Example #1
        /* generates code like:
         *  public void TargetTest (NetworkConnection conn, int param)
         *  {
         *      NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter ();
         *      writer.WritePackedUInt32 ((uint)param);
         *      base.SendTargetRPCInternal (conn, typeof(class), "TargetTest", val);
         *  }
         *  public void CallTargetTest (NetworkConnection conn, int param)
         *  {
         *      // whatever the user did before
         *  }
         *  or if optional:
         *  public void TargetTest (int param)
         *  {
         *      NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter ();
         *      writer.WritePackedUInt32 ((uint)param);
         *      base.SendTargetRPCInternal (null, typeof(class), "TargetTest", val);
         *  }
         *  public void CallTargetTest (int param)
         *  {
         *      // whatever the user did before
         *  }
         *  Originally HLAPI put the send message code inside the Call function
         *  and then proceeded to replace every call to TargetTest with CallTargetTest
         *  This method moves all the user's code into the "CallTargetRpc" method
         *  and replaces the body of the original method with the send message code.
         *  This way we do not need to modify the code anywhere else,  and this works
         *  correctly in dependent assemblies
        public static MethodDefinition ProcessTargetRpcCall(WeaverTypes weaverTypes, Writers writers, Logger Log, TypeDefinition td, MethodDefinition md, CustomAttribute targetRpcAttr, ref bool WeavingFailed)
            MethodDefinition rpc = MethodProcessor.SubstituteMethod(Log, td, md, ref WeavingFailed);

            ILProcessor worker = md.Body.GetILProcessor();

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteSetupLocals(worker, weaverTypes);

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteGetWriter(worker, weaverTypes);

            // write all the arguments that the user passed to the TargetRpc call
            // (skip first one if first one is NetworkConnection)
            if (!NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteArguments(worker, writers, Log, md, RemoteCallType.TargetRpc, ref WeavingFailed))

            // invoke SendInternal and return
            // this
            if (HasNetworkConnectionParameter(md))
                // connection
                // null
            // pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func <-> ClassB.Func collisions
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, md.FullName);
            // writer
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, targetRpcAttr.GetField("channel", 0));
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, weaverTypes.sendTargetRpcInternal);

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteReturnWriter(worker, weaverTypes);


Example #2
         * generates code like:
         *  public void RpcTest (int param)
         *  {
         *      NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter ();
         *      writer.WritePackedUInt32((uint)param);
         *      base.SendRPCInternal(typeof(class),"RpcTest", writer, 0);
         *  }
         *  public void CallRpcTest (int param)
         *  {
         *      // whatever the user did before
         *  }
         *  Originally HLAPI put the send message code inside the Call function
         *  and then proceeded to replace every call to RpcTest with CallRpcTest
         *  This method moves all the user's code into the "CallRpc" method
         *  and replaces the body of the original method with the send message code.
         *  This way we do not need to modify the code anywhere else,  and this works
         *  correctly in dependent assemblies
        public static MethodDefinition ProcessRpcCall(WeaverTypes weaverTypes, Writers writers, Logger Log, TypeDefinition td, MethodDefinition md, CustomAttribute clientRpcAttr, ref bool WeavingFailed)
            MethodDefinition rpc = MethodProcessor.SubstituteMethod(Log, td, md, ref WeavingFailed);

            ILProcessor worker = md.Body.GetILProcessor();

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteSetupLocals(worker, weaverTypes);

            // add a log message if needed for debugging
            //worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, $"Call ClientRpc function {md.Name}");
            //worker.Emit(OpCodes.Call, WeaverTypes.logErrorReference);

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteGetWriter(worker, weaverTypes);

            // write all the arguments that the user passed to the Rpc call
            if (!NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteArguments(worker, writers, Log, md, RemoteCallType.ClientRpc, ref WeavingFailed))

            int  channel      = clientRpcAttr.GetField("channel", 0);
            bool includeOwner = clientRpcAttr.GetField("includeOwner", true);

            // invoke SendInternal and return
            // this
            // pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func <-> ClassB.Func collisions
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, md.FullName);
            // writer
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, channel);
            // includeOwner ? 1 : 0
            worker.Emit(includeOwner ? OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1 : OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, weaverTypes.sendRpcInternal);

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteReturnWriter(worker, weaverTypes);


Example #3
         *  // generates code like:
         *  public void CmdThrust(float thrusting, int spin)
         *  {
         *      NetworkWriter networkWriter = new NetworkWriter();
         *      networkWriter.Write(thrusting);
         *      networkWriter.WritePackedUInt32((uint)spin);
         *      base.SendCommandInternal(cmdName, networkWriter, channel);
         *  }
         *  public void CallCmdThrust(float thrusting, int spin)
         *  {
         *      // whatever the user was doing before
         *  }
         *  Originally HLAPI put the send message code inside the Call function
         *  and then proceeded to replace every call to CmdTrust with CallCmdTrust
         *  This method moves all the user's code into the "CallCmd" method
         *  and replaces the body of the original method with the send message code.
         *  This way we do not need to modify the code anywhere else,  and this works
         *  correctly in dependent assemblies
        public static MethodDefinition ProcessCommandCall(WeaverTypes weaverTypes, Writers writers, Logger Log, TypeDefinition td, MethodDefinition md, CustomAttribute commandAttr, ref bool WeavingFailed)
            MethodDefinition cmd = MethodProcessor.SubstituteMethod(Log, td, md, ref WeavingFailed);

            ILProcessor worker = md.Body.GetILProcessor();

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteSetupLocals(worker, weaverTypes);

            // NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter();
            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteGetWriter(worker, weaverTypes);

            // write all the arguments that the user passed to the Cmd call
            if (!NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteArguments(worker, writers, Log, md, RemoteCallType.Command, ref WeavingFailed))

            int  channel           = commandAttr.GetField("channel", 0);
            bool requiresAuthority = commandAttr.GetField("requiresAuthority", true);

            // invoke internal send and return
            // load 'base.' to call the SendCommand function with
            // pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func <-> ClassB.Func collisions
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, md.FullName);
            // writer
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, channel);
            // requiresAuthority ? 1 : 0
            worker.Emit(requiresAuthority ? OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1 : OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0);
            worker.Emit(OpCodes.Call, weaverTypes.sendCommandInternal);

            NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteReturnWriter(worker, weaverTypes);
