public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Closest point queries.
                _closestPointsAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
                if (contactSet.HaveContact)
                    // Penetration.

                    // Remember the closest point info in case we run into troubles.
                    // Get the last contact. We assume that this is the newest. In most cases there will
                    // only be one contact in the contact set.
                    Contact fallbackContact = (contactSet.Count > 0)
                                    ? contactSet[contactSet.Count - 1]
                                    : null;

                    // Call the contact query algorithm.
                    _contactAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, CollisionQueryType.Contacts);

                    if (!contactSet.HaveContact)
                        // Problem!
                        // The closest-point algorithm reported contact. The contact algorithm didn't find a contact.
                        // This can happen, for example, because of numerical inaccuracies in GJK vs. MPR.
                        // Keep the result of the closest-point computation, but decrease the penetration depth
                        // to indicate separation.
                        if (fallbackContact != null)
                            Debug.Assert(fallbackContact.PenetrationDepth == 0);
                            fallbackContact.PenetrationDepth = -Math.Min(10 * Numeric.EpsilonF, CollisionDetection.Epsilon);

                            foreach (var contact in contactSet)
                                if (contact != fallbackContact)


                        contactSet.HaveContact = false;
                // Boolean or contact queries.
                _contactAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);
Example #2
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Object A should be the height field.
            CollisionObject heightFieldCollisionObject = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject otherCollisionObject       = contactSet.ObjectB;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = !(heightFieldCollisionObject.GeometricObject.Shape is HeightField);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref heightFieldCollisionObject, ref otherCollisionObject);

            IGeometricObject heightFieldGeometricObject = heightFieldCollisionObject.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject otherGeometricObject       = otherCollisionObject.GeometricObject;
            HeightField      heightField = heightFieldGeometricObject.Shape as HeightField;
            Shape            otherShape  = otherGeometricObject.Shape;

            // Check if collision object shapes are correct.
            if (heightField == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a height field.", "contactSet");

            if (heightField.UseFastCollisionApproximation && type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // If other object is convex, use the new fast collision detection algorithm.
                ConvexShape convex = otherShape as ConvexShape;
                if (convex != null)

            Vector3 scaleHeightField = heightFieldGeometricObject.Scale;
            Vector3 scaleOther       = otherGeometricObject.Scale;
            Pose    heightFieldPose  = heightFieldGeometricObject.Pose;

            // We do not support negative scaling. It is not clear what should happen when y is
            // scaled with a negative factor and triangle orders would be wrong... Not worth the trouble.
            if (scaleHeightField.X < 0 || scaleHeightField.Y < 0 || scaleHeightField.Z < 0)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Computing collisions for height fields with a negative scaling is not supported.");

            // Get height field and basic info.
            Vector3 heightFieldUpAxis = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(Vector3.UnitY);
            int     arrayLengthX      = heightField.NumberOfSamplesX;
            int     arrayLengthZ      = heightField.NumberOfSamplesZ;

            Debug.Assert(arrayLengthX > 1 && arrayLengthZ > 1, "A height field should contain at least 2 x 2 elements (= 1 cell).");
            float cellWidthX = heightField.WidthX * scaleHeightField.X / (arrayLengthX - 1);
            float cellWidthZ = heightField.WidthZ * scaleHeightField.Z / (arrayLengthZ - 1);

            // The search-space is the rectangular region on the height field where the closest points
            // must lie in. For contacts we do not have to search neighbor cells. For closest-point
            // queries and separation we have to search neighbor cells.
            // We compute the search-space using a current maximum search distance.
            float   currentSearchDistance = 0;
            Contact guessedClosestPair    = null;

            if (!contactSet.HaveContact && type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                // Make a guess for the closest pair using SupportMapping or InnerPoints.
                bool isOverHole;
                guessedClosestPair = GuessClosestPair(contactSet, swapped, out isOverHole);
                if (isOverHole)
                    // Guesses over holes are useless. --> Check the whole terrain.
                    currentSearchDistance = heightFieldGeometricObject.Aabb.Extent.Length;
                else if (guessedClosestPair.PenetrationDepth < 0)
                    currentSearchDistance = -guessedClosestPair.PenetrationDepth;
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;
                // Assume no contact.
                contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // Get AABB of the other object in local space of the height field.
            Aabb aabbOfOther = otherShape.GetAabb(scaleOther, heightFieldPose.Inverse * otherGeometricObject.Pose);

            float originX = heightField.OriginX * scaleHeightField.X;
            float originZ = heightField.OriginZ * scaleHeightField.Z;

            // ----- Compute the cell indices of the search-space.
            // Estimate start and end indices from our search distance.
            int xIndexStartEstimated = (int)((aabbOfOther.Minimum.X - currentSearchDistance - originX) / cellWidthX);
            int xIndexEndEstimated   = (int)((aabbOfOther.Maximum.X + currentSearchDistance - originX) / cellWidthX);
            int zIndexStartEstimated = (int)((aabbOfOther.Minimum.Z - currentSearchDistance - originZ) / cellWidthZ);
            int zIndexEndEstimated   = (int)((aabbOfOther.Maximum.Z + currentSearchDistance - originZ) / cellWidthZ);

            // Clamp indices to valid range.
            int xIndexMax = arrayLengthX - 2;
            int zIndexMax = arrayLengthZ - 2;

            int xIndexStart = Math.Max(xIndexStartEstimated, 0);
            int xIndexEnd   = Math.Min(xIndexEndEstimated, xIndexMax);
            int zIndexStart = Math.Max(zIndexStartEstimated, 0);
            int zIndexEnd   = Math.Min(zIndexEndEstimated, zIndexMax);

            // Find collision algorithm for MinkowskiSum vs. other object's shape.
            CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(ConvexShape), otherShape.GetType()];

            int numberOfContactsInLastFrame = contactSet.Count;

            // Create several temporary test objects:
            // Instead of the original height field geometric object, we test against a shape for each
            // height field triangle. For the test shape we "extrude" the triangle under the height field.
            // To create the extrusion we "add" a line segment to the triangle using a Minkowski sum.
            // TODO: We can make this faster with a special shape that knows that the child poses are Identity (instead of the standard MinkowskiSumShape).
            // This special shape could compute its InnerPoint without applying the poses.

            var triangleShape = ResourcePools.TriangleShapes.Obtain();
            // (Vertices will be set in the loop below.)

            var triangleGeometricObject = TestGeometricObject.Create();

            triangleGeometricObject.Shape = triangleShape;

            var lineSegment = ResourcePools.LineSegmentShapes.Obtain();

            lineSegment.Start = Vector3.Zero;
            lineSegment.End   = -heightField.Depth * Vector3.UnitY;

            var lineSegmentGeometricObject = TestGeometricObject.Create();

            lineSegmentGeometricObject.Shape = lineSegment;

            var extrudedTriangleShape = TestMinkowskiSumShape.Create();

            extrudedTriangleShape.ObjectA = triangleGeometricObject;
            extrudedTriangleShape.ObjectB = lineSegmentGeometricObject;

            var extrudedTriangleGeometricObject = TestGeometricObject.Create();

            extrudedTriangleGeometricObject.Shape = extrudedTriangleShape;
            extrudedTriangleGeometricObject.Pose  = heightFieldPose;

            var testCollisionObject = ResourcePools.TestCollisionObjects.Obtain();

            testCollisionObject.SetInternal(heightFieldCollisionObject, extrudedTriangleGeometricObject);

            var testContactSet = swapped ? ContactSet.Create(contactSet.ObjectA, testCollisionObject)
                                   : ContactSet.Create(testCollisionObject, contactSet.ObjectB);

            testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;

            // We compute closest points with a preferred normal direction: the height field up-axis.

