Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Open the service endpoint(s) and wait for connection from client
        /// For this method to operate properly the following must be setup:
        /// 1. .Net port sharing must be set up by issueing the following
        ///    command under an admin account: sc.exe config NetTcpPortSharing start= demand
        /// 2. Must run the app in admin mode or the current user must be added
        ///    to the allowedAccounts section in the SMSvcHost.exe.config file.
        /// </summary>

        private static void OpenServiceHost()
            int processId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

            NativeSessionHost nativeSessionHost =             // Create the native session host obj for the IPC and NetTcp service hosts to use
                                                  new NativeSessionHost();

            ServiceHost serviceHost =             // Create the host object
                                      new ServiceHost(nativeSessionHost);

            // Add the native session's IPC endpoint (for use by the NativeSessionManager)

            string endpointAddressName      = Nomenclator.GetIPCEndpointAddress(typeof(Types.Internal.INativeSession), processId);
            NetNamedPipeBinding ipcBinding  = new NetNamedPipeBinding("ipcBinding");
            ServiceEndpoint     ipcEndpoint = serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(
                new Uri(endpointAddressName));

            // Add the NetTcp endpoint (for use by the native client)

            NativeSessionEndpointAddress.ServiceHostName = ServiceHostUtil.HostName;
            NativeSessionEndpointAddress.ServicePort     = ServiceHostUtil.BasePort + 5;         // //port offset for native services = +2

            endpointAddressName = NativeSessionEndpointAddress.Build(processId);
            NetTcpBinding tcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding("tcpBinding");

            ServiceEndpoint tcpEndpoint = serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(
                new Uri(endpointAddressName));

            // Up the value of maxItemsInObjectGraph so that the MetaTree can pass over the wire...

            foreach (OperationDescription op in tcpEndpoint.Contract.Operations)
                if (op.Name != "InvokeNativeMethod")

                DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior dataContractBehavior =
                    op.Behaviors.Find <DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior>()
                    as DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior;
                if (dataContractBehavior != null)
                    dataContractBehavior.MaxItemsInObjectGraph = 2147483647;

            // We really don't need to do this anymore. Why rewrite the address?  Just keep the address from the config file.

            serviceHost.Open();             // Open the host
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main method for native session host
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>

        public static void StartUp(string[] args)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

            bool debug = (args.Length == 0);


                // Debug mode

                if (debug)
                    LogServiceCalls          = true;
                    NativeDebugMode          = true;
                    ServicesLog.LogToConsole = true;

                    OpenServiceHost();                     // Start the service host
                    int    processId       = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
                    string endpointAddress = NativeSessionEndpointAddress.Build(processId);
                    ServicesLog.Message("NativeSessionHost started in debug mode at endpoint address: " + endpointAddress);

                    StartIdleMonitor();                     // debug idle monitor

// Started by HostingApp

                    ServiceHostProcessId = int.Parse(args[0]);
                    string creatorClassTypeName = args[1];
                    int    sessionId            = int.Parse(args[2]);

                    AppSettingsReader asr = new AppSettingsReader();
                    string            enableLoggingStr = asr.GetValue("EnableNativeSessionLogging", typeof(string)) as string;
                    bool.TryParse(enableLoggingStr, out LogServiceCalls);


                    OpenServiceHost();                                // Start the service host listening for requests

                    RegisterSession(ServiceHostProcessId, sessionId); // register session with the service host that started us

                    string msg = "MobiusNativeSession started for session " + sessionId + " in process " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;

                    Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
                    string  tok     = VersionMx.FormatVersion(version);
                    msg += ", Services: " + tok;

                    ServicesLog.Message(msg);               // log initial message

                    StartIdleMonitor();                     // start thread that will exit if idle too long


            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex);
                if (debug)