private void SendSensorEventVector(Runtime runtime, int type, Vector3 data) { Memory evt = new Memory(5 * 4); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_SENSOR); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.sensor.type, type); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.sensor.values + 0, MoSync.Util.ConvertToInt(data.X)); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.sensor.values + 4, MoSync.Util.ConvertToInt(data.Y)); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.sensor.values + 8, MoSync.Util.ConvertToInt(data.Z)); runtime.PostEvent(new Event(evt)); }
/** * Posts the event to the mosync runtime. * @param index: the button clicked index */ private void postApplicationBarMenuEvent(int index) { Memory eventData = new Memory(16); // set the main event type: EVENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_BOX_BUTTON_CLICKED const int MAWidgetEventData_widgetEventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_buttonIndex = 4; eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_widgetEventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_OPTIONS_BOX_BUTTON_CLICKED); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_buttonIndex, index); mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); }
private void PostMediaEvent(int mediaType, int mediaHandle, int returnCode) { const int MAEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAEventData_mediaType = 4; const int MAEventData_mediaHandle = 8; const int MAEventData_operationResultCode = 12; Memory eventData = new Memory(16); eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_MEDIA_EXPORT_FINISHED); eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_mediaType, mediaType); eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_mediaHandle, mediaHandle); eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_operationResultCode, returnCode); mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); }
public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime) { #if false mAudioInstanceUpdater = new AudioInstanceUpdater(mAudioInstances); Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(mAudioInstanceUpdater.Loop)); thread.Start(); #endif ioctls.maAudioDataCreateFromURL = delegate(int _mime, int _url, int _flags) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC; try { String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url); String mime = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_mime); bool shouldStream = (_flags & MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_DATA_STREAM) != 0; IAudioData ad; if (mime == "audio/mpeg") { ad = Mp3Audio.FromUrlOrFilePath(url, shouldStream); } else { ad = Audio.FromUrlOrFilePath(url, shouldStream); } lock (mAudioData) { mAudioData.Add(ad); ret = mAudioData.Count - 1; } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioDataCreateFromResource = delegate(int _mime, int _data, int _offset, int _length, int _flags) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC; try { Resource audiores = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data); BoundedStream s = new BoundedStream((Stream)audiores.GetInternalObject(), _offset, _length); String mime = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_mime); IAudioData ad; if (mime == "audio/mpeg") { ad = Mp3Audio.FromStream(s); } else { ad = Audio.FromStream(s, (_flags & MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_DATA_STREAM) != 0); } lock (mAudioData) { mAudioData.Add(ad); ret = mAudioData.Count - 1; } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioDataDestroy = delegate(int _audioData) { try { lock (mAudioData) { IAudioData ad = mAudioData[_audioData]; ad.Dispose(); mAudioData[_audioData] = null; } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioPrepare = delegate(int _audioInstance, int async) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ad = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; if (async == 0) { ad.Prepare(null); } else { ad.Prepare(() => { // Send initialized event. MoSync.Memory eventData = new MoSync.Memory(8); eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_AUDIO_PREPARED); eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.audioInstance, _audioInstance); runtime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); } ); } } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioInstanceCreate = delegate(int _audioData) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC; try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioData ad = mAudioData[_audioData]; mAudioInstances.Add(ad.CreateInstance()); ret = mAudioInstances.Count - 1; } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioInstanceCreateDynamic = delegate(int _sampleRate, int _numChannels, int _bufferSize) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC; try { lock (mAudioInstances) { AudioInstanceDynamic aid = Audio.CreateDynamic(_sampleRate, _numChannels, _bufferSize); mAudioInstances.Add(aid); ret = mAudioInstances.Count - 1; aid.SetOnBufferNeededCallback(() => { // Send initialized event. MoSync.Memory eventData = new MoSync.Memory(8); eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_AUDIO_COMPLETED); eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.audioInstance, ret); runtime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); }); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioGetPendingBufferCount = delegate(int _instance) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC; try { lock (mAudioInstances) { AudioInstanceDynamic ai = (AudioInstanceDynamic)mAudioInstances[_instance]; ret = ai.GetPendingBufferCount(); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioSubmitBuffer = delegate(int _instance, int _pointer, int _numBytes) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { AudioInstanceDynamic ai = (AudioInstanceDynamic)mAudioInstances[_instance]; ai.SubmitBuffer(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _pointer, _numBytes); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioInstanceDestroy = delegate(int _audioInstance) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.Dispose(); mAudioInstances[_audioInstance] = null; } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioPlay = delegate(int _audioInstance) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.Play(); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioStop = delegate(int _audioInstance) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.Stop(); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioPause = delegate(int _audioInstance) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.Pause(); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; ioctls.maAudioSetNumberOfLoops = delegate(int _audioInstance, int loops) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.SetNumberOfLoops(loops); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; // SoundEffectInstances nor the MediaPlayer doesn't support setting position, // however we can make a special case where the sound is reset if _milliseconds equals to zero. // We could implement a better SoundEffectInstance using DynamicSoundEffectInstance // parsing wavefiles ourselves.. But that would require some work. ioctls.maAudioSetPosition = delegate(int _audioInstance, int _milliseconds) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.SetPosition(_milliseconds); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; // SoundEffectInstances doesnt support getting the location of the sound // this of course could be approximated by saving a time stamp when the sound // starts to play, buuut no. ioctls.maAudioGetPosition = delegate(int _audioInstance) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK; try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ret = ai.GetPosition(); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioGetLength = delegate(int _audioInstance) { int ret = MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK; try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ret = ai.GetLength(); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(ret); }; ioctls.maAudioSetVolume = delegate(int _audioInstance, float volume) { try { lock (mAudioInstances) { IAudioInstance ai = mAudioInstances[_audioInstance]; ai.SetVolume(volume); } } catch (MoSync.Util.ReturnValueException rve) { return(rve.result); } catch (Exception) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_GENERIC); } return(MoSync.Constants.MA_AUDIO_ERR_OK); }; }
public void Init(Syscalls syscalls, Core core, Runtime runtime) { runtime.RegisterCleaner(delegate() { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Connection> p in mConnections) { p.Value.close(); } mConnections.Clear(); }); mResultHandler = delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result) { Memory evt = new Memory(4 * 4); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_CONN); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.conn.handle, handle); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.conn.opType, connOp); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.conn.result, result); runtime.PostEvent(new Event(evt)); }; syscalls.maConnect = delegate(int _url) { String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url); //Util.Log("maConnect(" + url + ")\n"); if (url.StartsWith("btspp")) { return(MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_UNAVAILABLE); } Uri uri = new Uri(url); Connection c; if (uri.Scheme.Equals("socket")) { c = new SocketConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle); } else if (uri.Scheme.Equals("http") || uri.Scheme.Equals("https")) { c = new WebRequestConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle, MoSync.Constants.HTTP_GET); } else { return(MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_GENERIC); } c.connect(mResultHandler); mConnections.Add(mNextConnHandle, c); return(mNextConnHandle++); }; syscalls.maConnClose = delegate(int _conn) { Connection c = mConnections[_conn]; c.close(); mConnections.Remove(_conn); }; syscalls.maConnGetAddr = delegate(int _conn, int _addr) { if (_conn == MoSync.Constants.HANDLE_LOCAL) // unavailable { return(-1); } Connection c = mConnections[_conn]; return(c.getAddr(core.GetDataMemory(), _addr)); }; syscalls.maConnRead = delegate(int _conn, int _dst, int _size) { Connection c = mConnections[_conn]; c.recv(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _dst, _size, mResultHandler); }; DataDelegate dataDelegate = delegate(int _conn, int _data, CommDelegate cd) { Connection c = mConnections[_conn]; Resource res = runtime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_BINARY, _data); Stream s = (Stream)res.GetInternalObject(); runtime.SetResourceRaw(_data, Resource.Flux); MemoryStream mem = null; if (s.GetType() == typeof(MemoryStream)) { mem = (MemoryStream)s; } else { MoSync.Util.CriticalError("Only binaries (non-ubins) are allowed for maConn(Read/Write)(To/From)Data"); } cd(c, mem.GetBuffer(), delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result) { runtime.SetResourceRaw(_data, res); mResultHandler(handle, connOp, result); }); }; syscalls.maConnReadToData = delegate(int _conn, int _data, int _offset, int _size) { dataDelegate(_conn, _data, delegate(Connection c, byte[] buf, ResultHandler rh) { c.recv(buf, _offset, _size, rh); }); }; syscalls.maConnWrite = delegate(int _conn, int _src, int _size) { Connection c = mConnections[_conn]; c.write(core.GetDataMemory().GetData(), _src, _size, mResultHandler); }; syscalls.maConnWriteFromData = delegate(int _conn, int _data, int _offset, int _size) { dataDelegate(_conn, _data, delegate(Connection c, byte[] buf, ResultHandler rh) { c.write(buf, _offset, _size, rh); }); }; syscalls.maHttpCreate = delegate(int _url, int _method) { String url = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_url); //Util.Log("maHttpCreate(" + url + ")\n"); Uri uri = new Uri(url); WebRequestConnection c = new WebRequestConnection(uri, mNextConnHandle, _method); mConnections.Add(mNextConnHandle, c); return(mNextConnHandle++); }; syscalls.maHttpFinish = delegate(int _conn) { WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn]; c.connect(delegate(int handle, int connOp, int result) { mResultHandler(handle, MoSync.Constants.CONNOP_FINISH, result); }); }; syscalls.maHttpSetRequestHeader = delegate(int _conn, int _key, int _value) { WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn]; String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key); String value = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_value); if (value.Length > 0) { c.setRequestHeader(key, value); } }; syscalls.maHttpGetResponseHeader = delegate(int _conn, int _key, int _buffer, int _bufSize) { WebRequestConnection c = (WebRequestConnection)mConnections[_conn]; String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key); String value = c.getResponseHeader(key); if (value == null) { return(MoSync.Constants.CONNERR_NOHEADER); } if (value.Length + 1 <= _bufSize) { core.GetDataMemory().WriteStringAtAddress(_buffer, value, _bufSize); } return(value.Length); }; }
public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime) { mNativeUI = new NativeUI.AsyncNativeUIWindowsPhone(runtime); //mWidgets.Add(null); // why? // initialize the widget thread dictionary mWidgetThreadDictionary = new Dictionary <int, Thread>(); mWidgetTypeDictionary = new Dictionary <int, Type>(); /** * This will add a OrientationChanged event handler to the Application.Current.RootVisual, this is application wide. */ (Application.Current.RootVisual as Microsoft.Phone.Controls.PhoneApplicationFrame).OrientationChanged += delegate(object from, Microsoft.Phone.Controls.OrientationChangedEventArgs args) { PhoneApplicationPage currentPage = (((PhoneApplicationFrame)Application.Current.RootVisual).Content as PhoneApplicationPage); int mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_UP; switch (currentPage.Orientation) { case PageOrientation.Landscape: mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE; break; case PageOrientation.LandscapeLeft: mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_LEFT; break; case PageOrientation.LandscapeRight: mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE_RIGHT; break; case PageOrientation.Portrait: mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_UP; break; case PageOrientation.PortraitDown: mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN; break; case PageOrientation.PortraitUp: mosyncScreenOrientation = MoSync.Constants.MA_SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_UP; break; } // Post event handled Moblet. Memory eventData = new Memory(8); const int MAEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAEventData_orientation = 4; eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_ORIENTATION_DID_CHANGE); eventData.WriteInt32(MAEventData_orientation, mosyncScreenOrientation); runtime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); }; ioctls.maWidgetCreate = delegate(int _widgetType) { String widgetTypeName = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_widgetType); Type widgetType = mNativeUI.VerifyWidget(widgetTypeName); if (widgetType == null) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_TYPE_NAME); } IWidget widget = new WidgetBaseMock(); widget.SetRuntime(runtime); int widgetHandle = FindSpaceForWidget(); if (widgetHandle == -1) { mWidgets.Add(widget); widgetHandle = mWidgets.Count - 1; } else { mWidgets[widgetHandle] = widget; } widget.SetHandle(widgetHandle); StartWidgetCreationThread(widgetHandle, widgetType); return(widgetHandle); }; ioctls.maWidgetDestroy = delegate(int _widget) { if (_widget < 0 || _widget >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IWidget widget = mWidgets[_widget]; if (widget != null) { widget.RemoveFromParent(); mWidgets[_widget] = null; mWidgetTypeDictionary.Remove(_widget); Thread widgetCreationThread = null; mWidgetThreadDictionary.TryGetValue(_widget, out widgetCreationThread); if (widgetCreationThread != null) { if (widgetCreationThread.IsAlive) { widgetCreationThread.Abort(); } mWidgetThreadDictionary.Remove(_widget); } } return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetAddChild = delegate(int _parent, int _child) { if (_parent < 0 || _parent >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } if (_child < 0 || _child >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IWidget parent = mWidgets[_parent]; IWidget child = mWidgets[_child]; mNativeUI.AddChild(parent, child); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetRemoveChild = delegate(int _child) { if (_child < 0 || _child >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IWidget child = mWidgets[_child]; // only the child is needed - it has a reference to its parent mNativeUI.RemoveChild(child); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetInsertChild = delegate(int _parent, int _child, int index) { if (_parent < 0 || _parent >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } if (_child < 0 || _child >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IWidget parent = mWidgets[_parent]; IWidget child = mWidgets[_child]; mNativeUI.InsertChild(parent, child, index); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetStackScreenPush = delegate(int _stackScreen, int _newScreen) { IScreen stackScreen = (IScreen)mWidgets[_stackScreen]; IScreen newScreen = (IScreen)mWidgets[_newScreen]; (stackScreen as MoSync.NativeUI.StackScreen).Push(newScreen); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetStackScreenPop = delegate(int _stackScreen) { IScreen stackScreen = (IScreen)mWidgets[_stackScreen]; (stackScreen as MoSync.NativeUI.StackScreen).Pop(); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetSetProperty = delegate(int _widget, int _property, int _value) { if (_widget < 0 || _widget >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property); String value = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_value); IWidget widget = mWidgets[_widget]; try { mNativeUI.SetProperty(widget, property, value); } catch (InvalidPropertyNameException) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME); } catch (InvalidPropertyValueException) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE); } return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetGetProperty = delegate(int _widget, int _property, int _value, int _bufSize) { String property = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_property); if (_widget < 0 || _widget >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IWidget widget = mWidgets[_widget]; try { // String value = widget.GetProperty(property); String value = mNativeUI.GetProperty(widget, property); core.GetDataMemory().WriteStringAtAddress(_value, value, _bufSize); } catch (InvalidPropertyNameException e) { MoSync.Util.Log(e); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME); } return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetScreenShow = delegate(int _screenHandle) { if (_screenHandle < 0 || _screenHandle >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IScreen screen = null; if (mWidgets[_screenHandle] is IScreen) { screen = (IScreen)mWidgets[_screenHandle]; } else { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_SCREEN); } mCurrentScreen = screen; screen.Show(); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; ioctls.maWidgetScreenShowWithTransition = delegate(int _screenHandle, int _screenTransitionType, int _screenTransitionDuration) { // Windows Phone Toolkit screen transitions do not have an time argument so _screenTransitionDuration // will be ignored on Windows platform. if (_screenHandle < 0 || _screenHandle >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IScreen screen = null; if (mWidgets[_screenHandle] is