            // Loop over the cells in the search space.
            // (The inner loop can reduce the search space. Therefore, when we increment the indices
            // xIndex and zIndex we also check if the start indices have changed.)
            for (int xIndex = xIndexStart; xIndex <= xIndexEnd; xIndex = Math.Max(xIndexStart, xIndex + 1))
                for (int zIndex = zIndexStart; zIndex <= zIndexEnd; zIndex = Math.Max(zIndexStart, zIndex + 1))
                    // Test the two cell triangles.
                    for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < 2; triangleIndex++)
                        // Get triangle 0 or 1.
                        var triangle = heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex, zIndex, triangleIndex != 0);

                        var triangleIsHole = Numeric.IsNaN(triangle.Vertex0.Y * triangle.Vertex1.Y * triangle.Vertex2.Y);
                        if (triangleIsHole)

                        triangleShape.Vertex0 = triangle.Vertex0 * scaleHeightField;
                        triangleShape.Vertex1 = triangle.Vertex1 * scaleHeightField;
                        triangleShape.Vertex2 = triangle.Vertex2 * scaleHeightField;

                        if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                            collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
                            contactSet.HaveContact = contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact;
                            if (contactSet.HaveContact)
                                // We can stop tests here for boolean queries.
                                // Update end indices to exit the outer loops.
                                xIndexEnd = -1;
                                zIndexEnd = -1;
                            Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");

                            // If we know that we have a contact, then we can make a faster contact query
                            // instead of a closest-point query.
                            CollisionQueryType queryType = (contactSet.HaveContact) ? CollisionQueryType.Contacts : type;

                            collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);

                            if (testContactSet.HaveContact)
                                contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                                if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                                    // Get neighbor triangle.

                                    // To compute the triangle normal we take the normal of the unscaled triangle and transform
                                    // the normal with: (M^-1)^T = 1 / scale
                                    // Note: We cannot use the scaled vertices because negative scalings change the
                                    // face-order of the vertices.
                                    Vector3 triangleNormal = triangle.Normal / scaleHeightField;
                                    triangleNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(triangleNormal);

                                    // Assuming the last contact is the newest. (With closest-point queries
                                    // and the CombinedCollisionAlgo, testContactSet[0] could be a (not so useful)
                                    // closest-point result, and testContactSet[1] the better contact query result.)
                                    var testContact   = testContactSet[testContactSet.Count - 1];
                                    var contactNormal = swapped ? -testContact.Normal : testContact.Normal;
                                    if (Vector3.Dot(contactNormal, triangleNormal) < WeldingLimit)
                                        // Contact normal deviates by more than the welding limit. --> Check the contact.

                                        // If we do not find a neighbor, we assume the neighbor has the same normal.
                                        var neighborNormal = triangleNormal;

                                        // Get barycentric coordinates of contact position.
                                        Vector3 contactPositionOnHeightField = swapped ? testContact.PositionBLocal / scaleHeightField : testContact.PositionALocal / scaleHeightField;
                                        float   u, v, w;
                                        // TODO: GetBaryCentricFromPoint computes the triangle normal, which we already know - optimize.
                                        GeometryHelper.GetBarycentricFromPoint(triangle, contactPositionOnHeightField, out u, out v, out w);

                                        // If one coordinate is near 0, the contact is near an edge.
                                        if (u < 0.05f || v < 0.05f || w < 0.05f)
                                            if (triangleIndex == 0)
                                                if (u < v && u < w)
                                                    neighborNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex, zIndex, true).Normal / scaleHeightField);
                                                else if (v < w)
                                                    if (zIndex > 0)
                                                        neighborNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex, zIndex - 1, true).Normal / scaleHeightField);
                                                        // The contact is at the border of the whole height field. Set a normal which disables all bad contact filtering.
                                                        neighborNormal = new Vector3(float.NaN);
                                                    if (xIndex > 0)
                                                        neighborNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex - 1, zIndex, true).Normal / scaleHeightField);
                                                        neighborNormal = new Vector3(float.NaN);
                                                if (u < v && u < w)
                                                    if (xIndex + 2 < arrayLengthX)
                                                        neighborNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex + 1, zIndex, false).Normal / scaleHeightField);
                                                        neighborNormal = new Vector3(float.NaN);
                                                else if (v < w)
                                                    neighborNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex, zIndex, false).Normal / scaleHeightField);
                                                    if (zIndex + 2 < arrayLengthZ)
                                                        neighborNormal = heightFieldPose.ToWorldDirection(heightField.GetTriangle(xIndex, zIndex + 1, true).Normal / scaleHeightField);
                                                        neighborNormal = new Vector3(float.NaN);

                                        // Contact normals in the range triangleNormal - neighborNormal are allowed.
                                        // Others, especially vertical contacts in slopes or horizontal normals are not
                                        // allowed.
                                        var cosMinAngle = Vector3.Dot(neighborNormal, triangleNormal) - CollisionDetection.Epsilon;
                                        RemoveBadContacts(swapped, testContactSet, triangleNormal, cosMinAngle);

                                        // If we have no contact yet, we retry with a preferred normal identical to the up axis.
                                        // (Note: contactSet.Count will be > 0 for closest-point queries but will
                                        // probably constraint separated contacts and not real contacts.)
                                        if (testContactSet.Count == 0 &&
                                            (contactSet.Count == 0 || type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints))
                                            testContactSet.PreferredNormal = (swapped) ? -heightFieldUpAxis : heightFieldUpAxis;
                                            collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Contacts);
                                            testContactSet.PreferredNormal = Vector3.Zero;
                                            RemoveBadContacts(swapped, testContactSet, triangleNormal, cosMinAngle);

                                        // If we have no contact yet, we retry with a preferred normal identical to the triangle normal.
                                        // But only if the triangle normal differs significantly from the up axis.
                                        if (testContactSet.Count == 0 &&
                                            (contactSet.Count == 0 || type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints) &&
                                            Vector3.Dot(heightFieldUpAxis, triangleNormal) < WeldingLimit)
                                            testContactSet.PreferredNormal = (swapped) ? -triangleNormal : triangleNormal;
                                            collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Contacts);
                                            testContactSet.PreferredNormal = Vector3.Zero;
                                            RemoveBadContacts(swapped, testContactSet, triangleNormal, cosMinAngle);

                            if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                                // Remember separation distance for later.
                                float separationDistance = -testContactSet[0].PenetrationDepth;

                                // Set the shape feature of the new contacts.
                                // The features is the height field triangle index (see HeightField documentation).
                                int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
                                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                                    Contact contact      = testContactSet[i];
                                    int     featureIndex = (zIndex * (arrayLengthX - 1) + xIndex) * 2 + triangleIndex;
                                    if (swapped)
                                        contact.FeatureB = featureIndex;
                                        contact.FeatureA = featureIndex;

                                // Merge the contact info. (Contacts in testContactSet are recycled!)
                                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                                // Update search space if possible.
                                // The best search distance is 0. For separation we can use the current smallest
                                // separation as search distance. As soon as we have a contact, we set the
                                // search distance to 0.
                                if (currentSearchDistance > 0 &&                  // No need to update search space if search distance is already 0.
                                    (contactSet.HaveContact || // If we have a contact, we set the search distance to 0.
                                     separationDistance < currentSearchDistance)) // If we have closer separation, we use this.
                                    // Note: We only check triangleContactSet[0] in the if condition.
                                    // triangleContactSet could contain several contacts, but we don't bother with
                                    // this special case.

                                    // Update search distance.
                                    if (contactSet.HaveContact)
                                        currentSearchDistance = 0;
                                        currentSearchDistance = Math.Max(0, separationDistance);

                                    // Update search space indices.
                                    xIndexStartEstimated = (int)((aabbOfOther.Minimum.X - currentSearchDistance - originX) / cellWidthX);
                                    xIndexEndEstimated   = (int)((aabbOfOther.Maximum.X + currentSearchDistance - originX) / cellWidthX);
                                    zIndexStartEstimated = (int)((aabbOfOther.Minimum.Z - currentSearchDistance - originZ) / cellWidthZ);
                                    zIndexEndEstimated   = (int)((aabbOfOther.Maximum.Z + currentSearchDistance - originZ) / cellWidthZ);

                                    xIndexStart = Math.Max(xIndexStart, xIndexStartEstimated);
                                    xIndexEnd   = Math.Min(xIndexEndEstimated, xIndexMax);
                                    zIndexStart = Math.Max(zIndexStart, zIndexStartEstimated);
                                    zIndexEnd   = Math.Min(zIndexEndEstimated, zIndexMax);

            // Recycle temporary objects.

