuple<bool, string> cCheck = rules.IsCharacterIllegal(c); if (cCheck.Item1) return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, cCheck.Item2); } return new Tuple<bool, string>(true, "All is ok."); }
private Tuple<bool, string> IsAbilityOk(Rules rules, List<Character> characterList) { foreach (Character c in characterList) { Tuple<bool, Ability> aCheck = rules.IsAbilityIlligal(c); if (aCheck.Item1) return new Tuple<bool, string>(false, "The character " + c.CharBase.Name + "'s ability " + aCheck.Item2.Name + " is illegal. The cost allowed by the game is " + (rules.Scale * rules.BaseCost).ToString() + " but the ability cost was " + (aCheck.Item2.Cost * rules.Scale).ToString() + "."); } return new Tuple<bool, string>(true, "All Ok"); }