private static void OnGetModfile(Modfile modfile, ModBinaryRequest request) { string tempFilePath = request.binaryFilePath + ".download"; request.modfile = modfile; request.webRequest = UnityWebRequest.Get(modfile.downloadLocator.binaryURL); try { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(tempFilePath)); request.webRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerFile(tempFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { string warningInfo = ("[] Failed to create download file on disk." + "\nFile: " + tempFilePath + "\n\n"); Debug.LogWarning(warningInfo + Utility.GenerateExceptionDebugString(e)); request.NotifyFailed(); return; } var operation = request.webRequest.SendWebRequest(); operation.completed += (o) => DownloadClient.OnModBinaryRequestCompleted(operation, request); }
private static void OnModBinaryRequestCompleted(UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation operation, ModBinaryRequest request) { UnityWebRequest webRequest = operation.webRequest; request.isDone = true; if (webRequest.isNetworkError || webRequest.isHttpError) { request.error = WebRequestError.GenerateFromWebRequest(webRequest); request.NotifyFailed(); } else { #if DEBUG if (GlobalSettings.LOG_ALL_WEBREQUESTS) { var responseTimeStamp = ServerTimeStamp.Now; Debug.Log("DOWNLOAD SUCEEDED" + "\nDownload completed at: " + ServerTimeStamp.ToLocalDateTime(responseTimeStamp) + "\nURL: " + webRequest.url + "\nFilePath: " + request.binaryFilePath); } #endif try { if (File.Exists(request.binaryFilePath)) { File.Delete(request.binaryFilePath); } File.Move(request.binaryFilePath + ".download", request.binaryFilePath); } catch (Exception e) { string warningInfo = ("[] Failed to save mod binary." + "\nFile: " + request.binaryFilePath + "\n\n"); Debug.LogWarning(warningInfo + Utility.GenerateExceptionDebugString(e)); request.NotifyFailed(); } request.NotifySucceeded(); } }
// ---------[ BINARY DOWNLOADS ]--------- public static ModBinaryRequest DownloadModBinary(int modId, int modfileId, string downloadFilePath) { ModBinaryRequest request = new ModBinaryRequest(); request.isDone = false; request.binaryFilePath = downloadFilePath; // - Acquire Download URL - APIClient.GetModfile(modId, modfileId, (mf) => DownloadClient.OnGetModfile(mf, request), (e) => { request.error = e; request.NotifyFailed(); }); return(request); }
public static ModBinaryRequest GetActiveModBinary(ModProfile profile) { string zipFilePath = CacheClient.GenerateModBinaryZipFilePath(,; ModBinaryRequest request; if (File.Exists(zipFilePath)) { request = new ModBinaryRequest(); request.isDone = true; request.binaryFilePath = zipFilePath; } else { request = DownloadClient.DownloadModBinary(,, CacheClient.GenerateModBinaryZipFilePath(,; request.succeeded += (r) => CacheClient.SaveModfile(r.modfile); } return(request); }