            if (contactSet.Count == 0 &&
                (contactSet.HaveContact && type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts || type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints))
                // ----- Bad contact info:
                // We should have contact data because this is either a contact query and the objects touch
                // or this is a closest-point query.
                // Use our guess as the contact info.
                Contact closestPair = guessedClosestPair;
                bool    isOverHole  = false;
                if (closestPair == null)
                    closestPair = GuessClosestPair(contactSet, swapped, out isOverHole);

                // Guesses over holes are useless. :-(
                if (!isOverHole)
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, closestPair, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

            if (CollisionDetection.FullContactSetPerFrame &&
                type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts &&
                numberOfContactsInLastFrame == 0 &&
                contactSet.Count > 0 &&
                contactSet.Count < 4)
                // Try to find full contact set.
                // TODO: This can be optimized by not doing the whole overhead of ComputeCollision again.
                    !swapped, // Perturb objectB not the height field.
Example #3
        // Compute contacts between child shapes of two <see cref="CompositeShape"/>s.
        // testXxx are initialized objects which are re-used to avoid a lot of GC garbage.
        private void AddChildChildContacts(ContactSet contactSet,
                                           int childIndexA,
                                           int childIndexB,
                                           CollisionQueryType type,
                                           ContactSet testContactSet,
                                           CollisionObject testCollisionObjectA,
                                           TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectA,
                                           CollisionObject testCollisionObjectB,
                                           TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectB)
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            CompositeShape   shapeA           = (CompositeShape)geometricObjectA.Shape;
            CompositeShape   shapeB           = (CompositeShape)geometricObjectB.Shape;
            Vector3          scaleA           = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Vector3          scaleB           = geometricObjectB.Scale;
            IGeometricObject childA           = shapeA.Children[childIndexA];
            IGeometricObject childB           = shapeB.Children[childIndexB];

            // Find collision algorithm.
            CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[childA, childB];

            // ----- Set the shape temporarily to the current children.
            // (Note: The scaling is either uniform or the child has no local rotation. Therefore, we only
            // need to apply the scale of the parent to the scale and translation of the child. We can
            // ignore the rotation.)
                (scaleA.X == scaleA.Y && scaleA.Y == scaleA.Z) || !childA.Pose.HasRotation,
                "CompositeShapeAlgorithm should have thrown an exception. Non-uniform scaling is not supported for rotated children.");
                (scaleB.X == scaleB.Y && scaleB.Y == scaleB.Z) || !childB.Pose.HasRotation,
                "CompositeShapeAlgorithm should have thrown an exception. Non-uniform scaling is not supported for rotated children.");

            var childAPose = childA.Pose;

            childAPose.Position       *= scaleA;                      // Apply scaling to local translation.
            testGeometricObjectA.Pose  = geometricObjectA.Pose * childAPose;
            testGeometricObjectA.Shape = childA.Shape;
            testGeometricObjectA.Scale = scaleA * childA.Scale;       // Apply scaling to local scale.

            testCollisionObjectA.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObjectA);

            var childBPose = childB.Pose;

            childBPose.Position       *= scaleB;                      // Apply scaling to local translation.
            testGeometricObjectB.Pose  = geometricObjectB.Pose * childBPose;
            testGeometricObjectB.Shape = childB.Shape;
            testGeometricObjectB.Scale = scaleB * childB.Scale;       // Apply scaling to local scale.

            testCollisionObjectB.SetInternal(collisionObjectB, testGeometricObjectB);

            Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
            testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObjectA, testCollisionObjectB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                // Boolean queries.
                collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
                contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);
                // TODO: We could add existing contacts with the same child shape to childContactSet.

                // No perturbation test. Most composite shapes are either complex and automatically
                // have more contacts. Or they are complex and will not be used for stacking
                // where full contact sets would be needed.
                testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;

                // Make collision check. As soon as we have found contact, we can make faster
                // contact queries instead of closest-point queries.
                CollisionQueryType queryType = (contactSet.HaveContact) ? CollisionQueryType.Contacts : type;
                collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);
                contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);

                // Transform contacts into space of composite shape.
                // And set the shape feature of the contact.
                int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                    Contact contact = testContactSet[i];

                    contact.PositionALocal = childAPose.ToWorldPosition(contact.PositionALocal);
                    //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, all contacts are new, so this check is not necessary.
                    contact.FeatureA = childIndexA;

                    contact.PositionBLocal = childBPose.ToWorldPosition(contact.PositionBLocal);
                    //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, all contacts are new, so this check is not necessary.
                    contact.FeatureB = childIndexB;

                // Merge child contacts.
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Example #4
        // Compute contacts between a shape and the child shapes of a <see cref="CompositeShape"/>.
        // testXxx are initialized objects which are re-used to avoid a lot of GC garbage.
        private void AddChildContacts(ContactSet contactSet,
                                      bool swapped,
                                      int childIndex,
                                      CollisionQueryType type,
                                      ContactSet testContactSet,
                                      CollisionObject testCollisionObject,
                                      TestGeometricObject testGeometricObject)
            // This method is also used in RayCompositeAlgorithm.cs. Keep changes in sync!

            // Object A should be the CompositeShape.
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = (swapped) ? contactSet.ObjectB : contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = (swapped) ? contactSet.ObjectA : contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            Vector3          scaleA           = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            IGeometricObject childA           = ((CompositeShape)geometricObjectA.Shape).Children[childIndex];

            // Find collision algorithm.
            CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[childA, geometricObjectB];

            // ----- Set the shape temporarily to the current child.
            // (Note: The scaling is either uniform or the child has no local rotation. Therefore, we only
            // need to apply the scale of the parent to the scale and translation of the child. We can
            // ignore the rotation.)
                (scaleA.X == scaleA.Y && scaleA.Y == scaleA.Z) || !childA.Pose.HasRotation,
                "CompositeShapeAlgorithm should have thrown an exception. Non-uniform scaling is not supported for rotated children.");

            var childPose = childA.Pose;

            childPose.Position       *= scaleA;                      // Apply scaling to local translation.
            testGeometricObject.Pose  = geometricObjectA.Pose * childPose;
            testGeometricObject.Shape = childA.Shape;
            testGeometricObject.Scale = scaleA * childA.Scale;       // Apply scaling to local scale.

            testCollisionObject.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObject);

            // Create a temporary contact set.
            // (ObjectA and ObjectB should have the same order as in contactSet; otherwise we couldn't
            // simply merge them.)
            Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
            if (swapped)
                testContactSet.Reset(collisionObjectB, testCollisionObject);
                testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObject, collisionObjectB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                // Boolean queries.
                collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
                contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);
                // No perturbation test. Most composite shapes are either complex and automatically
                // have more contacts. Or they are complex and will not be used for stacking
                // where full contact sets would be needed.
                testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;

                // TODO: We could add existing contacts with the same child shape to childContactSet.
                // Collision algorithms could take advantage of existing contact information to speed up
                // calculations. However, at the moment the collision algorithms ignore existing contacts.
                // If we add the exiting contacts to childContactSet we need to uncomment the comment
                // code lines below.

                // Transform contacts into space of child shape.
                //foreach (Contact c in childContactSet)
                //  if (childContactSet.ObjectA == childCollisionObject)
                //    c.PositionALocal = childPose.ToLocalPosition(c.PositionALocal);
                //  else
                //    c.PositionBLocal = childPose.ToLocalPosition(c.PositionBLocal);

                // Make collision check. As soon as we have found contact, we can make faster
                // contact queries instead of closest-point queries.
                CollisionQueryType queryType = (contactSet.HaveContact) ? CollisionQueryType.Contacts : type;
                collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);
                contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);

                // Transform contacts into space of composite shape.
                // And set the shape feature of the contact.
                int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                    Contact contact = testContactSet[i];
                    if (swapped)
                        contact.PositionBLocal = childPose.ToWorldPosition(contact.PositionBLocal);
                        //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, all contacts are new, so this check is not necessary.
                        contact.FeatureB = childIndex;
                        contact.PositionALocal = childPose.ToWorldPosition(contact.PositionALocal);
                        //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, all contacts are new, so this check is not necessary.
                        contact.FeatureA = childIndex;

                // Merge child contacts.
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Example #5
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Ray vs. sphere has at max 1 contact.
            Debug.Assert(contactSet.Count <= 1);

