Example #1
        /// <summary>Initialize template.</summary>
        protected virtual void Start()
            // check template
            #if DEBUG
            string message;
            if (!GalleryImageContainer.HasValidTemplate(this, out message))
                Debug.LogError("[mod.io] " + message, this);

            // get template vars
            Transform templateParent         = this.containerTemplate.parent;
            string    templateInstance_name  = this.containerTemplate.gameObject.name + " (Instance)";
            int       templateInstance_index = this.containerTemplate.GetSiblingIndex() + 1;
            this.m_itemTemplate = this.containerTemplate.GetComponentInChildren <GalleryImageDisplay>(true);

            // duplication protection
            bool isInstantiated = (templateParent.childCount > templateInstance_index &&
                                   templateParent.GetChild(templateInstance_index).gameObject.name == templateInstance_name);
            if (isInstantiated)
                this.m_templateClone = templateParent.GetChild(templateInstance_index).gameObject;
                GalleryImageDisplay[] itemInstances = this.m_templateClone.GetComponentsInChildren <GalleryImageDisplay>(true);

                if (itemInstances == null || itemInstances.Length == 0)
                    isInstantiated = false;
                    this.m_container = (RectTransform)itemInstances[0].transform.parent;

                    foreach (GalleryImageDisplay item in itemInstances)

            if (!isInstantiated)
                this.m_templateClone = GameObject.Instantiate(this.containerTemplate.gameObject, templateParent);
                this.m_templateClone.name = templateInstance_name;

                GalleryImageDisplay itemInstance = this.m_templateClone.GetComponentInChildren <GalleryImageDisplay>(true);
                this.m_container = (RectTransform)itemInstance.transform.parent;


            this.DisplayImages(this.m_modId, this.m_locators);
        /// <summary>Copies the data of another component to display.</summary>
        public void DisplayGalleryImage(GalleryImageDisplay display)
            int modId = ModProfile.NULL_ID;
            GalleryImageLocator locator = null;

            if (display != null)
                modId   = display.ModId;
                locator = display.Locator;

            this.DisplayGalleryImage(modId, locator);
Example #3
        // ---------[ UTILITY ]---------
        /// <summary>Checks a GalleryImageContainer's template structure.</summary>
        public static bool HasValidTemplate(GalleryImageContainer container, out string helpMessage)
            helpMessage = null;
            bool isValid = true;

            GalleryImageDisplay itemTemplate = null;

            // null check
            if (container.containerTemplate == null)
                helpMessage = ("Invalid template:"
                               + " The container template is unassigned.");
                isValid = false;
            // containerTemplate is child of Component
            else if (!container.containerTemplate.IsChildOf(container.transform) ||
                     container.containerTemplate == container.transform)
                helpMessage = ("Invalid template:"
                               + " The container template must be a child of this object.");
                isValid = false;
            // GalleryImageDisplay is found under containerTemplate
            else if ((itemTemplate = container.containerTemplate.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <GalleryImageDisplay>()) == null)
                helpMessage = ("Invalid template:"
                               + " No GalleryImageDisplay component found in the children of the container template.");
                isValid = false;
            // GalleryImageDisplay is on same gameObject as containerTemplate
            else if (itemTemplate.transform == container.containerTemplate)
                helpMessage = ("Invalid template:"
                               + " The GalleryImageDisplay component cannot share a GameObject with the container template.");
                isValid = false;