IScreen) { screen = (IScreen)mWidgets[_screenHandle]; } else { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_SCREEN); } mCurrentScreen = screen; // If transition type is not available on this platform do show without transitions but return error code. if (!NativeUI.MoSyncScreenTransitions.isTransitionAvailable(_screenTransitionType)) { screen.ShowWithTransition(MoSync.Constants.MAW_TRANSITION_TYPE_NONE); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_SCREEN_TRANSITION_TYPE); } screen.ShowWithTransition(_screenTransitionType); return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_OK); }; /* * Implementation for maWidgetScreenAddOptionsMenuItem * * @param _widget the widget handle * @param _title the option menu item title * @param _iconPath the option menu item path * Note: if the _iconPredefined param is 1 then the _iconPath * will store a code representing the name of the icon file, * without extension. Otherwise it should contain the name of the * file. (e.g. "applicationBarIcon1.png") * @param _iconPredefined if the value is 1 it means that we expect a predefined icon * otherwise it will create the path using the _iconPath as it was previously * explained */ ioctls.maWidgetScreenAddOptionsMenuItem = delegate(int _widget, int _title, int _iconPath, int _iconPredefined) { //This represents the hardcoded folder name for the application bar icons String applicationBarIconsFolder = "/AppBar.Icons/"; //if _widget < 0 => no screen parent if (_widget < 0 || _widget >= mWidgets.Count) { return(MoSync.Constants.MAW_RES_INVALID_HANDLE); } IScreen screen = (IScreen)mWidgets[_widget]; //Read the icon path string iconPath = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_iconPath); //If the iconPath is not empty and we don't have a predefined icon //then we have an ApplicationBarButton object with a given icon and text. if (!iconPath.Equals("") && 0 == _iconPredefined && screen.GetApplicationBar().Buttons.Count < 5) { //Read the text string buttonText = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_title); //Create the native object. Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarIconButton btn = new Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarIconButton(); //Create the icon path. btn.IconUri = new Uri(applicationBarIconsFolder + iconPath, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); btn.Text = buttonText; //Associate an index to the native object. int btnIndex = screen.AddApplicationBarItemIndex(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler( delegate(object from, EventArgs target) { Memory eventData = new Memory(12); const int MAWidgetEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_widgetHandle = 4; const int MAWidgetEventData_itemIndex = 8; eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.MAW_EVENT_OPTIONS_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_widgetHandle, _widget); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_itemIndex, btnIndex); //Posting a CustomEvent runtime.PostCustomEvent(MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_WIDGET, eventData); }); screen.GetApplicationBar().Buttons.Add(btn); screen.EnableApplicationBar(); return(btnIndex); } //If the iconPath is not empty and we have a predefined icon //then we have an ApplicationBarButton object with a predefined icon and text. else if (!iconPath.Equals("") && _iconPredefined > 0 && screen.GetApplicationBar().Buttons.Count < 5) { //Read the text. string buttonText = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_title); //Create the native object. Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarIconButton btn = new Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarIconButton(); //Create the icon path. btn.IconUri = new Uri(applicationBarIconsFolder + iconPath + ".png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); btn.Text = buttonText; //Associate an index to the native object. int btnIndex = screen.AddApplicationBarItemIndex(btn); btn.Click += new EventHandler( delegate(object from, EventArgs target) { Memory eventData = new Memory(12); const int MAWidgetEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_widgetHandle = 4; const int MAWidgetEventData_itemIndex = 8; eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.MAW_EVENT_OPTIONS_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_widgetHandle, _widget); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_itemIndex, btnIndex); //Posting a CustomEvent runtime.PostCustomEvent(MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_WIDGET, eventData); }); screen.GetApplicationBar().Buttons.Add(btn); screen.EnableApplicationBar(); //Return the index associated to the item. return(btnIndex); } //If the iconPath is empty then we have an ApplicationBarMenuItem. else { //Read the text. string menuItemText = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_title); //Create the native object. Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarMenuItem menuItem = new Microsoft.Phone.Shell.ApplicationBarMenuItem(); menuItem.Text = menuItemText; //Associate an index to the native object. int menuIndex = screen.AddApplicationBarItemIndex(menuItem); menuItem.Click += new EventHandler( delegate(object from, EventArgs target) { Memory eventData = new Memory(12); const int MAWidgetEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_widgetHandle = 4; const int MAWidgetEventData_itemIndex = 8; eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.MAW_EVENT_OPTIONS_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_widgetHandle, _widget); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_itemIndex, menuIndex); //Posting a CustomEvent runtime.PostCustomEvent(MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_WIDGET, eventData); }); screen.GetApplicationBar().MenuItems.Add(menuItem); screen.EnableApplicationBar(); //Return the index associated to the item. return(menuIndex); } }; }
/* * private void OnAlertMessageBoxClosed(IAsyncResult ar) * { * int? buttonIndex = Guide.EndShowMessageBox(ar); * * Memory eventData = new Memory(8); * eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_ALERT); * eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.alertButtonIndex, (int)(buttonIndex + 1)); * * mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); * } */ public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime) { mRuntime = runtime; mCore = core; /** * Register system properties */ SystemPropertyManager.SystemPropertyProvider myDelegateForDeviceInfo = new SystemPropertyManager.SystemPropertyProvider(getDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.imei", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.imsi", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.iso-639-1", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.iso-639-2", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.device", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.device.UUID", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.device.OS", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("mosync.device.OS.version", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); SystemPropertyManager.RegisterSystemPropertyProvider("", myDelegateForDeviceInfo); ioctls.maWriteLog = delegate(int src, int size) { byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; core.GetDataMemory().ReadBytes(bytes, src, size); MoSync.Util.Log(bytes); return(0); }; ioctls.maMessageBox = delegate(int _caption, int _message) { String message = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_message); String caption = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_caption); MoSync.Util.ShowMessage(message, false, caption); return(0); }; ioctls.maTextBox = delegate(int _title, int _inText, int _outText, int _maxSize, int _constraints) { bool passwordMode = false; if ((_constraints & MoSync.Constants.MA_TB_FLAG_PASSWORD) != 0) { passwordMode = true; } if ((_constraints & MoSync.Constants.MA_TB_TYPE_MASK) != MoSync.Constants.MA_TB_TYPE_ANY) { return(MoSync.Constants.MA_TB_RES_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE); } try { Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.PlayerIndex.One, core.GetDataMemory().ReadWStringAtAddress(_title), "", core.GetDataMemory().ReadWStringAtAddress(_inText), delegate(IAsyncResult result) { string text = Guide.EndShowKeyboardInput(result); Memory eventData = new Memory(12); eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_TEXTBOX); int res = MoSync.Constants.MA_TB_RES_OK; int len = 0; if (text == null) { res = MoSync.Constants.MA_TB_RES_CANCEL; } else { len = text.Length; } eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.textboxResult, res); eventData.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.textboxLength, len); core.GetDataMemory().WriteWStringAtAddress(_outText, text, _maxSize); mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); }, null , passwordMode); } catch (Exception) { return(-1); } return(0); }; /** * @author: Ciprian Filipas * @brief: The maAlert ioctl implementation. * @note: On WP7 only 2 buttons are available, OK and CANCEL. Also if the buttons get null values from * MoSync WP7 platform will automatically add the OK button. Regarding these facts the _b2 button will * be ignored in the current implementation. */ ioctls.maAlert = delegate(int _title, int _message, int _b1, int _b2, int _b3) { String title = "", message = ""; if (0 != _title) { title = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_title); } if (0 != _message) { message = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_message); } if (0 != _b3) { MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() => { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel); if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK) { Memory eventData = new Memory(8); const int MAWidgetEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_eventArgumentValue = 4; //write 1 down since the buttone clicked is the first one eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_ALERT); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventArgumentValue, 1); //Posting a CustomEvent mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); } else if (result == MessageBoxResult.Cancel) { Memory eventData = new Memory(8); const int MAWidgetEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_eventArgumentValue = 4; //write 1 down since the buttone clicked is the first one eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_ALERT); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventArgumentValue, 3); //Posting a CustomEvent mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); } } ); } else { MoSync.Util.RunActionOnMainThreadSync(() => { MessageBox.Show(message, title, MessageBoxButton.OK); // Since the only way to exit the messageBox is by pressing OK there is no // need for a result object. Memory eventData = new Memory(8); const int MAWidgetEventData_eventType = 0; const int MAWidgetEventData_eventArgumentValue = 4; //write 1 down since the buttone clicked is the first one eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventType, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_ALERT); eventData.WriteInt32(MAWidgetEventData_eventArgumentValue, 1); //Posting a CustomEvent mRuntime.PostEvent(new Event(eventData)); } ); } return(0); }; ioctls.maGetSystemProperty = delegate(int _key, int _buf, int _size) { String key = core.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(_key); String value = MoSync.SystemPropertyManager.GetSystemProperty(key); if (value == null) { return(-2); } if (value.Length + 1 <= _size) { if (key.Equals("")) { /** * This code converts the result return by the GetSystemProperty * for the "" key to be supported by the current * MoSync SDK 3.0 */ if (value.ToLower().Contains("wireless")) { value = "wifi"; } else if (value.ToLower().Contains("ethernet")) { value = "ethernet"; } else if (value.ToLower().Contains("mobilebroadbandgsm")) { value = "2g"; } else if (value.ToLower().Contains("mobilebroadbandcdma")) { value = "3g"; } } core.GetDataMemory().WriteStringAtAddress(_buf, value, _size); } return(value.Length + 1); }; ioctls.maWakeLock = delegate(int flag) { if (MoSync.Constants.MA_WAKE_LOCK_ON == flag) { Microsoft.Phone.Shell.PhoneApplicationService.Current. UserIdleDetectionMode = Microsoft.Phone.Shell.IdleDetectionMode.Enabled; } else { Microsoft.Phone.Shell.PhoneApplicationService.Current. UserIdleDetectionMode = Microsoft.Phone.Shell.IdleDetectionMode.Disabled; } return(1); }; // validates image input data and dispaches a delegate to save the image to camera roll ioctls.maSaveImageToDeviceGallery = delegate(int imageHandle, int imageNameAddr) { int returnCode = MoSync.Constants.MA_MEDIA_RES_IMAGE_EXPORT_FAILED; //Get the resource with the specified handle Resource res = mRuntime.GetResource(MoSync.Constants.RT_IMAGE, imageHandle); String imageName = mCore.GetDataMemory().ReadStringAtAddress(imageNameAddr); if ((null != res) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(imageName)) { object[] myArray = new object[3]; myArray[0] = imageHandle; myArray[1] = imageName; myArray[2] = res; Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( new Delegate_SaveImageToCameraRoll(SaveImageToCameraRoll), myArray); returnCode = MoSync.Constants.MA_MEDIA_RES_OK; } return(returnCode); }; }
public void Init(Ioctls ioctls, Core core, Runtime runtime) { ioctls.maSensorStart = delegate(int _sensor, int _interval) { _interval = GetSensorIntervalDefaults(_interval); TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds((double)_interval); if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER && Accelerometer.IsSupported) { if (mAccelerometer != null) { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_ALREADY_ENABLED); } mAccelerometer = new Accelerometer(); mAccelerometer.TimeBetweenUpdates = time; mAccelerometer.CurrentValueChanged += delegate(object sender, SensorReadingEventArgs <AccelerometerReading> args) { Vector3 acc = args.SensorReading.Acceleration; SendSensorEventVector(runtime, MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, acc); }; mAccelerometer.Start(); } else if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE && Gyroscope.IsSupported) { if (mGyroscope != null) { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_ALREADY_ENABLED); } mGyroscope = new Gyroscope(); mGyroscope.TimeBetweenUpdates = time; mGyroscope.CurrentValueChanged += delegate(object sender, SensorReadingEventArgs <GyroscopeReading> args) { Vector3 rot = args.SensorReading.RotationRate; SendSensorEventVector(runtime, MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE, rot); }; mGyroscope.Start(); } else if ((_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD || _sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS) && Compass.IsSupported) { if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD && mMagneticFieldEnabled == true) { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_ALREADY_ENABLED); } if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS && mCompassEnabled == true) { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_ALREADY_ENABLED); } if (mCompass == null) { mCompass = new Compass(); mCompass.TimeBetweenUpdates = time; } else { if (time < mCompass.TimeBetweenUpdates) { mCompass.TimeBetweenUpdates = time; } } if (mCompassEnabled == false && mMagneticFieldEnabled == false) { mCompass.CurrentValueChanged += delegate(object sender, SensorReadingEventArgs <CompassReading> args) { if (mMagneticFieldEnabled) { Vector3 rot = args.SensorReading.MagnetometerReading; SendSensorEventVector(runtime, MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD, rot); } if (mCompassEnabled) { Vector3 heading = new Vector3(); heading.X = (float)args.SensorReading.MagneticHeading; SendSensorEventVector(runtime, MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS, heading); } }; mCompass.Start(); } if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { mMagneticFieldEnabled = true; } else if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS) { mCompassEnabled = true; } } #if false else if (_sensor == MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION && Motion.IsSupported) { mMotion = new Motion(); mMotion.TimeBetweenUpdates = new TimeSpan(intervalIn100Nanoseconds); mMotion.CurrentValueChanged += delegate(object sender, SensorReadingEventArgs <MotionReading> args) { }; } #endif else { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); } return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NONE); }; ioctls.maSensorStop = delegate(int _sensor) { switch (_sensor) { case MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_ACCELEROMETER: if (mAccelerometer != null) { mAccelerometer.Stop(); mAccelerometer = null; } else { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NOT_ENABLED); } break; case MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_GYROSCOPE: if (mGyroscope != null) { mGyroscope.Stop(); mGyroscope = null; } else { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NOT_ENABLED); } break; case MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD: if (!mMagneticFieldEnabled) { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NOT_ENABLED); } if (mCompass != null && !mCompassEnabled) { mCompass.Stop(); mCompass = null; } mMagneticFieldEnabled = false; break; case MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_COMPASS: if (!mCompassEnabled) { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NOT_ENABLED); } if (mCompass != null && !mMagneticFieldEnabled) { mCompass.Stop(); mCompass = null; } mCompassEnabled = false; break; case MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_TYPE_ORIENTATION: if (mMotion != null) { mMotion.Stop(); mMotion = null; } else { return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NOT_ENABLED); } break; } return(MoSync.Constants.SENSOR_ERROR_NONE); }; ioctls.maLocationStart = delegate() { if (mGeoWatcher == null) { mGeoWatcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher(); //mGeoWatcher.MovementThreshold = 20; mGeoWatcher.StatusChanged += delegate(object sender, GeoPositionStatusChangedEventArgs args) { int maState; switch (args.Status) { case GeoPositionStatus.Disabled: maState = MoSync.Constants.MA_LPS_OUT_OF_SERVICE; break; case GeoPositionStatus.NoData: case GeoPositionStatus.Initializing: maState = MoSync.Constants.MA_LPS_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE; break; case GeoPositionStatus.Ready: maState = MoSync.Constants.MA_LPS_AVAILABLE; break; default: throw new Exception("invalid GeoPositionStatus"); } Memory evt = new Memory(2 * 4); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.type, MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_LOCATION_PROVIDER); evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MAEvent.state, maState); runtime.PostEvent(new Event(evt)); }; mGeoWatcher.PositionChanged += delegate(object sender, GeoPositionChangedEventArgs <GeoCoordinate> args) { int maValidity = args.Position.Location.IsUnknown ? MoSync.Constants.MA_LOC_INVALID : MoSync.Constants.MA_LOC_QUALIFIED; Memory evt = new Memory(4 + 4 * 8 + 4); GeoCoordinate l = args.Position.Location; evt.WriteInt32(MoSync.Struct.MALocation.state, maValidity); evt.WriteDouble(, l.Latitude); evt.WriteDouble(MoSync.Struct.MALocation.lon, l.Longitude); evt.WriteDouble(MoSync.Struct.MALocation.horzAcc, l.HorizontalAccuracy); evt.WriteDouble(MoSync.Struct.MALocation.vertAcc, l.VerticalAccuracy); evt.WriteFloat(MoSync.Struct.MALocation.alt, (float)l.Altitude); runtime.PostCustomEvent(MoSync.Constants.EVENT_TYPE_LOCATION, evt); }; mGeoWatcher.Start(); } return(0); }; ioctls.maLocationStop = delegate() { if (mGeoWatcher != null) { mGeoWatcher.Stop(); mGeoWatcher = null; } return(0); }; }