            // Object A should be the ray.
            // Object B should be the sphere.
            IGeometricObject rayObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap if necessary.
            bool swapped = (sphereObject.Shape is RayShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref rayObject, ref sphereObject);

            RayShape    rayShape    = rayObject.Shape as RayShape;
            SphereShape sphereShape = sphereObject.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if shapes are correct.
            if (rayShape == null || sphereShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a ray and a sphere.", "contactSet");

            // Get transformations.
            Vector3 rayScale    = rayObject.Scale;
            Vector3 sphereScale = Vector3.Absolute(sphereObject.Scale);
            Pose    rayPose     = rayObject.Pose;
            Pose    spherePose  = sphereObject.Pose;

            // Call other algorithm for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (sphereScale.X != sphereScale.Y || sphereScale.Y != sphereScale.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(RayShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Scale ray and transform ray to world space.
            Ray rayWorld = new Ray(rayShape);

            rayWorld.Scale(ref rayScale);
            rayWorld.ToWorld(ref rayPose);

            // Scale sphere.
            float sphereRadius        = sphereShape.Radius * sphereScale.X;
            float sphereRadiusSquared = sphereRadius * sphereRadius;

            // Call line segment vs. sphere for closest points queries.
            if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints || type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                // ----- Find point on ray closest to the sphere.
                // Make a line segment vs. point (sphere center) check.
                Debug.Assert(rayWorld.Direction.IsNumericallyNormalized, "The ray direction should be normalized.");
                LineSegment segment = new LineSegment(rayWorld.Origin, rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * rayWorld.Length);

                Vector3 segmentPoint;
                Vector3 sphereCenter = spherePose.Position;
                GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoints(segment, sphereCenter, out segmentPoint);

                Vector3 normal                  = sphereCenter - segmentPoint;
                float   distanceSquared         = normal.LengthSquared();
                float   penetrationDepthSquared = sphereRadiusSquared - distanceSquared;
                contactSet.HaveContact = penetrationDepthSquared >= 0;

                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                if (penetrationDepthSquared <= 0)
                    // Separated or touching objects.
                    Vector3 position;
                    if (normal.TryNormalize())
                        Vector3 spherePoint = sphereCenter - normal * sphereRadius;
                        position = (spherePoint + segmentPoint) / 2;
                        position = segmentPoint;
                        normal   = Vector3.UnitY;

                    if (swapped)
                        normal = -normal;

                    float penetrationDepth = -((float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared) - sphereRadius);

                    // Update contact set.
                    Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, contactSet.HaveContact);
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

                // Otherwise, we have a penetrating contact.
                // Compute 1 contact ...

            // First assume no contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // See SOLID and Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments", pp. 70.
            // Compute in sphere local space.

            // Transform ray to local space of sphere.
            Ray ray = rayWorld;

            ray.ToLocal(ref spherePose);

            Vector3 s = ray.Origin;                             // ray source
            Vector3 d = ray.Direction;                          // ray direction

            Vector3 r = d * ray.Length;                         // ray
            float   rayLengthSquared = ray.Length * ray.Length; // ||r||²
            float   δ = -Vector3.Dot(s, r);                     // -s∙r
            float   σ = δ * δ - rayLengthSquared * (s.LengthSquared() - sphereRadiusSquared);

            if (σ >= 0)
                // The infinite ray intersects.
                float sqrtσ = (float)Math.Sqrt(σ);

                float λ2 = (δ + sqrtσ) /* / rayLengthSquared */; // Division can be ignored. Only sign is relevant.
                if (λ2 >= 0)
                    // Ray shoots to sphere.
                    float λ1 = (δ - sqrtσ) / rayLengthSquared;

                    if (λ1 <= 1)
                        // Ray hits sphere.
                        contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                        Debug.Assert(type != CollisionQueryType.Boolean); // Was handled before.

                        float   penetrationDepth;
                        Vector3 normal;
                        if (λ1 > 0)
                            // λ1 shows the entry point. λ2 shows the exit point.
                            penetrationDepth = λ1 * ray.Length; // Distance from ray origin to entry point (hit).
                            normal           = -(s + r * λ1);   // Entry point (hit).
                            // Ray origin is in the sphere.
                            penetrationDepth = 0;
                            normal           = -s;

                        Vector3 position = rayWorld.Origin + rayWorld.Direction * penetrationDepth;

                        normal = spherePose.ToWorldDirection(normal);

                        if (!normal.TryNormalize())
                            normal = Vector3.UnitY;

                        if (swapped)
                            normal = -normal;

                        // Update contact set.
                        Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, true);
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // Object A should be the plane.
            // Object B should be the sphere.
            IGeometricObject planeObject  = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // A should be the plane, swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (sphereObject.Shape is PlaneShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref planeObject, ref sphereObject);

            PlaneShape  planeShape  = planeObject.Shape as PlaneShape;
            SphereShape sphereShape = sphereObject.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if collision object shapes are correct.
            if (planeShape == null || sphereShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a plane and a sphere.", "contactSet");

            // Get scalings.
            Vector3 planeScale  = planeObject.Scale;
            Vector3 sphereScale = Vector3.Absolute(sphereObject.Scale);

            // Call other algorithm for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (sphereScale.X != sphereScale.Y || sphereScale.Y != sphereScale.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(PlaneShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Get poses.
            Pose planePose  = planeObject.Pose;
            Pose spherePose = sphereObject.Pose;

            // Apply scaling to plane and transform plane to world space.
            Plane plane = new Plane(planeShape);

            plane.Scale(ref planeScale);     // Scale plane.
            plane.ToWorld(ref planePose);    // Transform plane to world space.

            // Calculate distance from plane to sphere surface.
            float   sphereRadius          = sphereShape.Radius * sphereScale.X;
            Vector3 sphereCenter          = spherePose.Position;
            float   planeToSphereDistance = Vector3.Dot(sphereCenter, plane.Normal) - sphereRadius - plane.DistanceFromOrigin;

            float penetrationDepth = -planeToSphereDistance;

            contactSet.HaveContact = (penetrationDepth >= 0);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // Compute contact details.
            Vector3 position = sphereCenter - plane.Normal * (sphereRadius - penetrationDepth / 2);
            Vector3 normal   = (swapped) ? -plane.Normal : plane.Normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
        // The parameters 'testXxx' are initialized objects which are re-used to avoid a lot of GC garbage.
        private void AddTriangleTriangleContacts(
            ContactSet contactSet, int triangleIndexA, int triangleIndexB, CollisionQueryType type,
            ContactSet testContactSet, CollisionObject testCollisionObjectA, TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectA,
            TriangleShape testTriangleA, CollisionObject testCollisionObjectB, TestGeometricObject testGeometricObjectB,
            TriangleShape testTriangleB)
            CollisionObject   collisionObjectA   = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject   collisionObjectB   = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject  geometricObjectA   = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject  geometricObjectB   = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeA = (TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectA.Shape;
            Triangle          triangleA          = triangleMeshShapeA.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndexA);
            TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeB = (TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectB.Shape;
            Triangle          triangleB          = triangleMeshShapeB.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndexB);
            Pose    poseA  = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Pose    poseB  = geometricObjectB.Pose;
            Vector3 scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Vector3 scaleB = geometricObjectB.Scale;

            // Apply SRT.
            Triangle transformedTriangleA;

            transformedTriangleA.Vertex0 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex0 * scaleA);
            transformedTriangleA.Vertex1 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex1 * scaleA);
            transformedTriangleA.Vertex2 = poseA.ToWorldPosition(triangleA.Vertex2 * scaleA);
            Triangle transformedTriangleB;

            transformedTriangleB.Vertex0 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex0 * scaleB);
            transformedTriangleB.Vertex1 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex1 * scaleB);
            transformedTriangleB.Vertex2 = poseB.ToWorldPosition(triangleB.Vertex2 * scaleB);

            // Make super-fast boolean check first. This is redundant if we have to compute
            // a contact with SAT below. But in stochastic benchmarks it seems to be 10% faster.
            bool haveContact = GeometryHelper.HaveContact(ref transformedTriangleA, ref transformedTriangleB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || haveContact);

            if (haveContact)
                // Make sure the scaled triangles have the correct normal.
                // (A negative scale changes the normal/winding order. See unit test in TriangleTest.cs.)
                if (scaleA.X * scaleA.Y * scaleA.Z < 0)
                    MathHelper.Swap(ref transformedTriangleA.Vertex0, ref transformedTriangleA.Vertex1);
                if (scaleB.X * scaleB.Y * scaleB.Z < 0)
                    MathHelper.Swap(ref transformedTriangleB.Vertex0, ref transformedTriangleB.Vertex1);

                // Compute contact.
                Vector3 position, normal;
                float   penetrationDepth;
                haveContact = TriangleTriangleAlgorithm.GetContact(
                    ref transformedTriangleA, ref transformedTriangleB,
                    !triangleMeshShapeA.IsTwoSided, !triangleMeshShapeB.IsTwoSided,
                    out position, out normal, out penetrationDepth);

                if (haveContact)
                    contactSet.HaveContact = true;

                    // In deep interpenetrations we might get no contact (penDepth = NaN).
                    if (!Numeric.IsNaN(penetrationDepth))
                        Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);
                        contact.FeatureA = triangleIndexA;
                        contact.FeatureB = triangleIndexB;
                        ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);


                // We might come here if the boolean test reports contact but the SAT test
                // does not because of numerical errors.


            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts)

            Debug.Assert(type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints);

            if (contactSet.HaveContact)
                // These triangles are separated but other parts of the meshes touches.
                // --> Abort.

            // We do not have a specialized triangle-triangle closest points algorithm.
            // Fall back to the default algorithm (GJK).

            // Initialize temporary test contact set and test objects.
            // Note: We assume the triangle-triangle does not care about front/back faces.
            testTriangleA.Vertex0      = transformedTriangleA.Vertex0;
            testTriangleA.Vertex1      = transformedTriangleA.Vertex1;
            testTriangleA.Vertex2      = transformedTriangleA.Vertex2;
            testGeometricObjectA.Shape = testTriangleA;
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectA.Scale == Vector3.One);
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectA.Pose == Pose.Identity);
            testCollisionObjectA.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObjectA);

            testTriangleB.Vertex0      = transformedTriangleB.Vertex0;
            testTriangleB.Vertex1      = transformedTriangleB.Vertex1;
            testTriangleB.Vertex2      = transformedTriangleB.Vertex2;
            testGeometricObjectB.Shape = testTriangleB;
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectB.Scale == Vector3.One);
            Debug.Assert(testGeometricObjectB.Pose == Pose.Identity);
            testCollisionObjectB.SetInternal(collisionObjectB, testGeometricObjectB);

            Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
            testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObjectA, testCollisionObjectB);

            testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;
            _triangleTriangleAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, type);

            // Note: We expect no contact but because of numerical differences the triangle-triangle
            // algorithm could find a shallow surface contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = (contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact);

            if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                // Set the shape feature of the new contacts.
                int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                    Contact contact = testContactSet[i];
                    //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, this check is not necessary because triangleSet does not contain old contacts.
                    contact.FeatureA = triangleIndexA;
                    contact.FeatureB = triangleIndexB;

                // Merge the contact info.
                ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Example #8
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            // From Coutinho: "Dynamic Simulations of Multibody Systems" and
            // Bergen: "Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments".

            // Object A should be the box.
            // Object B should be the sphere.
            IGeometricObject boxObject    = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObject = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Swap objects if necessary.
            bool swapped = (sphereObject.Shape is BoxShape);

            if (swapped)
                MathHelper.Swap(ref boxObject, ref sphereObject);

            BoxShape    boxShape    = boxObject.Shape as BoxShape;
            SphereShape sphereShape = sphereObject.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if collision objects shapes are correct.
            if (boxShape == null || sphereShape == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a box and a sphere.", "contactSet");

            Vector3 scaleBox    = Vector3.Absolute(boxObject.Scale);
            Vector3 scaleSphere = Vector3.Absolute(sphereObject.Scale);

            // Call other algorithm for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (scaleSphere.X != scaleSphere.Y || scaleSphere.Y != scaleSphere.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(BoxShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Apply scale.
            Vector3 boxExtent    = boxShape.Extent * scaleBox;
            float   sphereRadius = sphereShape.Radius * scaleSphere.X;

            // ----- First transform sphere center into the local space of the box.
            Pose    boxPose           = boxObject.Pose;
            Vector3 sphereCenterWorld = sphereObject.Pose.Position;
            Vector3 sphereCenter      = boxPose.ToLocalPosition(sphereCenterWorld);

            Vector3 p = Vector3.Zero;
            bool    sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = true;

            // When sphere center is on a box surface we have to choose a suitable normal.
            // otherwise the normal will be computed later.
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Zero;

            Vector3 boxHalfExtent = 0.5f * boxExtent;

            // x component
            if (sphereCenter.X < -boxHalfExtent.X)
                p.X = -boxHalfExtent.X;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
            else if (sphereCenter.X > boxHalfExtent.X)
                p.X = boxHalfExtent.X;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
                p.X = sphereCenter.X;

            // y component
            if (sphereCenter.Y < -boxHalfExtent.Y)
                p.Y = -boxHalfExtent.Y;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
            else if (sphereCenter.Y > boxHalfExtent.Y)
                p.Y = boxHalfExtent.Y;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
                p.Y = sphereCenter.Y;

            // z component
            if (sphereCenter.Z < -boxHalfExtent.Z)
                p.Z = -boxHalfExtent.Z;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
            else if (sphereCenter.Z > boxHalfExtent.Z)
                p.Z = boxHalfExtent.Z;
                sphereCenterIsContainedInBox = false;
                p.Z = sphereCenter.Z;

            if (sphereCenterIsContainedInBox || (sphereCenter - p).IsNumericallyZero)
                // Special case: Sphere center is within box. In this case p == center.
                // Lets return a point on the surface of the box.
                // Lets find the axis with the smallest way out (penetration depth).
                Vector3 diff = boxHalfExtent - Vector3.Absolute(sphereCenter);
                if (diff.X <= diff.Y && diff.X <= diff.Z)
                    // Point on one of the x surfaces is nearest.
                    // Check whether positive or negative surface.
                    bool positive = (sphereCenter.X > 0);
                    p.X = positive ? boxHalfExtent.X : -boxHalfExtent.X;

                    if (Numeric.IsZero(diff.X))
                        // Sphere center is on box surface.
                        normal = positive ? Vector3.UnitX : -Vector3.UnitX;
                else if (diff.Y <= diff.X && diff.Y <= diff.Z)
                    // Point on one of the y surfaces is nearest.
                    // Check whether positive or negative surface.
                    bool positive = (sphereCenter.Y > 0);
                    p.Y = positive ? boxHalfExtent.Y : -boxHalfExtent.Y;

                    if (Numeric.IsZero(diff.Y))
                        // Sphere center is on box surface.
                        normal = positive ? Vector3.UnitY : -Vector3.UnitY;
                    // Point on one of the z surfaces is nearest.
                    // Check whether positive or negative surface.
                    bool positive = (sphereCenter.Z > 0);
                    p.Z = positive ? boxHalfExtent.Z : -boxHalfExtent.Z;

                    if (Numeric.IsZero(diff.Z))
                        // Sphere center is on box surface.
                        normal = positive ? Vector3.UnitZ : -Vector3.UnitZ;

            // ----- Convert back to world space
            p = boxPose.ToWorldPosition(p);
            Vector3 sphereCenterToP = p - sphereCenterWorld;

            // Compute penetration depth.
            float penetrationDepth = sphereCenterIsContainedInBox
                                 ? sphereRadius + sphereCenterToP.Length
                                 : sphereRadius - sphereCenterToP.Length;

            contactSet.HaveContact = (penetrationDepth >= 0);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // ----- Create collision info.
            // Compute normal if we haven't set one yet.
            if (normal == Vector3.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(!sphereCenterToP.IsNumericallyZero, "When the center of the sphere lies on the box surface a normal should be have been set explicitly.");
                normal = sphereCenterIsContainedInBox ? sphereCenterToP : -sphereCenterToP;
                normal = boxPose.ToWorldDirection(normal);

            // Position = point between sphere and box surface.
            Vector3 position = p - normal * (penetrationDepth / 2);

            if (swapped)
                normal = -normal;

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            IGeometricObject sphereObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject sphereObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject;
            SphereShape      sphereShapeA  = sphereObjectA.Shape as SphereShape;
            SphereShape      sphereShapeB  = sphereObjectB.Shape as SphereShape;

            // Check if collision objects are spheres.
            if (sphereShapeA == null || sphereShapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain sphere shapes.", "contactSet");

            Vector3 scaleA = Vector3.Absolute(sphereObjectA.Scale);
            Vector3 scaleB = Vector3.Absolute(sphereObjectB.Scale);

            // Call MPR for non-uniformly scaled spheres.
            if (scaleA.X != scaleA.Y || scaleA.Y != scaleA.Z ||
                scaleB.X != scaleB.Y || scaleB.Y != scaleB.Z)
                if (_fallbackAlgorithm == null)
                    _fallbackAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(ConvexShape), typeof(ConvexShape)];

                _fallbackAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(contactSet, type);

            // Apply uniform scale.
            float radiusA = sphereShapeA.Radius * scaleA.X;
            float radiusB = sphereShapeB.Radius * scaleB.X;

            // Vector from center of A to center of B.
            Vector3 centerA    = sphereObjectA.Pose.Position;
            Vector3 centerB    = sphereObjectB.Pose.Position;
            Vector3 aToB       = centerB - centerA;
            float   lengthAToB = aToB.Length;

            // Check radius of spheres.
            float penetrationDepth = radiusA + radiusB - lengthAToB;

            contactSet.HaveContact = penetrationDepth >= 0;

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean || (type == CollisionQueryType.Contacts && !contactSet.HaveContact))
                // HaveContact queries can exit here.
                // GetContacts queries can exit here if we don't have a contact.

            // ----- Create contact information.
            Vector3 normal;

            if (Numeric.IsZero(lengthAToB))
                // Spheres are on the same position, we can choose any normal vector.
                // Possibly it would be better to consider the object movement (velocities), but
                // it is not important since this case should be VERY rare.
                normal = Vector3.UnitY;
                normal = aToB.Normalized;

            // The contact point lies in the middle of the intersecting volume.
            Vector3 position = centerA + normal * (radiusA - penetrationDepth / 2);

            // Update contact set.
            Contact contact = ContactHelper.CreateContact(contactSet, position, normal, penetrationDepth, false);

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, contact, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);
Example #10
        private void ComputeLineVsOther(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type, bool objectAIsLine)
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;
            Shape            shapeA           = geometricObjectA.Shape;
            Shape            shapeB           = geometricObjectB.Shape;

                shapeA is LineShape && !(shapeB is LineShape) ||
                shapeB is LineShape && !(shapeA is LineShape),
                "LineAlgorithm.ComputeLineVsOther should only be called for a line and another shape.");

            CollisionObject  lineCollisionObject;
            IGeometricObject lineGeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject otherGeometricObject;
            LineShape        lineShape;
            Shape            otherShape;

            if (objectAIsLine)
                lineCollisionObject  = collisionObjectA;
                lineGeometricObject  = geometricObjectA;
                lineShape            = (LineShape)shapeA;
                otherGeometricObject = geometricObjectB;
                otherShape           = shapeB;
                lineCollisionObject  = collisionObjectB;
                lineGeometricObject  = geometricObjectB;
                lineShape            = (LineShape)shapeB;
                otherGeometricObject = geometricObjectA;
                otherShape           = shapeA;

            // Apply scaling to line.
            Line    line      = new Line(lineShape);
            Vector3 lineScale = lineGeometricObject.Scale;

            line.Scale(ref lineScale);

            // Step 1: Get any bounding sphere that encloses the other object.
            Aabb    aabb   = otherGeometricObject.Aabb;
            Vector3 center = (aabb.Minimum + aabb.Maximum) / 2;
            float   radius = (aabb.Maximum - aabb.Minimum).Length; // A large safe radius. (Exact size does not matter.)

            // Step 2: Get the closest point of line vs. center.
            // All computations in local space of the line.
            Vector3 closestPointOnLine;
            Pose    linePose = lineGeometricObject.Pose;

            GeometryHelper.GetClosestPoint(line, linePose.ToLocalPosition(center), out closestPointOnLine);

            // Step 3: Crop the line to a line segment that will contain the closest point.
            var lineSegment = ResourcePools.LineSegmentShapes.Obtain();

            lineSegment.Start = closestPointOnLine - line.Direction * radius;
            lineSegment.End   = closestPointOnLine + line.Direction * radius;

            // Use temporary test objects.
            var testGeometricObject = TestGeometricObject.Create();

            testGeometricObject.Shape = lineSegment;
            testGeometricObject.Scale = Vector3.One;
            testGeometricObject.Pose  = linePose;

            var testCollisionObject = ResourcePools.TestCollisionObjects.Obtain();

            testCollisionObject.SetInternal(lineCollisionObject, testGeometricObject);

            var testContactSet = objectAIsLine ? ContactSet.Create(testCollisionObject, collisionObjectB)
                                         : ContactSet.Create(collisionObjectA, testCollisionObject);

            testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = contactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed;

            // Step 4: Call another collision algorithm.
            CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[lineSegment, otherShape];

            // Step 5: Manually chosen preferred direction for MPR.
            // For the MPR we choose the best ray direction ourselves. The ray should be normal
            // to the line, otherwise MPR could try to push the line segment out of the other object
            // in the line direction - this cannot work for infinite lines.
            // Results without a manual MPR ray were ok for normal cases. Problems were only observed
            // for cases where the InnerPoints overlap or for deep interpenetrations.
            Vector3 v0A = geometricObjectA.Pose.ToWorldPosition(shapeA.InnerPoint * geometricObjectA.Scale);
            Vector3 v0B = geometricObjectB.Pose.ToWorldPosition(shapeB.InnerPoint * geometricObjectB.Scale);
            Vector3 n   = v0B - v0A; // This is the default MPR ray direction.

            // Make n normal to the line.
            n = n - Vector3.ProjectTo(n, linePose.ToWorldDirection(lineShape.Direction));
            if (!n.TryNormalize())
                n = lineShape.Direction.Orthonormal1;

            testContactSet.PreferredNormal = n;
            collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, type);

            if (testContactSet.HaveContact)
                contactSet.HaveContact = true;

            ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);

            // Recycle temporary objects.
        public override void ComputeCollision(ContactSet contactSet, CollisionQueryType type)
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectB = collisionObjectB.GeometricObject;

            // Object A should be the triangle mesh, swap objects if necessary.
            // When testing TriangleMeshShape vs. TriangleMeshShape with BVH, object A should be the
            // TriangleMeshShape with BVH - except when the TriangleMeshShape with BVH is a lot smaller
            // than the other TriangleMeshShape. (See tests below.)
            TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeA = geometricObjectA.Shape as TriangleMeshShape;
            TriangleMeshShape triangleMeshShapeB = geometricObjectB.Shape as TriangleMeshShape;
            bool swapped = false;

            // Check if collision objects shapes are correct.
            if (triangleMeshShapeA == null && triangleMeshShapeB == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The contact set must contain a triangle mesh.", "contactSet");

            Pose    poseA  = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Pose    poseB  = geometricObjectB.Pose;
            Vector3 scaleA = geometricObjectA.Scale;
            Vector3 scaleB = geometricObjectB.Scale;

            // First we assume that we do not have a contact.
            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

            // ----- Use temporary test objects.
            var testCollisionObjectA = ResourcePools.TestCollisionObjects.Obtain();
            var testCollisionObjectB = ResourcePools.TestCollisionObjects.Obtain();

            // Create a test contact set and initialize with dummy objects.
            // (The actual collision objects are set below.)
            var testContactSet       = ContactSet.Create(testCollisionObjectA, testCollisionObjectB);
            var testGeometricObjectA = TestGeometricObject.Create();
            var testGeometricObjectB = TestGeometricObject.Create();
            var testTriangleShapeA   = ResourcePools.TriangleShapes.Obtain();
            var testTriangleShapeB   = ResourcePools.TriangleShapes.Obtain();

                if (triangleMeshShapeA != null &&
                    triangleMeshShapeA.Partition != null &&
                    triangleMeshShapeB != null &&
                    triangleMeshShapeB.Partition != null &&
                    (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints ||
                     triangleMeshShapeA.Partition is ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>))
                    Debug.Assert(swapped == false, "Why did we swap the objects? Order of objects is fine.");

                    // Find collision algorithm for triangle vs. triangle (used in AddTriangleTriangleContacts()).
                    if (_triangleTriangleAlgorithm == null)
                        _triangleTriangleAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(TriangleShape), typeof(TriangleShape)];

                    if (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                        // ----- Boolean or Contact Query

                        // Heuristic: Test large BVH vs. small BVH.
                        Aabb  aabbOfA        = geometricObjectA.Aabb;
                        Aabb  aabbOfB        = geometricObjectB.Aabb;
                        float largestExtentA = aabbOfA.Extent.LargestComponent;
                        float largestExtentB = aabbOfB.Extent.LargestComponent;
                        IEnumerable <Pair <int> > overlaps;
                        bool overlapsSwapped = largestExtentA < largestExtentB;
                        if (overlapsSwapped)
                            overlaps = triangleMeshShapeB.Partition.GetOverlaps(
                            overlaps = triangleMeshShapeA.Partition.GetOverlaps(

                        foreach (var overlap in overlaps)
                            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean && contactSet.HaveContact)
                                break; // We can abort early.
                                overlapsSwapped ? overlap.Second : overlap.First,
                                overlapsSwapped ? overlap.First : overlap.Second,
                        // ----- Closest-Point Query
                        var callback = ClosestPointCallbacks.Obtain();
                        callback.CollisionAlgorithm   = this;
                        callback.Swapped              = false;
                        callback.ContactSet           = contactSet;
                        callback.TestContactSet       = testContactSet;
                        callback.TestCollisionObjectA = testCollisionObjectA;
                        callback.TestCollisionObjectB = testCollisionObjectB;
                        callback.TestGeometricObjectA = testGeometricObjectA;
                        callback.TestGeometricObjectB = testGeometricObjectB;
                        callback.TestTriangleA        = testTriangleShapeA;
                        callback.TestTriangleB        = testTriangleShapeB;

                        ((ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>)triangleMeshShapeA.Partition)

                    Aabb  aabbOfA        = geometricObjectA.Aabb;
                    Aabb  aabbOfB        = geometricObjectB.Aabb;
                    float largestExtentA = aabbOfA.Extent.LargestComponent;
                    float largestExtentB = aabbOfB.Extent.LargestComponent;

                    // Choose which object should be A.
                    if (triangleMeshShapeA == null)
                        // A is no TriangleMesh. B must be a TriangleMesh.
                        swapped = true;
                    else if (triangleMeshShapeB == null)
                        // A is a TriangleMesh and B is no TriangleMesh.
                    else if (triangleMeshShapeA.Partition != null)
                        // A is a TriangleMesh with BVH and B is a TriangleMesh.
                        // We want to test TriangleMesh with BVH vs. * - unless the TriangleMesh with BVH is a lot
                        // smaller than the TriangleMesh.
                        if (largestExtentA * 2 < largestExtentB)
                            swapped = true;
                    else if (triangleMeshShapeB.Partition != null)
                        // A is a TriangleMesh and B is a TriangleMesh with BVH.
                        // We want to test TriangleMesh with BVH vs. * - unless the TriangleMesh BVH is a lot
                        // smaller than the TriangleMesh.
                        if (largestExtentB * 2 >= largestExtentA)
                            swapped = true;
                        // A and B are normal triangle meshes. A should be the larger object.
                        if (largestExtentA < largestExtentB)
                            swapped = true;

                    if (swapped)
                        // Swap all variables.
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref collisionObjectA, ref collisionObjectB);
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref geometricObjectA, ref geometricObjectB);
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref aabbOfA, ref aabbOfB);
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref largestExtentA, ref largestExtentB);
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref triangleMeshShapeA, ref triangleMeshShapeB);
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref poseA, ref poseB);
                        MathHelper.Swap(ref scaleA, ref scaleB);

                    if (triangleMeshShapeB == null &&
                        type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints &&
                        largestExtentA * 2 < largestExtentB)
                        // B is a very large object and no triangle mesh.
                        // Make a AABB vs. Shape of B test for quick rejection.
                        BoxShape testBoxShape = ResourcePools.BoxShapes.Obtain();
                        testBoxShape.Extent        = aabbOfA.Extent;
                        testGeometricObjectA.Shape = testBoxShape;
                        testGeometricObjectA.Scale = Vector3.One;
                        testGeometricObjectA.Pose  = new Pose(aabbOfA.Center);

                        testCollisionObjectA.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObjectA);

                        Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
                        testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObjectA, collisionObjectB);

                        CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[testContactSet];
                        collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);


                        if (!testContactSet.HaveContact)
                            contactSet.HaveContact = false;

                    if (triangleMeshShapeA.Partition != null &&
                        (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints ||
                         triangleMeshShapeA.Partition is ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>))
                        // Get AABB of B in local space of A.
                        var aabbBInA = geometricObjectB.Shape.GetAabb(scaleB, poseA.Inverse * poseB);

                        // Apply inverse scaling to do the AABB-tree checks in the unscaled local space of A.
                        aabbBInA.Scale(Vector3.One / scaleA);

                        if (type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                            // Boolean or Contact Query
                            foreach (var triangleIndex in triangleMeshShapeA.Partition.GetOverlaps(aabbBInA))
                                if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean && contactSet.HaveContact)
                                    break; // We can abort early.
                        else if (type == CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                            // Closest-Point Query

                            var callback = ClosestPointCallbacks.Obtain();
                            callback.CollisionAlgorithm   = this;
                            callback.Swapped              = swapped;
                            callback.ContactSet           = contactSet;
                            callback.TestContactSet       = testContactSet;
                            callback.TestCollisionObjectA = testCollisionObjectA;
                            callback.TestCollisionObjectB = testCollisionObjectB;
                            callback.TestGeometricObjectA = testGeometricObjectA;
                            callback.TestGeometricObjectB = testGeometricObjectB;
                            callback.TestTriangleA        = testTriangleShapeA;
                            callback.TestTriangleB        = testTriangleShapeB;

                            ((ISupportClosestPointQueries <int>)triangleMeshShapeA.Partition)

                        // Find an upper bound for the distance we have to search.
                        // If object are in contact or we make contact/boolean query, then the distance is 0.
                        float closestPairDistance;
                        if (contactSet.HaveContact || type != CollisionQueryType.ClosestPoints)
                            closestPairDistance = 0;
                            // Make first guess for closest pair: inner point of B to inner point of mesh.
                            Vector3 innerPointA = poseA.ToWorldPosition(geometricObjectA.Shape.InnerPoint * scaleA);
                            Vector3 innerPointB = poseB.ToWorldPosition(geometricObjectB.Shape.InnerPoint * scaleB);
                            closestPairDistance = (innerPointB - innerPointA).Length + CollisionDetection.Epsilon;

                        // The search-space is a space where the closest points must lie in.
                        Vector3 minimum         = aabbOfB.Minimum - new Vector3(closestPairDistance);
                        Vector3 maximum         = aabbOfB.Maximum + new Vector3(closestPairDistance);
                        Aabb    searchSpaceAabb = new Aabb(minimum, maximum);

                        // Test all triangles.
                        ITriangleMesh triangleMeshA     = triangleMeshShapeA.Mesh;
                        int           numberOfTriangles = triangleMeshA.NumberOfTriangles;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfTriangles; i++)
                            // TODO: GetTriangle is performed twice! Here and in AddTriangleContacts() below!
                            Triangle triangle = triangleMeshA.GetTriangle(i);

                            testTriangleShapeA.Vertex0 = triangle.Vertex0 * scaleA;
                            testTriangleShapeA.Vertex1 = triangle.Vertex1 * scaleA;
                            testTriangleShapeA.Vertex2 = triangle.Vertex2 * scaleA;

                            // Make AABB test with search space.
                            if (GeometryHelper.HaveContact(searchSpaceAabb, testTriangleShapeA.GetAabb(poseA)))
                                // IMPORTANT: Info in triangleShape is destroyed in this method!
                                // Triangle is given to the method so that method does not allocate garbage.

                                // We have contact and stop for boolean queries.
                                if (contactSet.HaveContact && type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)

                                if (closestPairDistance > 0 && contactSet.HaveContact ||
                                    contactSet.Count > 0 && -contactSet[contactSet.Count - 1].PenetrationDepth < closestPairDistance)
                                    // Reduce search space
                                    // Note: contactSet can contain several contacts. We assume that the last contact
                                    // is the newest one and check only this.
                                    if (contactSet.Count > 0)
                                        closestPairDistance = Math.Max(0, -contactSet[contactSet.Count - 1].PenetrationDepth);
                                        closestPairDistance = 0;

                                    searchSpaceAabb.Minimum = aabbOfB.Minimum - new Vector3(closestPairDistance);
                                    searchSpaceAabb.Maximum = aabbOfB.Maximum + new Vector3(closestPairDistance);
        private void AddTriangleContacts(ContactSet contactSet,
                                         bool swapped,
                                         int triangleIndex,
                                         CollisionQueryType type,
                                         ContactSet testContactSet,
                                         CollisionObject testCollisionObject,
                                         TestGeometricObject testGeometricObject,
                                         TriangleShape testTriangle)
            // Object A should be the triangle mesh.
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectA = (swapped) ? contactSet.ObjectB : contactSet.ObjectA;
            CollisionObject  collisionObjectB = (swapped) ? contactSet.ObjectA : contactSet.ObjectB;
            IGeometricObject geometricObjectA = collisionObjectA.GeometricObject;
            var      triangleMeshShape        = ((TriangleMeshShape)geometricObjectA.Shape);
            Triangle triangle = triangleMeshShape.Mesh.GetTriangle(triangleIndex);
            Pose     poseA    = geometricObjectA.Pose;
            Vector3  scaleA   = geometricObjectA.Scale;

            // Find collision algorithm.
            CollisionAlgorithm collisionAlgorithm = CollisionDetection.AlgorithmMatrix[typeof(TriangleShape), collisionObjectB.GeometricObject.Shape.GetType()];

            // Apply scaling.
            testTriangle.Vertex0 = triangle.Vertex0 * scaleA;
            testTriangle.Vertex1 = triangle.Vertex1 * scaleA;
            testTriangle.Vertex2 = triangle.Vertex2 * scaleA;

            // Set the shape temporarily to the current triangles.
            testGeometricObject.Shape = testTriangle;
            testGeometricObject.Scale = Vector3.One;
            testGeometricObject.Pose  = poseA;

            testCollisionObject.SetInternal(collisionObjectA, testGeometricObject);

            // Make a temporary contact set.
            // (Object A and object B should have the same order as in contactSet; otherwise we couldn't
            // simply merge them.)
            Debug.Assert(testContactSet.Count == 0, "testContactSet needs to be cleared.");
            if (swapped)
                testContactSet.Reset(collisionObjectB, testCollisionObject);
                testContactSet.Reset(testCollisionObject, collisionObjectB);

            if (type == CollisionQueryType.Boolean)
                collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, CollisionQueryType.Boolean);
                contactSet.HaveContact = contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact;
                // No perturbation test. Most triangle mesh shapes are either complex and automatically
                // have more contacts. Or they are complex and will not be used for stacking
                // where full contact sets would be needed.
                testContactSet.IsPerturbationTestAllowed = false;

                // TODO: Copy separating axis info and similar things into triangleContactSet.
                // But currently this info is not used in the queries.

                // For closest points: If we know that we have a contact, then we can make a
                // faster contact query instead of a closest-point query.
                CollisionQueryType queryType = (contactSet.HaveContact) ? CollisionQueryType.Contacts : type;
                collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);
                contactSet.HaveContact = contactSet.HaveContact || testContactSet.HaveContact;

                if (testContactSet.HaveContact && testContactSet.Count > 0 && !triangleMeshShape.IsTwoSided)
                    // To compute the triangle normal in world space we take the normal of the unscaled
                    // triangle and transform the normal with: (M^-1)^T = 1 / scale
                    Vector3 triangleNormalLocal = Vector3.Cross(triangle.Vertex1 - triangle.Vertex0, triangle.Vertex2 - triangle.Vertex0) / scaleA;
                    Vector3 triangleNormal      = poseA.ToWorldDirection(triangleNormalLocal);
                    if (triangleNormal.TryNormalize())
                        var preferredNormal = swapped ? -triangleNormal : triangleNormal;

                        // ----- Remove bad normal.
                        // Triangles are double sided, but meshes are single sided.
                        // --> Remove contacts where the contact normal points into the wrong direction.
                        ContactHelper.RemoveBadContacts(testContactSet, preferredNormal, -Numeric.EpsilonF);

                        if (testContactSet.Count > 0 && triangleMeshShape.EnableContactWelding)
                            var contactDotTriangle = Vector3.Dot(testContactSet[0].Normal, preferredNormal);
                            if (contactDotTriangle < WeldingLimit)
                                // Bad normal. Perform welding.

                                Vector3 contactPositionOnTriangle = swapped
                                                       ? testContactSet[0].PositionBLocal / scaleA
                                                       : testContactSet[0].PositionALocal / scaleA;

                                Vector3 neighborNormal;
                                float   triangleDotNeighbor;
                                GetNeighborNormal(triangleIndex, triangle, contactPositionOnTriangle, triangleNormal, triangleMeshShape, poseA, scaleA, out neighborNormal, out triangleDotNeighbor);

                                if (triangleDotNeighbor < float.MaxValue && Numeric.IsLess(contactDotTriangle, triangleDotNeighbor))
                                    // Normal is not in allowed range.
                                    // Test again in triangle normal direction.

                                    Contact c0 = testContactSet[0];

                                    testContactSet.PreferredNormal = preferredNormal;
                                    collisionAlgorithm.ComputeCollision(testContactSet, queryType);
                                    testContactSet.PreferredNormal = Vector3.Zero;

                                    if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                                        Contact c1 = testContactSet[0];
                                        float   contact1DotTriangle = Vector3.Dot(c1.Normal, preferredNormal);

                                        // We use c1 instead of c0 if it has lower penetration depth (then it is simply
                                        // better). Or we use c1 if the penetration depth increase is in an allowed range
                                        // and c1 has a normal in the allowed range.
                                        if (c1.PenetrationDepth < c0.PenetrationDepth ||
                                            Numeric.IsGreaterOrEqual(contact1DotTriangle, triangleDotNeighbor) &&
                                            c1.PenetrationDepth < c0.PenetrationDepth + CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance)
                                            c0 = c1;
                                            contactDotTriangle = contact1DotTriangle;

                                    if (Numeric.IsLess(contactDotTriangle, triangleDotNeighbor))
                                        // Clamp contact to allowed normal:
                                        // We keep the contact position on the mesh and the penetration depth. We set
                                        // a new normal and compute the other related values for this normal.
                                        if (!swapped)
                                            var positionAWorld = c0.PositionAWorld;
                                            c0.Normal = neighborNormal;
                                            var positionBWorld = positionAWorld - c0.Normal * c0.PenetrationDepth;
                                            c0.Position       = (positionAWorld + positionBWorld) / 2;
                                            c0.PositionBLocal = testContactSet.ObjectB.GeometricObject.Pose.ToLocalPosition(positionBWorld);
                                            var positionBWorld = c0.PositionBWorld;
                                            c0.Normal = -neighborNormal;
                                            var positionAWorld = positionBWorld + c0.Normal * c0.PenetrationDepth;
                                            c0.Position       = (positionAWorld + positionBWorld) / 2;
                                            c0.PositionALocal = testContactSet.ObjectA.GeometricObject.Pose.ToLocalPosition(positionAWorld);


                if (testContactSet.Count > 0)
                    // Set the shape feature of the new contacts.
                    int numberOfContacts = testContactSet.Count;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfContacts; i++)
                        Contact contact = testContactSet[i];
                        //if (contact.Lifetime.Ticks == 0) // Currently, this check is not necessary because triangleSet does not contain old contacts.
                        if (swapped)
                            contact.FeatureB = triangleIndex;
                            contact.FeatureA = triangleIndex;

                    // Merge the contact info.
                    ContactHelper.Merge(contactSet, testContactSet, type, CollisionDetection.ContactPositionTolerance);